THE JOURNAL OF THE SEVENTY-FIFTH SESSION OF THE NORTH " INDIA ANNUAL C·ONFERENCE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH ..~ , HELD AT BAREILL Y December 14th to 19th, 1938 LUCKNOW PUBLISHING HOUSE. LUCKNOW. INDIA. 1939. (Print.d for PrirJate Circulation) EaX:E55555a'X'E'====5a'XXEi====~lxeC~==~'XE9e:m OJ Secretary's Oertificate m I This certifies that th: "f:1I0Wing pages contain a I complete and accurat~ record of the proceedings of x x the North India Annual Conference of the Methodist I Episcopal Church, at its seventy·fifth Session held at Bareilly, India, December 14·19,1938, together with I the reports, statistics and all other rna tters required. x x and that by vote of the Conference the same ii ~ I adopted as its Official Journal. ~ I I I Se~etary. I x x OJ lD axe.i5!ii5:=:i3'X lEI======·XXE' ====='xecz==-=:=i3' Xe:uJ TABLE OF CONTENTS ---:0:--- Page 1. Officers of the Conference 149 II. Boards and Committees 149 III. Daily Proceedings 152 IV. Disciplinary Questions 163 V. Appointments 1939 167 VI. Certificates of ordination, of authority to baptise 170 VII. Roll of Marriage Registrars 171 VIn. Reports:- (a) District Superintendents 174 (b) Standing Committees and Boards 188 (1) Registrar 188 (2) Board of Ed ucation 188 (3) Board of Evangelism 116 (c) Statistician 169 (d) Church Finance Committee 193 (e) Provident Fund 121 (f) Conference Treasurer 196 (g) Minutes and Members of Lay Conference 201 IX. Memoirs 133 X. Roll of the Dead 204 XI. His torical :- (a) Sessions of the Conference 206 (b) Conference Programme 208 XII. Miscellaneous:- (a) Conference Rules of Order 210 (b) Local Preachers 211 XIII. Pastoral Record 216 XIV. Statistics 217 Officers of the Conference RBBicUnt Bishop: Bishop B. T ~ Badley, D. D" LL. D., 12 Boulevard Road, Delhi. Presiding Bishop: Bishop J. R. Chitambar, M.·A., D.O., LL. D., Jubbulpore, C P. Secretary. Yunas Sinha. P.O. Bareilly. Assistant Secretaries C~ S. Thoburn, M.D. P8tial. Statistical Seoretary A. P. Calton, P. O. Bijnor. Conference Treasurer H. R. Wilson, P. O. Moradabad. Mission Correspondent J. N. Hollister, P. O. Bijnor. Mission Treasurer' H. A. Hanson, P. O. Pauri, Garhwal. Conference Boards. Board of Ministerid.l Training :'-:'Ckairman, M. W. Branch; Registrar, J W. Nave& Members: LCar Masihi Arjun LaJ, A. P. Calton, Yunas Sinha. Rup eiland, J. S Rawat, B. S. Roberts, T •.. Joel, L. M. Lyall, Kripai Singh. Board of StewardB:-The ·Provident. Fund Committee is the Board of Stewards. Addi­ tional appointed by Lay Conference L Charag, W. W. Cutting. Board of Christian Eduoation:-President, J. N. HoHister. (a) Education:-Arjun Lall, M. W. Branch, S. B. TewarsoD, H. R. Wilson, R. S. Cbaran, W. A. 