![Arxiv:1707.05219V1 [Cond-Mat.Mtrl-Sci] 17 Jul 2017](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Ab initio calculation of spin fluctuation spectra using time dependent density functional perturbation theory, planewaves, and pseudopotentials Kun Cao,1 Henry Lambert,1 Paolo G. Radaelli,2 and Feliciano Giustino1 1Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PH, United Kingdom 2Clarendon Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU, United Kingdom (Dated: July 18, 2017) We present an implementation of time-dependent density functional perturbation theory for spin fluctuations, based on planewaves and pseudopotentials. We compute the dynamic spin susceptibil- ity self-consistently by solving the time-dependent Sternheimer equation, within the adiabatic local density approximation to the exchange and correlation kernel. We demonstrate our implementation by calculating the spin susceptibility of representative elemental transition metals, namely bcc Fe, fcc Ni and bcc Cr. The calculated magnon dispersion relations of Fe and Ni are in agreement with previous work. The calculated spin susceptibility of Cr exhibits a soft-paramagnon instability, in- dicating the tendency of the Cr spins to condense in a incommensurate spin density wave phase, in agreement with experiment. I. INTRODUCTION ergy renormalization resulting from Stoner excitations is absent.11,12,15 In addition this approach is sensitive to the choice of the discrete spin model and the determi- Spin fluctuations play a central role in magnetic nation of its parameters. It is clear that a more general systems.1 For example they underpin fundamental ther- approach is desirable in this context, thus motivating the modynamic properties of magnets, such as the Curie need for a fully ab initio approach to spin waves. temperature and the heat capacity; they have long been discussed as a potential source of pairing in high- The central quantity to describe spin fluctuations is temperature superconductivity2,3; and they offer new the wave vector- (q) and energy- (!) dependent spin opportunities in the development of spintronics4{6 and susceptibility, χ(q;!) (in the following Hartree atomic multiferroics.7 units will be assumed). Magnon excitations correspond 1 In ordered magnets, spin fluctuations manifest them- to the poles of χ(q;!). A promising approach for cal- selves in two forms, magnons and Stoner excitations.1,8 culating χ(q;!) from first principles is given by time- dependent density functional perturbation theory (TD- In standard textbooks, magnons or `spin waves' are typi- 16 cally illustrated as a collective, wave-like rotation of spins DFPT). The main appeal of this method is that it al- around their direction in the ground-state;9 Stoner or lows one to describe spin waves and Stoner excitations `spin flip’ excitations correspond instead to electronic on the same footing, without invoking materials-specific transitions from occupied to empty states, whereby the approximations. TD-DFPT for spin fluctuations has al- ready been demonstrated using either all-electron15,17 or electron spin is reversed; this process can alternatively 18 be described as the creation of an electron-hole singlet pseudopotential implementations. Using the adiabatic local density approximation (ALDA) to the exchange and pair of spins. When spin waves and spin flip excitations 16,19{21 are degenerate, the spin wave is attenuated and sharp correlation kernel, it was shown that the formal- magnon excitations cease to exist. This phenomenon is ism can capture the experimental magnon spectra of typ- 10 ical transition metals (Fe, Co, Ni, Cr) with reasonable referred to as Landau damping, and a clear discussion 15,17,18 for the simplified case of the uniform electron gas can be accuracy, provided the underlying DFT calcula- found in Refs. 1 and 11. Landau damping is usually im- tions could reproduce measured Stoner splittings. portant in metallic systems,12 while it is generally weak Given these encouraging results on the use of TD- in insulators, owing to the large energy needed to excite DFPT for calculating spin fluctuations, it would be de- Stoner pairs across the band gap. sirable to have these techniques available in the context The majority of studies on spin waves are currently of popular DFT implementations based on planewaves and pseudopotentials. The first implementation of this arXiv:1707.05219v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 17 Jul 2017 based on the adiabatic approximation, whereby spin and 18 electronic excitations are decoupled.13,14 In this approach type was reported not long ago. In this implementa- one maps the magnetic degrees of freedom into an ar- tion the authors calculated the spin susceptibility using ray of local spins, and determines the coupling param- the sum-over-states approach, and dealt with Brillouin eters from total energy calculations based on