'6'2 Rleo ?O Serze Cov Wrllraril. N *.Ogtffi%Gra6

'6'2 Rleo ?O Serze Cov Wrllraril. N *.Ogtffi%Gra6

Y av, -J v iihIVED ExAt,.iII\IATION ohl CHARGE oF RoBBII.tG RESTAUMruT A WEEI( AGO l) 1, 34-1 SeNtc,ro 15-30 yRs, GD.RAptiga6gugu*t "FoR JA 7. 13-6 Rec.qpTuBEo AFTER BEIilJG TMPPED IN SEVJER F 6,'6'2 GtvEu Lt To 4si yRS IiOFE FOR TR/t$rG To EscApE 0 23, 1-6 rno*r r&aquerrr r.,*ffi1#3-- RlEo ?o sErzE cov wrlLrAril. n *.oGtffi%GrA6€-sHo?%t#;A &onee HALSTEAD, KH{I; DIRECTOR 1993 N18A 7-2 Ians-Mich parents and their children are paying a greater share of the bill for college education-Cole OFF 1974 ) OtsrRtBooluEF FoR FonoPanrsDtv.rTALKs ABour so!{E iloRE rExo- T[ cf RErLAEEIIENT REeUESTS-WI LLcor -1982- Je 11r B-8-2 Neur vp oF LAril{ AnsnrcAN opERAllif6*i,j,GcrNs D 18, A_14 oC-FoRD EYEING sHIFT oF tTS Sr AFRICAN CAR-PRODUCTIoN To Fl RM BAstsD TIIERE-PETERSOH r977 oF 22 GHARGED BY FED. AUT}IOR IT I E8 IdITH MANUFACTUR AI{D SALE OF DFUG,PCP" HALSTEAD, PHILLIP WALTER: CUSTODY CASE 1966 Nome0eee 12-gusrooy A\{ARDED To RxRE GRANDFTARENTSTM0THER L0s s FrGHr rN ldwe Sup Cr ( ARIIOLD: SOCIETY 0r Bloorrrreuo Htr-ls MARRlED C'not Et-tzaeerH DecrEn-ot Ernuir+eHlN D28 -1990- Ja 30 c-7-2 Birnlngharn photograptry dealer has career that cll-cks.-- Colby uE J9 v, Dngss&rasHtoN DESt cNERr4lrTALKs ABour TRENDS-PETRIE -1975- Jt 2Q, o'?-1 Ny-says KEEKP sr-r[-(i#+grr=- rr _F12t 0_1*1 uS olvmplc TEAFI llATEs tARoRoBEs DESIGNEp FCR THEH BY TOP DESIGT{ER HALATONT- FETRIE' -1981- 0 15r tL1-1 NY-eLesencE-SroNE O !0r 8-1-6 sr-sFEnO 8Er" Ei888S FOB Bpitdo.I.n E N 1gr r.l-} lN 0er FoR pARTy A" DET lmsrl TU'snow-Srorue -1fi4. 0 7, G-6-.! Ooesrtr conrRoL THE tHAlsrort BRArD uAr{E-SrotE -1990-- w 28, C-1-4 ied March 26, from AlDS-related cancerrag5T-Horyn HALT. GORDIE: SPFJJ.ING BEE 1993 AP6B4. ttmonotonytt Halt spelled to go Lo the national contest HSTLTER, CYNTHIA J0AN s SOCIETY 1979 D 50, C-4-t To weo Jont't THoltas 0eeRr t nt HALTER9 JOAN c EETROITER 1978 0 B, Roro 6 STaRrEo Dgrnotr AIJARNEss ro cHANGE IMAcE oF ctrv FoR BuslNESs, orHeRs-Oapos 1987 MY 20, B-Z-1 NoD0t against nt CountY Prosecutor has refused to issue warrant im while after taking pictures of Pol ice raid. 53, oF P9 S. Lurren tN DET.' KTLLED