FIVE CENTS THE COPY—PAY NO MORE Vol. VI. No. 9. CHICAGO August 20, 1910 Jr/x/e Friqanza Arl/ne Bolling Way Hanna< STAGE BEAUTIES WHO ARE TO ENTERTAIN CHICAGO 2 THE SHOW WORLD "IMP” BULLETIN! THINK OF « “IMP” BULLETIN! “IMP” BUL ETUI LAEMMLE! When you decide to buy We now announce two more “Imps” which will not only set you fairly wild with delight but will that new projecting machine cause exhibitors to jump over to the Independent or anything else needed for your mov¬ side by the dozen. If your exchange cannot give ing picture theatre, think of Laemmle. you these two glorious examples of American My recent order for one hundred Powers ma¬ ingenuity, skill and art, then, Mr. Exhibitor, you are quite the easiest mark in the business if you chines (at one crack) will give you an idea don’t switch your trade to some wide awake ex¬ of the capacity of my various offices for supplying you change AT ONCE. Now read the rest:— immediately with every possible want. When you FIRST—A ROARING COMEDY “THE WIDOW” This is a sequel t , film entitled CARL LAEMMLE, President “Fruit and Flowers” 1. Henry, of the Lyric Theatre, La and Flowers got my audience goir>ing some. I thought some of them would have to be carri<ied out. They nearly rolled off their seats, THE LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE It was the best comedy I had ever seen.” From all parts of Headquarters 196-198 Lake Street, CHICAGO the country we then, “THE W]rEDOW” is a sequel to that great film and Minneapolis-Portland-Omaha-Salt Lake City-Evansville IT IS EVEN I_BETTER IN EVERY DETAIL. It tells a The Biggest and Best Film Renter in the World story of a peach of a widow,‘ ow, two men in love withw: h< then—the iceman. For heaven’s sake, watch for the man. “The Widow” willrr^eastd’Mrdty/ be released Monday, August ___ She will be about 1,000 feet long. You’ll love her. You’ll scream with her. Get her! Get her! Get her! Write your exchange NOW-—in advance! NEXT- CORKING DRAMA! Best Service Southwest “THE RIGHT GIRL” Here y<rou’ll see some stagecraft that will cs marvel at “Imp” films and their never-failinfng perfection. You’ll ;ee why it pays us to spend twice andd thithree fi much ass any other manufacturer for the bestit. pperforms X the bus You’ll see why i s hit the bul FRISCO i bang! bang! bang! with every film we have shot at the market. You could run this film repeatedly and your folks would not tire of it. Beware of the exchange which gives you an excuse instead of this “Imp.” Begin to ask for it this very day. It will be released Thursday the first of Trains from Chicago' September. It is about 990 feet long. START! make connection with 3 daily trains from St. Louis Independent Moving Pictures Co. Beautiful Scenery of America 111 E. 14th Street, New York, Carl Laemmle, Pres. Fred Harvey Meals Best Way to Texas and Oklahoma -DEFENDER AMBROSIO Cincinnati Film Exchange 31S-317 West Fourth Stree 64Tlie House Tlmt Buy« Films” Connect with a real live, up-to-date Film Exchange that can dive you a real service References—MOTION PICTURE DISTRIBUTING & SALES CO. SMART FOLKS READ THE SHOW WORLD. ITS ADVERTISERS GET RESULTS “THE PAPER WITH JI HEART ANT) A SOUL’ The Show People’s Net CHICAGO. AUGUST 20. 1910. For M Kinds of Show People CAMPBELL BROS.’ SHOWS IN DISASTROUS WRECK 4 THE SHOW WORLD W.M.V. A. BRANCHING ?NiK?SEr“c““ INTO NEW FIELD NOW P, AVING SC TIME THE D1HFRTYS, (BITS BF EVERYTHING) August 20, 1910. THE SHOW WORLD 5 RELIABLE RECORD OF VAUDEVILLE ACTS (E. E. MEREDITH NEWS SERVICE, ROOM 316, 167 DEARBORN ST.) STUART BARNES. BROWN ft COOPER. STUART, RAYMOND ft BAKER. “CHRISTMAS AT HIGGINS.” Billing—Monologist. Billing—Musical. Billing—Playet Introducing Singer, Class—“B.” No. 319. Time 21 Class—"C." No. 321. Time 14 inutes. Minutes. utes***— K'” N°‘ 315‘ Time 17 Mln‘ Seen—Majestic, Chicago, Aug. 16, 1910. Seen—Kedzie, Chicago, Aug. 16, 1910. Seen—Century, Chicago, Aug. 12, 1910. Place on Bill—Next to Closing. - Bill—Fourth Place on Bill—Third in Five-Act Show. Place on Bill—Closing Three-Act Scenery Required—Street in One. Show. Number of men 1; number of women 2. Show. Number of men 1: number of Remarks—Stuart Barnes does not send Scenery Required—Olio in One. Scenery Required—Street in One. ... five or six lines of billing matter to Remarks—A1 Brown, a song writer, Remarks—The three musicians make Scenery Required—Full Stage (Spe- precede and follow his name on the and Lew Cooper, a singer, make a com- their first appearance in military cos.