~ fl'IIt7'BSDAY, APRIL 22, 1918. Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. v\fi-1¥ NOT TELL THE WHOLE TRUTH MR. ASQUITH ? ~ ' GUARANTEED DAILY NETT SALE MORE THAN 1 000,000 COPIES. 1 No. 1,909. APRIL 22, 1915. £Registered as a Newspaper.] ONE HALFPENNY. I TOMMY'S PERISCOPE VIEW OF .TUB CITY & SUBURBAN. He saw Black Jester come striding hom.e an easy \vinner. \\.atching the big race through a trench perhcope. The bookmakers always. gav~ the soldier~ a slight shade over the odds t ) ur woun d e< i ·old~ters ,,·ere the tno ·t interested ·spectators of all the crowd that watched the racing. · erable timt at Epsom yesterday. Tommy wa~ the most conspicuou~ figurf on th cour. e. \\.hether he was having The killjoys \\ ho wish to stop sport would hav.e hadh a mls. f th stand \\'hl'cb now a hospital he showec b\· his action!" that he is a staunch opponent of the h. od b t h" t' 1 fancy or watchmg t e runnmg rom e · ·~~· , , ) ts m est e onr'O\...had IS par ban dlCUs anard I:> ec k' snt'ff s. c E~' ·erl t~.en trench periscope was requisitioned to get a view of the racing.-(Daily Sl·etch and Sport and Genera.1 Pace 2.-DAILY S.KETCIT. Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. Every Packet of I*yons' Tea that you purch~se represents true Tea ·Econon1} The enormous sales clearlv show it to be the best that money can buy. OBTAINABI~E ANYWBEJtE. J. LYCJNS & CO., LTD., CADBY BALL, LONDON, W. MR. C. F. ALLISON Says Phosferine Cures Sleeplessness, Headaches, Neuralgia He writes:-' l\ly wife was suffering fron1 lack of energy, sleeple~sness, headaches and neuralgia. I am glad to say that after a 3-days course of Phosferine she lost these symptoms and felt wonderfully better in every respect. Considering she has been subject to these troubles on and off for months, we were more than pleased at the result. Since then we have always 109 kept a bottle of Phosferine in the hou~e, and when depressed, or anxious, or overtired a few doses always puts us right. It is astonishing how quickly it brightens the outlook when one gets run-down or despondent.''- 2. Toronto SHOPPING BY POST. Villas, 4 7, St. Paul's Road, London, N. !here is no danger to life in AVIS & CO. (Dept. 112), 26, DENMARK HILL, LONDON. D UNREDEE'\tED PLEDGE SALE. curing a bad leg by SPECIAL SUPPL&\1ENTARY LIST OF THIS MONTH'S UNREDEEMED PLEDGES NOW READY. -- Sent Post Free List of 5,000 ~cnsational Bar:!ains. Don't BURG SS' delay. w1~p.ew~iLn~AVEG¥~u~u1:gs~ne Items. This obser,·ant gentleman is convinced his cheerful, happy, hopeful A REVOLUTION IN PRICES-ASTOUNDING VALUE ALL GOODS SENT ON SEVEN DAYS' APPROVAL. c:n1dition of mind is dire:lly due to the timely increase of nervous LION 01 T BUSINESd TRANSAC-TED PlliVATELY BY POST. -{Worth £2 lOs.) FIELD. RACE or MARINE GLASS 12/6 (by Lefaier); poweriul Binocular, as used in Army vitality produced by Phosferipe-it gave just that extra nourishment and Navy; 50 miles range; show.> bullet mark 1,000 yards; wide field; saddler made sling case, week's free trial; sacrifice, 12s. 6d.; approvJ.l willingly be!ore payment. which the nerve forces need to replenish an over-exhausted system. • -POWERFUL BI.~OCULAR FIELD or MARINE 32/6 GLASSES, great magni,ying power (by Lumiere); ESTAB. most powerful gla..<:s made, name o! ship can be distinctly read five milES !rom shore, lJrillia.nt field oi view; in Solid leather I case;. week's free trial; worth £6 103.-sacrifice, £1 12s. Cd. When you require the Best Tonic Medicine, see you get 12/9-~~;~fA~. £!1i~ih!~~ ~~~c~B:-{~o c:r?i~l!.:S~::r~~h~~= Nature will ali\'UY:> al:isert itself. It i us less required. EXqu1s1te embroidered American Robes, ek.; beauti~ healing a Wound until it is thoroughly cleansed; it fully m.1de garments, tn;! p~titction of a mother's personal work; must break out again worse than before. The·gteat never worn; sacrifice, 12s. 9d. Approval willingly. "' success of 10/6-?v~~;t;:'~im~~~;~d ~l!~~% :e:::J~arl;:~~~ :Hti~~ to a few s 'Conds a. month: also double-curb Albert, same quality, with handsome compa&- attached. Week's free trial. BURGESS' · LION 01 TME T 'l'ogether, sacn.ficd, lOs. 6d. Approval before payment. Is that it will not heal tilt it hM thoroughly cleared --SUPERFINE QUALITY BLANKETS, ma.gnificent 19/9 parcel, containing 10 exceptionally choice and larg~ away all morbid matter. size Blankets. Worth £3 3s.; sacrifice. 