Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19282-8 - The Bank of England 1950s to 1979 Forrest Capie Index More information Index Abdullah, Bin Musaid Bin Abdul commodity traders, 324 Rahman, Prince, 565 FCI, 321 Abell, George, 49, 56, 366 Fairfields,325 –6 Abs, Herman, 379 foreign currency , 525 Accepting Houses, IRC, 324 accounts with Bank, 59 property, 527, 569 ARIEL, 666 relation to deposits, 80–1 Bank’s supervision of, 589 Rolls-Royce, 788–9 CCC, 492 secondary banking crisis, 534, 541, credit control, 296 543, 548, 552–3, 558, 564, 569, 581 inter-bank market, 481 other, 207, 795 Rolls-Royce, 787–90 Advisers secondary banking crisis, 536, 539, 548 Bank, 33, 37, 42, 50–1, 55, 58, 75n, 81, sterling brokers, 784–5 92, 129–31, 152, 207, 254, 337, 355, Accepting Houses Committee, 296, 492, 357, 380, 465, 529, 702, 720, 731, 598 744, 803, 824–6, 829 Accountant’s Department, ministerial, 109, 218, 244, 416, 645, location, 40, 68 651, 693, 745, 807 renamed Registrar’s, 826 Treasury, 84, 130, 155, 170, 199, 201, role, 39 213, 238, 490 staff numbers, 40, 61, 351, 361 other, 358, 373, 417, 443, 537, 567, 606, other, 37, 361 678, 698, 738 Administration Department, 361 Adviser(s) to the Governors, 35, 37, 43–4, Advances, 48–9, 50, 55, 196, 254, 335, 380, 439, Bank of England’s, 67, 102, 105, 305, 528, 558, 603, 609 347, 365, 479, 813 Africa, 3–4, 335, 338 Burmah Oil, 793 Agents, 41, 61, 802 cartel, 443 Agnelli, Gianni, 379 clearing banks, 82, 85, 89, 91, 93, 102, Agricultural Mortgage Corporation 109, 119, 252–5, 258, 263, 265, (AMC), 323 268–9, 271, 274–7, 280, 284, 292–5, Akroyd and Smithers, 496 297, 299–300, 427, 431–7, 439, 488, Albania, 11 490, 497, 521, 526 Alford, Roger, 130, 676 853 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19282-8 - The Bank of England 1950s to 1979 Forrest Capie Index More information 854 Index Aliber, Robert, 158 gilt-edged market, 114, 266, 286 Allen, Douglas (Lord Croham) monetary policy, 276–7, 437 CCC, 490 NBPI, 441 Monetary Policy Group (MPG), 646 quantitative targets, 375 report on Bank reorganisation, 824–5, special deposits, 275, 280 831 Stamp Memorial Lecture, 381 sterling, 238, 382–3, 409, 411, 416, sterling, 193, 197, 205, 214, 217, 219, 734–5 239, 242, 383, 414 other, 251–2, 430, 433, 460, 462, 489 other, 187, 212, 298, 353, 593 See also Group on Monetary Policy Artis, Michael, 468 (Allen Group) Åsbrink, Per, 241 Allen, William (Bill), 752n, 754n Assistant to the Governor, 49–50, 213 Allen, Maurice Audit Committee, 37 career, 51, 135 Audit Department, 37, 361 control of bank lending, 84–5, 271, Austin, Robert, 341 274, 281, 293, 297, 307, 430 Australia external, 181, 186, 188, 196, 236, 379–8 sterling balances, 409–10, 413, 733, money supply/DCE, 396–9, 423, 735–6 450–1, 453, 455–6, 464 other, 62, 227, 340, 366, 378, 569 Radcliffe, 100, 129–30 Authorised banks, 557, 564, 566, 569, other, 99n, 266, 291, 344, 442, 462 572, 583, 585, 591, 598, 607, 731 Allied Arab Bank, 564, 568 Altajir Bank, 567–8 Bagehot, Walter, 78, 82 Al Tajir, Mahdi, 567 Bahrain, 733 Althaus, Nigel, 99, 694 Bailey, James, 366 American Chamber of Commerce, 379, Bain, Andrew, 130, 289, 