Your community... your newspaper! Call 1-844-GNG-NEWS (ext. 222) to renew or subscribe today. THE MELVILLE $1.50 PER COPYCOPY Friday,Friday, GST INCLUDEDINCLUDED JJulyuly 10, 20220200 Vol.Vol. 94 No. 2727 AgreementAgreement # 4001192240011922 PROUDLYPRROUUDDLY SERVINGSESERRVINNG MELVILLEMMELVILLE ANDAND SURROUNDINGSURROUNDING AREAAREA SINCESISINCN E 19291929 • WWW.GRASSLANDSNEWS.CAWWWW .G. RAASSSSLAL NDSNEWS.CA • 1-306-728-54481-306-728-5448 DemolitionD liti dropd CHRISCCHRISSSAS ASHFIELDHFIELD | GRASSLANDSGGRASSSSLANDSS NEWS Demolition of the old water treatment plant in Melville continues and last week crews were using a wrecking ball to break up material to haul it away. The demolition, which began in June, is expected to be completed later this month. There are no water interruptions expected due to the demolition of the facility but access to the water treatment plant has been limited and restricted. O’Toole ahead, Lewis gaining for Conservative leader By Alan Hustak try as a legal analyst. I under- during the last election. Crit- candidates, better than those Grasslands News stand the resource economy,” ics claim MacKay sat out the who have announced,” he told he said.” campaign and did Scheer no Grasslands. There are voters Souris Moose-Mountain favours by complaining that who remain loyal Scheer’ sup- Erin O’Toole appears to have MP Robert Kitchen supported the opposition leader failed porters. “I like Andrew. He’s a the edge among Saskatchewan’s O’Toole in the last leadership to inspire voters. “He missed nice guy,” said Petri Keppo“- voting delegates in the race to race, in which he finished third, the open net on a breakaway,” Conservatives need a fighter, replace Andrew Scheer as Con- and is backing him again. ”He MacKay famously quipped. someone with a passionate soul. servative party leader. fully understands that we in the MacKay supporters say that in But there are indications Who is that conservative?” west, with our agricultural and spite of those remarks, the for- With Andrew Scheer as that Jamaican born Toronto energy sectors, are the back- mer Progressive-Conservative lawyer, Leslyn Lewis, is gain- O’TOOLE LEWIS leader, the conservatives won bone of the country,” Kitchen leader from Nova Scotia has the all 14 seats in the province ing support among voting del- told Grasslands News in an in- high national recognition factor egates in the province. Both Lewis also has the support collecting 64 per cent of the terview. “Because of Covid he needed to defeat Trudeau. popular vote. The most recent Lewis and O’Toole, the MP from hasn’t been out here campaign- of Battlefords-Lloydminster MP Prince Albert MP Randy poll tracking suggests that no Durham, Ont., have outpaced ing, but a lot of my support goes Rosemarie Falk. Falk said she Hoback, one of MacKay’s cam- matter who the conservatives the perceived front-runner, back to his experience as an MP supports Lewis “for her com- paign chairs, says a high profile choose, the new leader has a Peter MacKay in fundraising and his military background.” mon sense,” and because un- candidate is needed if conser- challenge ahead. Conservative in Saskatchewan. O’Toole is also supported like the other candidates, she vatives are to win the next poll numbers have slipped 21 O’Toole was briefly a cabinet by Regina Lewvan MP Warren has “no baggage” and brings election. “You have to look at minister when Stephen Harper Steinley who insists that he is to the party a clean slate, “no a variety of things, including per centage points to 43 per cent was prime minister. In a brief the best candidate to get the baggage, nothing that could be Peter’s political experience,” in Saskatchewan since the last stop over in the province, conservative message out. used against her in a campaign. says Hoback. MacKay is also election. The Liberals are up 20 O’Toole said even though he is Yorkton Melville MP Cathay Jeremy Patzer, the MP for supported by Saskatoon MP’s points from the 11 per cent they not from the west, he has served Wagantall is one of three Sas- Cypress Hills-Grasslands is also Brad Redekopp, and Corey managed to collect in the prov- and lived in all parts of Canada katchewan MP’s supporting a Lewis supporter. They argue Tochor and Churchill River’s ince in 2019. If an election were when he was in the Royal Cana- Leslyn Lewis. Wagantall says that Lewis could expand the Gary Vidal. held today, Liberals could win dian Air Force. “That gives me she admires Lewis’ “vibrant base of the party and change its Andrew Scheer hasn’t en- one or two seats in Saskatche- a perspective. I’m a lawyer as character,” and