12 11 / / 11 2009 VOLUME 64 Justice in Winnipeg special four-page pullout begins on page 9 Discovering wrongful convictions Is Manitoba leading the way? NEWS page 9 out on bail, fresh outta jail But now what? NEWS page 11 celebrating someone who cared New book looks at the life of community activist Harry Lehotsky ARTS & CULTURE page 12 02 The UniTer November 12, 2009 www.UniTer.ca We like sports! "There's one thing that looking for listings? Cover Image CAmpUS & CommUNiTy ListiNgS ANd Read about last weekend's will be offensive to volunteer opportuniTies page 5 This mural, located at 518 Maryland Wesmen volleyball and many, many people." mUSiC page 14, FiLm page 15 St., celebrates the life and work of basketball action Galleries ANd Literature page 17 deceased community activist harry Theatre, dANCE ANd ComEdy page 16 Lehotsky. See story on page 12. awardS ANd FiNANCiAL Aid page 18 campUS news page 6 arts & culture page 16 Photo by Mark reimer UNITER STAFF News ManaGinG eDitor Aaron Epp » [email protected] BUSiness ManaGer Maggi Robinson » [email protected] The town that eliminated poverty PrODUcTiOn ManaGer Melody Morrissette [email protected] new data shows » “Kids [that were part cOPy anD styLe eDitor guaranteed income of mincome] stayed Chris Campbell » [email protected] in school longer and Photo eDitor improves quality Cindy Titus » [email protected] people used hospitals of life newS assiGnMenT eDitor less, especially for Andrew McMonagle » [email protected] accidents and newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor SoNya Howard injuries and mental Cameron MacLean » [email protected] volUNTeer STaff health reasons.” arts anD culture eDitor Sam Hagenlocher [email protected] - eveLyn FOrGeT, U OF M » cOMMents eDitor Imagine a town with no poverty. Andrew Tod » [email protected] For University of Manitoba profes- ering this type of program would Listings cOOrDinator sor Evelyn Forget, no imagining is need to be examined. J.P. Perron [email protected] required. “Someone needs to estimate the » According to her research, re- savings associated with reduced caMPUS BeaT rePOrTer leased in early October, that town bureaucracy, better education and Courtney Schwegel » [email protected] was Dauphin from 1974 to 1978 health outcomes, and probably BeaT rePOrTer during the $17 million Guaranteed lower costs associated with crime Caitlin Laird » [email protected] Annual Income (Mincome) re- and special education and other search experiment. costs associated with poverty,” said BeaT rePOrTer Lack of funding and political in- Forget. Ethan Cabel » [email protected] terest has kept the results of the ex- Elements of this program already BeaT rePOrTer periment in a box, unanalyzed. But exist in the Employment Income Samuel Swanson » [email protected] newly available data and health ad- Assistance program and the Child culture rePOrTer ministration databases have allowed A Tax Benefit. ran C. Jordan Crosthwaite [email protected] researchers to study the health and Administrative challenges like » d A education effects of eliminating Ad determining eligibility and co-or- poverty. ams dinating payments to recipients CoNTrIBUTORS: Not only did the annual guaran- could be overcome. The biggest aranda adams, Sonya howard, teed income support help Dauphin challenge would be political. naomi Simiyu, Jill Brown, John Gaudes, residents stay above the poverty and mental health reasons,” said work. Combining existing programs Jihan Muhamad, Brooke Dmytriw, line in a financial sense, it also im- Forget. “The effect of guaranteed an- or removing and replacing pro- antoinette Dycksman, Karlene Ooto-Stubbs, Matty rygiel, Sarah reilly, proved residents’ quality of life. What was surprising, she notes, nual income on employment and grams “implies there might be win- rob holt, natalie Dyck, Gareth Du Plooy, Originally designed to test what is the strength of the findings. Even labour supply was very small,” said ners and losers, depending on how Miguel McKenna, Brian rice, ryan Janz, impact guaranteed income would though only 30 per cent of the fam- Wayne Simpson, the University of generous [the program] is,” said andrea Dyck, Melanie Murchison, Janine have on people’s decision to work, ilies qualified for support, “many Manitoba economist who worked Simpson. Kropla, Julian ward, amie Seier, Lynnette Mincome provided Forget with a people benefited from Mincome, with Mincome research director Further, a program of this size McLarty, ian Mcammond, Mike Duerksen, unique natural experiment to look and not only those who received Derek Hum to analyze the labour would “require people to imagine ashley wiebe, Phil enns, Janelle campbell, Justin Luschinski, Suzana at the impact of poverty through payments under the scheme,” said market results. big changes and to talk across party Bodiroga, Timothy Penner, alex Kyle, health and education outcomes. Forget. While these findings suggest lines and jurisdictional lines. I just amanda Lefley, Joan Suzuki, Kathleen “Kids [that were part of Participants at Mincome's sis- poverty could be alleviated today don’t see that kind of imagination