AHAFO ANO NORTH DISTRICT ASSEMBLY MEDIUM TERM DEVELOPMENT PLAN (2014 – 2017) 0 | P a g e ACRONYMS AANDA : Ahafo Ano North District Assembly AIDS : Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome BAC : Business Advisory Center BECE : Basic Education Certificate Examination CBO : Community Based Organization CBR : Crude Birth Rate CEB : Children Ever Born CHPS : Community Health Planning Service CIDA : Canadian International Development Agency COM : Community Ownership and Management CS : Children Surviving CSO : Civil Society organization COTVET : Council for Technical and Vocation Education DA : District Assembly DACF : District Assemblies Common Fund DANIDA : Danish International Development Agency DCD : District Co-ordinating Director DCRW : District Census Report Writing DDF : District Development Facility DEOC : District Education Oversight Committee DFID : Department for International Development DFR : Department of Feeder Roads DHD : District Health Directorate DHIS : District Health Insurance Scheme DHS : District Health Service DID : District Information Department DMTDP : District Medium Term Development Plan DPAC : District Population Advisory Committee DPCU : District Planning Coordinating Unit DPMC : District Population Management Committee DPO : District Planning Officer DPs : Development Partners DWSA : District Water and Sanitation Agency DWST : District Water and Sanitation Team EC : Executive Committee ECOWAS : Economic Community of West African States EPA : Environmental Protection Agency FAA : Financial Administration Act FCUBE : Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education FI : Financial Institutions FM : Financial Memoranda GES : Ghana Education Service GETFund : Ghana Education Trust Fund GFR : General Fertility Rates GHA : Ghana Highway Authority GoG : Government of Ghana GPRS II : Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategies II GPRS I : Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategies I GPS : Ghana Police Service GSGDA I : Ghana Shared Growth Development Agenda I 1 | P a g e GSGDA II : Ghana Shared Growth Development Agenda II GSS : Ghana Statistical Service GWCL : Ghana Water Company Limited GYEEDA : Ghana Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Development Agency HIPC : Highly Indebted Poor Country HIV : Human Immune Virus ICT : Information Communication and Technology IDA : International Development Assistance IFMS : Integrated Financial Management Systems IGF : Internally Generated Fund IMIS : Integrated Management Information System JHS : Junior High School JSS : Junior Secondary School KVIP : Kumasi Ventilated Improved Pit LI : Legislative Instrument LPG : Liquefied Petroleum Gas MoI : Ministry of Interior MoCGSP : Ministry of Children Gender and Social Protection MOFA : Ministry of Food and Agriculture MOV : Means of Verification MTDP : Medium Term Development Plan MTN : Mobile Telephone Network NBSSI : National Board for Small Scale Industries NCCE : National Commission for Civic Education NDC : National Democratic Congress NDPC : National Development Planning Commission NGOs : Non-Governmental Organisation (s) NHIS : National Health Insurance Scheme NYEP : National Youth Employment Programme oC : Degree Celsius PDA : Personal Digital Assistant PHC : Population and Housing Census PHC1A : Population and Housing Census-Household Population PHC1B : Population and Housing Census-Non-Household Population PMTCT : Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission POCC : Potential, Opportunities, Constraints and Challenges PTA : Parent Teacher Association PTR : Pupil – Teacher Ratio PWD : Persons With Disability REP : Rural Enterprises Programme RPCU : Regional Planning Co-ordinating Unit SEA : Strategic Environmental Assessment SHS : Senior High School SMC : School Management Committee SMSE : Small and Medium Scale Enterprise STI : Sexually Transmitted Infections SWD : Social Welfare Department TB : Tuberculosis TBA : Traditional Birth Attendants TFR : Total Fertility Rate TV : Television TV3 : Television Three 2 | P a g e UN : United Nations UNFPA : United Nations Population Fund UNICEF : United Nations International Children’s Education Fund VCT : Voluntary Counselling and Testing VRA : Volta River Authority WATSAN : Water and Sanitation WC : Water Closet WHO : World Health Organisation WTC : Water Closet Toilet 3 | P a g e CHAPTER ONE PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND DISTRICT PROFILE 1.0 Introduction To provide focus and direction to District Assemblies, the National Development Planning Commission from time to time issues out guidelines to facilitate the preparation of development plans. It was against its mandate that another policy direction and focus had been issued out to Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies tittled “Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenga II”. This is a follow up to the Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda II which was implemented from 2010-2013. The Ghana shared Growth and Development Agenda II had seven thematic areas namely; 1 Ensuring and sustaining macroeconomic stability 2 Enhancing competitiveness of Ghana’s private sector 3 Accelerated agriculture modernisation and sustainable natural resource management 4 Oil and gas development 5 Infrastructure and human settlements Development 6 Human development, productivity and employment 7 Transparent and Accountable governance 1.1 Vision of Ahafo Ano North District Assembly The vision of Ahafo Ano North District Assembly is to be a preffered destination for promotion of agrobusiness activities. 