describes her right-wing, white-male image dorsed any of the candidates wan and the NDP one. well. In the private sector, I’ve as “wise, articulate, direct, and become more inclusive. lined up to replace him. He has Ballots for the conservative worked on a deal related to the truthful, and transparent. I’m Many in Saskatchewan have made it obvious that he is not race have to be mailed in by Potash Corporation. I under- just really impressed with her not forgiven Peter MacKay for impressed with any of them. “I August 21, with the results ex- stand the resource economy, I ability to stand strong on any having helped to undermine was expecting more candidates, pected to be announced before worked in the oil and gas indus- debate.” Andrew Scheer’s leadership a field of publicly recognized Labour Day in September. Trust us with what matters most. HOME – AUTO 215 - 3rd Ave. W., Melville, SK FARM – BUSINESS www.trustmarkinsurance.ca P: 306.728.2165 2 July 10, 2020 0HOYLOOH$GYDQFH:KLWHZRRG*UHQIHOO+HUDOG6XQ)RUW4X·$SSHOOH7LPHV Grasslands News Major maintenance 68%0,77('_*5$66/$1'61(:6 Minor maintenance 68%0,77('_*5$66/$1'61(:6 Curtis Brooks hooks up equipment to the Dominator 3 storm chasing vehicle. Maintenance on the Dominator 3 includes keeping windows clean to ensure The mechanic has helped design many features on the unique vehicle. the storm chasers can get good video and photos. Storm chasers series Local mechanic makes history with Dominator By Wade Walz he was even remotely in- ing system for the vehicle structive power of tor- your brain is screaming He says positive expe- Grasslands News terested in but when the to standards capable of nadoes. That is the 100 ‘what are you doing, get riences definitely outnum- opportunity presented it- surviving tornadoes. per cent end game, says out of here!’” ber the negative ones but Part two of a self, he jumped. The idea for the rocket Brooks. But, he also says it’s there is one negative that four-part series. “Sean (Schofer) phoned launcher came from the “It’s been said forever exciting and describes is sometimes hard to deal Melville’s Curtis me one day and said his team’s meteorologist, Dr. that early warning sys- it as hours of boredom with. Brooks spent decades mechanic for Dominator Reed Timmer, who had tems or gaining a better waiting and then all of a “The time we spend working as an auto me- 3 quit and wasn’t going tried, unsuccessfully at understanding of how sudden it’s time to go to away from our families chanic in the city and to go with the team for times, to launch in the they form will help save work. while we’re travelling. has been a firefighting the upcoming chase sea- past. Brooks took what lives and property.” He lists the Linwood, A typical chase season instructor with Parkland son and asked if I was Timmer had started with Chasing storms that Kansas tornado last year would see us head for the College for the past num- interested… I knew about and created his own de- kill people daily during as one of the top high- southern United States in ber of years. However, it’s the Dominator - I talked sign during his downtime the season is a dangerous lights because they were April and work our way his newest passion which to Sean when they were a couple winters ago. task but one which Brooks able to recover the rocket. north into Canada ending has vaulted him into the building it - and knew the “I designed the rocket feels he was prepared for “The tornado actually in July. We try to come limelight. team was in a pinch so I using a simulator, put it even if he didn’t know he carried the rocket for 50 home a few times inbe- together and ran a series Brooks is one-fourth of decided to give it a try.” was preparing for it. miles before we found it. tween but it’s a lot of driv- of tests until I had some- the famous Team Domi- That was nearly six “Every time we go Mark lost the GPS signal ing…” thing that had the poten- nator storm chasing team years ago. chasing it’s a scary situ- at some point so Reed With the Covid restric- tial to work. I played with which made history last His role as lead me- ation but, for me it’s a lot went on social media with tions still in place, the rockets a little in the past like firefighting. When pictures and a description team will focus its energy year in the United States. chanic for the Dominator which allowed me to un- you enter a burning build- of what it looked like and on chasing in Canada – The team successfully 3 chase vehicle meant he derstand what was going ing you should have a lit- someone recognized it.
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