'Newton, Misses Cox, Parks, Bates, Phillips. Collins, Stephens. (b) Rsligiov.a Ec/,'UCQ,tlon:-C. D. Rockey, Mangal Singh, J. W. Nave, M. D. Patial. N. K. M. Sinha, Mrs. Nave. Misses Perrill, Beach, Bates, Moses. Board of Evangelism:-AU Dlstrict Superintendents, District Evangelists, Principal of Bareilly l'oeo!ogical Seminary, E. £. Jones, Y. Sinha, S. K. £IDgh, isaac Samuel, JeetSingh, A. ,l..ist, H. R. Wilson, Martin Singh, J. N. Holhster, (Conv.ener). Temperance Commtttee:-G. B. rho;lDSon, Misses Perrill, McCartney, M.ra. Wilkinson, ~. Blackstock, Ogilvie, S. B. Tewarson. Dr. rownsend, J. Wilkie, Rup Chand, A. P. Calton, L. M. Lyall, N. L. Singh, David Benson, Walter Scott. Trier8 of .4.ppeal:-H. A. Hanson. M. W. Branch, N. L. Singh. B. S. Roberts, Arjun LaI, Daya Ram, '1'. J oet, Yunas ~inha, Jeett Singh, R. S. Wilkinson, L. M. Lya111 Lazar Masih. AlternatsB:-KripaI Singh, Nelson Solomon. Edu.cation Ezecutive CommLttee:-Ez-Olficio, Treasurer Board of Education; Secreta.ry, H. A. H~~on; H. K WHjlon, G. A. Ghowfin, and aU managers of schools excetJt Primary vay Schools. Memoirs CommmittBe:-R. S. Wilkinson, Lazar Masih. B. W. Falls, Y. M. Hasan, N. L. Sineh, J. N. Hollister. Misses .Moses, StaUard, Mrs. A. Gulab. Resolutions Committee:-C. S. Thoburn. B. S. Roberts, Rup Chand. Mitthu LaI, Uday Singh, Kripal Singh. Ent6rtainment Committee:-District Superintendent. Pastor and Treasurer of Local Church. Ladies in charg~ of the work of the station, F. Jacob, 1. Charan. Progra.mme Committee:-J. N. Hollister, A • .P. Calton, N. K. M. Sinha, Bennett Singh, H. Presler. A. List, Mrs. ti. A. Hanson, Misses Kennard, Dimmitt. Music Committee:-H. Presler. M. D. Patial, S. B. 'rewarsoD, E. P. Cnaubey. Udal SiDgh~ Mrs. Rockey, Miss Stephens, Mrs. Presler, Miss Waugh.' . Publishing Minut6s:"':"The Sec.retaries and the Conference Treasurer. Chaudkri 7'raininu CommiUss:-Cka.irma.n, M. T.Titus, Principal of Bareilly Theolo· gical Seminary t G. B. 'J,'homSOD, MisBeaDunn. Calkins, B. McCartney. Mas. MOt/sntent Committef:--O. D. Rocky, Y. Sinha, H. B. Weeks, D"yaRam,~. Lilt. 150 OFFICERS OF THE CONFE~ENCE Committees on Finance and Property Muswn Finance Committee:-PrBBidBnt, Bishop B. T. Badley, E:J-Ol/icu,,. MBmber,: Mission Correspomlent. J. N. Hollister; M..uo~ TreaBVTc:r', .tf. A. If'anson; Di.trict .superintendeats: A. Gulab, G. B. Thomson, H. H. WeekS, C.' D. Rockey. Elected MemberB:-N. L. Singh, A. P. (jalton. AlternateB:-J. W. Nave, B. S. Roberts,D. S. Cbaudhury, MangaJ Singh. La,y Member8:~H. R. WilSOD, S. B.Tewarson, A. List. AltBrna,teB:-:J. H. Hakeem, C. H. Green wold. RepresentativeBof Women'B Con!erence:-Miss Bass, Miss P. Emery. Bfl.dget and Auditing Committee:-Mission Treasurer (E~-Oflicio Convener); H. A. Hanson, G. B. Thomson, M. T. ritua, S. B. Tewarson, J. N. Hollieter, B. S. Roberts. Property Committee:-H. H. Weeks (Chairman), (X. B. Thomson, M. T. TitU$, A. List. H. R. Wilson, B. S. Roberts, J. N. Hol1i~ter. Church Finance Committee:·- MiniBters:-Y. Sinha, 1939·42; R. S. Wilkinson 1939·41; Thomas Joel, 1939.40; U. S. Das, 19311. Alternates:-Nelson Solomon, Lazar Masib. Lallmen:-H. Barrow, I. Joel, Y. M. Hasan, James Rose. Altern~tes:-P. D. Sanwal, A. List. Women:-MissPerriU (1939); Miss P. Stephens (1940). Pro11itlent Fund Com,m,itt8B:-TreaBUreT, C. D. Rockey; Boa.rd. of lJir.ecterIJ: T"erftlto expira lD 1939,.E. M. Moffatt. Mangal Singh, L. M.LyalJ; term to expire in U~40. A. GuJab, 8. S. Roberts, Rup Chand; term to expire in 1941, C. Dt Rock8J. Krip.l Singb, R. S. Wilkinson. E~Officio:-Mission Treasurer, Conference Treasurer. Au.:litorB:-H: R: Wilson, S.B. Tewarson, E. M. Moffatt. YNld &fere1lee Committee:-Ea;-OJjicio:Miss.A. M. Bass (Olfi;ouu Oorr6B~tlde",t); Miss E. L. Whiting (Treasurer); Mra. Titus. Dr. Burton, Miss Oldroyd, Miss HonneH, Miss Calkins, Miss P~ PbiUips. AlternateB:-Miss Emery, Mra. Atkins) Miss i{. Boath, Miss Peters, Miss V. Parks Representatives on Hoards of Conference Institutions and Other Doards Bt.