• I \ \ I • • ■ Stores Open 9.o*Ciock for Christmas mg Avitniffe Daily Net Prees Run For the Week Ended The Weather / December t, 1961 Forecast of D. S. Weather Bnreee Moderatdy cold tonight snow 13,518 or rain beatamlnc tomsrd day­ Member of the Audit break. Low 26 to 82. Tiieeday rain Burenu of OlreuUtlon Or snow changtor to rain. Hlah 85 to 40. ( ■ Manchester~^A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXI, NO. 60 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESI'ER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1961 (Classified AdvertlslnK on Page 16) PRICE FIVE CENTS Fire Lab Will Test State News How, Why Hospital R oundup Israel Convicts Eichmann Violent Death Fire Spread Rapidly Takes Five in Hartford, Dec. 11 (A*)— 6ame spread of the State Weekend m aterial. Of Crimes Against Jews Deputy State Fire Marshal "If It develops that this flame By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Carroll E. Shaw will fly to spread is too high for reasonable Fire and highway accident.^ Chicago Wednesday to super­ safety, then we would ask tjie hos­ vise tests designed to deter­ pital to take immediate action to took five live.s in Connecticut mine how and why the Hart­ remove all materls’s of this kind over the weekend. 10 Changes still In use. We would also order Two persons. Including a 2-ycar- ford Hospital fire spread as the removal of this t>pe of material old boy. were killed in Area and Sentencing of Nazi rapidly as it did. from all other Connecticut hospi­ three tiled as a result of trafBc ac­ He will take with him Sgt. Rlch- tals and Institutions.” cidents. amid R. Mulligan of hla staff, who Major Shaw explained -that m any A 62-year-old New Haven man. In Aid Made will make colored photographs of Everett Keefe, died of bums yes­ the tests. (ContlDued on Page Heventeen) terday shortly after a blaze broke Colonel Due Friday They plan to take with them two out in hla room in a wooden frame large crates of acoustical celling htillrting In New Haven. Fire of- By Ribicoff tile removed from the hospital and AdaLs said the Are was started f By THOMAS A. REEDY Trash Chute Blaze by a lighted cigarette. a wooden door from one of the hos­ (fP) pital rooms. In the Wilson section of Wind­ Washington, Dec. 11 tiP)— Jeru.^alem, Dec. 11 —I.srael convicted Adolf Eichmann Clears Sa^e Allen sor Saturday. Donald Steben. 2. of ’’unsui’pas.scd" crimes against the Jew.s today and said his State Adjutsint General Frede­ Secretary of Welfare .Altra- ■'1. rick W. Relncke is making a Na­ ' ham Ribicoff announced to- role in the Nazi pogrom would be remembered “until the end H artford. Dec. 11 l/P' — H a rt­ ben. was trapped in an unAnlshed ; m „ j • • . of time." tional Guard plane available to upstkirs storeroom while playing * administrative take the two state policemen and ford’s second chute Are In three with his brother, David. 7, when changes in tlie federal-state The special ll-nian tribunal which for four months tried the material to be tested to Chi­ da\’s occurred this noon Ailing the Are broke out. I^avld ran for help. the 5.5-year-old ('.cstapn lieutenant colonel handed down a cago. pultlic assistance program. He Sage Allen department store with By the time Aremen arrived. Don­ said they are aimed at elimi­ judgment which may put Eichmann to death on the gallowa. Tests will be conducted at the choking smoke. ald w as dead. The Are was con­ Underwruers Laboratories. Inc., nating abuses, helping jteople In a 1100-page judgment which tlic.v began reading aloud The Are was retained wdthin the Aned mainly to the room. Its in turn, the three judges determined that Eichmann was establishment. They are known col­ chute walla by Aremen. eau.se was not known. get off relief, and strengthen­ lectively. Major Shaw said, as According ' to Deputy Chief In Hebron, a headon collision ing family life. proved to he such aii important cog in Hitler's machinery for "The Tunnel Teats.” with the over­ Francis Degnan. the Are originated took two lives earlv yesterday. Ribicoff told a news conference destrox ing the Jews that he merited conviction on these ma­ all purpose of rating the degree of In the haling room at the bottom Francis A. Eradi, 23, Meriden, one the changes. approVefb-by Presi­ jor count.s: , hazard of Interior finish materials. of the chute and made Its way up of the drivers, was killed Instant- dent Kennedy, are the Arst steps 1. Crime.s against the Jews. "We're going out." said Major throjigh the chute, searing’ the l.V; The other, Ferdinand Gon­ in a broad program for welfare 2. Crime.s against humanity. Shaw, "so that I can personally metal walla. zalez, 21. Willlmantic, died at revision. supervise the tunnel test of cer­ .Store Supt. Patrick J. Higgins Windham County Memorial Hos­ Legislative changes will be pro­ 3. War crimes. tain Interior Anish taken from the said evacuation of customers was pital, Willimantic. a short time posed to Congres-s next year, he 4. Memhership in the criminal Nazi SS (elite guard) and ninth Aoor of the hospital, where iater. •said, and further administrative SI) (security police) organizations. the Are occurred. I want to de­ (Continued on Page Thirteen) Police said Gonzalez apparently i f^hanges are al.so under study, but Reading off the verdict, with all* --------■ ' . fell asleep at the wheel while driv­ he did not detail lhe.se Us elaboration of the legal rea.son- ing along Route 6A and his vehicle The 10 changes, in brief, w-ill require that: Ing, will require several days. The 9wer\'ed into the opposing lane, sentencing, which may be death by Phone Co. Told ‘Hangover from Dark Past’ A 16-year-old East Lyme youth, 1. Each state establish a spe­ hanging, is expected by Friday. James Carabellas, was killed Fri­ cial tinit responsible for locating Standing in his iiullct-proof, 1 day night when a pickup tnick he deserting parents of children who I gla.s.s-encloscd cage, Eichm ann To Show Need was driving ran off a curve on are applicants for or recipients of took the first blow' of conviction on Route 156 in N ianlic and crashed, public assistance. The special unit will seek to reunite families the major charges with aplomb. Luthuli Blasts Bias Peering through hi.s horn-rimmed For Rale Boost whenever feasilble and to obtain 262 to 252 Anancial support. spectacles, he fixed a steady re­ Hartford. Dec. 11 ./PI — The 2. State aid plan.s include a gard on the judges as they read Hartford, Dec. It (.T^—The State State Motor VehieJe department's deAnition of fraud in accordance tlieir findings. Public Utilities Commission today By African Whites daily record of automobile fatali­ with state law as it relates to re­ The court delivered an exhaus­ challenged the Southern New Eng­ tive study of the ’’Iniquities’’ of the ties as of last midnight and the ceipt of assistance payments; land Telephone Company to dem­ totals (ni‘'6ke, sam e date last vear: strengthening of sUte administra­ Adolf ESchmann listens attentively as a special Israeli tribunal in Nazi Reich and said It later would onstrate that It needs a higher re­ Jerusalem calls him guilty as a W’ar criminal. (AP Photofax via describe in detail the role Eich­ turn on Its investment base "on Oslo, Norway, Dec. 11 (4^ <^and the brotherhood of man should .. 1960 ’l9 6 l tive procedures for identifying, in­ vestigating. evaluating, arid refer­ radio from Jerusalem I. mann played as chief of the Ges­ the basis of need." Nobel peace prize winner Albert come to one who Is the citizen of a Killed ...........262 252 tapo's Bureau for Jewish Affairs, ring for legal action cases in which The PUC counsel Samuel Ka- John Luthuli tonight termed the country where the brotherhood of there may be fraud by assistance the man who shipped millions to social system, politics, economics man is an illegal doctrine, out­ their death In the extermination nell, cross examining the SNETCX) Extended Forecast applicants or recipients. general manager Paul M. Zorin, and laws In his native South Africa lawed, banned, censured, p ______ Dee. 11 lOf^.i.The Will Not Deliver Bombs camps. and prohibited? Where to worl 3. Change.s be made In the ex­ — --------------------------------------------------- asked If there had hot been, "a hangover from the dark past ■S. Weather Bureau's extended isting policies to make it clear The tribunal, headed by Justice "enough money to enver expensea, of mankind.” Connecticut forecast for Tuesday that states may permit a child Moshe Landau, went to consider­ (Continued on Page Eight) pay taxes, and pay a good divi­ The 62-year-old former Zulu through Saturday, Dec. 16; with income to con.serve funds to able leng;th to justify its right to dend rate" over the past few chief, banned by the racist South Temperatures are expected to meet certain future needs with­ try Ehchman. The opinion Said years. African government from politics Britain Demands UN average near normal, ranging from out a deduction from the public in effect; 2iorln agreed that the current and normally virtually conAned to slightly above normal Wednesday a.ssistance grant. The.se needs 1. Israel Is the country of the his village of Groutv'ille in Natal, Soviet R us s i a and Thursday to slightly below will Include costs for medical care, Jews and by all international law (Continued on Page Ten) chose the title "Africa and Free­ normal F'rlday and Saturday.
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