density zone sampling using maximally-localized Wannier func- 22 functional theory (DFT), or from experiments. This ap- tions. proach proved to work well for insulating magnets, but In this work we present a planewaves/pseudopotential carries some limitations. For example the adiabatic ap- implementation of TD-DFPT for spin fluctuations which proximation does not admit Stoner excitations, therefore does not rely on unoccupied electronic states. Our im- Landau damping is not captured, and the magnon en- plementation employs the time-dependent Sternheimer 2 equation, in the spirit of related work in the area of Using this notation, the 2×2 density matrix becomes: GW calculations.23{29 The implementation is based on the linear-response modules of the Quantum ESPRESSO 1 X α,∗ β ραβ(r) = nk (r) nk(r); α; β = 1; 2; (4) 30 Nk materials simulation suite, and is currently hosted on k;n2occ our GitHub repository.31 We demonstrate this develop- ment by calculating the spin fluctuations spectra of bcc where Nk is the number of k points used to discretize iron, fcc nickel and bcc chromium. Our results are in the first Brillouin zone (we assume a uniform sampling), good agreement with previous calculations. The calcu- and the asterisc denotes complex conjugation. Using the lated spectra of Fe and Cr are in agreement with experi- Pauli matrix σ, the density matrix can be decomposed ment, while our results for Ni deviate from experiments as in Eq. (2): owing to the incorrect Stoner splitting in the underlying 1 h i DFT calculation. ρ^(r) = n(r)I^+ σ · m(r) ; (5) The manuscript is organized as follows. In Sec. II we 2 present the TD-DFPT formalism for the spin suscepti- where n(r) is the standard electron charge density, and bility and the time-dependent Sternheimer equation. We m(r) is the electron spin density. also discuss how to treat fractional occupations in met- In order to facilitate the algebra it is convenient to in- als, and how to perform the symmetry-reduction of the troduce an alternative expression for the density matrix, Brillouin zone. At the end of this section we provide using vector notation: some technical details of the implementation. In Sec. III we present calculation results on the elemental transition ρ0 = n; ρ1 = m ; ρ2 = m ; ρ3 = m : (6) metals Fe, Ni, and Cr. Here we compare our results to x y z previous calculations as well as experiments. We offer Using these definitions, together with σ0 = I^ we can our conclusions in Sec. IV, together with an outlook on rewrite Eq. (4) as follows: future work. i 1 X −! y i −! ρ (r) = nk(r) σ nk(r); i = 0;::: 3; Nk II. SPIN SUSCEPTIBILITY IN k;n2occ TIME-DEPENDENT DENSITY FUNCTIONAL (7) PERTURBATION THEORY where the dagger indicates the Hermitian conjugate. We now consider a time-dependent external perturba- A. General theory tion, which can be either an electric potential or a mag- i netic field, δVext(rt), with: In this section we summarize the generalization of the δV 0 (rt) = V (rt); δV 1 (rt) = Bx (rt); (8) TD-DFPT formalism16 to non-collinear spins, as already ext ext ext ext discussed in Refs. 15, 17, 18, 32, and 33. In the following and similarly for j = 2; 3. We neglect diamagnetic effects, we do not consider spin-orbit coupling, and we use the so that the magnetic field Bext only couples to the spin spin g-factor g = 2. The DFT Kohn-Sham equations for degrees of freedom. In linear-response theory the vari- a non-collinear spin system read: ation of the density matrix in response to the external r2 −! −! perturbation is written as: − I^+ V^scf (r) nk(r) = nk nk(r); (1) 2 Z i X 0 0 ij 0 0 j 0 0 δρ (rt) = d(r t ) χ (rt; r t ) δVext(r t ); (9) j where I^ is the 2×2 identify matrix, and V^scf is the Kohn- Sham potential, expressed as the following 2×2 matrix: where the sum runs over the components of the four- ij 0 0 V^scf (r) = Vscf (r)I^+ σ · Bscf (r): (2) vector, and χ (rt; r t ) is the generalized susceptibility. In TD-DFPT the generalized susceptibility is formally In this expression Vscf is the scalar part of the self- obtained via a Dyson's equation:16 consistent potential, and Bscf is the effective magnetic X Z field arising from external potential as well as exchange χij(rt; r0t0) = χij (rt; r0t0) + d(r t )d(r t ) and correlation.34 The Pauli matrix is given by σ = KS 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 i kl σ ux + σ uy + σ uz, with σ the usual 2×2 Pauli matri- ces, and the unit vectors such as u denoting Cartesian ik kl 2δk0δl0δ(t1 − t2) x ×χKS(rt; r1t1) fxc(r1t1; r2t2) + −! jr1 − r2j directions. nk is a Kohn-Sham two-spinor eigenfunc- lj 0 0 tion with wavevector k, band index n, and energy nk, ×χ (r2t2; r t ); (10) and corresponds to two scalar functions dependent on the kl ij space coordinate r, as follows: where fxc is the exchange and correlation kernel, and χKS is the non-interacting Kohn-Sham susceptibility.
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