OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN VAULTING ASSOCIATION U/ADI 11845 SKYLINE BLVD., LOS GATOS, CA 95030 February 1999 Vaulting Visions vaulters pose on Dutchess Tessie and Tomi. Tex and Mex, Agape Vaultcrs' new Draft/Paint crosses look more comfortable than the "blizzard1" vaulters. NewAVA Affiliate Club, Right Track Vaulters tire represented by their horse Doc, coaches Darla and Loyce, and vaulters Rachel, B.J,, Katie, and Chrissie. fliiilti- uiut-tesy Right Track This year vaulters from Alaska and Virginia came to live and compete with the Valley View Vaulting Club. Side Notes on the Judges Forum AVA in the News Music Devon Maitozo was featured on the Every competitor has probably had or December covers of American Horse Shows seen the nightmare occur where the vaulter Magazine, The Cupertino Courior and raises his/her hand for their music to start, Ride Magazine with accompanying articles Suzanne Detol on the WEG. Look for a photo of Kerith Chairperson, and nothing happens. Whether it is because Lemon in Rome on the back cover of AVA Technical the music volunteer has had a temporary upcomming The Natural Horse Magazine. Committee lapse in attention or because the tape has Recently there was a segment on vaulting suddenly become "food" for the player, it is on TV's Evening Magazine and GoodMorn- a frustrating experience. Here are some tips ing America.Some of this coverage was due on what to do: First of all, you have one to the vaulting demonstration at the Na- During the 1998 Annual AVA Judges minute to "adjust equipment." Your longeur tional Horse Show at Madison Square Gar- Forum, several different topics arose and can ask for one time-out each time he/she den in New York City. This is exciting. were discussed. 1 was asked to write an enters the arena (but only one). (Article Let's keep the interest going by each article for Vaulting World about those "side 112. Timing. 2.c) It is a good idea to always doing what we can to promote our sport in notes." have an extra tape keyed at the starting the media. Get to know your local newspa- Ground Choreography point, available with a teammate specifi- per reporters. Call them up and let them cally assigned to stand by the music person know when you are having an event. Write Duringthe 1998 competition year, sev- when you are entering the arena. Just a and distribute press releases (if you don't eral clubs and/or individuals have demon- suggestion. know how, contact Carole Dwinell or strated "ground choreography," before ever The judge wants your music to work; Marianne Rose or check out some books on touching the grips (whether in approaching he/she wants you to do your best. The judge this subject at the library). If you partici- the horse, or in front of the barrel). The also has a recourse in that the bell can be pate in other sports, equestrian or others, questions were asked: Does the judge rung for unforeseen circumstances (Article write an article about how vaulting relates "score" this performance; does it affect 112.2.d). However, you should not depend to that sport and submit it to relevant publi- his/her scores; is it to be encouraged or upon that. Sometimes time constraints pro- cations. Find out how to get your events discouraged. hibit the judge from holding up the compe- publicized for free on media calendars (print After a brief discussion, the judges tition any longer. Your longeur should ask and broadcast). Don't forget to submit your came to a majority consensus that it is best the judge for a one-minute equipment ad- competition results and request for event to show a direct approach to the horse (or coverage to The Chronicle of the Horse. justment. Above all, however, you must the barrel) without show effects. While begin your performance within one (1) there is no AVA rule governing this situa- minute of the judge's signal to begin — Alumni Notes tion at the present time, most of the j udgcs music or no music. (Chapter VI. Article Eva (Bryer) and Bardiz Pezeshki are the expressed the opinion that "ground chore- 603.4. Elimination, top of Page 66). proud parents of Kavel Gabriel born on ography should be discouraged. Judging If your music suddenly stops in the November 27, 1998 at home in San Jose. begins when the vaulter(s) touch the grips, middle of your kur, unfortunately there is From the birth announcement: and any choreography before touching the nothing you can do about that. Try to Your children are not your children grips is considered a waste of time. They are the sons and daughters maintain your concentration and fini sh your of Life's longing for itself. Longeur Attire kur with as much charisma as you can. They come through you but not Though everyone knows that the from you. Music interpretation