—-- ' ' l»Mi^i »i ':::f-;:::æ• '^BnmmmJk 'A'-' '*'A /3T U A """" í5tmili*m Hwiew 1- A WEEKLY RECORD OF TRADE AND FINANCE Vol. 2 —No. 33 RIO DE JANEIRO, TUESDAY, 15th AUGUST, 1899.Price. 1$000,' .^ DAVIDSON & Hio QUAYLE, Co. d.© Janeiro iSLgeixoy 1n São Fs»-uJ.o 119 & 121, RUA DA QUITANDA RUA DO COMMERCIO, N. 32 COMMISSION MERCHANTS & IMPORTERS. KIA.X.^^IS^A.ZOO KAILROAD VELOCÍPEDE <3c CA.:R, Oo CS-ja-Hg^SKT^L. OIL OÒ„' SPECIAL TERMS FOR : —===. BROOXS LOCOMOTIVES, ===— BRIDGE WORK GE THE UNION BRIDGE Co. GENERAL AGENTS IN BRAZIL FOR THEPRIMCE LIME OF STEAMERS. FRY MIERS & Co. Òttffolk House M Letwrence Pouniney. Hitt, Lmidom E. C. ENGINEERS & EXPORT MERCHANTS SOLE AGENTS IN BRAZIL FOR BEYEB PEACOCK and Oò's. LOCOMOTIVES, ihe.Roller Bearings Co's Rolling Friction axle boxes, Tyler & Ellis' continuous Rail crossings. Evans 0. Donnel & Co's, Paten lock òí biock for Absoluto & Caution working & Railway signalling apparatus, and other specialities in-Railway plant, EDISON & SWAN UNITED ELECTRIC LIGHT Co. Ld. COFFEE, SUGAR & SANITaRY MACHINERY and WATER WORKS MATERIAL Agency hi Rio de Janeiro: — E. J. SMART— P. 0. B. 775. Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 21, lst floor. Agency in S. Paulo : — RICHARD OREAGH— P. 0. B. 48. Rua do Commercio, 29. - -.-•¦ Telegraphic ,-¦•: Address, FIEL.DFARE. S. Paulo BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS., Philadelphia, Penn. (established issi) BURNHAM, WILLIAMS & Co., Proprietors. locomotive 7ÍJ^f engines are adapted to every variety of service, are built accurately to standard gauges and templates. Like parts of different engines of same class perfectly interchangeable. Passenger and Freight Locomotives, Narrow Gauge Locomotives, Steam Street Cars, etc, etc. Electric Locomotives and Plant for Electric Railways by the Baldwin Westinghouse Combination. ALL WORK THOBOÜGHLr GUARANTEED.ILLUSTRATE9 CATALOGUE FURNISHED ON APPLICATION OF CUSTOMS, Sole Agents in Brazil NORTON, MEGAW & Oo., I/d. No. 58, Rna Primeiro âfi Março, Rio de Janeiro him: Co. General lerctats, letal Importers --ani lannfactnrers of• Bar, Angle, Horse-shoe Iron and Box Irons, Wire Nails, Lead Piplng, Mule and Horse Shoes, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, and Brooms and Brushes, of ali kinds. UNDERTAKE CASTINGS OF1 EVERY DESCRIPTION Agents for Knight, Bevan and Sturges' Cement. CENTRAL OFFICE: — 32, Rua Theophilo Ottoni, 32 THE ALLISOH. MMUFÃCTURIM Co. Fhifedglphia. m Ã. Every description of FREIGHT CARS for bróacl & narrow gauge RAILWAYS Allisorís Chãrcoal Iron Locomotive Boiler Tubes,7 Marine & .stationary boiler tubes, American wheels & axles, axle boxes, wrought iron pipe, fittings etc «I. AI*. DOBBS, General representative, Caixa 1064, RIO DE JAJVEIIAO. ^ .,\3R*;,'->'•"' ' 15 th, 1399. n The Brazilian Review. [August LONDON AND RIVER PLATE BRAZILIAN BANK AND THE BANK, Limited. LONDON LIMITED. mi & co. Capital............ £ 1.500.000 LONDON: Princes Street, E. C. up »> 705.000 Capital paid PARIS: 16, Rue Halévy Reserve fund• • »» 600.000 WIILE, SCHILINSKY & C. Rio de Janeiro: HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. da 4L1 AMD 4L3 No. 20, Rua Alfândega. BRANCH OFFICE IN RIO DE JANEIRO 1 10, Rua da Alfândega Rna General Caiara Authorized by Decree No. 591 of 17th October, 189 i Draws on Head Offlce and the following Branches and Agencies: Subscribed capital £ 1,500,000 Realizeddo „ 900,000 LISBON, OPORTO, PARA, -dr^ **¦"">-¦ Reserve fund „ 1,000,000 PERNAMBUCO, BAHIA, SANTOS, S. PAULO CAMPINAS, RIO GRANDE DO SUL. PELOTAS, PORTO ALEGRE, MONTEVIDÉO, BUENOS AVRES, ROSÁRIO DE SANTA FÉ, AND IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS BRANCHES: YORK NEW Paris, 16, rue Halévy, Pernambuco, Also on: -fe5^? Para, Buenos aires, Montevidéo, Rosário, Messrs. Glyn, Mills, Curriedé Co., Mendoza and Paysandü London. Messrs. Mallet Fréres & Co., Paris. DRAWS ON: — Messrs. Schroeder & Co.,J. H. Schroeder & Co., Cable address: nachf. London and County Banking Co., L'd.— LONDON. Hamburg. Banque de Paris et des Pays Bas.— PARIS. Messrs, Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co., WILLE—RIO Banco de Portugal and agencies.—PORTUGAL. Hamburg And on ali the cities of Europe. Messrs. Granct Brown & Co. Also on: Genoa. p. o. BOX. H. 761 Brown Brothers & Co.—NEW YORK. First National Bank of Chicago.—CHICAGO. RASILIANISCHE bank fur FRANÇAISE DU B DEUTSGHLAND BANQUEBRÊSIL BRITISH BANK OF SOUTH THE AMERICA, LIMITED. AUTHORIZED BY Decree No. 1432 of 2nd January, 1897 Established in Hamburg on 16th December, 1887 by the «Direction der Disconto Gesell- HEAD OFFICE: 2 A, MOORGATE ST the «Norddeutsche Bank schaft» in Berlin and CAPITAL: Fcs. 10,000,000 (Ten miilion Francs) in Hamburg», Hamburg. London, E. G. HEAD OFFICE: 9, RUA LAFITTE, Paris Capital 10.000.000 Marks. Capital £ 1,000,000 Idem paid up „ 500,000 Branch Office in Rio de Janeiro: Reserve fund „ 320,000 BRANCH OFFICE IN RIO DE JANEIRO. 78, Rua da Quitanda (Caixa 108) P. O- P. 58 Branches at S. Paulo and Santos Office in Rio de Janeiro: Branch-ofHces in São Paulo and Santos. Draws on: (Caixa 520)(Caixa 185) \ Head Office. 31, B,ua Io de Março I Comptoir National d'Escompte de Draws on \ Paris, and agencies.' )Société Générale pour favoriser Io f Direction der Disconto.. Paris and France'! dévcloppement du Commerce et de Gesellschaft, Berlin] j 1'Industrie en France,and agencies Branches at: Norddeutsche Bank in' and & Co. Germany. ) cor- [Heine 'M.Hamburg ; Hamburg/respondents. 1 Lazard Fréres & Co. A. von Rothschoidl \*3Périer Mercet & Co. 8. PAULO, SANT03, BAHIA, PARA, MONTEVIDÉO, Sohnc, Frankfurt a M./ /Union Bank of London, Limited. BUENOS AIRES AND ROSÁRIO. N. M. Rothschild & Sons, London, London Joint Stock Bank, Limited. Manches ter and Liverpool, ÍParr's Bank, Limited. District Banking Company, Limited, London. [Lazard Brothers & Co. Agencies at Pernambuco, Ceará, Maranhão and -NGLand/ London. |j. Henry Schroeder & Co. Rio Grande do Sul. & 1 Union Bank of London , Limited, Kleinwort Sons Co. RufFer & Sons. [ London. ^A. Draws on its Head Office in London: \Wm. Brandt's Sons & Co., London. /Direction der Disconto Gesellschaft. 'Credit Deutsche Bank, Berlin and branches. The London Joint Stock Bank, Limited, Lyonnais, Paris, and branches l Dresdner Bank,Drcsdenand branches 1 Heine & Co., Paiis. ) Schroeder.Gebruder & Co., Hamburg London. i>„.„„~)Comptoir National d'Escompte de GBRMANy ^Conrad Hinrich Donner, Hamburg. 'Lazard\ Paris, Pí;ns. 