WJD Gemination of Primary Canine with Congenitally10.5005/jp-journals-10015-1460 Missing Primary Central Incisors CASE REPORT Gemination of Primary Canine with Congenitally Missing Primary Central Incisors 1 2 3 Vijay Lakshmi, Nikhil Marwah, Puneet Goenka 2 ABSTRACT of two teeth. If the division is complete and results in two Aim: To differentiate between gemination and fusion as both equivalent teeth, it is known as twinning, which results are consequences of the developmental anomalies resulting in in one normal and one supernumerary tooth. Fusion is the formation of a wide tooth, diffi cult to differentiate clinically. defi ned as the union of two normally separated tooth Introduction: Gemination is often confused with fusion. Fusion germs. Fusion may be complete or incomplete depending occurs when two tooth buds unite, while gemination is said to on the developmental stage of teeth at the time of fusion. 2 occur when one tooth bud tries to divide. Various terms, such Clinically, it is diffi cult to differentiate between fusion as double tooth, connation, linking tooth, synodontia, and and gemination as both anomalies result in similar wide shizodontia are also used for describing fusion or gemination. teeth, but it has been suggested that full complement of Case report: This article presents the case report of a 6-year- teeth indicates germination, while one tooth less than old girl with an asymptomatic wide primary canine present in the right mandibular arch. normal indicates fusion. However, if the fusion involves supernumerary tooth, then it might be confused with the The tooth was fi nally diagnosed as gemination, Conclusion: gemination. Similarly, if gemination occurs in arch with although clinical features suggested fusion, but radiographic evaluation led to gemination. hypodontia, it is diffi cult or almost impossible to differenti­ ate it from fusion. 3 Radiographs are helpful in differentiating Clinical signifi cance: Gemination ranges from 0.5 to 2.5%. Early and correct diagnosis of such cases helps clinician in fusion and gemination. Geminated teeth will have single the proper treatment planning and avoiding of complications. pulp chamber and single root canal, whereas fused teeth will have two different root canals and pulp chambers. 4 Keywords: D e v e l o p m e n t a l a n o m a l y , F u s i o n , G e m i n a t i o n , Primary teeth. The etiology of gemination and fusion is not known although trauma has been suggested as one of the possi­ How to cite this article: Lakshmi V, Marwah N, Goenka P. Gemination of Primary Canine with Congenitally Missing ble causes, and both the conditions also show familial ten­ 5 , 6 Primary Central Incisors. World J Dent 2017;8(4):331-333. dency. Gemination has been observed in both primary and permanent dentitions with a slight predilection seen Source of support: Nil in primary dentition. 7 The incidence of gemination and N o n e Confl ict of interest: fusion ranges from 0.14 to 5.0% with no sex predilection, but the prevalence of gemination and fusion in primary INTRODUCTION dentition ranges from 0.5 to 2.5%. 8 This report presents a case of asymptomatic gemi­ Developmental anomalies of dentition can be classifi ed nated tooth in a mandibular arch. into various categories which are based on the shape, size, structure, or number. Gemination and fusion both are CASE REPORT developmental anomalies in shape of dentition. Various terms, such as double tooth, connation, linking tooth, A 6­year­old girl child reported to the Department of synodontia, and shizodontia are also used for describing Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, with her mother with fusion or gemination. 1 the chief complaint of dark­pigmented gingiva. Since Gemination can be defi ned as a teeth anomaly that this was the patient’s fi rst visit to a dental setup, all the arises from an attempt at division of a single tooth germ by necessary behavior protocols were maintained so as to an invagination, with the resultant incomplete formation alleviate any fearful concerns that the patient may have. A complete detailed history of the patient was evaluated with specifi c regard to medical and family history, which 1-3 Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry were noncontributory. Dental history was signifi cant as the Mahatma Gandhi Dental College & Hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan patient reported the absence of teeth in the anterior man­ India dibular arch since birth. Extraoral examination revealed Corresponding Author: Vijay Lakshmi, 83 Gayatri Nagar A normal fi ndings. Intraoral hard tissue examination of the Maharani Farm, Duragapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Phone: child revealed normal set of dentition corresponding to +919460060008, e-mail: [email protected] her age with the absence of primary mandibular central World Journal of Dentistry, July-August 2017;8(4):331-333 331 Vijay Lakshmi et al depigmentation was explained to the patient. The parents were not willing for the treatment as explained and wanted some more consultation before deciding fi nally. This case report presents a rare fi nding of geminated primary canine with congenitally missing primary man­ dibular central incisors, diagnosed as serendipity. DISCUSSION Gemination and fusion are two different morphological dental anomalies, which are characterized by the forma­ tion of a wide tooth. Despite numerous cases reported in Fig. 1: Clinical photograph of geminated primary canine the literature, differentiating between these anomalies is diffi cult. A proper case history with clinical and radio­ incisors. Another fi nding during the intraoral examina­ graphic examination provides the required information tion was the presence of a large canine in the right side of for diagnosing such anomalies. 