Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Ancroft Parish Council Held on Wednesday 1st August 2018 at Ancroft Memorial Hall Ancroft at 7.00p.m. Present: Chairman S Greenwood Vice- Chairman B Greenall Parish Councillors J Greenwood J Turner K Henriques & R Henriques. Clerk I Hunter 2 members of the public Public Question Time: - A member of the public raised concerns about the speeding in Scremerston village. The Chairman responded to say the Parish Council are looking into the installation of speed warning signs. Parish Councillors agreed the Clerk contact the Police and see if it would be possible to have the police camera van visit Scremerston. Parish Councillors also agreed the Clerk check out if the vehicle parked on the U59 is within the legal requirements as the dark nights are approaching. Community Police – The Clerk read out the following report: 4 X Crimes: 2 x Assault 1 x Harassment 1 x Public order 1 x Smell of Cannabis Within the confines of Haggerston Caravan Park - 1 x Public Order, 1 x In charge of Dangerous dog, 1 x Sexual Offence, 1 x Assault & 1 x Theft. Other areas – 1 x Assault & 1 x Burglary Other Than Dwelling. Apologies for Absence: Parish Councillors G Britain & C Greenall Declaration of Interest: None Request for Dispensation- None Minutes of the Annual General Meeting: The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 9th May 2018 previously circulated were agreed as a true record then signed by the Chairman. Min 1386 (Min 1368) – Additional Litter bins at Cocklawburn Beach- The Clerk informed the meeting that County Councillor R Lawrie is funding the purchase of the additional litter bins and he is dealing with the Neighbourhood Department of Northumberland County Council on this matter. Min 1387 (Min 1369) - War Memorial – The Clerk advised the meeting that a decision on the grant application should arrive soon. Parish Councillors agreed the work needs to be completed ahead of 11th November so if the grant application is unsuccessful the Parish Council will fund the works. Parish Councillors agreed the decision will be made via e-mail and ratified at the October meeting. Parish Page No 304 Ch’s Initials ________ Councillors agreed the contract will be awarded after the outcome of the grant application is known. Parish Councillors agreed to pay I Grieve £450 for painting the War Memorial railings once the gold lettering has been completed. Parish Councillors agreed the Clerk contact Greenwich Estates and ask for the weeds around the War Memorial to be sprayed. Min 1388 (Min 1370)- Highway speed warning sign- The Clerk informed the meeting that the Northumberland County Council officer who was going to meet the Parish Councillors is retiring this month, so she has requested dates for a possible site meeting from Neil Snowdon as he will be the officer taking over the work. Min 1389- Bus Shelters- Parish Councillors agreed not to paint the 2 bus shelters in Scremerston the Northumberland colours. However, they agreed that both bus shelters should be in matching colours and should be the colour of the one opposite Berwick Rugby Club. Parish Councillors agreed the Clerk should update I Grieve and agreed to make the payment once all the paint work has been completed which includes painting the roofs. Parish Councillors agreed murals on the bus shelters could be an option. The Clerk informed the meeting that a resident had asked for an update on a bus shelter for Ancroft. Parish Councillors agreed there has been no request received to install a bus shelter at Ancroft. Min 1390- Financial Statement: Barclays Community Account £ 6792.42 Barclays Premium Account £ 403.49 Barclays Cemetery Account £ 42089.29 Min 1391- Accounts For Payment: • NALC £ 155.31 Subscription & National Affiliation fee • NALC £ 75.00 Annual website fee • ICO £ 35.00 Data Protection • E I Hunter £ 115.67 Salary 14.75 hours @ £9.808 per hr • HMRC £ 29.00 PAYE • M & M Contractors £ 174.69 Grass cutting • E I Hunter £ 570.46 Purchase IT Equipment • E I Hunter £ 60.74 Petty Cash • Iain Grieve £ 518.40 Paint Scremerston bus shelters • Iain Grieve £ 450.00 Paint War Memorial railings • St Anne’s PCC £ 150.00 Annual grass cutting donation • St Peter’s PCC £ 150.00 Annual grass cutting donation • Ancroft M Hall £ 20.00 Room hire Min 1392- Planning Applications: 18/01549/FUL- Installation of a “Seaside Treats” container with external seating and associated localised infrastructure and landscape works. Land Page No 305 Ch’s Initials ________ at North East of Haggerston Castle Holiday Park Main Building, Lakeside North, Haggerston Castle, Berwick-upon-Tweed. Northumberland. Parish Councillors had already submitted No Observations 18/01922/FUL- Proposed steel portal framed agricultural building complete with all associated building and cladding works. Building to be used for livestock housing of approximately 120 no. cows- Mead Farm Haggerston Northumberland TD15 2NZZ. Parish Councillors had already submitted No Observations 18/02223/FUL- Replacement of existing roof- Haggerston Castle Holiday Park Berwick-upon-Tweed