AUGUST199 1 39 NOTES ON THE MOSQUITOES OF NEPAL I. NEW COUNTRY RECORDS AND REVISED AEDES KEYS (DIPTERA, CULICIDAE)’ RICHARDF. DARSIE, JR.~, SHREEDHARP. PRADHAN~AND RIDDHI GOPAL VAIDYA~ ABSTRACT: Additional collectionsof mosquitoesin the environs of Hetaura, Makwanpur District, and Birgunj,Bara District during 1990,resulted in the discoveryof 4 new country records and the collection of the immature stagesof 7 speciespreviously known from Nepal only in the adult stage. Revisionsand additionsto the Darsie/Pradhankeys are presentedso that the species new to Nepal can be identified. Also, revised Aedes keys are presented. INTRODUCTION these habitatswere quite rewarding. In addi- tion to the new country records, we collected Darsie and Pradhan (1990) publishedan ex- larvae of 7 speciespreviously known from Nepal tensive account of the mosquitoesof Nepal, only as adults. includingall previouspublished works. We re- The purposeof the studywas to samplemos- ported 130 speciesin 14 genera. Another genus, quito breeding habitats in and near Hetaura, Teteroides, wasincluded in our report without Makwanpur District, Narayani Zone, locatedin a speciesbeing named. One of the 4 species the inner terai at an elevation of 187 m. Also, whichwe are reporting asnew to Nepal belongs collectionswere made on 1 occasionnear Bir- to thisgenus. We are addingnotes on mosquito gunj, Bara District, Narayani Zone, closeto the habitats sampled, based on recent collections Indian border at an elevation of 100 m. Adults, made in 1990. captured by hand aspirator, and larvae were Only culicine and sabethinemosquitoes are mountedfor study. Certain larvae of the genera included in this account. Peters and Dewar Aedesand Heizmannia could not be identified (1956), Joshiet al. (1965), Pradhan and Darsie with existing keys. They are believed to be (1989,199O) have previouslypublished records either undescribedimmatures of knownspecies of culicine,sabethine and toxorhynchitinespe- or speciesnew to science.Individual rearingwill ciesoccurring in Nepal. be made in the future to determine their iden- Certain habitatsoccupied by immature mos- tity. Their existenceis mentioned here by listing quitoeshad not previouslybeen sampled,such them simplyas Species A, B or C. The symbols as,leaf axilsof plants,bamboo stumps and roots and abbreviationsused below are 9 = adult of aquaticplants. Resultsof the investigationof female, L = larva and an asteriskpreceding the scientific name indicatesspecies whose larvae were collected for the first time in Nepal. ‘This work was supported in part by the Vector Biology and Control Project under Contract No. DPE-5948-C-00- 9030-00to Medical Service CorporationInternational, Ar- COLLECTION SITES AND lington,Virginia, USA, for the Agencyfor InternationalDe- velopment, Office of Health, Bureauof Scienceand Tech- RECORD OF SPECIES nology. 2ResearchEntomologist, International Center for Public 1. Nawalpur, 5 km west of Hetaura, 1X-4-90 Health Research, University of South Carolina, P. 0. Box and IX-11-90, bamboothicket, females attracted 699, McClellanville, SC 29458. 3Medical Entomologist and Malaria Advisor, U. S. to humans, larvae from stumps: Aedes (Ne- Agencyfor InternationalDevelopment, Rabi Bhawan,Kali- omelaniconion) lineatopennis (Ludlow) - 19; mati, Kathmandu,Nepal. Aedes sp. A - 5L, Armigeres (Armigeres) kzsseli 4Chief,Section of Entomology,Malaria EradicationDivi- Ramalingum- 19; *Armigeres (Amrigeres) mag- sion, Nepal Ministry of Health, Baneswore,Kathmandu, Nepal. nus (Theobald) - 279,9L,Amrigeres(Armigeres) 40 Mosourro SYSTEMATICS VOL. 23, No. 1 theobaldi Barraud - 19. (Aedimorphus) vittatus Bigot - 49; Ar. kesseli - 2. Jyamere, 15 km west of Hetaura, 1X-4-90, 39; Armigeres (Armigeres) subalbatus (Coquil- axils of Collocasia esculenta var. illustris Hill lett) - 19. (elephant ear plant): Aedes (Stegomyia) albo- Contaminatedground pool in an open lightly pictus (Skuse) - 1?,3L, Aedes sp. A - 5L, *Ma- vegetated field in full sun, 1X-12-90: Culex layagenurostris Leicester - 59,SL;Malaya jacob- (Cu.l&)jkscocephala Theobald- 3L; C&x (Culsc) soni (Edwards) - 19, 1OL NEW COUNTRY gelidus Theobald - 17L, Culex (Culex) whitei RECORD. Barraud - 1L. 3. Ratamate, 2 km southof Bhainse,500 m, 5. Birgunj,1X-5-90, pond covered with water about50 m abovethe mainhighway (the Triiuvan hyacinth, (Eichornia spp): *Mansonia (Man- Raj Path), 1X-4-90 and 1X-11-90:from bamboo sonioides) annulifera (Theobald) - 6L, *Man- stumps:Ae. albopictus - 6L; Aedes (Stegomyia) sonia (Mansonioides) indiana Edwards - 5L; pseudoalbopictus (Borel) - 1L NEW COUN- *Mansonia (Mansonioides) uniformis (Theobald) TRY RECORD; Aedes sp.B - lL, Aedes sp. C - - 4L. IL, Heizmannia sp.A - 15L; Heizmannia sp.B - Evening restingand human bait collections: 2L, Ttipteroides (Rachionotomyia) aranoides