1.2 Mission Statement of Ahafo Ano North District Assembly The District Assembly exists to deliver improved services that seek to provide opportunities for its citizens to take advantage to improve upon their standard of living by involving them in the decision making process. 1.3 Functions of the District Assembly The District Assembly like all other assemblies is designated as the highest political, administrative, planning, and rating authority. The functions of the District Assembly as enshrined in the Act 462, Section 10 (3) are but not excluded to the under listed; 1. Be responsible for the overall development of the district and to ensure the preparation and submission through the Regional Co-ordinating Council for the approval of the development plan to the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) and budget to the Minister of Finance for the District; 2. Formulate and execute plans, programmes and strategies for the effective mobilization of the resources necessary for the overall development of the district; 3. Promote and support productive activity and social development in the district and remove any obstacles to initiative and development; 4. Initiate programmes for the development of basic infrastructure and provide municipal works and services in the district; 5. Be responsible for the development, improvement and management of human settlements and the environment in the district; 6. In co-operation with appropriate national and local security agencies, be responsible for the maintenance of security and public safety in the district; 4 | P a g e 7. Ensure ready access to courts and public tribunals in the district for the promotion of justice; 8. Initiate, sponsor or carryout such studies as may be necessary for the discharge of any of the functions conferred by the act or any other enactment; 9. Perform such other functions as may be provided for under any other enactment; 10. Co-ordinate activities of all the decentralized departments for incorporation into the District Assembly’s main plan. 1.4 Performance Review of 2010- 2013 District Medium Term Development Plan A significant progress had been made in the implementation of Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda (GSGDA I) by Ahafo Ano North District as amply illustrated by the 65.9% implementation of programmes and projects contained in the District Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP 2010-2013). To review the District’s Performance in the implementation of the policy framework and its impact on the socio-economic development of the district a consultative meeting which brought together participants from Centralised, Decentralised Departments and Agencies, Representatives of Traditional Authorities, Civil Society Groups, Christian and Moslem Councils, resident NGO’s and representatives from the Seven Town and Area Councils, was held. The platform also provided an opportunity for heads of Departments and selected agencies and NGOs, to present collated data on the progress of development interventions being implemented by the respective institutions, in relation to the GSGDA I. The presentations touched on the successes chalked up in the seven (7) thematic areas. The outcome of discussions on the performance review is outlined in Table 1.1, as reflected in the seven (7) thematic areas; 1 Ensuring and sustaining macroeconomic stability 2 Enhancing competitiveness of Ghana’s private sector 3 Accelerated agriculture modernisation and sustainable natural resource management 4 Oil and gas development 5 Infrastructure and human settlements Development 6 Human development, productivity and employment 7 Transparent and Accountable governance Table 1.1: Level of Implementation of Programmes/Projects/Activities under 2010-2013. GSGDA Thematic Area Proposed Fully On-Going Not Number of Implemented Implemented Programme/ No. % No. % No. % Project/ Activity Ensuring Sustaining 6 5 83.3 0 0 1 16.7 Macroeconomic Stability Enhanced 12 8 66.7 3 25 1 8.3 Competitiveness of Ghana’s Private Sector 5 | P a g e Accelerated Agriculture 23 19 82.6 2 8.7 2 8.7 Modernisation and Natural Resource Management Infrastructure
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