LEAGUE OF NATIONS (Communicated to the C.317 .M.I9 8 .I9 3 6 . Members of the League.) Geneva, August 1st, 193&. NUMERICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE. No» 7 (July 1936) Official number SUBJECT C.4 2 9 (b).M.2 2 0 (b).I9 3 5 .XI * Estimated world requirements of dangerous drugs in 1 9 - 2nd Supplement to the statement of the Opium Supervisory Body. C.4 2 9 (c).M.220(b)*1935„XI * Estimated world requirements of dangerous drugs in l^b. - 3rd Supplement to the state­ ment of the Opium Supervisory Body. C.24(1).M.l6 (l).1 9 3 6 , Erratum I Committees and Commissions of the League. - Erratum, to the .list of Members. C.9 4 .M.3 7 .1 9 3 6 .IV ** Assistance to indigent foreigners and execution of maintenance obligations abroad. - Report and second draft multilateral convention by the Committee of Experts (2nd Session, January- February 1 9 3 6 ). C.128.M.6 7 .1936.VIII, Addendum Uniform system of maritime buoyage. - Observa­ tions of Portugal on the report of July 1933 of Preparatory Committee. C.204.M. 127 .1936*IV, *** and Erratum Traffic in Women and Children Committee (l5th Session , April lQ^b)'Child Welfare Committee 12th Session, April-May 193b' Reports and Erratum to reports. ^ Confidential ** Redistributed with C„L <,118.1936. IV *** One copy redistributed with C.L.107•193^*IV - 2 - C.214.1936.IV.* Assistance to indigent foreigners and exe - • • cution of maintenance obligations abroad.- Report by the Chilian Representative. C. 257.M. 151..1936.XI** Seizures and illicit transactions of narcotic drugs.- Index 1935. C.262.M.155.1936.*** Secretariat, League.- Staff list showing nationalities "and salaries for 1936. 0.262(a).M.155(a).1936.*** International Labour Office.- Staff list showing nationalities and salaries for 1936. C.266.M.158.1936.*** • Secretariat, League.- List of appointments, promotions and resignations of the Higher Officials since opening of the 16th Session of the Assembly. 0.277.M.167.1936 Numerical list of documents distributed to . Members of the League.- No.6 (June 1936). C.278.M.168.1936.XI Advisory Committee on traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs (21st Session, May- June 1936).- Report. 0.279.M.169.1936.VII . Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Com- •' mùnication from the Italian Government (June 27,1936), Letter and Memorandum from the President of the Italian Red Cross Committee (June 15,1936) to the Interna­ tional Red Cross Committee. 0.280 ;M. 170'. 1936 .VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Com­ munication from the Italian Government (June 27,1936) and statement by Belgian Officer (Frere) (June 10,1936). C .282.M.171.1936.VII Settlement of the Assyrians of Iraq.- Report by the Committee of Council, Rules of Pro­ cedure adopted by the Trustee Board (January 1936) Report by the Trustee Board (January- June 1936), Budget for 1936, Letter from the French Government (June 23,1936) and Decla- ■ ration by the French Representative on the Committee of Council (June 30,1936). * Dist. with C.L.118.1936.IV. ** Confidential. *** Confidential. One copy onlv distributed to each Member of the League. - 3 - G.283.M.178.1936. Bispute between Ethiopia and Ita l y Decla­ ration from the Ethiopian "Government (July 3,1936). C. 284.M.173.1936.VII Settlement of the Assyrians of Iraq,- Report by the Spanish Representative. C.286.M.174.1936.XI @ Suppression of the illicit jbraffic in dange­ rous drugs.- Convention ( June 1936). 0.286(a).M.174(a).1936.XI @ Suppression of_ the Illicit traffic, in danger­ ous drugs Protocol of signature to the Convention (June 1936). 0.286(b).M.174(b).1936.XI @ Conference for the suppression_ uf_, the illicit traffic in dangerous drugs.-(June I95~oT. - Final Act. 0.286(c).M.174(c).1936.XI <Mt Date of issue of the Annual statement of esti mated worId requirements of dangerous drugs drawn up by the Opium Supervisory Body.- Proces-ve::bal (June 1936). C.288.M.175.1936.Y and ,-jinex Losin^er & Co. Case.- Note by the Secretary- General and Order of the Permanent Court of International Justice (June 27,1936). 0.291.M.177.1936. Withdrawal of Honduras from the League.- Letter from the Government" of Honduras [June 22,1936) and Secretary-General's reply (July 10,1936). 0.293.M.178.1936.V Election of Members of the Permanent Court of International Justice^- 2nd Report by the Committee of Jurists ,note-Yerbale from the Brazilian Government (June 24,1936) and letter from the Japanese Government (June 29,1936). C.297.M.180.1936.V Death of M. Rolin Jaeaquemyns, judge of the Permanent Court of International Justice.- Letter from the Registrar. @ Distributed with C.L. *135.1936. XI Distributed with C.L.135(a).1936.XI m m C.P.J.I. , Series A/B, No. 67 - 4 — C.298.M*181,1936 Wlthdrawal__o_f Nicaragua from_ the League,- Lette’r from the' Gove rumen t of Nicaragua (July 3,1936). C.302.M.185.1936.XI. Seizures of drugs at Rangoon {Max 25 and June 8,1936 ) Reports communicated™ by the United Kingdom Governctë&tr. C.303.M.186.1936.XI Seizures of drugs in the United States.