817 BRISTOL AND SUBURBAN TRADES DIRECTORY. COF -----------------------------·------------------------------ ------------------------------ BALDWIN LOWELL, (factor), Heyward• A. G. & Co. Clifton Down Thorne William&Jamed, StapletonR3ad Redcliff Railway wharf. Tel. N o1792 station, Whiteladies road station BEDMINSTER, EASTON, Honeyfield \Villiam H. 39 Luckwell Thome Bert, 1 Roman rd, Lr. Eastc.n KINGSWOOD& PARKFIELD road, Bedminster Tiley Brothers, Montpelier Railway Collieries,ltd. (the) ,Coke and" Royal" Huntley & Co. hmited, Lawrence Hill station, Station road, Montpelier and Patent Fuel Manufacturers. Head station; 182 Eastou road; 19oa Chel­ 146 Gloucester road. Bishopston office, Kingswood collieries, Speed­ tenham road, Wapping; Station rd, Twining L. & Co. 91 .Alma rd, Clifton well road,St George. Branch offices: Montpelier; 351 G-loucester road, and Clifton Down station, White­ Upper Railway wharf, Midland Horfield and Wappiug ladies road, Clifton rd, St Philip's and Midland Railway Iles George, Cuckoo lane, St George Walker William Henry, Cote Bank yard, New Station road, Fishponds Imber G. W. & Co. Upper Railway lodge, Westbury road, Westbury-on­ station. 'l'elegraphic.Address, " Coal, wharf, Midland road, St Philip's Trym Bristol.'' Tel. No. 93 Kingswood Knee & Co. Lawrence Hill station Walker William Thomas, 44 Hayward Binding Christopher, Bishopsworth Lucas & Co. U poer Railway wharf, road, Barton hill road, Bedminster down Midland road, St Philip's W allis Samuel, KingslanLlRoad siding, Biss Fredk. & Co. Itd. ; reg. office, 40 Macey Edwin, 30 Cambridge road, Feeder road, St Philip's marsh-see Broad street Westbury-on-Trym advertisement Bristol Co-operative Society limited­ Maker Albt . .58 Greville rd, Bedmmster Wapping Coal Co. limited, 3 Bathurst depots, Montpelier fltation, Station Martin C. H. 4 Sheene rd, Hedminster terrace, Wapping road, Montpeher; Lawrence Hill Mills William John, Lawrence Hill WATKINS & LEONARD, Law• st11tion; Stapleton Road station; station. T N 1553 rence Hill Railway Station .A vonmouth; and New StatiOn road, Milton W. W. & Co. 91 Cotham brow W etmore & Bird, limited; reg. office, Fi'lhponds and Station road, Montpelier Station road, Montpelier Brook man Samuel, Montpelier Railway Mullis F. G. & Sons, 2o~ Oakfield Webb George, 1 Guinea la, Fishpond~ station, Station road, Montpelier grove, Clifton, and Clifton Down Western Fuel Co. lim, Cheese lane, St Bryant C. W. & Co. 88 Kennington station, Whiteladies road Philip's avenue, AshleyDown road andUpper Newport Coal and Coke Company Itd. W etmore & Bird, limited, Montpelier Ra.il way wharf,Midland rd,StPhilip's (the), 13 Passage street, St Philip's station Central Coal Co. 5 Grove buildings, bridge and Great Western yard, Wetmore Robert Leonard, Station rd, Whiteladies road, Redland-dep6ts, Mead street, near Bath bridge Montpelier Clifton Down station and Canon's Norman George Henry, 1 & 3 Chelsea Whitwill, Cole & Co. limited, Scottish Road station ; agencies, 17 Victoria road, Lower Easton Widows' Fund buildings, 28 Bald­ street, Clifton and 67 Henleaze road, N unu J oseph, 20 Paul st, Kingsdown win street Westbury-on-Trym Osborn & W alli:s, 3 7 Queen square and Williams & Co. Upper Railway wharf, Clark Albert Percival, 6 Raglan road, Temple back Midland road, St Philip's (T N 76.5), Bishopston Palmer G.Clifton street,Stapleton road also Clifton Down station, White· Coalpit Heath Coal Co. Upper Rail­ Palmer John Henry, 2 Two Mile Hill ladies road (T N 624), Montpelier way wharf, Midland rd, St Philip's road, St George (T N 840) and Lawrence Hill --central offices, Albion chambers Paul Thomas & Co. Clifton Down railway station, and 113b White­ south, Small st-J. G. Denneby, sec station and Ill Whiteladies road ladies road -depot, Montpelier Railway station, Peglar James A. 29 Falmouth road Williams Wm.50Napier