TRACKNEWSLETTER SupplementingTRACK & AELD NEWS twice monthly. Vol.10, o.6 October 23, 1963 Page 41 Sneazwell Leaps 7'2 5-8 " at Tokyo Cross Country -Results Tokyo, Oct. 12-15- -The Tokyo International Sports Weeks SETO HALL 23, PR CETO 32, FAIRLEIGH DIC.KINSO 70, Committee invited four track athletes from down under , and all four Princeton, J, Oct. 4: (4.8 miles) 1. Germann (SH) 25:52.2; 2. So­ emerged victor io us. mers (P) 25:59; 3. Andrews (SH) 26:17; 4. G. Germann (SH) 26:48; Australia's To_ny Sneazwell captured the high jump with a 5. Tushingham (SH) 26: 52. promising lea:) of 7'2f' to tie China's i Chih-Chin as the third Ml1-Ml 18, DI A 40, Oxford, Ohio, Oct. 4: (4 miles) 1. greatest jum~r of all-t i me. Only Valeriy Brumel (7'5 ¾'') and John Schramm (I-1) 20:41.5 ; 2. Bacheler (M) 20:49.0; 3. Bartel (M) Thomas (7'3 ") have soared higher. 4 21:3 ; 4. Strachan (I) 21:55; 5. Cunningham (M) 22:00. Sneazwell , who was jumping in the fir st meet of the ne\ Aus ­ BROW 18, YALE 43, ew Haven, Conn., Oct. 4: (4 .45 tralasia season, had a good attempt at 7•4§" but took off too off too miles) 1. Farley (B) 23:45 .4; 2. Boog (B) 23:45; 3. Sidney (Y) 23:54; far back. His previous best was 7'1¼" in February of this year. 4. Roth enberg (B) 24:11; 5. Kinsella (B) 24:32. Australia got its second win from Ian Tomlinson in the triple WEST VIRGINIA 27 , GEORGETOW 28, Washington DC, Oct. jum p. He went 52'10¼''. e Zealand's two distance aces, Bill 4: (4 miles, new course) 1. Lynch (G) 20:55; 2. Meador (WV) 21:13; Baillie and Jeff Julian, also captured their specialties. Baillie ran 3. Sweeney (WV) 21:25 ; 4. Pary (G) 21:33; 5. Morrisey (WV) 21:36. a tactical 10,000 race and won in 29:44.6, the same time as Leonid LO G BEACH STATE 25, SOUTHER CALIFORNIA 31, S Ivan ov of the USSR. Julian won the marathon by more than two min - FER DO 4, orthridge, Calif., Oct. 4: (5 miles?) 1. Marin utes in 2:1 :00.6, and in the process beat a select field of 26-milers. (SC) 26:5 ; 2 . Duarte (LB) 27:27; 3. Lacy (LB) 27:51; 4. Davis (LB) The US's lone, inner among six entrants was John Pennel. 2 : 13; 5. Pengra (LB) 2 :25 . Despite lack of condition due to a case of the flu and an injured back ALFRED 23, TORO TO 36, Alfred, , Oct . 5: (4 .35 miles) result ing from pract ice in a sand pit, he vaulted 15'9" and beat Wolf­ 1. 1 ewberry 22:24 .3 ; 2. Sevene 22:25· 3. Dacks 22:44; 4. Sumner gang Rheinhardt on the count bac , rule. 23:23; 5. Wilcox 23:24. (A detailed re rt will appear in the October T&F .) OKLAHOMA STATE JAMBOREE, Oct. 5: (3 miles?) 1. Ca­ Oct. 12-- mien (Emporia) 14:23.5 ; 2. Sloan (Emporia) 14:30; 3. Murphy (Air 100 Meter Heats: 1- Delecour (France) 10. 