- J î v l a y 29~, June ~5, ~22 and 24,1956 ). - Reports communicated by the’ Unites Stated Government. C.308.M. 191'. 1936. Refugees from Germany.- Resolution adopted by the International Labour Conference (2oth Session). G.310.M.192,1936 »XI Composition of the Opium Supervisory Body. - Note by the Secretary-General. C.314.M.195.1936,VII Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Commu­ nication from Panaman Government (July 6 , 1936). A.83,1935/36 Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Draft resolution by the Ethiopian Government, A.84.1935/36 Dispute between E thiopia and Italy.- Repott by the General Committee. A.85.1935/36. Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Decla­ ration by the Ethiopian Government (July 4,1936). A.86.1935/36. Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Com­ munication from the Mexican Government (July 3,1936), A.6.1936. Work of the League 1955/36.- Report. A.11(a).1936.X Staff Pensions Fund.- Supplement to the 6 th report of the Administrative Board. A.12.1936.II.3 Nutrition.- Interim report of the Mixed Commission . A. 12(a).1936.II.B Nutrition.- Report by the Technical Commis­ sion of the Health Committee. A.13.1936. Staff Pensions Fund.- 3rd Actuarial valua­ tion by the Actuary. A.14.1936.VIII Operation of the League of Nations Wireless Station in 1935.- Report. A.15.1936. Election of Non Permanent Members of _the_ Coun- cil.- Letter from the New Zealand Government. (July 3,1936). A.16.1936.V Composition of the Council.- Extract from the minutes of Council’s meeting of May 13,1936. C.L.105.1936,V Optional clause provided in the Protocol of signature concerning the .Statute of the Perma­ nent Court of International Justice '(December 1920).- Renewal of acceptance by Roumania, C.L.107.1936.IV and Annex @ Convention for suppressing the exploitât inn_ of prostitution.- Note by the Secretary- General and report of Traffic in Women and Children Committee (15th Session,April 193b). C.L.109.1936.V Convention concerning the c >m]DU_lsory medical examination _of children and young_persons employed' at sea (November 1921) adopted Isy_ the International Labour Conference (3rd Session).- . Ratification by Brazil, @ C.204.M.127.1936.IV C.L.110.1936.V Con-rent ion concerning employment of women during the nigh_t and Conven£ion_ concerning workmen ’s compensation for occupational diseases (revised 1954) adopted by the International Labour Conference (18th Sesoljm ) Ratification by Brazil. C.L.113.1936.V Convention fixing mintmum age for admission of children t > employment at sea (July 1920 adopted by the Internationa_l_ Labour Conference (2nd Session).- Ratification by Brazil. C.L.114.1936.VIII @ Agreement concerning maritime _signals. (October 193ÔT.- Ratification by Finland. C.L.118.1936.IV and annexes Assistance to indigent foreigners and execution of maintenance obligations abroad * - Note by the Secretary-General, Summary by the Secretariat of suggestions received from Governments, Report by the Committee of Experts (February 1936)- and report of the Chilian Representative, C.L.119.1936.IV International Convention for the suppressi>n of the Traffic in women of full age (October 1933).- Accession of Cuba. C.L.120.1936.V Convention concerning the employment_of_women on underground works of all kinds fjune 1935) adopted by the_ International Labour Conference (19th Session).m Ratification by South Africa. C.L.121.1936.XII Convention for facilitating the^ international circulation of films of an educational charac­ ter (October 1933[7- Accession of Cuba. 32.L.122.1936.II.A Minimum list of commodities for international_ trade statistics .- Replies from Irish Free State, China, India and Australia to the Secretary-General’s letter of October 4,1935. @ Distributed to those Members and non Members invited to Lisbon Conference. m A.E.22, C.94.M.37.1936.IV, C.214.1936.IV. - 7 - C.L.123.1936.H I I ® Agreement concerning maritime signals and agreement concerning manned lightships notion their stations (October 1930)»- Accession of Turkey. C.L.124.1936.VII Application of the principles of the Covenant. Note by the Secretary-General, C.L.125.1936.XII Convention f ojr _facilitating the internati-mal circulation of films of an educational charac­ ter ( October 1933)'.- Application to Newfound­ land, C.L.126.1936.VI Slavery.- Note by the Secretary-General. C .L.127.1936.and Annexes Co-ordination of measures under Article 16_of the Covenant in connection with dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.- Note by the Secretary-General, Joint proposal by the French and United Kingdom Delegations,(July 6,1936), Proposals of the Co-ordination Com­ mittee (July 6,1936) C.L.128.1936.V Protocol of .^signature concerning the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Ju_s_- tice and .OptJLonal Clause concerning this _Pro_- tocol (December1 9 2 0 ) Signature and ratifi­ cation by Bolivia.
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