t'rtrH orllER GUARq AT , LLnn STEGLERts LTNSDALE pLANT BY TRESPAsseas-Mananoo/Suco/ BeRusret r s 12, A-5-l REcauueo As FRIEiTIDLY MAI{ BY RESIDENTS AcBBes rnom Llen St LER PLAHT WHERE HE UAS KILLED-CLARK s 13, A-r-l 2 anorHens ARRESTED lN sLAYlNcr wERE FORf{ER EMPLOYEES.MAN DO s 14, D-5-1 Tnlvts Boswell r4, & ERortlER BRenrr22, Boru oF 11711 PEveRs ARREsTED & annltG!(ED tN Hls DEATH s 26, A-15-1 oRDERS TRIAL ron BosweLL ReconoeRts Juoee SlMueL H. Obser g-4-',1 BROT}IERS D 17, LEaR StEoLER TuRoK otRvERr Cltrrono Sutrnr TESTIFIES sEEl Bneur Bosweu AT SOEHE OF ABOVEIS muRDERr tr ReConoERlScT. TR I AL-F4URNNY HALTILL, RON : LUMBERJACK 1987 s 13, L-l-2 Marquette-also offers his woodcarving, chainsaw sculptures Be Vier Trr\lER, GERALD - ARRnI{HEAD CnLLEgrnR 1966 Alprhr-SHows Hls -c.oLLEcrrst ltuntr$r ARRowHEADs xE r6irio-iioini fi,xoen oAy r(rVER AT nrs llaLL OF riFrcrErur l{aN MErsEuil rN -LACK.Rrvgnlllrrs HAI_T0fiI, FR. HJGH: CltAoLAlN: PRINCET0f{ t${ lV. 1956 rrAcKs FR. prrLpsl PnrNcEr )r{ "Nrv. FoR REF,rsrNc ,o (,-38r10rifr., guLqD lru PRrltcer.ru Ap -s-pEEcH 26rx "l[ Ap 26. 1-1 $eis lwaltort ro Htss rs QoilL oN sKtN 1HAT sygprogrzEs^[riiise'ln i,RtlrcEToNrs BLooD STREAH{.'AyDEit e__!g5j7* S Za, t3_1 PRrucerorrN.J.-PRtucElon Unrv.cuRBs ecove'5-i6Le as clrtrdirilcirer-err, fnenro*,t'.J.{1sxge Geo.Aun REFusEs roREMovE orSo?f : 3F-3.,u".- tor'r ut'rtvenstryrs AQutNas lrusrtture __1g5g_-Ae^uor. 1S, Z_Z ReuTor'trN.J.-To BE TRANSFERRED rO 0xroRo unrv. rnr rUer_ani HALTON, SUSAN : SEPTUPLETS 1987 AS 17, A-11-4 Liverpool,Eng-ZJ, gives birth to 7,6 survive. As 19 A-13-1 3-dot 5th septupl et d ies. S 1 A-3-1 Last of her septuplet chi I dren born Ag. 15 died. EAT,I'C,EINSKI, MICE4EL 3I,IEN SMUGSI,M LYp Form 1656 Thc Dctroit Ncwr Je 25c L-8 Bossoll Scot6, Det berberr alrf€st€d.r EeyB he Go-oPeratoa vltb above lu brlaglag allens lato U.S' fler-o rn oRoryNrilc or $fns P*in*$?imr iIdrNDsoR il frff ,,H (w) Sues i'ETeR SeruKA ron stiNDER HALUSHKA, JAMES : FOR COU\TY PROSECUTOR 1992 o2582-7 Oakland and Macomb Prosecutor. - Edit N5B6-I Loser in race for county prosecutor HALUSHKAI JAMES: PROSECUT'OR ffiBf:E-1992 Filing as Republican Cand in the Aug 4 primary for Macomb County prosecuLor-SchabaLh w L2, B-3-2 D Ukrainian vote gains stature to block Prosec,uLor Marlir agst James Flalushka-schabath Lg 26, B-3-28 Endorsed by deputies unlon-schabath I-HLLISI(A, CYPRIAhT: DEARB0RI,T S0LliltR t945 &J, PR I SONER 5 7, 29-4 Fneeel t954 4-8-5I srAFF oF HosprrAL THREATEN. srRrKE rE ABovE rs No*ih.