is important, but per- And though they are with you yet longeur's attire is important in team com- formance is more important. they belong no! !o you, petition (See Chapter VI, Article 603.3. As always, if you have any questions For they have their own thoughts. General Impression, d) (Pg. 65 AVA Rule You may house their bodies but that you would like addressed in an article, not their souls, Book), it is likewise important in individual please feel free to send them to Technical For their souls dwell in the house competition. (Standing Rules, Section Committee Chair, Suzanne Detof. E-mail of tomorrow V.E.7.a) A longeur who appears in the address: [email protected]. Fax: 503-359- arena in sloppy clothes or looking unkempt 3857. indirectly gives a negative impression to Note: This article was submitted with the the judge. It is a sign of disrespect, to the Report on the 1998 AnnualJudges Forum competitor(s), to the judge, the spectators by Suzanne Detol (Vaulting World, Decem- — and to the sport itself. Please enter the ber 1998, page 2), but was erroneously arena each time as if you are proud to be overlooked at that time. Pleasereferto that there looking your best. A sharp, clean article when, reading this one. My apolo- picture does impress the judge. gies to all. Marianne Rose. Kavel Pezeshki Vaulting World February 1999 Vaulting at the Shriner's Big Game Table of Contents Woodside Vaulters ARTICLES demonstrate Their team Kur at tit e Side Notes on the Judges Forum Shriners Game. by Suzanne Detol 2 The big screen by Vaulting at the Shriner's Big Game 3 the Scoreboard shows another view of them. 199S Club Reports 4 Pholn; Rusty Griner 1998 AVA Affiliates 15 40,000 people at- Non Affiliates 16 tended the Shriner's Corrections Football game in Clarification on article by Stanford, California. Nancy Stevens Brown IS They were treated to Arena Elite Vaulting Club 19 vaulting demonstra- tions by World Cham- Excerpts from the Vaulting Forum 19 pion, Devon Maitozo Region IX Outreach and Bronze Medal by Charlie Bitlenbring 20 Winners, Woodside Committee Reports Vaulters. Ballot Committee 21 Working with the Woodside Vaulting 4-HCommittee 21 Club, Swedish Na- Chronicle of the Horse 22 tional Champions AVA Web Site 22 Torbjorn Persson and Vaulting World 23 Linda Magneson longedLadyLightfoot FEATURES and Toby for the dem- onstration. Carole Back to the Future by Emily Tasker 17 Dwinell helped orga- Medal Tests nize this amazingpub- (August 1998 - December 1998) 20 licity bonanza. AVA Directory 23 Calendar of Vaulting Events 24 Devon demonstrates Roman Riding on Lady If you have any changes or corrections to your mailing Lightfoot and Toby. address for Vaulting Wor/dorif you are having problems Pholo: Rusty Griner receiving yourissues, please contact the AVA National Office at 642 Alford Place, Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110. Phone 206/780-9353 or tax 206/ 780-9355. The mailing lists are downloaded from the Membership files and extra copies are kept at the National Office. Vaulting World is published by the American Vaulting Association. Mail all items for publication to: Vaulting World, 11845 Skyline Blvd., Los Gatos, CA 95030, or 201 BearOaksCourt, Martinez, CA94553-9753.1999 deadlines are: February 28 for publication April 1; April 30 for publication June 1, June 30 for publication August 1, August 31 for publication October 1, Octo- ber 30 for publication December 1, December 31 for Vaulting makes a touchdown as publication February 1, 2000; . No part of this pub- Devon does a. handstand on the lication may be reproduced either in whole or in part gnalpOSt. P/'Ofo: Rusty Griner without written permission. Bulk rate postage paid at Cupertino, CA. U.S. Subscribing Memberships are $25 annually. Foreign Subscribing Memberships are $35 annually payable in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Copyright by American Vaulting Assoc. 1998. Classified ads are $5 each for 3 or 4 lines. Display ad rates are S8 per column inch, S100 for 1/3 page, $115 for 1/2 page and $200 for full page. Submit information and check payable to "AVA" and mail to Vaulting World, 11845 Skyline Blvd., Los Gatos, CA 95030. Write for rate card. Editor: Carole Dwinell 925/372-3374 Managing Editor: Marianne Rose 408/867-1789 Proofing: Barbara Thompson 916/687-8996 Printed by Roberts Press 408//255-3937 Devon cleans Up. Phuio: Rusty Griner faulting World February 1999 1998 Club Reports ACORN VAULTERS Quarterhorse cross named Candy. Hope- The biggest change this year is that the 53 GUEST COURT EDGEWOOD, NM 87015, fully we can get them all in shape for the team members now wear new unitards, 505/286-0540 Horses: APPLAUSE (TB), PEARL(SHIRE/TB), 1999 shows.
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