5 II- Hebauf (Ger - Force) 14:47; 4. Elmore (Wichita) 14:4 ; 5. Lakin (Fort Hays) many) 10.4; 2. Sat o (Brazil) 10.5 Ill- Figuerola (Cuba) 10.3; 2. 14:50 ; 6. Woelke (Emporia) 14:57; 7. Blakley (Oklahoma State) Ishikaw a Qapan) 10.4 ; 3. Enderlein (Germany) 10.4 IV- Piquemal 14:5 ; . Von Ruden (OklaSt) 15:01 ; 9. Winn (OklaSt) 15:02; 10. (Fran e) 10.4; 2. Questad (US) 10 .. V - Akabane Qapan) 10.7. Vl­ Foley (Air Force) 15:03. Team Scores: Oklahoma State 49; 2. Em­ Ulonska (Germany) 10. 7. pori a State 52; 3. Air Force 63; 4. Fort Hays 104; Abilene Chris­ 100 Meter Semi-finals: I- Figuerola 10.3· 2. Delecour. II­ tian 149. Ishikawa 10. 5; 2. Enderle in (Germany) 10 .4 . lII - Piquemal 10. 3w ; EW MEXICO 20½, TEXAS TECH 50, TEXAS A&M 66½, Lub­ 2. Hebauf 10.4w. bock, Tex., Oct. 5: (2 .1 miles) 1. Coi~man M) 9:47. 5; 2. tie 100 Meter Finals: Figu~rola 10. 3; 2. Hebauf 10 .4; 3. Pinq- between Baker and Bilgutay (A&M) 10:01; 4. Singleton M) uemal 10. 6; 4. Enderlein 10. 7; 5. lshikm a 10. 10:19 ; 5. Goff M) 10:20. __ Jav elin: Lusis (USSR) 263' "; 2. 1iki ·Germany) 239 '2½". R TGERS 19, E\ YORK 41, Oct. 5: (5. 2 miles, warm wea­ Oct. 13-- ther) 1. Badgley (R) 26: 17. 5; 2. Loeschhorn Y) 26: 25; 3. Vander­ 400 eter Finals: Reske (Germany) 4 .1; 2. Schmidt (Ger - verr (R) 26:40; 4. Dzelzkalns (R) 27:05; 5. Vasey (R) 27:13. man ) 4 .3. WESTER MICHIG 15, CE TRAL MICHIGA 50, Mt. Plea - 800 Meter Finals: iromoto Qapan) 1: 51. 5. sant, Mich., Oct. 5: (4 miles) 1. Moore (WM) 20:31 ; 2. Myers (WM) 5000 Meter Finals: Tulloh (Great Britain) 14:04.2; 2. Ber­ 20:40 ; 3. elson (WM) 20:51 ; 4. Flamino (VvM) 20:51; 5. Burston nard (France) 14:06 .4; 3. Lars ~on (Sweden) 14:06. ; 4. Gamoudi (WM) 20:51; 6. Bro~ ne (WM) 20:51; 7. Smith (WM) 20:51. (Tunisia) 14:0 .2 ; 5. Tsubura ya Oapan) 14:14.0 ; 6. Sawaki Oapan) COR ELL 25, PE SYLV IA STATE 30, College Park, Pa.: 14:1 .4. (5 miles, ideal weather) 1. Byard (C) 25:47 ; 2. Machooka (C) 26: 04; BroadJump: Ter-Ovanesyan (USSR) 25 '11¾"; 2. Eskola (Fin­ 3. Cunningham (C) 26:07 ; 4. ichols (PS) 26:16; 5. Lampman (PS) land) 25 •;3•; 3. Okasaki Oapan) 24'7 ¾" . 26:23. Shot Put: Birlenback (Germany) 52 'llj". WISCO SIN 24, Ml1 ESOTA 31, Lake okomis, Oct. 5: (4 Hammer Throw: Kondrashov (USSR) 216 '3"; 2. Sugawara miles, yards, 80 , no wind) 1. Manley (W) 20:41. 5; 2. Peterson Oapan) 215 ' 9f '· 3. Connolly (US) 215'7" ; 4. Okamoto Oapan) 215'4"; (M) 20:45; 3. Weinert (W) 20:54; 4. Peterson (W) 20:55; 5. Day (M) 5. Zsivotz (Hungary) 215 ' 1"; 6. Tanaka Oapan) 213 '6"'. 21:01. Decathlon: Katsuki (Japan) 5693. WAKE FOREST 27, DUKE 28; WAKE FOREST 22, ORTH 20, 000 Meter Walk: Pamich (Italy) 1:32:25. 