Lagrangian Duality and Convex Optimization David Rosenberg New York University July 26, 2017 David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 1 / 33 Introduction Introduction David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 2 / 33 Introduction Why Convex Optimization? Historically: Linear programs (linear objectives & constraints) were the focus Nonlinear programs: some easy, some hard By early 2000s: Main distinction is between convex and non-convex problems Convex problems are the ones we know how to solve efficiently Mostly batch methods until... around 2010? (earlier if you were into neural nets) By 2010 +- few years, most people understood the optimization / estimation / approximation error tradeoffs accepted that stochatic methods were often faster to get good results (especially on big data sets) now nobody’s scared to try convex optimization machinery on non-convex problems David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 3 / 33 Introduction Your Reference for Convex Optimization Boyd and Vandenberghe (2004) Very clearly written, but has a ton of detail for a first pass. See the Extreme Abridgement of Boyd and Vandenberghe. David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 4 / 33 Introduction Notation from Boyd and Vandenberghe f : Rp ! Rq to mean that f maps from some subset of Rp namely dom f ⊂ Rp, where dom f is the domain of f David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 5 / 33 Convex Sets and Functions Convex Sets and Functions David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 6 / 33 Convex Sets and Functions Convex Sets Definition A set C is convex if for any x1,x2 2 C and any θ with 0 6 θ 6 1 we have θx1 + (1 - θ)x2 2 C. KPM Fig. 7.4 David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 7 / 33 Convex Sets and Functions Convex and Concave Functions Definition A function f : Rn ! R is convex if dom f is a convex set and if for all x,y 2 dom f , and 0 6 θ 6 1, we have f (θx + (1 - θ)y) 6 θf (x) + (1 - θ)f (y). 1 − λ λ x y A B KPM Fig. 7.5 David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 8 / 33 Convex Sets and Functions Examples of Convex Functions on R Examples x 7! ax + b is both convex and concave on R for all a,b 2 R. p x 7! jxj for p > 1 is convex on R x 7! eax is convex on R for all a 2 R n Every norm on R is convex (e.g. kxk1 and kxk2) n Max: (x1,...,xn) 7! maxfx1 ...,xng is convex on R David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 9 / 33 Convex Sets and Functions Convex Functions and Optimization Definition A function f is strictly convex if the line segment connecting any two points on the graph of f lies strictly above the graph (excluding the endpoints). Consequences for optimization: convex: if there is a local minimum, then it is a global minimum strictly convex: if there is a local minimum, then it is the unique global minumum David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 10 / 33 The General Optimization Problem The General Optimization Problem David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 11 / 33 The General Optimization Problem General Optimization Problem: Standard Form General Optimization Problem: Standard Form minimize f0(x) subject to fi (x) 6 0, i = 1,...,m hi (x) = 0, i = 1,...p, n where x 2 R are the optimization variables and f0 is the objective function. Tm Tp Assume domain D = i=0 dom fi \ i=1 dom hi is nonempty. David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 12 / 33 The General Optimization Problem General Optimization Problem: More Terminology The set of points satisfying the constraints is called the feasible set. A point x in the feasible set is called a feasible point. If x is feasible and fi (x) = 0, then we say the inequality constraint fi (x) 6 0 is active at x. The optimal value p∗ of the problem is defined as ∗ p = inf ff0(x) j x satisfies all constraintsg. x∗ is an optimal point (or a solution to the problem) if x∗ is feasible and f (x∗) = p∗. David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 13 / 33 The General Optimization Problem Do We Need Equality Constraints? Note that h(x) = 0 () (h(x) > 0 AND h(x) 6 0) Consider an equality-constrained problem: minimize f0(x) subject to h(x) = 0 Can be rewritten as minimize f0(x) subject to h(x) 6 0 -h(x) 6 0. For simplicity, we’ll drop equality contraints from this