'Norddeutsche Bank, Hamburg. Messrs. Heine& Co., Fréres & Co., Paris. L. Behrens & Sohn, Hamburg. Paris. ^Dc Neuílize & Co., Paris. ^Correspondents in ali chief-cities. Messrs. J. Berenberg Gossler éc Co., i Banco Lisbon & Açores Portugal. and corres- ÍJ. M. Fernandes Guimarães & Co. j poridents, Portugal . ?Porto and their Correspondent». and correspondents in Germany, (Banco Commercial de Lisboa, .Lisbon. and any other countries. Hamburo. IBanca Commercialc Italiana, Italy... ' Gênova, Opens accounts current. j Milan, Turin. Messrs. Roesti & Co., Pays interest on deposits for a certain time. AND ANY OTHER CCUNTRY and correspondents in Italy Executes orders for purchases and sales of stocks, Opens acGOunts-current. ¦¦ ihares. etc, and transacts every description of banking Pays interest for a certain time ; executes orders The Bank of New York, N. B. A. for and sales of stocks, business. purchases shares etc, and transacts every description of banking business. New York. ¦¦¦ Petersen-Theü, ':¦ G. Henriot. fixed and :j\l - æ' ' ' 'V Receives deposits at notice or for peiiods '¦,.'¦æ¦¦:-.*' Direcs. Manager. transacts every description of Banking business. ' *'.' ¦ ^^^9*1^ August 15th, 1899. * M\ The Brazilian Review. III DA REPUBLICA STEAM BRAZILIAN COAL BANCODO BRAZIL. PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. THE COMPANY, LIMITED. 'of ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Representatives DEPARTURES Realizei CdDital . Rs. 103.616:400$000 FOR LIVERPOOL. CORY BROTHERS &, CO, L'D. Liguria August açth. of Carilff and London. N. B. This capital to be Orcana Sept. iath. Colliery Proprietors. These popular steamers are fitted with the electric reduced to Rs. 100.000:000$ in accordance with light and ali inodorn conveniences. Cuisine of highest Coal Depôts in ali the principal ports of the world. ordor. A constant and fresh supply of Cory's Merthyr Steam Government's Decree of 8th May 1897. For freight» apply to coal always in Stock. F. D. Machado. Prompt delivory at reasonable prices. No. Rua S. Pedro Tugboats service. FM .... RS. 16.787:304$006 4, ; always ready for and for passages and other information to Engineering Works. Profits m Snsoense... Rs. 10.384:820193b Wilson, Sons & Co, L'd. Agents. Repairs to Ships, Launches, Machinery, Lighters, etc, effected with the utmost possible dispatch. on 3oth June 1899. No./2, Rua S. Pedro. OFFICES: BdiQcio ia Bolsa, Salas 26 and 27* OFFICE IN RIO DE JANEIRO IVERPOOL, BRAZIL AND Entrance: Rua Gen. Câmara. 9, ma da Alfândega L RIVER PLATE STEAMERS. Agencies at Pará, Maranhão, Ceará, Pernambuco Depôt: ILHA DOS F Bahia, Victoria, Santos, Sao Paulo, Desterro. P. O. Box 774. Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegro & Pelotas. LAMPORT & HOLT LINE Draws on: PASSENGER SERVICE FOR NEW YORK MAIL Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Sons. " 2nd. ROYALSTEAM PACKET London & County Banking Co Ld. Hevelius Sept. COMPANY. Messrs. Baring Brothers & Co Ld. Under contracts with the British and Bra~ zilian Governments for carrying the mails. LONDON. The steamer TABLE OF DEPARTURES. Messrs. Hottingfuer & Co. 1899 Comptoir National d'Escompto do Paris. Date Steamer Destination PARIS. sails on tha i7th. inst for Commerz und Diskonto &c Bank in Hamburg. IVew York. 1899 Aug. 21 Magdilena Montevidéo & Buenos Ayres. HAMBURG. calling at " 21 La Plata Santos, Montevldío & Buenos " Ayres.
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