THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS • INCOR~ORAT!D Editor: W. H. Devenish, The Electrical Research Association, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, England. (Telephone Leatherhead 4151 : Telex 264045) Regional Director: Professor P. G. A. Jespers, Louvain University, Electronics Labs .. 94 Kar . Mercierlaan, 3030 Heverlee, Belgium. No. 15 June 1971 EUROCON 71 Lausanne, Switzerland 18-22 October, 1971 UK and USA. The scope of papers on general education in­ cludes the use of long-distance communication in European education, new requirements for telecommunication education, and the role of education in bridging the gaps in Western society. The programme includes several panel discussions and work­ shops; the subjects include the role of professional engineering societies in national and international standardisation, and new techniques in cardio-vascular diagnosis and monitoring. As a further feature of the programme, the first, second and third competitors in the 1971 Region 8 Student Paper Contest have been invited to present their papers. Social events include a ladies' programme; visits to places of interest to tourists; and evening visits for dinner at a typical Lausanne restaurant. There are also technical visits to Swiss companies and other organisa tions. New Institute Award at Eurocon 71 If there is sufficient demand, Swissair, official carriers for The new Award. generously donated by N.V. Philips Gloeilamp­ EUROCON 71 , will arrange reduced fares on specified flights enfabrieken, of Eindhoven, Holland, will be presented for the from centres in Region 8 to Geneva, the nearest international first time in Lausanne next October at Eurocon 71 . airport to Lausanne, in connection with the Convention. Those The Award, which takes the form of a gold medal, for outstand­ interested should contact their nearest Swissair office. ing achievement in research and development, will be called The scene is set for our first Region 8 Convention; its success the Frederik Philips Award, in honour of the Company's Chair­ depends on your participation. The organisers also hope that man, and the first presentation will be made to Mr. Philips every member receiving the Newsletter will pass on informa­ himself. tion about EUROCON 71 to his colleagues. Further details of the presentation will be included in the final Further information, copies of the Advance Programme, posters Eurocon 71 progamme. and registration forms are available from the EUROCON 71 Secretary, 24 Chemin de Bellerive, CH-1007, Lausanne, Swit­ ~ •ogramme zerland. '- .1e programme for EUROCON 71 is now almost completed. Some 200 papers, from 20 countries, have been accepted in Supporting Societies (as at May 1971) the six main areas of the Convention-information processing Belgium in large systems, long-distance communication, solid-state cir­ Societa Royale Beige des Electriciens SRBE cuits, distribution of electrical power, bio-medical engineering, and electronic timekeeping. Denmark The organisers are most grateful to the leading European Dansk lngeniorforening DIF Societies and Institutions which are supporting EUROCON 71. lngenior Sammenslutningen 1- S They also thank the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne for the facilities it is providing for the secretariat. and the com­ France panies which have provided generous financial support. Societie Francaise des Electriciens SFE An Advance Programme is enclosed with this Newsletter, and Societe Francaise des Electroniciens et des indicates the strength of the programme in each specialist sub­ Radioelectriciens SFER ject, and the number of different countries from which papers Association Francaise pour le Cybernetique are coming . The response has exceeded the expectations of Economique et Technique AFCET the Technical Programme Committee. There are 12 general survey papers for the non-specialist. Ten FR Germany of these papers will be given at different times throughout Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker VDE EUROCON 71, so forming a conference-within-a-conference for those seeking background to fields outside their own specialisa- Great Britain tion. • The Institution of Electrical Engineers IEE There is an attractive students' programme, including about 20 The Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers IERE tutorial lectures. Students may register for the nominal fee of The Institution of Electrical and Electronics two dollars, and arrangements are being made to accommodate Technician Engineers IEETE them in the homes of Swiss students and in other inexpensive accommodation. Further information is available from the Italy EUROCON 71 Secretary (address below) . Associazione Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica A number of specialist papers are concerned with computer Ital iana AEI applications and