authority to control tournament players. Tournament players have to devise their MAKING own methods of self-control and discipline Despite extensive newspaper criticism of tournament circuit unpleasantness mine the ^m of I he Incidents have been as rough and ready as do/.ens M-en in major league base- ball during a season. Tournament play- SWING ers, stung hy the Masts, have been playing 13 more according to USG A rules lately. Rules violations were at the base of mosl of the controversies, . Decision of stars not to appear at some placet on the tourna- By ment circuit is within the rights of players who are not guaranteed income from the HERS GRAFFIS tournaments. What isn't generally con- sidered in the tournament circuit picture Is that expenses have been inflated more THE GOLF NEWS IN BRIEF Iban prize money. Outcome of the newspaper censure is San Lifted On Construction bound to he that playing pros are going to study and observe rules more carefully. Clubhouse, Course Facilities That includes rules on marking of club- faces. Generally past practice has been It will be of especial interest to those who to be governed by what a few players may have held up planned construction of dub- do in altering their clubfaces from legal house and golf facilities and to those who are standards. , . Some talk heard at tourna- anticipating construction to learn that the ments late in March to suspend from PGA- Housing and Rent Control Act of 1943 which sponsored tournament play for one year became public law April I permits the con- any player guilty of wilfui violation of struction or building of •facilities to be used clubface marking rules. Chances are for amusement or recreational purposes with- there'll be strong support for move at next out restriction. Repeal of Sec. 2. Section PGA annual meeting to reduce PGA club 1 (b | of the 1947 Act tills out of the present limit of 16 to USGA limit of 14. Home Act certain language which previously placed club pros report that members are ques- control of such construction with the Housing tioning tournament pros' need of more Eipediter. clubs than the inexpert amateur is legally allowed. Gossip of manufacturers' objec- tion to 14 club ruling Is without foundation. Carolina section PGA plea for a com- . The 14 clubs can be any 14 of many in a missioner of pro golf was caused by alarm manufacturer's line. , Manufacturers that home club pros' public relations might would be delighted to settle for every ama- be embarrassed by tournament circuit con- teur having full outfit of 14 clubs. , . Ama- troversies. Carolina pros suggested a teurs in the aggregate buy far more clubs "dollar-a-year" man. , . They know PGA for personal use than professionals do. finances wouldn't allow hiring of a com- missioner at a baseball salary. , PGA al- Bright side of the troubled winter in ready has unpaid advisory committee of tournament golf is that the circuit got far businessmen amateur golfers. It has no more newspaper publicity than ever before. William F. Gordon Company GOLF COURSE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS DOYLESTOWN, BALA-CYNWYD, Penna. Penna. (ASSOCIATED WITH) DONALD J. ROSS, GOLF ARCHITECT, PINEHURST, N. C. and J. B, McGovern, Associate, Wynnewood, Penna. Advisory commission appointed hy I'tieu (N.Y.) Park Hoard to promote satisfactory SPRAYING COSTS operation of muny course complaining in newspapers that I'ark Board won't art on recommendations. Ben Hogan says it cost him $20,000 to win $25,000 last year... The $25,000 didn't Include income from take a dive! sidelines that resulted from his gulling fame. , . Top over-all prize in golf consider- with ing appearance guarantees, testimonials, etc., still is National Open hy a long way,.. Some talk ahout a few prominent pros not WEEDONE entering the National Open unless prize R«b. U, 9t 1VI- IMT. money is increased. , Open prize money totals $10,000. , First prize is $2,000. 2.4D PRODUCTS Last year special play-off prize of $1,000 was divided equally between Worsham and Woedonc Concentrate 48 the Knead. FSGA share of 1047 National roncenlwted elhyl ciler formulation Open Kate was $1H,873. Open and ama- of tbt original 2.4D weedkiller. teur h road casting rights brought I'SGA Contains 3 lbs. of 2AI) arid pr $15,000.. Green section expenses of ITSGA last year were $34,459. ,. Walker Cup team gallon. \ powerful herbicide for tin* expenses were $15,632, . This year there'll iiarJ-to-kiil weeds. Goes to vv'irk in- be the Curtis Cup expenses and already- stantly— not washed off bv rain. far bigger demand for Green Section serv- Wcedar 64 the alLanolamin*1 salt ices than I'S(;A budget wilt handle. , USGA excess of Income over expense In of 2.4D. PrtJVdl in ore effective than 1047 was $9,391. the sodium salt. <t lbs, of 2. VD acid ei|tiivaleiil. Kor rock-bottom sprayiftp Swell piece Doyle Beard had on Jack of the easy-to-kill weeds. Not volatile Burke. Jr., Metropolis CC (NY Met dist.) — safe (o spray near susceptible plants. 