450–1, 454, 807 730 Balance of payments American Civil War, 14 1950s, 153, 173 Amory, Derick Heathcoat, 97–8, 256, 1960s, 13, 170, 173, 176, 179, 195–6, 258, 261–4, 593 201, 207, 209, 215, 222–3, 232, 236, Anderson, Robert B., 161 291, 293, 302 Anderson, Leonall (& Jordan), 464 1970s, 49, 426, 516, 531, 719, 722, 750, Andrews, Kenneth, 809 752, 762 Anglo International Bank, 556n analysis, 22, 396, 402, 417 Annual Report, Bank of England, 40, 62, crises, 13 67, 111, 116, 133, 334, 359–60, 614, DCE, 458, 679 809, 812, 821, 824, 830 devaluation, 245, 376, 380, 381–2, 386 Ansiaux, Hubert, 236, 241 EEA, 141 Arab International Bank, 565 economic growth, 221 Argy, Victor, 398 euromarkets, 183 ARIEL, 666–7 exchange control, 209, 213 Asset ratios, 297–8 exchange rate, 236, 250, 251 Armstrong, Robert (later Lord) historical, 139, 143 Radcliffe, 77n, 88, 100 IMF, 143, 145, 222, 452 other, 437, 460, 467 import surcharge, 209 Armstrong, Sir William inflation,714 Bank Rate, 170–1, 236, 293 interest rates, 102, 284 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19282-8 - The Bank of England 1950s to 1979 Forrest Capie Index More information Index 855 j-curve, 380 Bank of Scotland, 325–6, 329, 505, monetary approach, 243 539–40 monetary policy, 459 Bank Rate Mundell-Fleming, 21 CCC, 509–11, 517 revisions in, 176 crises: Robot, 147, 149 1957, 60, 90, 92, 94, 154, 257–60 support for, 248–9 1961, 171–2, 174, 268, 270–3 sterling balances, 408 1964, 197, 200–2, 221, 292, 299 Ball, Jim, 760 1966, 221, 237–9 Balogh, Thomas,109 , 196, 219, 244 1967 devaluation, 243, 247, 299–300, Banco Italo-Britannica, 43 378, 384, 469 Banca d’Italia, 216 domestic economy, 431, 438, 441 Bank Buildings, 41 external purposes, 78, 139, 169, 174, Bank Charter Act 1844, 59–60, 65, 176, 178–9, 191, 292, 309, 419, 711, 67, 811 773 Bank for International Settlements (BIS) MLR, 509, 680, 683, 686 assistance for sterling, 170, 175, 191, procedure, 37, 58, 60, 63, 118, 122–3, 216, 228, 239–42, 377, 382, 391, 749 125, 134, 260–2 banking supervision, 626, 628 Radcliffe, 128 central bank co-operation, 162–3 US consultation, 193 gold market, 158–62, 190, 395 other, 65, 79–80, 82–3, 86, 88–9, statistics, 186 102–4, 108, 115, 127, 135, 191–4, sterling balances, 222, 374, 405, 407–9, 252, 262, 264, 276 756 see also Bank Rate leak, Minimum swaps, 203, 223–4, 233, 389, 391 Lending Rate view on UK reserves, 194–5 Bank Rate Leak, 37, 47, 76, 91, 96–9, 167, other, 50, 58–9, 62, 234, 423, 426 194, 219, 260, 370 Bank of Canada, 62, 216, 334, 485n, 792 see also Parker Tribunal Bank of England Act 1946, 34, 45, 49, 56, Bank Return, The, 67 61–2, 69, 72, 81, 92, 94, 108, 122, Bank/Treasury relations, see Treasury 255, 352–4, 358, 370, 432–3, 589, Banker, The 780, 821, 823 banking supervision, 610, 623, 633–4 See also Directive (under 1946 Act) clearing bank mergers, 328, 330 and Finances, Bank of England exchange-rate policy, 713 Bank of England Act 1998, 371n, 811n inflation,249 Bank of England Charter, 34, 45, 55 London as an international financial Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, centre, 781 see Quarterly Bulletin liquidity ratios, 257 Bank