*u' ?5, L-2-5 2' DrsrrtssEa Fi t ltEis HoSPlrAL .l,]l 'h' CARL M: PRES. OF ASSOICATED.GENo COruTilFdfuNS 2 ABOVE ASKS FOR WAGE PRICE RULES IN CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS CURB I I NFAfrT I ON FOR NG " To EpreNo 66rn sessronr orFBl Naru.Acorr*Yt ?Z"rii'F!o-, ,', o ATTEND FB I Nerl. AcAoEMy t trb/esH I NGToN.0.C" ---1974--- Jt 6, A-1-, ING-APPoOrrEo aYGOV.MITTIKEN To HEAD DEPT.orSrerePoLIcE ot nEcron-ScHusrER Jt 25, E-7-B IN AS NE!' STATE POLICE CHIEF Ae 21, A-3-5 YS GROWING PRESSURE TO INCREASE SPEED LIMIT SINCE MOST r cNoR true 55lt4PH-Gnesam s 5, 8-6-1 ATE PoLlcE CHIEF IS WRoNS-EDIT. 022,A,-1 Srere Pottce LAcK MANPowER To ENFoRcE 55 nlLE FER HR' spEED Lrmrr- ScHUsreR. N 17, A-16-1 IruC-SeVs STATEPOIICE I{As No DESIRE To TAKE ovER oTHER EHFoRoEMENT AGENot es tNMtcH.-ScHUsrER ---1975--- F 22, A-1-1 ANSING.GLEO TUITLEGISLATORS LOSING FREE: ICUAUTTCUNSI AS rarePortcE pATRoL cARs HAVE BEEN useo-ScnusreR ---197r----W'.1, tr-Lt-' SrarE Por-tcg srtLL KEEpING FILE oN ALLEGED suBvERslvES. 14v22, C-1-1 DEFENDS usE oF MrcH.TRoopeRs or I AtRPLANES, JE11 r 421-1 cES l,larusaronv Lt re sETNEcgs FoR Dnue Deauees Ae 15r A-1-5 E Lerus-SeEs No HopE FoR Horra Ao 19, A-1-4 Larus-sevs Jusrtce Depr MAy sooN FrLE sutr ovER Nor ENoucH BLAoK STATE PoLlcE D{rB_}-1Race ABHORS POLICE VANCANCIES IN HIS DEPT. -1976- F 24, B-2-1 D Lerus-uRoEs uN!TED EFFoRT tN NARcortos FtcHT MR 10, A-12-1 Larus-0noeRED Nor ro DESTRoY FTLES oN susPEcrED suBvERSlvES, asFRaruKJ.KetLev AsKs FoR sruDY Ap 2, A-11-1 Lerus-RerusED TO ANSTdER qUESTIONS ABT enps& INDIYIEUALS lN- vEsTtGATEO BY tlls DEPTS.DEFUNCTREDSqUaO r976 vE tvt 16- I LEtts-CoarvlNcED THAT coitrnovgnslA!