University of Wollongong Research Online University of Wollongong Thesis Collection University of Wollongong Thesis Collections 2002 The development of rock coast morphology on Lord Howe Island, Australia Mark Edward Dickson University of Wollongong Recommended Citation Dickson, Mark Edward, The development of rock coast morphology on Lord Howe Island, Australia, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, School of Geosciences, University of Wollongong, 2002. http://ro.uow.edu.au/theses/1987 Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: [email protected] THE DEVELOPMENT OF ROCK COAST MORPHOLOGY ON LORD HOWE ISLAND, AUSTRALIA A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY from UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG by MARK EDWARD DICKSON (BSc. Hons, Massey University) SCHOOL OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG 2002 This work has not been submitted for a higher degree at any other academic institution and, unless otherwise acknowledged, is my own work. Mark Edward Dickson Lord Howe Island, southwest Pacific 1 Abstract Lord Howe Island, situated 600 km east of Australia, provides a unique opportunity to study the development of rock coast landforms and the long-term planation of an oceanic island. The island is a remnant of a large shield volcano that was built by late-Miocene hotspot volcanism. Since this time, the island has gradually migrated northward into warmer seas, and marine planation, operating at a decreasing rate over time, has reduced the island to a vestige of the original volcano. Lord Howe Island currently lies at the southern limit to coral growth. A fringing coral reef has developed on only the western side of the island, such that one side of the island is very effectively sheltered from wave attack, while the other side is exposed to waves of unlimited fetch. The contrast between landforms on each of these coastlines provides a clear illustration of the importance of wave erosion in rock coast evolution: the reef-protected coastline consists of depositional beaches, vegetated hillslopes, diminutive cliffs, and basalt shore platforms that are veneered with talus, whereas the exposed coastline includes precipitous basalt cliffs up to 800 m high that are plunging or have cliff-foot talus slopes, and cliffs 200 m or less high that have actively eroding shore platforms. Variation in rock resistance also exerts a clear control on coastal morphology at Lord Howe Island. Rock resistance was assessed through Schmidt Hammer testing as well as measurements taken on discontinuities within rocks, and wave characteristics were assessed with bathymetric data and data on the local wave climate. At Lord Howe Island, talus slopes occur beneath cliffs where a critical size of cliff face has supplied sufficient talus to offset wave abrasion and removal of talus during the Holocene highstand. Plunging cliffs or shore platforms occur where source areas are smaller. In some areas, a critical depth of water prevents waves from breaking against the cliff face and plunging cliffs occur irrespective of rock resistance. Where water depths are shallower, however, plunging cliffs only exist if the resistance of rocks exceeds the assailing force of waves. In this respect, time is a crucial factor, as rock resistance is gradually degraded by weathering processes. Type B shore platforms have developed along sections of coast where the assailing force of waves has exceeded rock resistance. There is a close positive correlation between the elevation of shore platforms and nearshore water depth, and this indicates the important role of breaking waves in shore platform formation at Lord Howe Island. Several other factors indicate that platforms at Lord Howe Island have been strongly influenced by wave erosion, particularly the fact that platforms on the exposed coastline are wider than platforms on the lagoonal coastline. However, weathering processes become more important as platform width increases, and platforms become lower and flatter as they become wider. This thesis proposes a four-stage model of Type B, microtidal shore platform development at Lord Howe Island. The model attempts to synthesise divergent hypotheses in the literature with a time-based perspective of platform evolution. 