GREATEST YET! COUNTY BUSINESS .O N E Y DIRECTORY ONE 1IOORHAL DEVOTED TO THE LOCAL ÏHTERESTS OP THE SHORE CODITIES HD THE DETBLOPMEHT OP THE RESOURCES OF EAST AUD SOOTH JERSEY. ESTABLISHED 1850. Toms River, N. J., Thursday Afternoon, November 3, 1892. VOLUME 43— NUMBER 5 through this autumnal air leant always to w a n t as la rg e a house n o w as form erly.” British Election M ethod«.''"""'"' New Jersey Courier. keep singing. W hy do you not want as large a house? The follow ing appeared as an advertise­ BUSINESS CARDS. Children o f the heavenly king. You say, “ My family is not so large.” Thomas Roberts OIBM, fiowprrthwair* Exchange, A s ye journey sweetly sing; ment in tbo Newcastle (England) Leaden ^musemmte. Where have they gone? “To eternity,” UVIK THU POST OPPIO*. 8ing your Saviour's worthy praise. Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy! Y'ou r mind goes back through th a t last REAL ESTATE A L B E B T O. M A R T IN . Practical Tinner Glorious iu his works and ways. when I fall I shall arise; when I sit in dark­ Ados, inserted under this headingfflt the rate o f Tom s River, Ocean County, N. J. I sickness, and through the almost super­ ness the Lord shall be a lig h t un to me.— Manufacturer o f Tin and Sheet Iron For the Week Commencing Oct. 31. sir. cento per line first insertion; each subse­ J A t t o r n e y a n d Y e are traveling home to God, natural effort to save life, and through M icah vii, 8. ^ Ware,Tiu Roofing and Spouting. Also In the way your fathers trod; quent insertion, three cents per line. - r a i L A D h ¡ £ p s E ä Z NEW JERSEY COURIER PUBLISHING C 0 „ Proprietors. those prayers that seem ed unavailing, and Election prayer mee ingo of ail ablo to S o l ic it o r i n C h a n c e r y , Dealer !n Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, They are happy now, and we through that kies which received no re­ Soon their happiness shall see. attend who believe in the righteousness of IN B LY litatUHi lot in the town of Torus House Furnishing Goods, Furniture, « t u r s s t « m u « . i . E p{ One copy 1 year ........... 00 00 sponse because tha lips w ere lifeless, and 1 OFFICE OVER THE BANK, TERMS.— ■< one copy 6 months................. 1 00 the Right Hon. W . E. Gladstone’s and the F Klver, on One residence street, near railway [8. - - b The church of God never will be a tri­ hear the bells tolling and 1 hear the hearts uepota, post-offloe, «hutches and school, aoo feet Cutlory, Lamps, Lanterns, Glassware, T er CocNcii.Lon’a wura («(One copy 8 months................ 80 umphant church until it becomes a singing Hon. John Morley’s present line of policy breaking—while I speak I hear them break. front by too feet Iu dentil, Hljrh grom d and drv, Tom s River, N. J. Queens ware, Wooden and Iron Pumps, Subscription« payable in advance. church. toward Ireland and the British empire Andress, OCEAN NEWS BUREAU, £1IU»TNUT STREET THEATRE. A heart! Another heart! Alone, alone, etc, A ll orders fo r new w ork, or re­ FAR ABOVE THE DANGERS OF EARTH. w ill, God willing, be held in the upper cen­ Toms River, N. J. alone! tral hull, Hood street, Newcastle, begin­ pairing, or repairs and bricks for ____ A TBir TO CHINATOWN I go further and remark that the birds of T HOLMES BIRDSALL, T h is w orld, which iu y o u r girlhood and ning on Monday night first, Aug. 33 at 9 HIRTY-FIVE ©ores of wood and cleared laud stoves, heaters, ranges, etc. promptly g HOAR STREET THEATRE. AT THE TABERNACLE. the air are w iser th an we in the fa c t that boyhood w a s sunshine, is cold now, a n d oh, In Bass River Township, Burlington County, o’clock to about 10, and continuing each includingT o acres of cranberry bog. Jnst the p)a«e A t t o r n e y a t I aaw, attended to. Please give me a call. in their migration they fly very high. Dur­ w eary dove, you fly around this w o rld as Daniel Frotmm’s Co. T hb GBIT