1111111w- S4 66 41A4C0,0 ow COWS 9401 9011 Ow cow 1023 ,; cow 830 cow 9008. cow 930 cow 9391 cow 9610 19481 17th Year No. 18 June 29, 1971 cow 970. vvf cow 830. cow 8808 cow 1108 fcow 1220 cow 1084, cow 7608 cow cow 935 cow 770 bri cow 785 cow Putting Up Hay 880 cow 86(1 Is A Family Affair David Sharp is shown here hauling a full wagon back to the barn. AMISSIO 4Y St. Mar!sephotos were taken last week on the Bill Sharp farm h of Riley.The Sharps were just finishing their first ing of alfalfa. Bill was real pleased with how the alfal- Oa ad driedin a couple of sunny days.He said that putting hayisstilla lot of hard work but much better thanit used to be. Bill was getting some good help from his wife, ma and his son, David. Bill's dad, Ed Sharp, a semi retired ncer helped out by raking the cut alfalfa. ANS. Norma Sharp drives the big tractor while her husband, Bill,pulls the bales out of the baler Iles Only Harvest s&Cattle 1,e Buyers 1135 1110 4850 1235 880 HOGS 239 )In Co. 224 orth Co. 221 ,orth Co. /19 orth Co, 219 Co. inson 220 )in Co. 212 e Co. 242 In Co. 429 Co. 481 a Co. 419 Co. lerson rson Co. ;o. Co' isworth rth Co. rson orth Co, Co. a Co. SHEEP e Co. nci100 A- 'F'STwithOCK C/I° Bill Sharp is doing the heavy work ofstacking the bales on the wagon behind the baler. Barn10.0 A02" S cars, homes and postage accounted The rule allows retailers toraise for half the increase," the bureaucertain defenses. They includeproof Living Costs Rise said. that demand fortheadvertised The May riseinlivingcostsproduct or products exceededthe pushed the government's Consumerretailers "reasonable expectations" Sharply In May 'Price index up to 120.8 of its 1967and proof that advertisedproducts bd base of 100, meaning it cost $12.08were not delivered to the retailerfor last month for every $10 worth of WASHINGTON-A government The Labor Department said also reasons beyond his control. report last week revealed that claims for unemployment in-typical family purchases four years The five -member commissionsaid the WoBB.1.IhanieD8ptkeediiiiinssiaaendn:etiaspshit:ie biggest jump in livingcosts of thesurance from the nation's highestago. the need for such a rule wasshown year cut half a cent off the value ofunemploymentinnineyears The value of the 1967 dollar wasby a wealth of investigativematerial Douglas ThTuhrgoodjujtidlignmnieaers429thHirt. every consumer dollar in May andclimbed substantially. down to 82.8 cents, the bureau said.and by testimonyatitspublic set back the administration'shopes The Bureau of Labor Statistics Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis.,hearings. of curbing inflation. said consumer pricesrosefive - chairman of the Senate -House Joint The commission citedits own Inreonungs tenths of one per cent last month,Economic Committee, calledthestudyin 1967-68of 137 stores G RASS & GRAIN sharpest since a five -tenths rise lastCPI rise alarming and staggering.operated by 10 food chainsin San The Mid -Kansas news weekly December, and even higher, six- He said in a statement the time isFrancisco and Washington, D.C. Published each Tuesday at 1207 Moro, In (Box 1009) Manhattan, Kansas, 66502 tenths, on a seasonally adjustedlongpastforsettingupof That study showed that 11per cent by Ag Press Inc. basis. presidential wage -price guidelines. oftheadvertised itemswere Second class postage paid at Manhattan, He added he will push pendingunavailable in most stores and Kansas. The seasonalfigurewasthe thatstrations. Subscription: $4 year sharpest increase in 15 months. legislation to mandate the Presidentonly eight of the 137 stores hadevery Circulation 14,200 "Higher prices for apparel, usedto do so. item that was advertised. ProceedingsSa Lawrence F. O'Brien, Democratic an nationalchairman,issueda statement calling on President PtYC1)3°hrloae°YuissnitelSsYhhsuixdtamtwdeuit:ephlissrsCt:NIINAwgbedmihnth!ill'io'''' guarantees 1;1. 2'0`MgYti Nixon "to convene immediately an j SAVE WITH emergency economic conference toCourt Approves statestells leeway8la NEW draft a comprehensive action plan to clritotidg' "fundamental FEE save the American economy." No-Jury Trials fa' frlwELECTRONIC The report came several hours after Secretaryof CommerceFor Juveniles Model 425 t'4'.. 1M'!.IIIIGHING Maurice Stans told alabor con- Prizes vention that "The rate of inflation WASHINGTON- Inaruling Start I I.h handed down by the SupremeCourt Waywardg has now come within controllablelastweek,juveniles You'll never waste costly feed withan boundaries and this has been accusedof Arts -Way 425 or 325 and the optional crimes can be tried withoutjuries. CLAY CETER. achieved without a major prizewinner for new Arts -Way Electronic Scale.Ends The decision, delivered byJustice dislocation in the nation's Glenda Dittmar rationguesswork. Youweigh each Harry A. Blackmun, approvedthe is s economy." cross she recently ingredient electronically as itgoes into current practice in a majorityof reserve champions4 the mixer. There's no waste of protein states. or supplement. Valley Beef This ruling ends a Revues you can weigh exact rations out to your