11 Acknowledgements This thesis has benefited enormously from the excellent supervision provided by Assc. Prof. Colin Woodroffe. Colin has been enthusiastic for the project throughout its course and has been a ready source of advice and debate. I am particularly thankful for his rapid and critical appraisals of draft chapters. Two of my postgraduate colleagues, Dr. Brendan Brooke and Dr. David Kennedy, have each completed PhD theses on aspects of the geology/geomorphology of Lord Howe Island. Both have spent time with me in the field, and both have been a tremendous source of information and discussion. I am particularly grateful to Dave for his assistance and advice through several weeks of fieldwork. Assc. Prof. Brian Jones accompanied me in the field for a period and had an important influence on my understanding of rock coasts. I am also thankful for the fieldwork assistance provided by Sunayani Dey, John de Carli, and the crews of RV Franklin and Advance II. The Lord Howe Island Board has provided much-needed technical support throughout my research. In this capacity, particular thanks are due to Cristopher Haselden and Dean Hiscox. From time to time I have discussed aspects of my research with academics at the University of Wollongong and other institutions. In particular, I would like to acknowledge the advice of Assc. Prof. Edward Bryant, Prof. Robert Young, Prof. Ian McDougall, Dr. Wayne Stephenson, Dr. Paul Augustinus, and Prof. John Chappell. The extensive postgraduate community at the University of Wollongong has also been a source of advice and discussion. In particular, I would like to acknowledge Daniel Palamara, for his technical and analytical dexterity on a number of matters. Sue Murray has been a ready source of advice, and Ben Ackerman prepared laboratory samples. Bathymetric data was provided under license from the Royal Australian Navy (Hydrographic Office); thanks are due to Patrick Roche for his assistance with the difficult task of merging this data. Climate and wave data was purchased from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Environment Australia supplied regional satellite wave data, and the National Tidal Facility (Flinders University) and Manly Hydraulics Laboratory provided tidal data. Thanks are due to Col Nalty (MHL) for calculating tidal planes, and also Edward Bryant and Milena Mascarenhes for the use of a spreadsheet for calculating wave characteristics. Aerial photographs were purchased from the Land Information Centre, and some oblique photographs were provided by Edward Bryant, Ian Ul Hutton, David Kennedy, and Colin Woodroffe; special thanks are due to Ian Hutton for the use of his collection of slides. Financial support throughout my tenure has been provided by a University Postgraduate Award, and research costs were covered by a grant from the Australian Research Council to Colin Woodroffe and Brian Jones. On a personal note, I would like to acknowledge the support of my parents throughout my education, and the support of my fiancee Sunayani during the course of this thesis. Sunayani provided cheerful assistance in the field, despite sometimes trying conditions, helped to correct a number of chapter drafts, and provided a source of encouragement and discussion that is very much appreciated. iv Table of Contents Abstract i Acknowledgements ii Table of Contents iv List of Figures viii List of Tables xiii List of Appendices xiv 1. Introduction 1 2. Literature review 8 2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Erosion of oceanic islands 8 2.2.1 The process of marine cliff cutting 11 2.2.2 Giant landslides and tsunami 14 2.2.3 Summary of erosion of oceanic islands 17 2.3 Processes 18 2.3.1 Wave erosion 19 Erosive processes generated by waves 22 2.3.2 Subaerial weathering 25 2.3.3 Solution and biological erosion 26 2.4 Rock coast morphology 28 2.4.1 Shore platforms 30 Synopsis of a long-standing debate 31 Incipient platforms 34 The elevation at which shore platforms develop 37 Cliff retreat and shore platform widening 44 Weathering of shore platforms 53 2.4.2 Plunging cliffs 57 Formation of plunging cliffs 59 Destruction of plunging cliffs 61 V Demarcation between shore platforms and plunging cliffs 63 2.4.3 Summary of rock coast morphologies 65 3. Geological and geomorphological evolution of Lord Howe Island 66 3.1 Tectonic setting 66 3.2 Geological evolution 67 3.2.1 Roach Island Tuff 67 3.2.2 North Ridge Basalt 67 3.2.3 Boat Harbour Breccia 70 3.2.4 Mount Lidgbird Basalt 73 3.2.5 Summary of geological evolution 75 3.3 Marine planation following volcanic activity .75 3.4 History of aeolianite deposition 77 3.5 Holocene shoreline evolution 81 3.6 Summary 83 4. Description of rock coast landforms 84 4.1 Introduction 84 4.2 Roach Island Tuff 86 4.3 North Ridge Basalt 91 4.3.1 North Ridge cliffs 91 4.3.2 Dawsons Point 96 4.3.3 Clear Place Point and Blinky Point 96 4.3.4 Sail Rock and Mutton Bird Island 99 4.4 Boat Harbour Breccia 102 4.5 Mount Lidgbird Basalt 106 4.6 Calcarenite 112 4.7 Summary 117 5. Resistance of rocks and erosive force of waves 118 5.1 Introduction 118 5.2 Rock resistance 118 5.2.1 Rock hardness 120 5.2.2 Geomorphological applications of the Schmidt Hammer 123 vi 5.2.3 Discontinuities 124 5.2.4 Methodology for evaluating rock resistance 125 5.2.5 Rock resistance results 128 Spatial distribution of Schmidt Hammer tests, outliers, and repeatability of tests 128 Rock hardness overview 132 Hardness of rocks and the extent of weathering 134 Roach Island Tuff.
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