of Jamaica, 335n, 337 monetary policy, 662 Bank of London and South America MLR, 511 (BOLSA) NBPI, 446 euromarkets, 185 Radcliffe, 137, 462 George Bolton, 49–50 secondary banking crisis, 545, 562, Maurice Parsons, appointed as 575, 580–1 chairman, 403–4 SCNI report 1970, 360 merger, 330 SCNI report 1976, 810 Bank of Northern Rhodesia, 335n Wilson Committee, 808 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19282-8 - The Bank of England 1950s to 1979 Forrest Capie Index More information 856 Index Bankers Almanac, 598 self-regulation, 590, 609, 625 Bankers’ balances single-tier, 604 Bank financing, 66–7, 75, 347, 354, two-tier, 604–5, 622, 624, 634, 638 810–1, 813 see also Discount Office, fringe banks, Bank control, 84 secondary banking crisis monetary base control, 678, 703 Banque Commerciale de l’Europe du CCC, 500, 503 Nord, 183 money markets, 104–5 Banque de France, 241, 379, 758 origins, 65 Banque Pommier, 568 payments system, 59 Barber, Anthony Bankers Club of Chicago, 425 Leslie O’Brien, 518 Bankers Magazine, The, 137, 462–3 monetary policy, 491, 504, 511, 520–2 Bankhaus Herstatt, 625 Radcliffe, 127 Banking Act Rolls-Royce, 787, 790 1979, 588, 611, 617, 629–38 other, 324, 570, 593, 606 1987, 638 Barclaycard, 435 Banking and Money Markets Supervision Barclays Bank (BAMMS), 610–1, 614–6 Edward Bates (EBS), 565, 567–8 Banking Bill, 633–4 merger with Lloyds, 440 Banking Department, 60, 106, 111, 287, merger with Martins Bank, 327–9 321, 325, 359, 400, 795, 811–2, 824, secondary banking crisis, 535–7, 826 539–41, 547, 549, 552, 554 separation from Issue Department, other, 266, 275, 435, 762 59–60 Bardsley, Donald, 532–3 Banking school, 44, 51 Baring crisis 1891, 65, 536, 585 Banking Study Group, 443 Baring Brothers (Barings) Banking supervision financial advisers to Burmah Oil, 1950s and 1960s, 62, 588–98 792–3 action after secondary banking crisis, Rowley Cromer, 168, 226, 379 605–10 Barnes, Roger Banking Act 1979, 629–38 banking supervision, 602–3, 608, 612, Basle Committee, (also Blunden 616 Committee, Cooke Committee), Controlling Committee (Lifeboat), 625ff 540, 543 Basle Concordat, 627ff Crown Agents, 636 clubs, 588 EBS Investments, 568 concordat (Richardson/Healey), 629 Barron’s Weekly, 544 EC banking directive, 598–605 Basle Agreements or Basle Arrangements Groupe de Contact, 625 1961, 164, 175, 248 informal, 62 1968, 416, 428, 732 international co-operation, 625–8 Basle Committee, see banking legislation, 618ff supervision licensing and supervision of deposit- Basle Concordat, 627 taking institutions, white paper, Batini, Nicoletta, (and Edward 593–4, 598, 602–33 Nelson), 28 overseas banks, 595, 598, 614 Baumgartner, Wilfrid, 379 prudential returns, 611–16 Beale, Percival, 51–2 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19282-8 - The Bank of England 1950s to 1979 Forrest Capie Index More information Index 857 Beenstock, Michael, 652 Bowmakers, 535 Belgium, 189 Boyle, Edward, 170 Bell, Geoffrey, 399, 423n, 450 Bradman, Don, 366 Bell, Tom, 219 Bradshaw, Edward, 731–2 Benelux, 406 Branches, Bank of England Benson, Henry (later
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