7 After evaluation of all the mandibular arch with a groove extending on the both the gathered information, the present case report repre­ labial and lingual aspects until the middle third of the sents gemination of a primary canine with congenitally crown, which gave the appearance of two joined teeth or missing primary mandibular central incisors. double teeth ( Fig. 1 ). The intraoral soft tissue examination If the abnormal tooth is counted as one in the dental exhibited healthy, but deeply pigmented gingiva. The oral arch and the number of teeth present is normal, then it hygiene status of the patient was also good with no caries is termed as gemination, whereas if the number of teeth and healthy gingiva. Intraoral periapical (IOPA) radio­ present in dental arch are less than normal, then the term graphs of the edentulous mandibular anterior region and fusion is considered. This is a practical way for differen­ canine region were advised to diagnose the case. The IOPA tiating between gemination and fusion, which is known of mandibular anterior region revealed missing primary as Mader’s “two tooth” rule. 3 central incisors, whereas the permanent central incisors Pulpal anatomy is also useful in differentiating gemi­ were correctly developing ( Fig. 2 ). The radiograph of nation and fusion. Gemination results in the formation canine revealed two crown­like structures joined together of equal images of the coronal half, whereas fusion takes with one common root and pulp canal ( Fig. 3 ). The clini­ place at an angle causing crooked appearance. Geminated cal features and the radiographic fi ndings complemented tooth shows a single pulp chamber and single root canal, the diagnosis of gemination of canine with congenitally whereas fused teeth have separate pulp chamber with missing primary mandibular central incisors. As the gemi­ two roots or two root canals in a single root. Gemina­ nated tooth was neither causing any space concerns nor tion usually leads to crowding, whereas fusion causes any esthetic complications, it was explained to the patient, ectopic eruption. 4 and the tooth was kept only for further observation. In the present case, the total number of teeth present Since the patient had primarily reported for correction of in the dental arch was less than normal, thus suggestive dark pigmentation of gingiva, the LASER protocol for of fusion clinically, but no such anomaly was present on Fig. 3: Radiograph of geminated primary canine Fig. 2: Radiograph of permanent successors 332 WJD Gemination of Primary Canine with Congenitally Missing Primary Central Incisors the other side of the arch as both of the central incisors which makes them susceptible to caries and periodontal were missing in the mandibular arch. On the radio­ disease.13 graphic examination, the primary canine had single Proper oral hygiene should be maintained by the pulp chamber and single root canal, which indicates individual so that not much of the bacterial plaque geminated tooth. accumulates in fissures and grooves. Sealants applica­ Gemination and fusion are dental anomalies with tion and resin restorations in deep grooves and fissures close similarity inherited by different etiologies. These will further reduce the risk of caries in these teeth. In the anomalies develop during tooth bud morphodifferen­ present case, the patient was advised for regular follow­ tiation due to developmental disturbances of both the up after explaining the caries risk associated with the ectoderm and mesoderm.9 Gemination and fusion occur tooth, and proper oral hygiene instructions were given. more often in primary dentition than in the permanent dentition with more prevalence in the mandibular CONCLUSION anterior region between lateral incisor and canine. The Diagnosis and management of geminated teeth have unilateral occurrence of gemination and fusion is more always been present as a challenge to the clinician. By the 8 commonly seen than the bilateral. In this case also, use of careful examination by clinical and radiographic unilateral gemination is seen in the anterior region methods, gemination and fusion can be diagnosed and involving canine. differentiated. A thorough knowledge must be present Although there is extensive literature present on the regarding the complexity of root canal morphology to occurrence of gemination and fusion, nomenclature is a avoid any complications.
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