Northumberland TD15 2PA. Parish Councillors had already submitted No Observations 18/02224/LBC- Listed Building Consent for replacement of existing roof- Haggerston Castle Holiday Park Berwick-upon-Tweed Northumberland TD15 2PA. Parish Councillors had already submitted No Observations 18/02595/FUL- “Re-landscaping of external areas around main holiday park building, and associated infrastructure works”- Haggerston Castle Holiday Park Berwick-upon-Tweed Northumberland TD15 2PA. Parish Councillors agreed to submit No Observations 18/02596/FUL- Erection of enclosure for existing activities pitch and extension of main holiday park building incorporating associated localised infrastructure and landscape works- Haggerston Castle Holiday Park Berwick-upon-Tweed Northumberland TD15 2PA. Parish Councillors agreed to submit No Observations Min 1393 – Planning Approval: 18/01549/FUL- Installation of a “Seaside Treats” container with external seating and associated localised infrastructure and landscape works. Land at North East of Haggerston Castle Holiday Park Main Building, Lakeside North, Haggerston Castle, Berwick-upon- Tweed. Northumberland Min 1394- Correspondence • Clerks & Councils Direct- Newsletter • Seafarers UK- Information on Merchant Navy Day 3rd September • GNAA- letter of thanks • NCC- Byway Open to all Traffic No 30 -confirmed • AONB- (E-mail) Peregrini Lindisfarne Board meeting. Parish Councillors agreed they would like the graffiti removed from the gun emplacement at Cocklawburn. However, they did not wish a mural to be painted on gun emplacement as this is urbanisation of a Page No 306 Ch’s Initials ________ rural area. Parish Councillors questioned whether the gun emplacement is a Listed Building, or does it have a Preservation Order on it. • Clerks & Councils Direct- Newsletter • CPRE- Summer Newsletter. • NCC- Leaflets on how to dispose of hazardous household waste • NCC- Invite to Annual Town & Parish Council conference. Min 1395- Scremerston Play Area- Parish Councillors agreed not to erect an information board at the play area as there are no facilities i.e. toilets etc. within the surrounding area Min 1396- Annual Insurance Premium- Parish Councillors agreed to agree the 2018/19 Insurance premium via e-mail and ratify the decision at the October meeting. Min 1397- Local Transport Plan- Parish Councillors considered the feedback from the Parish Council’s 2018/19 priorities. Parish Councillors agreed to submit the following 3 priorities for 2019/20: 1. The footpath from Scremerston heading north towards Berwick on the A1167 needs a full audit and resurfacing as this footpath as it is well used by local school children as well as pedestrians who need to use disabled motorised buggies to access services etc. 2. The C8 in Ancroft requires resurfacing from Ancroft village to Allerdean. 3. Remove the vegetation and re-instate the original footpath along Inland Pasture Road in Scremerston. Min 1398- IT Equipment- Parish Councillors ratified the payment of £570.46 for a laptop, as well as an all in one printer, along with the software package. Min 1399- Document retention- Parish Councillors noted the document received from NALC. Min 1400- Northumberland County Council- Parish Councillors agreed the following response to the current consultation on the Local Plan: There is not a requirement for additional houses in Scremerston for the following reasons: • Additional houses will have no advantage to the First School as the First School is a feeder school for the surrounding area, which includes areas out with the Parish. • Additional houses in Scremerston will not help the local economy as there are no facilities based in Scremerston. • Scremerston is included within the Norham & Islandshire Parish Council Association Neighbourhood Plan. Parish Councillors agreed not to respond to the current Statement of Principles consultation. ANY URGENT BUSINESS Min 1401- Fly Tipping- Parish Councillors asked the Clerk to contact Northumberland County Council to ascertain the laws about erecting a private surveillance camera at fly tipping hot spots. Page No 307 Ch’s Initials ________ Min 1402- Hedges- Parish Councillors raised concerns that the hedges are overhanging the footpath on the edge of the U59. It was agreed the Clerk report this to Northumberland County Council. Parish Councillors also asked the Clerk to contact Edwin Thompson about the overgrown hedges etc of a property in Scremerston. Min 1403- Drains- Parish Councillors stated that the drains within Scremerston village need to be cleared. It was agreed the Clerk report this to Northumberland County Council Min 1404- Litter Pick- Parish Councillors agreed to hold a litter pick along the U59 in Scremerston in September, as this will allow the local school children to be involved. Min 1405- Wickety Footpath- Parish Councillors agreed to hold a site meeting with a contractor who owns a mini digger to look at clearing the Restoration end of the footpath. The Clerk to obtain possible dates & times from the contractor.
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