- FEo squAD Dto Nor LEAK rNFo.ooLLEcrEo otc SO'O@ suspEcrED suevehstvEs s 12, 8-6-1 E Larus-seEs ExeANDED RoLE FoR TRooPERs, nas I YB PREotcrl -But-lnno D 1, tL16-1 Pulleo ovER By rRoopER FoR cotrue 70 tN 55 MpH zoNE -"1977---* F13o A-1-5 lv" MILLIKEN EyEs FREE h,Ay BAN oN T'ANKERS- DlscussEs PR'POSA. }/ITH ABOVE- BULLANO. T4R 19 D.6-1 2OOr sAys Srare Poltce FREqUENTLY GAVE DATA ro Pamnx llewspnpERs orrt [vllcH SusvsnslvEs. m 16, A-11-1 t? B";lFEl$'E?"13,8 l-ifiFlfl,?flX+t$r'iltEsf,Bh[$FrrsEsfterfr Resl ens ro BEcoME Drn. oF Pueuoc torr#l3tAFfrfinontun Htus. -----1977----Apl l, B-1-lSrere sAys Auro Accroeurs cAusED syTeeus DRtNKtNG SURGE lN LAST FEl., YEARS. t'tyr, B-1-1N Beotrus DurtES As HEAD oF FnnmtNGToN Hilr-s pualtc Ssperv DEPr. - Leoenmaru Ac 15r A->2 8tQ[{EO leFanmtilGTorHlLLs PoLlcE DIFEGToRTREqUIFSD TOO liA noune& Too lruclt cor'o{urt re-KAUFTAil Ac 17r B-1-1 N Itltr-r. pRosABLY sTAV AT .roB AilorHEn Mollrll As 27t A-4-2 Resrcns As DrREcroR gF-poLtce. trFtnmtatcromHtlt-S S 15. Bz-3 N ARM!NGToNHILLS-P€SIGNEDTNEW PoLlcE DlREcroR soucHrg 5j, B-2-, N ,{pputED FoR Top pot-tcE t oB lN [{ARREN-RaocH ---1979-*- JL 19r a-2-1 Sr INAH-111MED NEbrNEbJ LA,JLAW ENFoRcEmENTENFORCEMENT orREcToRO I RECTOR. INSAC.INTtC. ;AGTNAH-IAMEDiAG Jigl"djfr Posf or DIRESToR oF puBt.tc 5AFETY wtRv tlnvr/BE--FILLED tdlTHl rHi nlruXs, RULTNG niAy AFFE'T HAUVenSOruts JOs-MCCteAn GEORE L a MICFIIGAH STATE P0LICE 1979 H 7, B-Gl Llrg-arepreD eHIED oF $Erp or SoeteU Senvtceg ;I{TERpAL ItrVEsTlOATlVE UillT-BRoDER -1ggo- Je 7t B-1-5 Larus-ro RESsGN JuNe 1]-f'lanrlruo Je ]0, B-1-z Latts-olvEs vlEw oF vTELFARE FRAUD-BRoDER Jt 8, A- TnE INsPECTOR oENERAL-EDIT _1996- N 2L E 2-L obit-diedrcancerrNov.20 rage 67, at homerOkemos , Onr HINKLEY Yewl wHlcH BRoKE uP IN SOORMY T,'ATERS OFF COAST or FuoR I oA-0tGoNNoR 029, A-2O-1 RETURNED HOME FRT SHlP WEECK- Maza HALVERS0N. BUYr OHRt IN SCIENCEMONITOR 1972 M rvlY tortr-ll-f Savs LnruosLlDE vtcroRY IN PRIMARY or GgoRoe \,{ALLACE PO I NTS TO GROK' I NG SPL IT BETu'EEN'CH UN I ON LEADERSH ] P & RANKD-F 11_5-Ssa2 IiALVERS0IJ, JAI4ES T"; FEDERAL TRADE COMvIISSION 1973 JE 28, A- DlREcroR or FTCrs BUREAu oF coMpETtr!oN, TELLs SenlarE sua: coMMtrrEE THAT LARcE otL tNDUSTRyEST RETtNERy MoNopoLy CAUSING OVERITTHELMING BARRIERS FOR SMALLER FIBMS, H!NTS AT A NT I -TRUST SU I T Ju 18, A-2-2 To sEET DIvESTITURE OF REFINERY OPERATIONS TO SETTLE ANTI.

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