Ma. indiana - 129; Ma. uniformis - 109; Culex (Theobald) - 49, 24L NEW COUNTRY (Cults) quinquefasciatus Say - 19. RECORD. From Collocasia SPP.: Aedes (Fin- laya) formosensis Yamada - 8L NEW COUN- IDENTIFICATION OF SPECIES TRY RECORD; Ml. genurostris - 1L; Ml. jacob- NEW TO NEPAL soni - 2L. 4. Hetaura, 1X-2-90, near the HetauraTrain- The4 newly recorded speciescan be identi- ing Center, Nepal Ministry of Health (HTC), fied usingthe keysof Dar&e and Pradhan(1990) Hindu Temple, a brick and concretecavity near with the modificationsand additionsgiven be- entrance, with fresh and decayingflowers: Ae. low. albopictus - 7L; Aedes (Finlaya) pseudotaenia- Aedes formosensis and Aedes pseudalbopic- tus (Giles) - lL, Aedes sp. A - 6L, *Armigeres tus. In the key to adult femalesthese specieswill (Leicesteria) dentatus Barraud - lL, *Armigeres proceed to couplet 12. The proboscisis pale- (Armigeres) durhami Edwards - 8L. scaled ventrally in Ae. formosensis and dark- House 300 m east of the main street, IX-2 to scaled in Ae. pseudalbopictus, therefore, they 1X-10-90, females attracted to humans: Ae. will continue to couplet 18. The rest of the key albopictus - 69; Ae. pseudotaeniatus - 99; Aedes needsto be revised as follows: 18(12). Scutumwith thin median line of yellowishscales forked at prescutellarspace .. formosensis Scutumwith other scalepattern, without thin median line .. 19 19(18). Hindtarsomereswith narrow basalpale-scaled bands on at least some segments;fore- and midlegswith clawstoothed .. ...*..... 20 Hindtarsomereswith broad basalpale-scaled bands on at least some segments;fore- and midlegswith clawssimple .. 21 20(19). Abdominal terga usuallywith median pale-scaledpatches, not forming complete transversebands; scutum with large pale-scaled patch anteriorly .. .. gubematoris Abdominal terga with complete pale-scaledtransverse bands; scutumwith pale scalesat scutalangles .. caecus 21(19). Dorsocentral setae present .. ..*................................................................. 22 Dorsocentral setae absent. 25 AUGUST 1991 41 22(21). Scutumwithout patch of broad flat white scalesover wing root .. 23 Scutumwith patch of broad flat white scalesover wing root .. 24 23(22). Scutumwith patch of broad dark scaleson either side of prescutellarspace; postspiracular area scaled .. .. pseudalbopictus Scutumwithout patch of broad scaleson either side of prescutellarspace; postspiracular area bare .. subalbopictus 24(23). Scutumwith small patch of white scaleson scutalangle; midfemur with scatteredwhite scaleson anterior surface .. unilineatus Scutumwithout patch of white scalesat scutalangle; midfemur without scatteredwhite scaleson anterior surface. albopictus 25(21). Scutumwith anteromedianwhite-scaled patch wider than long, reachingscutal fossa laterally; somewhite scalesin antealar area broad, flat .. gardneriiimitator Scutumwith anteromedianwhite-scaled patch longer than wide, not reachingto scutalfossa; all white scalesin antealar area narrow .. ..f........................................................................................................ w-albus It is necessaryto revise the key to the fourth coupletsrequire changes.Thus thisrevision re- instar larvae of Aedes. Aedesvittatus was inad- placestheA&s larvalkey in Darsieand Pradhan vertently misplaced,Ae. formosensisand Ae. (1990). pseudalbopictusneed to be added and some KEY TO THE FOURTH INSTAR LARVAE OF GENUS AEDES 1. Pecten with some apical spines,widely spaced ....................................................................2 Pecten with spinesmore or lessevenly spaced ....................................................................8 2(l). Siphon spiculateapically and sometimeswith patchesof aculeae dorsally and ventrally ....................................................................................................caecus Siphon smooth ..........................................................................................................................3 3(2)- Head subquadrate,squared anteriorly; comb scalesmore than 50.. ........scatophagoides Head more triangular, rounded anteriorly; comb scalesusually no more than 25 ........................................................................................................................4 4(3) - Siphon short, index 3.0 or less;comb scalesnumbering 6-10 ............................................5 Siphon long, index at least 5.0; comb scalesnumbering 14 or more ............................................................................................................................................7 w- Setae 5,6-C single;saddle covering no more than 0.5 of segmentX ......................vittatus Setae 5,6-C with 3 or more branches;saddle almostencircling
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