cerrer, J. williamez, Sagan Morrow, Mincome] stayed in school longer ter site in Winnipeg had similar through a Mincome-like program at work in our political process Jon Sorokowski. and people used hospitals less, es- outcomes. Even with guaranteed with little impact on employment, these days,” said Forget. pecially for accidents and injuries income, participants still chose to the true costs and benefits of deliv- The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of winnipeg and is published by Mouseland Press inc. Mouseland Press inc. is a membership based organization in which students and community members are invited to participate. For more information on how to become a member go to www. uniter.ca, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter By Caitlin Laird is a member of the canadian University Press and Q: What Does Justice mean to you? campus Plus Media Services. SUBMiSSiOn OF ARTicLeS, LeTTERS, GRAPhicS AND PhOTOS ARE WELcOMe. articles must be submitted in text (.rtf) or Microsoft word (.doc) format to editor@ uniter.ca, or the relevant section editor. Deadline for submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before publication. Deadline for advertisements is ran Veer paul alexander Zona may noon Friday, six days prior to publication. The Uniter bachelor of science first-year, arts first-year, education reserves the right to refuse to print submitted "Finding who is in the "Means taking responsibility "Everybody trying to do material. The Uniter will not print submissions that wrong and then handing for an injustice." what they believe will be are homophobic, misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we out the appropriate best for other people." also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. consequences." CoNTACT US » General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 Advertising: 204.786.9790 editors: 204.786.9497 Fax: 204.783.7080 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.uniter.ca LoCATIoN » Jess preteau Justin hambleton Diana shymco room ORM14 sangold corp. employee massage therapist provincial employee University of Winnipeg "Justice is something "Justice doesn't exist in our "Fairness." 515 Portage Avenue that everybody deserves. society. It's bullshit." Winnipeg, manitoba r3b 2e9 It should be for everybody." Mouseland Press Board of directors: Michael rac (chair), Shawn coates, courtney Berthelette, clayton winter, Devin King, alex Freedman, Shannon Sampert, rob nay, Brian Gagnon, Meg McGimpsey, Kelly ross (UwSa representative). For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] NEws 03 www.UniTer.ca November 12, 2009 The UniTer Changes coming to city's waste collection programs local J ill expanded recycling, B News Briefs R o organics collection wn compiled by John Gaudes on the horizon bioDiesel manDate begins a provincial mandate that all gasoline sold in the province contain at least two per NaomI SImIyU cent biodiesel came into effect nov. 1. volUNTeer STaff Starting around summer 2010, consumers will be able to find biodiesel at gas stations, with two per cent being Since 1997, Winnipeg’s recycling has more blended with regular diesel at pumps than doubled from 23,413 tonnes to 45,560 across the province. Premier Greg Selinger tonnes in 2008. In response, the City of expects the biodiesel mandate will reduce Winnipeg recently released a report rec- greenhouse gas emissions by 56,000 ommending the expansion of its recycling program to accommodate Winnipeggers’ in- tonnes annually, the equivalent of taking creased recycling demands. 11,000 cars off the road. “The recycling program has enjoyed a The premier also plans to fund local great participation rate for the past seven production of biodiesel in the near future. years,” said Darryl Drohomerski, manager of solid waste services. heart anD stroke kicks off cpr month Winnipeggers have become more environ- The most important month of the year mentally conscious and according to Randy Park, supervisor of waste diversion, more res- for the heart and Stroke Foundation of idents are using more than one bin or a larger Manitoba (hSFM) has arrived, and by using recycling bin, prompting the city to try and recycling in winnipeg has more than doubled since 1997. both old and new ideas, they hope to raise accommodate the recycling demands. awareness during 2009’s cPr Month in If the report is approved by the coun- november. cil, bidders for the new seven-year contract need for residents to sort their recycling,” said survey on Nov. 16 and provide their com- One of the priorities is to push Manitoba would have the option of continuing with the Park. According to a press release, however, a ments on the available options. In addition, businesses to buy automated external current blue-box collection or implementing different report recommending the curbside the City of Winnipeg will be having an open Defibrillators AE( Ds). AEDs used along with a second option of a 240-litre automated cart pick up of leaves, yard waste and organics is house at Red River College on Tuesday, Nov.
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