“a- . j DROP» VAI p*.an. mm HERALD. LOOK TO OBfiOON. WILL RATIFY TRBATV. OaMfal »tjM FMi tech Talk Dw l NEWS OF IDAHO (WORLD'S CANALS DUEL TO DEATH 1 Affect America. Vi«w •! Bnc'aasrs on Tbo Dalles-CcMIo I Canal Right of Way. Oovcromtnt of Panama Taka* Immedi­ Weahinton, I>ec. 2.—Dr, Herren, f¥>. PAUMA Items of General Interest Gathered Washington, Dec. 1.—Engineer offi­ ate Action on Canal. IDAHO. Colombian minister, ha« silenced cer# in Washington are inclined to be­ Department of Commerce and Panama, Nov. 28.- -The junta, com­ Chicago Police and Boy Bandit, all the members of the Reyes party From All Over the State. lieve The Dallei-Celilo canal situati ..ii Labor Issues Statistics. posed of Jose Augustin Aranago, Toms« Engage in Fierce Battle. and the Bolivar con..«,!—loa. 1» very much. «impUfled by the fact that Tb« Aria« and Manuel Espinoza, held a — Fv Colombians arc now bolding COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL DOtNdS there la to be an extra session ol the WEEK'S DOINGS warm con- ENORMOUS SUM OF MONEY USED meeting this morning, all the ministers STEAL ENGINE TO HELP lerenccs, in which they are attempt­ Oregon legislature. These officers say ESCAPE auch a session presents an opportunity of state and councillors being present, ing to And out just what steps should A Brief k.vkw of Improve mo ml«, Qrowtk for an early and a thoroughly satisfact­ •» ‘ko Pml Week fat Brief aad Interest Therein Is Particularly Keen at and unanimously decided to ratify tbs. Captured la an Exhausted Condition fie taken to bring the South American and Development Along All Uno« ory solution of the problem raised by AI. canal treaty as soon as it is received Ur Killing One Man republic out of tlie present squabble in Threogbmrt Oar State. the recent^reatrictive order of the secre­ the Preeent Time Because of the and Fatally here and authorize Minister Buna-Va- Wounding Anoth.r-M.ndlt» Injured. the beat form, General Keyes ia tary of war. who demands that right Agitation In Panama. Germany has recognized th* new of way for the canal shall coat the rllla officially to transmit the junta’s ro- known to have undergone n change of iewiiton — Tlie work of securing gov- public of Panama. eminent nothing. mind as to the l»eel method of looking subscription» to the capital stock of tlie Washington, I>eo. 2.—Tlie renewed d*'-ision 10 th® United Statte govern- Chicago, Nov. 30.—Chained wrist u « Hoth.-od» at ('»rlifani would assass­ It is the opinion of the engineers attention being given to the proposed wrist, their hair matted with ,i • fl after his country's interests here. War new boat company, which ltisexpected that the legislature should make inai* tlw American consul. talk did not make any impression upon will replace the wrecked steam« r Imna- ample appropriation to purchase the isthmian canal^/woHdCp^entéd at this time lends 4es-^ “Theiwd decisionwith & of throughout the junta th.was ieth-re- ( blood,and dirt, their two clothing beardless covere, boys,I uPeter i.i ,Z IPj Senator Mitchell will call op th* the I ni led States. It is now presumed ha, has continued throughout tlie week. desired right of way, as they are con­ Tin- canvassing committee reports that 1904 fair bill early this month. that I>r. Herran s advice ia to be taken, vinced the state can not only get the total siiltselptions received are nearly tlie department of commerce and labor mu8> wltho,lt dlrtinction of parties or dermyer and Harvey Vandine, sat t and an attempt will now probably be needed lands sooner, but cheaper, than •Anow is general in Great Brita n and made to bring Colombia out of the »20,000, including the »10,000 the through its* bureau of statistics. classes. j night in the presence of Mavo'r Har • Ü all Europe has suffered from a great could the general government, should Tlie Suez canal is usually considered Rear Admirals Walker and Glass son and Chief of Police O’Neil 'rn' muddle with all the money possible. Eureka and largo mining «-omjiaiiies, it resort to condemnation proceedings. storm. The return of Panama to the Colom­ who are operating at the mouth of the i,°P,°r,tfnt examPle of ship have been informed of the action taken 1 confessing their share in Vca! .i i Iimiahu river. Lista une ix-iug circu­ Among engineer officers who are Sécrétai y of Agriculture Wilson says bian union, and the retraction of all known to lie friendly to The I>allea-Ce- canals, though the number of vessels ,i„ I .. , , K m a three I lated in Clarkston and Asotin, passing through it annually does not by U ‘ | n,onthH “teer of crime, whicii has j credit