0. CAROL A STATE 35; DUKE 23 1 STATE 34, Winston -Sa lem, C, Oct . 14-- Oct. 5: (4.25 miles, cool, clear weather) 1. Waite (D) 22:23.9; 2 . 2 00 Meter Sem i -finals : I - Hebauf (Germany) 21. 9. ll - Rod - Turner (WF) 23:34; 3. Taylor (WF) 22:41; 4. Repass (D) 22:51 ; 5. erfield (Germany) 21.6. lll- Questad (US) 21.9. Rushing (WF) 22:56. 200 Meter Finals: Hebauf 21.0; 2. Roderfeld 21.3: 3. Ques _­ OKLAHOMA STATE 24, AIR FORCE 32, Stillwater, Okla., tad 21.6. Oct. 5: (3 miles) 1. Murphy (AF) 14:47.1 (meet record); 2. Blai-:­ 3000 Meter Steeplechase: Roelants (Belgium) :41.6 ; 2. Pers­ ley (OS) 14:58; 3. VonRuden (OS) .15:0l; 4. Winn (OS) 15:02; 5. son (Sweden) : 51. 0 . Foley (AF) 15:03. (Same placings as in the Oklahoma Jamboree.) High Jump: Sneazwell (Australia) 7'2§ "; 2. Czernik (Poland) ARMY 19, BUFFALO STATE 44, West Point, Oct. 5: (4 6'10-3 "; 3. ilsson (Sweden) 6' ¾"'; 5. iyazaki Oapan) 6'81' ' miles?) 1. Straub (A) 26:15 (old course record, 27:40) ; 2. Burns (B) Discus !fhrow: Reimers (Germany) 173 '5½" . 27: 51; 3. Pailes (A) 27:51; 4. Swanson (A) 27:59; 5. Butler (A) Oct.15- - 28:17. 1500 Meters: \ adoux (France) 3:46. O; 2. Iwashita Oapan) MANHATTAN 20, DARTMOUTH 43, Van Cortlandt Park, Y 3:46.0; 3. Akita Gapan) 3:46. ; 4. Bernard (France ) 3:47.5. City, Oct. 5: (5 miles) 1. Daneker (D) 26:50; 2. Welling (M) 27:17; 10, OIJOMet ers : Baillie 1ew Zealand) 29:44. 6: 2. Ivan0v 3. Bowes (M) 27:34; 4. Baron (M) 27:42; 5. Byrne (M) 28:00. (USSR) 29:44.6; 3. Gamoudi (Tunisia) 29:45.6; 4. Tsuburaya (Japan) OHIO U IVERSITY 21, MICHIGAN STATE 39, OHIO STATE 29:45 . : 5. Funai Gapan) 29:47 .6; 6. Tsuchiya Oapan). dnf-­ 75, East Lansing, Mich., Oct. ~: (4 miles) 1. Banton (0) 20:38; 2. Bogusziewicz (Poland). Sharkey (MS) 20:43; 3. Heller (0) 21:00; 4. Smith (0) 21:12; 5. 110 Meter High Hurdle-Semi-finals: I- Rogers (US)14.2;- 2. Alderfer (0) 21: 22. (Please turn to page 43! (Please turn to page 42) ,Page 42 (Continued from page 41) . KANSAS 15, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 49, Lawrence , Kan., Oct. 17:44 ; 2. Conla y (SD) 17:58; 3. Crumpley (CP) 18:21; 4. Duarte 5: ( 3 miles?) 1. Acevedo (IC) 14:55.6; 2. Fero (IC) 15:09; 3. Ca­ (LB) 18:28; 5. Lacy (LB) 18:32. br~ra (IC) 15:15; 4. Hadley (K) 15:27; 5. Holm (IC) 15:28. (7. Cor­ LEWIS D CLARK INVIT A TIO AL, Portland, Ore . , Oct. nell (SI) 15:46; 9. Turner (SI) 16:33 .~) 11: (4 .17 miles, hilly) 1. Miller (LC) 21: 29. 7 (course record)· 2. OHIO 17, CENTRAL STATE 46, Athens, 0., Oct. 8: (4 miles Misner (P) 21:39; 3. Ladum (W) 21:56; 4. Musgrave (OC) 22:05; 5. fast course, clear and warm) 1.
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