animals. process in the Nebr. Come in and see it in action! high courtofaffording juvenile Glenda, the defendants many BillofRights duo Grocers Must and Mrs. Glenn protections. Dinat Distributed by T -L Irrigation, Hastings, Nebr. first cow and Blackmun saidif juveniles had calf ilia only five years Have Stuff jury trials, as adults do, theywould oid bought them from BLANDING IMPLEMENT MEINHARDT IMPLEMENT suffer the delay and clamorthat NER AT I Raymond Walker Beloit Wamego mark thecriminaladversary iv mmy Furmar They Advertise after her first4Hpr* system. blue ribbon The Federal Trade Commission rabbits,duguntie MIDWEST SALES & SERVICE The justicesaid:"If,inits petition attt Wednesday adopteda rule requiring closure and startedn Marion wisdom, any state feels the jurytrial . Along vvi. DANNENBURG IMPLEMENT that advertised food and the family garden. groceryis desirable in allcases, or in certain ponies give Holton Now Glenda hash specials must be honored by retailkinds, there appears to beno im- food stores. pediment to its installing a system cattle, many of the: DAVIES IMPLEMENT STEINER IMPLEMENT This means, the commission said,embracing that feature. ners, and 123 refine that if a store advertises hogs. She's going to ,r Hiawatha Sabetha a special "That, however,isthestate's dvis the product must beon the shelf atprivilege and not its obligation." at Kansas Stale trfi fall the price advertised. The ruling demonstrated again and plans The rule, adopted the veterinarian. HENRY SALES & SERVICE the com-court's swing to the right. Backing VAHSHOLTZ IMPLEMENT missionfollowingpublichearing Topeka here and elsewhere, Salina takeseffect en though tt.. July 12. Failure to abideby the rule sive damags HUTCHISON IMPLEMENT BRAUCHI BROTHERS would be an unfair tradepractice ng areas la: Everest punishablebycivilpenalties BETTER Marysville if s is viable in subsequent orderstocease and he soil surfac desist were not honored. that the cos WATER 1971. T Feed the fastone from Kansas Soya SYSTEMS BEGIN WITH Now take healthier,heavier D, and E for fastest growthand maximum hogs to market 15 to 20 days use of corn and milo. Eight powerful sooner. Feed Lasso 40% Hog growthfactors.Plusantibiotics(op- Supplement, the test -proven tional) to fight common swine REDA balanced feed diseases. that's made Feed Lasso 40% Hog Supplement,the from nature's richest ,, source of protein: supplement that gets 'emto market Submergible highly digestible and palatableSunflower 01 faster. Call: Brand Soybean Meal. What else goes KANSAS SOYA PRODUCTSCO., INC. into it? The exact amounts of Vitamins A, Phone DI 2-7270; Emporia,Kansas PUMPS'ou "THE BEST PUMP, THE BEST REDA PROVIDES BUY" . for wellsas smallas for MORE WATER three inches! fire Protettior REc Capacitiesfrom5,toover FarmStock 1000 gallons per minute. S Dairy Supply No priming - nonoiseor S vibration. Recreation Less maintenance - factory sealedlubrication - con structedofcorrosion - resistant materials. Onl LIBERAL WARRANTY MOM SEE ANEARBY REDADEALER or callDistributor whole for CO. SUPPLY -82744 HOERMAN East Of Warehouse AtZeandale %ftI MANHATTAN,KANSAS Phone 913776-9253 June The seed companies havemore N slow in correcting soil acidity which cystoplasm-hybrid seed available.reduces plant uptake of fertilizer, June 29. 1971 All learned a great dealabout this the needed lime should be applied as knal fungus last year and the nwas Chief companies, early as feasible. Grass & Grain larger plant pathologists, Agricultural 3 n, Potter Stestitl College and Extension Officials u are watt,land, giving the farmers better adviceon by Weeter Bivens of New York. He am J. Broondan measurestocontroltheblight. contended he was arrested and his dissent Citizen Can Sue home searched Nov. 25, 1965, by six stoo(1 Besides planting "N" hybrids,some ougloa, others are: agentsofthefederalnarcotics bureau "without case or warrant." g°0d Marshall, a. Farmers should use the mostFed. Agents For Le judgment productive soils. Charges against Bivens later were eamtL, lsylvania b.Startwitha dismissed by a U.S. commissioner and goodfertility Illegal Arrest Philadelphia program. This should be basedon and Bivens sued each of the agents hct- had sought soiltests and thefertilizer and WASHINGTON - The Supremefor $15,000 damages. ight up liming recommendations shouldbe court ruled last week that a private The damage suit was dismissed by on delinqUer citizen illegally arrested by federalthe U.S. Court of Appeals in New Hydecounty, followed. f. c. agents cansuetheagentsforYork. were asserted Plant on time ina properly thearrested prepared seedbed. damages. But the court did not tions. dun; d. Consider use of the less decide whetherthecitizencan fertilecollect. ackmutr' acres for other crops if planting is said jo It sent back to the U.S. Circuit 2eedings delayed for any reason. Automated Flagpole arenot ;ecutions e. Keep down number of plants per Court in New York the question of within thE Sixth acre to reduce humidity. whether federal agents acting underAt Federal Building Amendeit, f.
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