control. There are also a number of papers on education-the education and training of the new kind of Norway engineer needed in bio-medical engineering is considered in Den Norske lngeniorforening NIF papers from authors in Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Norsk Elektroteknisk Forening NEF Sweden Association Suisse pour I 'Automatique ASS PA Svenska Elektrolingenjiirers Riksfiirbund SER (Schweizerische Gesellschaft fi.ir Automatik) (SGA) Tekniske Samfundet i Giiteborg, Fackavdelningen fiir Elektroteknik Association Suisse pour la Technique Biomedicale ( Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fi.ir Switzerland Biomedizinische Technik) Association Suisse des Electriciens ASE Association Su isse pour les Techniques Spatiales (Schweizerischer Elektrotechnischer Verein) (SEV) (Schweizerische Vereinigung fUr Association Suisse des lngenieurs et Architectes ASIA (Schweizerischen lngenieur und Weltraumtechnik) Arch itektenvere in) (SIA) Groupement de l'Electronique Vaudoise GEV INSTITUTE NEWS Divisional Organisation and the Nomination Branches is drawn to the need for continued emphasis to be and Election of Divisional Directors given to the established programmes for enlisting new members On 1 January, in addition to the three Societies (Computer. and retaining present members. Control Systems, and Power Engineering), G-MMS and G-SSC Past Director, Jean Lebel, is a member of this year's Member­ merged to become the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics ship and Transfer Committee and will do all he can to provide Group. The composition of the six TAB Divisions is as .follows: any help and guidance sought from him. Division 1: Audio and Electroacoustic Group, Circuit Theory Group, Control Systems Society, Information Theory Group; Three Distaff Fellows Division 2: Electrical Insulation Group, Industrial Electronics When Elizabeth Laverick (SM 1955-F 1971) was elected Fellow and Control Instrumentation Group, Industry and General Appli­ by the November Board of Directors, she joined two others on cations Group, Instrumentation and Measurement Group, Nuclear the distaff side who also hold Fellow IEEE distinction-Grace Science Group, Power Engineering Society, Vehicular Tech­ M. Hopper (S 1952-M 1954-F 1962) and Jenny E. Rosenthal nology Group; Division 3: Aerospace and Electronic Systems (SM 1957-F 1966). IEEE now has at lea st 638 women mem­ Group, Broadcasting Group, Broadcasting and TV Receivers bers, about 45% of whom are Students. Group, Communication Technology Group, Electromagnetic Com­ patibility Group; Division 4: Antennas and Propagation Group, IEEE Convention Electron Devices Group, Magnetics Group; Microwave Theory 'Transnational' fairly described the exhibits. Of 425 exhibitor's:­ and Techniques Group, Parts Materials and Packaging Group, almost 100 (23%) were from overseas. led by the British (31 Sonics and Ultrasonics Group; Division 5: Computer Society; exhibitors). followed by France (new this year). Japan, Canada, Division 6: Education Group, Engineering in Medicine and Australia, Denmark. West Germany and Korea . The 'New York Biology Group, Engineering Management Group, Engineering Times' observed, 'The Aussies-sheer cheerfulness-were Writing and Speech Group, Geoscience Electronics Group, Re­ shaking hands and passing out kangaroo lapel pins as though liability Group, Systems, Man and Cybernetics Group. the whole Coliseum belonged to them.' in 1971, Divisions 1 and 5 are each to nominate and elect a Transnational. unfortunately, did not describe this year's papers Division Director for a 1972-73 term. Bylaw 310.2 provides programme any better than last year 's. The Executive Com­ that the Group Chairmen and Society Presidents in the Divi­ mittee has requested the Conference Board to improve inter­ sions were to submit nominations by 30 April. The IEEE national participation in the technical programme at the 1972 Nominations and Appointments Committee then selected a slate, Convention. with not less than two candidates for each position. The members of the Groups and Societies then have an opportunity Granger Appointed to US State Department Bureau to submit nominations by petition, with a 15 August deadline, Many members in Region 8 will remember John Granger through reference Article XII, Section 3 of the IEEE Constitution. Ballots his visits to Europe during his year as IEEE President and, more will be mailed from IEEE Headquarters on or about 1 September. recently, when he came over to lecture. It has now been an­ nounced that he has been appointed Deputy Director of the Membership of the Institute Department of State 's Bureau of International Scientific and The attention of all Regions, Sections, Chapters and the Student Technological Affairs. MEETINGS IN REGION 8 International Medium Voltage
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