- program telling who he is, what he is ^bination which' would'be _,_pleasing tume, the ladies with skirts reaching to done, and attempting to prejudice the if the comedy were left entirely in .... the knees and high boots. The man audience in advance as to his entertain- hands of the singer. The two open with plays cornet and the ladies play French abilities. He just walks on with the a song which got but little applause horn and baritone. Exiting, one lady _ing of "monologist” and makes good, Tuesday afternoon. Brown then seated returns and renders a cornet solo, a depending upon some comic songs and himself at the piano and played the simple selection which introduces tripip -lively matter to make the audi- accompaniment for Cooper and this met tongueing later. The man follows with The old folks have talked so much about remember Stuart Barnes. Other with greater favor. Brown then ren¬ some very pleasing imitations on a the daughter in the early evening, and present changes of costume and dered a selection on the piano and plays violin. The remaining member of the the old lady has been so disappointed _numbers in their favor but Stuart so well that little asides are unnecessary trio introduces as her individual contri¬ that no letter came, that when bedtime Barnes has them beaten for both laughs as the music is sufficient to entertain bution to the act, the playing of a slide comes the old man sits in front of the and applause. He opens his oifering without comedy. During the remainder trombone. She sits on a chair and works fire and dreams he hears the daughter with singing. After a couple of songs of the act, while Cooper sings character the slide with her foot. The other sing; the wife has retired. The dream he introduces one with the title "Women songs, this same disposition to intro¬ musicians join her with cornets for a is realized to the audience. The girl Get the Best of It,” and between chor- duce comedy, failed to impress the audi¬ is shown through a transparency and delivers a stump speech on women ence at any time. The .act left the sings nicely. Before this scene the stage with liberal applause. scrim is plainly In evidence and when Class—“B.” No. 322. Time—14 Min¬ the song is concluded the girl can be utes. seen climbing down off of a platform. Seen—Kedzie, Chicago, Aug. 16, 1910. This “dream” Impresses the old farmer Place on Bill Next to Closing. more than it does the audience. A ROY HARDING. Scenery Required—Street in One. knock at the door awakens the old man Billing—Pianologue. Remarks—Arthur Rigby gets fun out and he greets the daughter, who has Class—“D.” No. 323. Time—11 Min- Seen—Majestic, Chicago, Aug. 16, 1910. of not dancing and laughs out of not just arrivedd. For a final curtain, the Place on Bill—Headliner. Number of singing. When he goes to dance he time worn idea of the old lady appear¬ Seen—Century, Chicago, August 16, men 4; number of women 2. finds that one of his legs will not oper¬ ing in night dress is dragged into the Scenery Required—Full Stage. ate and he must turn his back in an sketch. C. T. Del Vechio, as the farmer, Place on Bill—Next to Closing. Remarks—Tills is a re-named version attempt to fool the audience which and Mary Del Vechio as the wife, are Scenery Required—Full Stage. of Master Gabriel’s "Buster Brown” brings applause. There are too many suited for the vehicle, as far as talent Remarks—There is no telling how sketch and while no longer a novelty words in his song for it to be exactly goes. Louise St. James, the singer, “ rong this act will be later, for Hard¬ to regular patrons of theaters, it serves music, but the hearers like it and en¬ ing appears to be a newcomer to vaude¬ to introduce the cleverest of dwarf joy it as much as the timely jokes that ville. He is a wonder at the piano comedians in the role in which he is he springs during the time he holds and the way his fingers slip over the best liked—that of a fresh kid who with the stage. ^Blackface comedians are^ so MANSFIELD ft HEARN. keys, together with a fair singing voice Billing—Songs and Talk. and personality which is likely to de¬ some. Arthur Rigby never is that. Class— F." No. 316. Time 12 Minutes. velop into an asset, makes him “a good Been—Century, Chicago, Aug. 12, 1910. bet” for the future. He sings "There’s ^ Place on Bill—Opening Three-Act Nothing Like a Good Night’s Sleep” and yawns so that he gets the entire Scenery Required—Street in Ore.
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