for favorable Iwlance is due the the steps taken by the United States zbto lilo canal project, three is a hope that î equal that passing through the canals ------------- eluded eight murders, the wounding Upi farmers. government, are ao far out of the ques­ among the mining men generally. it may not be necessary to go to con­ tion that they will prolwhly not lie Many of the latteer, who have no in­ connecting Uke Superior with tlie Minister Confirms It. • five other men, and a long series. y The fraierai grand jury tiaa charged gress to ask for a further appropriation suggested. terests in tin* upper Hnuke river ciiain of great lakes at tlie south i„ I, . m. ’ K series ol rob- i th* Hawaiian legislature wlUi groas cmin- for purchasing this right of way. They length, however, it exceeds any of the Washington, Nov. 28.—Officiai con- beries. The two young bandits, neith- ! Reports from the Uni tod 8 ta ten min­ try, have expressed a wiliingnese to corruption. fear if congress is asked to increase the other great ship canals, its total length firmation °f the determination of the * J!«ro,,B ro Y 21 yearH. olli. to- ister at Dogota and other sources that take stock, and it is thought that the limit of cost of this work beyond the General Brooke lias charged General remaining money iieing 00 miles. The original cost was Panama government to ratify the Hay-. «x-ski who U ÏH'* i comi,aili,in. Emil war talk in Colombia is lieconiing more can be quickly ob- figure set by the last congress unfavor­ »05,000 000, and for ;the canal in its Buna-Varilla Panama treaty, a. told in “arI ivlpoolI„ï’t™” 'T'* Wood with insubordination before the widespread call attention to the fai t taim d. able action on the entire project may Senate coumiiUe.e that even if General Reyes* mission to present form slightly in excess of »100 - .u .. J . „7. - \.V 7 ’’ to<Jay. after a be taken, which wiil delay construc­ 000.000. The revenue of the canal is ^ prMB dl,P»tehes’ wa8 rece,ved bY ln whlcb battled again« the United Htates accomplishes Wasbington—Representative French China Iwlieve« Russia Intends to tak* no tion indefinitely. They therefore be­ apparently large in proportion to its Mlniltler Varilla at 3:30 o’clock today, Policemen, railroad detectives, railroad other'Purpose, It will serve time for is giving considerable time and atten­ military .wen pat ion of and wise the tion to the proposed .qieidiig of tlie lieve that it is better *hat the state cost, the Statesman’s Yearbook for The state department being closed to- J-ii^?r8 *n.L ar™ej11' ®ne niai> "an railroad near Niu Chwang. the Colombian armies to mobolize and shall acquire the right of way under an Coeur d'Alene 540lM8«60g francs',Ct ™1*^ V* ^““unicated a" tbjeeoul'L young "bandits’ equip in case a < -ampaign should he reservation. Ile lias appropriation of its legislature, and Si ^ and The l nitiwl State* supreme court has undertaken against tlie isthmus, placed before tlie Indian office all of the declared valid the Kansas law making It is fac ts shewing that there are now 3,500 present the land to the general govern amount distributed among the share news lnforn>ally to Mr- Lommis, who wounded, but not seriously, were now conceeded that the passage of ment, as was contemplated by the eight hour« a day in public works. troopa by land from Colombia to tlie acre» occupied by each family, and that holders 51,538,028 francs or about in 11 acting sécrétai y in the absence of The three were wanted by the poli« 240 families hold tlie entire re«erva- rotary of war. per cent of the estimated cost of »100 - Mr. Hay. for complicity in the murders at the Ex-officials and others Implicated in iatlimua is not im|M>ssihle. tior: j and, altogether, not more than If the legislature will make such 000,000. ’________________ car barns of the Chicago City railway the postal framls by Bristow strongly an 700 Indians, men women and children, Appropriation as was suggested, there Tlie canal connecting tlie Bav of _ company last August, when tw maintain Innocence and one lias made POSTOFPJCB FRAUD*. are in exclusive possession of some of wil! tie no necessity for congress to give o men cribedCronstadt as a withwork ofSt. great^strategicPetersburg is desand DUMENT-- -------- --------------- FOR STATEHOOD.--------------------- andwere »2,250 killed, stolen a thirdfrom the"badly wounded, e counter charge. the fineHt land on eartii. further consideration to The Dalles-Ce- Figuras Tatting What tha Oovernnwnf Tlie general lilo project, except to make annual ap­ .
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