Towner County North Dakota Families <^3

Towner County North Dakota Families <^3

TOWNER COUNTY NORTH DAKOTA FAMILIES <^3 -^V TO! HER COUNTY NORTH DAE OTA FAMILIES ^'WmM••••*•* ••••¥!.» 5917 Myrtle Ave 1958-196 2 Mabel Jacques Hadler Long Beach, 5 v8»iii o vxi i a 1A c V*. fc» TOWNER COXHSfTY, NvD. FAMILIES. VOLUME VI. STIELY, WILLIAM, b 1877; md (2) Oct. 27, 1912, Cando, Rev. Harris; Cora Lagore., b 1876. Lived. Cando Tp. Children: 1. LEON H., Aug. 22, 1900 2. BLANCHE, Dec. 24, 1992 3. HARRY PAUL, 1910-15 STODIG, AXEL, b 1855-95; md Emma ... both foreign birth. Lived Egeland 1915. Ch, 2 of foreign birth: CARL, 1905; EBBA, 1908; NORMA, 1895-1910; WALTER, 1910-15. STOEBEB, FRANK, b Nov, 5., 1891, Streeter, 111.; d June 24, 1954, bur Cando Cath.Cem. fild Sept. 14, 1920, Cando, Fr. Garland; Agnes Stadelberger, b Aug. 17., 1895, Bavaria, Germany. (See Elsperger) She d Feb. 15, 1953, bur Cando Oath.Gem, Farmed, near Cando.; Highway maintenance 1938-53. Vet WWI. Children: 1. Sgt. FRANCIS H., Apr, 2, 1922; lost in bombing mission from New Guinea, Aug., 30., 1944. Bur Jefferson Barracks Nat'l Gem. in group burial Fab. 21, 1950. 2. NANCY M., Feb. 18, 1924| md June 9, 1948, Cando, Fr. Hart; Leo R. Martin, son of J. of Overly. Ch: Martin (1) Meride e Ann, Aug. 195(1), Walla Walla, Wash. (2) Jonathan Ramon, Jan.- 1954, Riveretale, N.D. , STOLER, JOE, born Arcadia, Wiso.; d Feb. 13, 1954, bur Cando } Cath.Cem. Surv by bro & sis: PETS & CHAS. , Wise; Mrs. Mary Bergeson, Eekart, Wise; Mrs. Margaret Elliott, Sask. Can. Preceded by bro 8a sis: NICK, BOB & BILL; Mrs. Eiiz- rr.Fka, Farmed near Egeland. Unmd. STOLE, JOHN H., lived Bethel Tp. 1943. Children: 1. JOHN, Apr. 19, 1930 2. 2ETTA. Apr. 18, 1932 3. HOWARD, Oct. 12, 1935 STONE, ALTON CARL, b Sept. 11, 1863, Trondhjein, Norway; d Jan. 15, 1938, Faribault, Mian. He took the name Stone from name of the farm in Norway, upon coming to U.S., the family name was Wangberg, His sis md ... Samuel son of Kenyon, Li inn. (See Skeen) Md Nov. 28, 1894, Faribault; Althine Mathilde Syveraoa.., b Deo. 7, 1372, Smallene, Norway, dau of Johaa (his sis was mother of John M.Borger- son; see Borgorson) & Mar<?n ... She d Oct, 14, 1.951, Far­ ibault. (See Syverson) He came to Faribault 1884; homeet near Egeland 1900; 1935 to Faribault. STONE (continued) 0kii*1 •'• 1. MYRTLE ALICE, Mar. §1, 193ft,r Bgeliiaadf ffid Kw. 29, 1930, Mpls.f Fred H, Sibler* :b t<*b; "It, 1904, son of Christian Kibler & Leah HoltfflBan. LiTiag Mountain View, Cal. Ch: (1) Margery Ann Kibler, b Jan. 12,.. 1933, Milwaukee, Wise, met Nov, 29, l§57f: ••fm. Austin Yates. Living Boiling Green, £y; STONE, B.C. b 18731 md Oct, 5, 1903v Caiado, Judge Pewf Ce­ celia Pake, b 1883. Telegraph operator, GaMo 1903; to Niagara, N.D. Jan. 1904 i STONE, SETH HOLMS, b Nov. 7, 1847, Wabash Co. Ind. son of HOLMS & ... Hack! email (both b K.t,} Died 1928, Vancouver, Wash. His bro: OTRTIS'I NBLP«| OILMAN, all Indiana. Md. (1) Mrs. Amanda B. Qren-, b Wabash, Ind. dau of . .Leedy «; poh"' . If outs. She md (1) A&P& Oren, who died Feb. 14, 1863 leaving sons Perry & Bli Oren, Md (2) Feb. 1896, Wabash, Ind'. { Mrs. Charity A, Sampson, nee Baldwin, widow of Dr. Jao-'Ob Sampson, who d 1393, leaving a son O.B. of Peru, Ind. He was a nvt. Co. A, 1.53rd Vol. Ind. Inf. Union Army, Civil War. Pension: 802-927. Enlisted Jan. 24, 1865; discharged Sept. 4, 1865, Louisville, Ky.' Age 18; grey eyes; light hair; fair complexion; blacksmith. Lived Wabash, Ind.; Minera1 Pt. , Kane. 1870* Lincolnville, Ind. 1.871; Veoters- burg, Ind. 1373; Wabash 1877j Huntington, Ind. 1880; Nebr.j Ind. 1885; homest Roeklake Tp,f Stockton, Cal. 1913; Pacific Nat'l Military Home 1926, Children! 1. OTTO L., b Jan. 16, 1881J lived Waebougal, Wash. 1928, 2. ABNTDR, May 24, 1882, Huntington, Ind.f md (1) Nov. 28, 1907, Rocklake, Rev. I.A.Brower; Edith Brower, b 1889, Boann, Ind. dau of Joseph. (See Brower) She d Feb. 1930, Guthrie, Minn, Md (3) July 6, 1932, Bemidji , Minn.; Mrs. Phoebe Scsler, dau of Isaac Miller & widow of Alonzo Keslsr. (See Miller & Sesler) Grain-buyer at Brumbaugh; to Bensi&jij now Portland, Ore. Ch: (1) THBLMA^ «d .., Metealf (2) LOWENE. md. Butts (3) MAURICE BROWER; living LaGrande, Ore. 3. REBECCA M., Jan. 3, 1885 4. SARAH A. Sept. 8, 1888 STONE, VERNE; lived Dash Tt> Children; 1. MYRTLE, Anr. 20, 1919 2. MARJGRJE, twin of Myrtle 3. JEAN, May 14, 1981 4. DENIS LLOYD, Mar. 6, 1929 ism, STONG, JOHN, b Sept. 6,- 1S&5-J d Dec. 9, 1918, bur Zion Genu Md Mary Diehl , bI'eb, SO, 1837? d June 10, 1919, bur Zion Gem. Lived Jobnsiofni & Allentowm, 3?a, ; Carroll Co. Ind. 1376; Towner Go. 1896, 13 Children? 11 living 1919 1. SOPHIA, b 1859} d 1956., SI Monte, Cal. Md Dec, 7, 188.3, Ind. J Jacob ©eel. (See Deal) 2. JOHN C, b May 16, 1861, Johnstown, Pa. (below) 3. GEORGE, b 1862, Alleatown, Pa. (below) 4. DANIEL, lived Latffcyett.-., 2n4L. 5. WILLIAM 6. SAMUEL, lived Newvillej back to Indiana. 7. DAVID, lived Wise. 8. JACOB, b May 30, 1865, Pa. (below) 9. REUBEN] Osceola, Mo. 10. ELIZABETH; bid John Gripe; Minot . 11. I-AAHY CATHBRIHTJ-; md Isaac Waggoner: Starkweather '.2. ELVIRA; md Daw. Gripe; Osceola,, Mo. 13. LAURA, md Will Gripe STONG, JOHN C, b May 16, 1861, Johnstown, Pa., son of John (above). Died May IS, 1986, bur Zion Gem. Md Feb. 28, 1E86 , Carroll Co'. , Ind.; Emma Jane .Hufford, dau of David, (Sec- Hufford) Came to Olson Tp. Mar. 1894. Children: 1. BESSIE BLANCHE, b 1887; d Sept. I, 1890, Ind. 2, WILSON LEROY, b Jan. 10, 1889, Carroll Co., Ind.; d Oct. 24, 1913, bur Zion Gem. Md June 4, 1911, Cando, Rev. War ford; Caddie Ruth Brubaker, dau of Henry. (See Brubaker) She d Oct. 20, 1960, Chicago, bur Zion Gem, having md (8) Apr. 22, 1923, Chicago; Ezra Daniel Kinzie, son of Caleb Kinzsie & Ella Nineingor. B> d 1959, Chicago. Children: P) MEREDITH JOYCE, Sept. 17, 1919, Minot; md Maurice E. Burgess, bOct. 14, 1980; d. Nov. 13, 1955, Phoenix, Aria. Ch: Burgess A. G-Ienda E'ay, Nov. 6, 1944 B, Janet Maurene, June 2, 1946 (2) MELTHEM RQYCE, twin of Meredith; md July 3, 1931, Feraald, la.; Audrey Gerlach, b Aug. 9, 1919, dau of Wilbur Gerlach & Blanche Dumbauld. Living Des Moines, la. Chi1dran: A. KAREN 1I.L31N, July SO, 1941 B. SANDRA JBAH, Sept. 14, 1944 0. OVIDA SUE, June 30, 1961 D. DSBEA ANN, Dec, 13, 1956 (3) Felicia Grace Kinzie, Aug.. 36, 1924, Falfurrias, Tex.; md June 27, 1942, Chicago, Rev. Will; Billy Ray Wisler. son of Dwight. (See Wisler) (4) Carlota Fern Kinzie, Sept. 30, 1927; md Earl D. Hanson. Cb: Hanson A. Mardi Jean, July 6, 1951 B. Stanley Royce, July 21, 1953 STO^G (continued) : 5. • LA FLORENCE, Jan. 12, 1892, Tippecanoe Co., Ind.; md -. '12, 1918, Cando, .Rev, Keslerj Wilburn Smeltzer. (S< e Smeltzer) 4. W^LTi® DAVID, 3'vme 26, 1894f md Nov. b, 1921, Cando, J'<!ge Brooke; Edna Stump, b 1899, Darke Co., Ohio, dau of H.K.Stump & Rose Martin. Her bro & sis: Mrs. O.C. Livingston, Union City, Ind.; Roy & Richard Stump, An sonia, Ohio; Wallace, Ros.sburg, 0.; Robert, Dayton, 0. Lived D.L.; 1926 to Flint, Mich. Children: (1) BETTY JANE, Sept. 14, 1924, Devils Lake; James Up- ham, son of Harry. (See Upham) (2) WALTER D., Oct. 1, 1986, Anaonia, 0. (3) JOHN D.t Nov. 3, 1932, Flint, Mich. 5. OWEN CHARLES, Oct. 2, 1896, Cando; md Aug. 24, 1919, Zion, Rev. Miller; Ethel A, Burkhart, dau of Samuel. (See Burk- hart) Living Considine. Children: (1) DETDRES/Jan. 8, 1921; md July 7, 1941, Poplar, Mont.; Orvilie Harris, son of Rev. Ray Harris. Ch: Harris A. David 0., Apr. 10, 1942; md Mar. 25, 1961, Seattle, Rev, Rowe; Dianna Obernauer, dau of Albert. B. Barbara, July 16, 194-; md. 1959, Nevada; Ollie Palmer, Jr. Living Hawthorne, Cal. Ch: son, b Sept. 4, 1.960, Apple Valley, Cal. (2) DONNA ALETA/June 27, 1922; md Jan. 1, 1941, Seattle, Rev, Darbie; Edward Kenning. Living Bothell, Wash. A. Madeleine Jean, Jan. 21, 1942; md Jan. 23, I960, Cceur d'Alene, Ida.; Jas. A. LaRose, son of Arthur of Bothell. Living Oswego, Ore. Cfii Shari Linn LaRose, Nov. 17, 1960, Portland. B. Marilyn Jill Henning, Aug. 13, 1947 (3) JERROLD C'. , Aug. 17, 1924; md Oct. 9, 1943, Bottineau, Rev. Brown; Mary McLean, dau of L.J. Lived Minot; Mpls. Children: A. VICTORIA RAE, Jan. 18, 1945 B. JERROLD CHAS, Oct. 2, 1957 (4) EULALIE, Feb. 5, 1931; md June 24, 1949, Killarney, 3an,; William Geer, son of Robt. (See Geor) (5) K3NNBIK OWEN, Sept. 16, 1932; md Apr. 27, 1952, Rev. D""ncen; Blanche Welch, dau of Blanchard. (See Welch) Livina; Minot. Children: b Minot A. TANYA EAY, Oct. 28, 1952 B. KRAIG OWEN, Mar. 23, 1954 C. RICKIB KIN, June 5, 1955 D. dau, Dec. 10, 1958 (6) RONALD KEITH, July 19, 1937; md Aug, 30, 1959, Mah­ nomen, Minn., Rev. Justin; Darlene Bisek. Lived New Town s N.D.; Fargo. Ch: STEPHANIE MICHELLE, Mar. 9, 1960, Minot 1S45.. STONG (continued) (7) MARY ELLEN, Nov. '28, 1939; md June 20, 1.959, Cando; Denzil Farbo, son of Herman.. (See Farbo) C h: Denzi1 Jay, Mar. 2, 1961, W i11i s ton (8) ETHEL MARIE, July 13, 1943 6.

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