ing the summer, when they are In the night up to and including Thursday next. for a fruit farm. Near Egg Harbor and Atlantic M a s t e r an d E x a m in e r i n C h ancery though you w ou ld like t o stay, w h en the T h e hall Is engaged fo r Friday; bu t notice Otlea. Address, OCEAN N EW » BUREAU, BLUE F R O N T STORE •^TALNUT STREET THE a TRR DR. TALMAGE DRAWS A LESSON fields, they often com e within reach o f the a n d N o t a r y P u b l ic . wind, and the frost, and the blackening of a general praise and thanksgiving meet­ Toms River, N. J. gun, but when they start for the annual Main Street, Toms River FROM THE MIGRATORY BIRDS. clouds would bid you away into the heart ing for victory, of which we feel well as­ OFFICE ON M AIN STREET, OPPOSITE MISS BBLVBTT flight southward they take their places o f an all com forting G od! Oh, I h a ve no­ midheaven and g o straigh t as an arrow to sured, if only we w ill do our duty, to be TUB OCEAN HOUSE. TOM8 RIVER, N. J. JJAHK THEATRE. ticed again and again w h a t a botch this held on that evening will be given during Ixecmtor’s Sale Warned by DIvAne Instinct They Stretch th e mark. T h e lon gest rifle th a t w as ever world makes of it when it tries to comfort Mr. Porrar or Tu a i th e week. Ladies as w ell as men welcome o f v a l u a b l e W . G. CONRAD Their Wings Toward the Sooth, but brought t o shoulder cannot teach them. a soul in trouble! It says, "Don’t cry!” and invited. T W. CARMICHAEL, W ould to G od th at w e were as w ise as the «TEMA HOUSE. Man in tbe Pride of His Intellect Dis­ IIow can we help crying when the heart’s Canvassers are all expected to thoroughly DBALBR IN ALL KIND© OP stork and crane in ou r flight heavenward! treasures are scattered, and father is gone, finish up their day’s work, for it will be ' C o u n s e l o r a t L a w and Tbe marvelous Prestidigitator and lUuatontot. regards a Greater Warning. We fly so low that we are within easy R e a l Estate ! i’owrt.L and mother is gone, au d companions are fo lly to come to seek God’s blessing on in­ T UMBER, COAL AND WOOD, HARD range of th e w orld, th e flesh and th e devil. M a s t e r in C h a n c e r y , B r o o k l y n . Oct. 30.—The flutter fgnufi,shd th e child Is © m e , and everythin g dolence Discussions, irreverent conduct P I I RetV AN T to an order o f the Orphans’ ^ MCiH STREET THEATRE. ) ^ \ravp\A\.\ons t'nat A Court nt the Voaüiy of 0>:eaii, wsdc ou the *-J ware, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nath, to) ore i) haves «-¿/ad every vruuf 6&w* seems gone? w Uv.Vvtttf vm\ V i->A)rc)r o u t a t pl-tco. ought not to come within a mile of reach­ Licvetuh day oi uc'tuber a . u . in »a , the O f f ic e o n M a in S t r e e t , »am Devore and lita own Company. I t is no com fort to tell a man not t o cry. W e gather to m eet w ith God— not to dis­ from tbe trees in tbe avenues around tbe in g us. bubscri'ier, Albert C. Martin, Executor of the Glass, etc., Doors, Sash, Blinds and T h e world com es up an d says, “ O h, it is pute w ith man. P ra y for the presence and last win ami testament of Uriah Havens,deceased, Toms River, N. J. RATIONAL THEATRE, Tabernacle reminded the thousands who Oh, for some of the faith of George Mul­ will sell at public vendue at the hotel of Joseph on ly the b ody o f your loved one th a t you p ow er at the H o ly Ghost before com ing or Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, Lime, Ce­ entered its doors this morning that winter ler, of England, an d Alfred Cook man, Parser, iu the village of Forked River, in the have put in the ground!” But there is no you had better stay away. W e mean busi­ The champion of 12 years Jons L Sullivan thb is approaching. Dr. Talmage, with his once of the church militant, now of the Township of Lacey, Tu the County of ocean and comfort in that.
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