19s. 9d. Approva..l. It c~res without painful operations, lancing or {Worth £2 2s.).-LADY'S 18-ct. Solid Gold H&ll-m&rked cutting, in all cases of Ulcers. Abscesses. Whitlows,· 8/9 Diamond and Sapphire Doublet HaU-Hoov Rinf, cb.w A PROVEN REMEDY FOR Boils, Fatty or Cystic Tumours, Piles, Fistula, Poly­ sett.ing, large lustrous stones. 8s. 9d. Approval willingly. Nervous Debility ~ · algi a pus, Poisoned Wound~, and all forms of Skin Disease. -PRETTY NECKLET. with Heart Pendant attached, Lassitude Backache Its penetrati'l"e power makes it the best app ic:1tion 4/9 set P;uisian Pearls a.nd Turquoises; 18-ct. &old (stamped) Influenza Maternity Weakness Neuritis Rheumatism for curing all Chest and Bronchial '!'roubles. filled, in velvet case. Bar~ain, 4s. 9d. ApproJal willingly. Indigestion Premature Decay Faintness SEND PENNY STAMP FOR SAMPLE (Colonies 2d.). ?/6-GENT.'S fa...'ISive Double Albert; 18-ct. Gold Sleeplessness Mental Exhaustion Brain·Fag Headache Sold by Chemists, nd., 1/H. etc., or post free for 1 • (stamped) filled solid links. curb pattern; 12s. 6d. Ap. Hysteria • (Worth £4 4.;.)-LADY'S Solid Gold English Hall~marked Exhaustion Loss of Appetite Amemla Sciatica P.O. from E. BURCESS, 59, Cray•s Inn Road, London, 21/ WATCH BRACELET, will fit any wrist, perfect tim~ W.C. AclYice Gratis. keeper, 10 years' warranty; week'5 free trial; 21s. Appronl. -{Worth £2 2s.) Solid Gold Curb Chain Padlo<'k 14/6· RR:\CF.:LET, \\ith safety chain; 148. 6d. .Approv.d Phosferine has a world-wide repute for curing disorders of the nervous system more 4 19I 9-L~~e.!:~. ~~e~i~:.~~; Yln ick~~:,er~~;ti~!:tyeo!t~~ c?mpletely and speedily, and at less cost than any other preparation. ti~ns, etc., worth £3 3s.; sacrifice, 19s. 9d. Appronl. -MAHSIVE CURB CHAIN PADLOCK BRACELET. 8/6 wi.h safety chain~ w:id link.,; 18~ct. gold :-tam~eJ filled, in ¥o:)lvet else; S].('ri.!ice, 8•. 6d. Approval wil ing!y. -(Worth £10 lOs.) GENT.'S Solid Gold English Hall 49/6 marked Key:~s LE'I"er, rent1e second, higb~sr:..<.le SPECIAL SERVICE NOTE. Chronogr::ph .Stop Watch tR. Sta.nton, London); jewel'ed. tt rr.ed Pbosferine is made in Liquid and Tablets, the Tablet form being particularly convenient MI TU E to minute month: 20 years' warranty: 7 days' trial; 49s. Ed. for men on ACTIVE. SERVICE, travellers, etc. It can be used any time, anywhere, in accurate - (Worth £4 4s.l-Baby's Long Clothu;, superfine q~ .:li1t y 21/ m ~nificent pal eel. 82 a1 ticles, exquisite Lmbrod·~red doses, as no water 1s needed. Amzriran How, etc. ; evtrytt1!ng 1equired: beautiful g.n· I The 219 tube is small enough to carry in the pocket, and contains 90 doses. y DUr sailo i mcnts. neTer wo1·n; ba1 ga!n, 2 is. Approval willingly. or 3oldler will be the better for Phosferine-send him a tube of tablets. Sold by all Chemistsr 12 Is-~\:flJI hE-~;-~r:D\~g· ~Cfi;lbig:iEJIJ ~~~~~~l~ Stores, etc. The 2/9 size contains nearly four times the 1/1! tdze. ' A ELEND OF pJ.ttem; wi'l fit a:J.y ln"ist; Jte:fect tirueke>pcr; 10 yrar,; THE FINEST wa1ranty; sacrifice 12•. 6d.; we ·k'~ trial. Approval willingiy -Gent."s IIandi'<lme 18<t. GQld-ca.S€d h:eyLs.> Watch, wit!J MONEY TO LEND. TOBACCOS 8/6 fully ra.diumi.~eti luminous hand> and figures t'me can be di<tinclly ~ef'n at night; high grade lever mO\·ement., t:m,d LOAN by post at 6d. per £ int. to workmen and all to mi.nute month; 10 years' warranty; week's flee trial; 8s.6d A clas..<es from £2 to £500.-Apply ~1. ISAACS, :E.a.<;t 0?./6 t\\'01th t£4 lCs.)-- lid Go,d Enl:lish Hall-marked Key· Parade, Leeds. ~~ 1 ~ Watch Wrbtlet, with lurninon, hands and figures. -C-HEAP LOAN::!, -£5 to £1,000. privately and pr~mptly.- . so that time can be distinctly seen at ni::ht; o~rffct timekeeper; Wl\1. H. WHITE~IAN, 42, Poultry, Cheapside, E.C. 1) v rs· warranty; week's free trt l; sacrifice, 22s. 6d. ,, EASLEST WAY. •. TO BURROW £5 to £1,000. t.nt. 2S. ~/ 1\\'orth £4 4s.)-Lady's . l.d Gold English Ha.ll~marked £. Sepa.ra.te La.dies' Depa.rtment. Call, write, or 'pr< nt 21 • Keyless Watch, jewelled movement, richly engraved, 1191 Museum.-B ~ LYLE. LTD .. 89. New Oxford-ct .. W C. 12 years' warranty; week's free trial, 21s.: also Lady's Handsome R ..:olid Gold Long Watch Guard. worth £4 4s.; sacrifice, 21s. ISS EDITH .MAITLAND, The Firs, Richmond Park-•oad l!.d PE 24/6-Gent.'s superior quality Fawn .Mack!ntosh, Beat Twill M Bournemouth.
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