£reillll Tkf,ol8gico.l S8mipa"1J~-;-E:I;'Ojficio Ch,airmq,n, BishC)p B. T. Badley, (Chu.ir., man); Jiistwps J. R. Chj~amba.r, and J. W. Pic~ettj Trea'¥Ter, H. H. Weeks: E~ecutive Secretary, C. D. Rockey. Conference ~preBentati'P.eB:~ North, lndia:-G. B. Thomson 1942; M.iss Calkins (1940); M. W. Branch (19~1). North· WeBt lndia:-C. C. Herrmann, Amar D~. 1.Alckaow;:"'-R." I. Faucett, Mrs. C. O. Forsgren, C. A.Roberts. InduB Riller:-Chatur Bhuj. Central ProvinoeB:-B. F. Wishard. Alu.mni RepreB6ntativs.:-A. Gulab, Robert John. Co-opted Laymen:'';'''N. Jo-rdan, S. P. A. Dube, F. Jacob. ChuTch Union; RoUnd-Table Con!erencs:-M.'!'. Titus. CLara Swain HOBPital:-E~·Olficio: Resident Bishop" DistrictSuperintend~~, PiJ.ysi­ cians In Cbargeat 1'uaun'la and Barein)" Business Manager t Superiptendent of Nurses. Elected. Mem:bers:-Mrs. Rockey, Mre. Titus, Miss Phillips. Madar Sana,toriU.;m:-~~ N. Hollieter,M. T. :.titus. Warne aabu Folg,;~Ea;-Offic;to: Resident B1shop, District. SuperiDt~ndel;lt, Dr. fluriop s MediCa.'/, A aiJ-lBer. ." " , OFFICERS OF TH~ CONFERENCE 151 ElBC"d Members:-J. H. Hak€em (1937-1988), A. P. Calton (1937·38-89), Mrs. Titus (38.39-40) Methodist Woodstock Council:-Mrs. Weeks, H. A. Hanson. Isabella Thoburn Collsge:-Miss Y. Peters. D.,S~· Chaudhury. Leonard Theological College:-C. D. Rockey. Philander Smith College:-J. N. Hol1isto~; M. T. Titus, H. H. Weeks (member at large). 4'Oak OpeningB" E~ecutive Board:-E. M. Moffatt, F. G. Brandon, C. D. Rockey, C. S. Thohurn, H. A. Han SOD I M. T. Titus. Wellesley Girls' School:-M. T. Titus, Mrs. Atkins, H. H. Weeks (Member at large.) N. L c~ Tract and Book Society:-A'. P. Calton, Kripal Singh. U P. Christian Council:- Mission RepreB61£tative: -H; H. Weeks, 1939·41. Indian Church:-E. M. Phillips, 1938-40. AltErnate, G. B. Thomson ' Women's Conference:-Miss Y. Peters, 19!!. Al.tsrnate Miss A.Bass. M iscellaneous Committees Confereno" lliBtorical SocietY:-P'TeBident: Miss V. ParkS; Ch'To"iclers, J" W. Nave, Rup Ch:md. Conferenre Literary Soeiety:-PresuJent, S~ B. Tewarson; Secr.w:ry, Miss P. Stephens. Visitors to Bar,illy ~·eminary:-H. L. Lyall, Nelson Solomon. To Preach the Annual Conf~r'ncB S,ermon.·-S. B. Sherring. Altern'lte. C. S. Thoburn Daily Proceedings FIRST DAY Wednesday, December 14.1998. The North lndia Confe.renee be,g-an its seventy-fifth session at the Metbedist Episcopal Church (Cbrist Chureh), Bareilly, with a day of p"ayer and intercession. At 9 a. m. Bisbop J. R. Chihmbal" was the ieader of a serviee of prayer and testimony. He directed attention in particular to Psaim 103:7, emphasizing the need of Ii ving close eno-qgh to God·to know his ways as well as his more obvit>us acts. In addition to voluntary testimonies.
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