rd,Lr.Eastvne Sta•ion road, Montpelier Pepler, Edwards & Co. hmited, Coole & Co. Lawrence Hill station 272 Stapleton road; 258 Gloucester Co-operative Wholesale Society, ltd. road, Horfieid ; depot, Fox road, COCOA & OHODOIA T£ Broad quay Stapleton road MANUFACTURERS. Cox Thomas, Whiteladies gate-see PitcherCecil W.50County st, Totterdwn Poole Brothers, Poole' s wharf, 139 Hot­ Bond Chas.ltd. Carlyle rd, Lr. Easton advertisement Fry J. S. & Sons, limited, Union Dudley & Gibson, 217 Hotwell road well rd & 15 Passage st, St Philip's Pounsbery Jas. Dillon, Up. Railway street ; and (packing case dep/Jt) (agency); Clifton Down station; 70 Wapping; (fancy box dept.) Quay Ahna road, Clifton wharf, Midland road, St Philip's Princess Royal Colliery Co. ltd. Cheese street; (fancy show rooms) 3 to 5 Dunk Albt.Ernest,24Lion st,Easton rd Christmas, street; (timber depart­ Dunster Herbert Henry, 4 & 6 Water lane, St Pnilip's and W apping street, St Paul's RobinsF. &Co.99StapleHill rd,Fishpnds ment) Canons' road; warehouse, Rogers Ge,rge, Victoria Coal depot, All Saints' street DURNFORD dAMES & SON, Fry J. 8. & Sons (.Africa), limited; limited, Wappingwharf,Cumber­ Victona road, Bedminster land rd. T N 3i)2; TA" Durnford" Sharpe Mrs Thomas, Statwn yard, reg. office, Union street Fishponds Coal Co. Wharf road-order Shirehampton Packer H. J. & Co. ltd. Greenbank, office, 1 C1uinea lane, Fishponds­ Shellard Fredenck, ll Talbot st. Bedmr Carlyle road, Lower Easton George Webb, proprietor Shirley C. E. Montpelier station, Rowntree & Co. ltd. 2 Old King street Fox William, 359 Church rd, Redfield Station road, Montpelier and Red­ Weber Chocolate Company, limited, Gael S. M. & Co. 41 Whiteladies road cliff Railway wharf Causeway, Fishponds GibbinsThos. 2 Warden rd, Bedminstr SILVEV F. H. & eo. New Station Giles Frederick & Son, 34 Church road, road, Fishponds. Branch Denot at OOFF££ ROASTERS. Westbury-on-Trym Montpelier Railway station, Station Giles & Son, College road, Westbury­ road, Montpelier Lloyd & Co. 106 Stokes Croft on-Trym SILVEY THOMAS & eo. coal Travers & Sons, ltd. 4a Dolphin street Guard Edwin, 56 Two Mile Hill road, merchants, factors and shippers for St George high-class house coal and all classes OOFF££ ROASTER Gullick Oliver J. Upper Railway of steam and manufacturers' coals, wharf, Midland road, St Philip's and Upper Railway wharf, Midland rd, MAKERS. 17 Kingsland road, St Philip's St Philip's. T N 114\:1 Grocers' Engineering & Whitmee, ltd. Gullick's Coal depots, Station road, Smith A.W.& Co.Talbot rd,Brislingtn Cole st, Great Dover st, London sE Montpelier(T N 4700, 2lines),Clifton Smith Alfred J. ltd. 9 Queen square Down station (T N 1:!09 & 3662), Smith Joseph Thomas, 3 Henrietta St Philip's station (T N 4701) street, Kingsdown COFFEE TAVERNS. Hale G~>orge, .Air Balloon rd, St George SNOW JOHN & eo.; head office, Alien Wm. 137 Pennywell road Ham John, 37 Pennywell road and 54 Whiteladies road; 93 .Alma road, Ballam Harry, Temple gate Stapleton Road Railway station Clifton; 23 Kingsland rd, StPhilip's Beake Garnet, 77 Newfoundland street Harding George Joseph, Trym road, & Wapping wharf, Bathurst basin Belsten Sydney E. J. St. John's Co:IIee lltoWestbury-on-Trym Sperring .Alhert, Bishop st, Moorfields tavern, Christmas street Hardmg Hy. 42 Bean st, Pennywell rd Standard Coal Co. 8 Southampton Chidgey Mrs Ellen, 19 Broad quay Hassell Joseph, Trymwood, Trym parade, Cotham hill Clementslsaac,326Churoh rd,Sttleorge road, Westbury-on-Trym Stone Samuel, 201 Easton road and Davis Thos. 26 Gloucester la,St Jude's llawkins Robert, 27 New Station rd. Lawrence Hill station, St Philip's Derrick John Henry, l Temple street FiBhponds Sutor Albert Edward, 32 Grove Park Dibble William, 28 and 29 Broadmeafl road, Brislington Dixon Henry, 14 Lawford st, StJude's ~2 .
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