presentation. David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 14 / 33 Lagrangian Duality: Convexity not required Lagrangian Duality: Convexity not required David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 15 / 33 Lagrangian Duality: Convexity not required The Lagrangian The general [inequality-constrained] optimization problem is: minimize f0(x) subject to fi (x) 6 0, i = 1,...,m Definition The Lagrangian for this optimization problem is m L(x,λ) = f0(x) + λi fi (x). i=1 X λi ’s are called Lagrange multipliers (also called the dual variables). David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 16 / 33 Lagrangian Duality: Convexity not required The Lagrangian Encodes the Objective and Constraints Supremum over Lagrangian gives back encoding of objective and constraints: m ! sup L(x,λ) = sup f0(x) + λi fi (x) λ0 λ0 i=1 X f (x) when f (x) 0 all i = 0 i 6 otherwise. Equivalent primal form of optimization problem:1 p∗ = inf sup L(x,λ) x λ0 David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 17 / 33 Lagrangian Duality: Convexity not required The Primal and the Dual Original optimization problem in primal form: p∗ = inf sup L(x,λ) x λ0 Get the Lagrangian dual problem by “swapping the inf and the sup”: d∗ = sup inf L(x,λ) λ0 x ∗ ∗ We will show weak duality: p > d for any optimization problem David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 18 / 33 Lagrangian Duality: Convexity not required Weak Max-Min Inequality Theorem For any f : W × Z ! R, we have sup inf f (w,z) 6 inf sup f (w,z). z2Z w2W w2W z2Z Proof. For any w0 2 W and z0 2 Z, we clearly have inf f (w,z0) 6 f (w0,z0) 6 sup f (w0,z). w2W z2Z Since infw2W f (w,z0) 6 supz2Z f (w0,z) for all w0 and z0, we must also have sup inf f (w,z0) 6 inf sup f (w0,z). z02Z w2W w02W z2Z David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 19 / 33 Lagrangian Duality: Convexity not required Weak Duality For any optimization problem (not just convex), weak max-min inequality implies weak duality: " m # ∗ p =inf sup f0(x) + λi fi (x) x λ0 i=1 " Xm # ∗ sup inf f0(x) + λi fi (x) = d > x λ0,ν i=1 X The difference p∗ - d∗ is called the duality gap. For convex problems, we often have strong duality: p∗ = d∗. David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 20 / 33 Lagrangian Duality: Convexity not required The Lagrange Dual Function The Lagrangian dual problem: d∗ = sup inf L(x,λ) λ0 x Definition The Lagrange dual function (or just dual function) is m ! g(λ) = inf L(x,λ) = inf f0(x) + λi fi (x) . x x i=1 X The dual function may take on the value - (e.g. f0(x) = x). The dual function is always concave since pointwise min of affine functions 1 David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 21 / 33 Lagrangian Duality: Convexity not required The Lagrange Dual Problem: Search for Best Lower Bound In terms of Lagrange dual function, we can write weak duality as ∗ ∗ p > sup g(λ) = d λ>0 So for any λ with λ > 0, Lagrange dual function gives a lower bound on optimal solution: ∗ p > g(λ) for all λ > 0 David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 22 / 33 Lagrangian Duality: Convexity not required The Lagrange Dual Problem: Search for Best Lower Bound The Lagrange dual problem is a search for best lower bound on p∗: maximize g(λ) subject to λ 0. λ dual feasible if λ 0 and g(λ) > - . λ∗ dual optimal or optimal Lagrange multipliers if they are optimal for the Lagrange dual problem. 1 Lagrange dual problem often easier to solve (simpler constraints). d∗ can be used as stopping criterion for primal optimization. Dual can reveal hidden structure in the solution. David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 23 / 33 Convex Optimization Convex Optimization David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 24 / 33 Convex Optimization Convex Optimization Problem: Standard Form Convex Optimization Problem: Standard Form minimize f0(x) subject to fi (x) 6 0, i = 1,...,m where f0,...,fm are convex functions. David Rosenberg (New York University) DS-GA 1003 July 26, 2017 25 / 33 Convex Optimization Strong Duality for Convex Problems For a convex optimization problems, we usually have strong duality, but not always. For example: minimize e-x 2 subject to x =y 6 0 y > 0 The additional conditions needed are called constraint qualifications.
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