25-year-old pro, in Houston Chronicle. These Von rent rales are formulated Made old-timers feel good to know the kid for— • Low-volums iproying —3 to 20 gallon* per acre. Replace 5 scythes this summer • Small quantifies of 2.AD — 1 to 4 plntf per acre. and 7 snow shovels next winter 9 Amoiingly low price. Strength* ran be adjusted for effective conirol of weeds without ki!11:t^ use- ful (trasses and clover: Crahgntss. too, ip definitely con I rolled by early spring spraying. Kor further information ask your dealer or write to American Chemical Paint Co., Ambler, Pa. CD C C Ask for our Golf Bulletin. rntt Full detail* of latest limb MOWER and SNOW PLOW inns on 2.tl) in fairway and roll git. You cut weeds and grass as fast as five men with scythes . you clear mow as fast as seven men with shovels . - at I with this one economical machine. Free wheeling, convenient controls for easy JL handling , . hijt 4:00 x 12 tires give positive traction, 3-foot sickle bar for mowing. 40- inch snow plow blade . quick and easy to attach . can be angled instantly right or left. Blade also ideal for light bulldozing. Spray rig and l»wn mower attachments also available. LOOK AT THE NEW CUN- NINGHAM REEL TYPE POWER DRIVEN LAWN MOWER. Wthit Dtpt. O fot FREE fittratmc. JAMES CUNNINGHAM, SON 6 CO. Maihxltr l,Nn rsrlt is coming1 along in the footsteps of his late and beloved daddy who was one of the FIRST in SERVICE finest. Rochester. N.Y., pros did a Grade A job of conducting a clinic for the public in NEW ENGLAND as a spring warm-up. Ilorton Smith in Wilton Garrison's Sports Parade column, Charlotte (N.C.) Observer, says more promotion would in- crease golf 25%. ,. Ilorton advocates push- ing rental of clubs and balls to beginners at public courses and more demonstration "clinics." . Bobhy I/ocke lost !1 pounds during his ptomaine poisoning seige late "The right thing, at the right time, in March. , Then in the first round he at the right price" . , for ov«r IS played after recovering went 4 under par yean we've made it our business on Pinehurst's tough No. 2 course. to "hove what It tohei" to help Braeburn CC. Houston, Tex., enlarging New England greenkeeperi main- clubhouse. Glenn Teal added as asst. to pro staff at Charlotte (N.C.) CC, . Work tain their court** In top condition. begun on new 9-hole course and clubhouse Let ui quote on your Spring needi. at Frankfort, Ky. Best golf tourna- Tore Power and Gang Mowers • MEI- ment promotion job in the country is done organtfte F«r*i liier • Buckner Sprinklers a by Cliff Roberts in putting on the Masters Jar! Power Scythe • Chemical* • Sprayers Supplies • Fertilrrars * Tools • Greu at Augusta National GC. , Smart promo- Seeds • Repairs tor To'o Equipment tion has paid off in financing improvements making the Augusta course and clubhouse one of the most attractive golf plants in the world. *H CO Engineers' GC (NY Met. dist.) to revert to private club status after more than 10 fPormerly New England Tore Co.l 1121 Washington St. (Blgelow 4-7WH years as daily-fee. Despite big increases WEST NEWTON *S. MASS. in operating costs and demands for high Put Your Greens in Championship Form COMPOST SHREDDER MIXER Those velvety, carpet-like greens that ture retaining compost-topsoil obtain- golfers rave over are a sure thing able no other way. Cut costs, too. when nourished by Royerated com- Twelve models. Write ior Bulletin 46. post. Royers, like this Model K at Watseka, 111., supply you with per- fectly blended, even textured, mois- ROYER FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO. ss 171 PRINGLE ST., KINGSTON. PA. standards many course fees over the coun- try aren't showing many increases. , , I'nh- lic courses are jammed anil surplus is jiv- FINE SEED FOR FINE TURF ing privately owned daily-fee courses good IT PAYS TO GET THE BEST start, weather permitting, on the season,.. Donald Ross, sage of I'inehurst, says that WE SPECIALIZE IN GOLF TURF play of amateurs on the golf capital's three courses Is slower than It used to be. Pasadena (Calif.) County Board of Supervisors to construct public golf range. Wichita, Ks. golfers buying old Westlink GRASS SHED site for new private Rolling Hills CC. SELECT VARIETIES — MIXTURES Chmn. Sut Alexander of Charlotte l N.C.) Open tournament says $10,000 event will KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS not be scheduled for next year unless PGA CHEWINGS FESCUE FANCY RED TOP can guarantee appearance of more head- ASTORIA GENT PERENNIAL RYE GRASS liners.
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