midst of a severs Maine wintar, bnt had stepped GRAND Appointments by the Pope. New York Hour Market. local an* Netos. into their flower Eocal Netoa. I BY TELEGRAPH State forth in their ilippert garden, %aIlotoeU New 16. A cable to New of 1 lies of York, February telegram Ysfk. Feb. 18,1*7*. gathering its treasures roses, the valley, [NEWS the Freedman’s Journal the has made leaves of The lecture of Hob. AV. AV. says Pope Emmro Sdoit. The Bowdolnham Quarterly meeting is in set. heliotrope, and the sb'n'ng the smilax. Thomas, Speaker the following appointments There was no mean cl' decorations in the of the House of at Wilson Hall -TOTHE- cent, on eel), tion at Gardiner. display Representatives, Bev. James A. Healy of Boston, Catholic Bish- Money easy, I Mat- per Starling line—there was the glittering of gems, on Monday evening, was upon rather Ball! exchange 48S-a4MW tor demaadand esaax tnm jewelry “Norway” op of Portland Me. from the beautiful rubie to the than Sweden as the latter Gold at and Sloeedal 118*. The grosbeak birds are so tame that they will llashisg, brilliant announced, though Masquerade Ker. Thomas of day.. opened 114*, Galberry, Angnstinian Bishop Iona# wereataoma* diamond. Indeed, so rich were the costumes and country was alluded to as a twin sister o£ the for- Carrying rate., 1 percent.; eat seed from a person's hand. Hartford. flat. The AsslsUnt Treasurer paid ant *181J80 in varied the that to a of mer, similar of soil—or styles, attempt description possessing peculiarities gaily gemukc journal J. J. Bain, of of Wheel- Interest and in redemption of bonds. would no of 4c. of Harper's Ferry, Bishop 111,000 The horse car between thi9 city and llallowell one, gi've idea the general character rock, temperature, An interesting sketch Granite Hail, of the whole, and so we leave the “fillings in” to travel, vivid word pictures of mountain and ocean has supplied itself with a regular horse car gong— ROCKLAND. I*BeT. Mr. Krautboyer of Milwaukee, Bishop of the lively imaginations of those of our readers who scenery—frigid enough to compare with our own Green Bay. Dotted flutes Sixes (coupons), lflfll, lit* “citvfled," you know. have ever in such scenes. Tbe skill Arctic of the man- WEDNESDAY F£8. !7. 840’s 1M* mingled gay winter—glowing descriptions EVE’G, Bev. Mr. of a cre- mST Municipal Affair*. Harley Peoria, Bishop of see •• of the average rnantua maker must have been com- ners and customs of the people, interspersed with 18#*, In another the Howard Benevolent So- ated for that city. P« column, exhausted in the of the anecdotes, served to an au- Itockland, February 16. A prohibition caucus 1888, 118* pletely preparation elegant spicy keep appreciative Music Full Bev. John Ireland of St Vicar of dience an hour by Richardson’s Paul, Minn., .18(8, (now) lM ciety acknowledges the generous gift money costumes. The gentlemen were no less careful interested and in good humor lor at City Hall, tbia evening, nominated Allen Bow- Apostolic of Nebraska. Ilf* about their donned and a in of the uncomfortable con- 1887, from the Bangor personal appearance, having quarter, spite ler for Mayor, and also ward tickets to be support- Abbott Seidnnbush, Benedictine Vicar use, ue* Amateurs._ dition of the weather. an Orchestra, (7 Pieces.) Apostolic •• their “Sunday close," with the inevitable white Mr. Thomas is easy, of Minnesota. New Vs, 114* 1 ed at the election. forpart " " Several of the young people in Gardiner, having vest, the kids, the neck- fluent speaker, and will indulge in ensuing city 1840’s (coupons), 117— excrutiating irrepressible frequently will Tue Pope has also confirmed the of tic, and the ornamental button-hole bursts of and rhetoric that can- Markers enter the Ilall at 9 o’clock. Ice Bound Again. promotion Currency. 118* a taste for theatricals, have organized on amateur bouquet. eloqueney poetical Boston, Philadelphia, Milwaukee and Santa Fe, Tdose who did not care to dance, or who, wean not fail of appreciation. His for dramatic for the of opportunities Our barber is again obstructed by the ice. as Arch Episcopal Sees. club, purpose giving private ed with the "mazes," retired from the floor to gaining information on the subject of bis lecture -o- New York Prodace Market. theatricals. breathe awhile, filed through the corridors and were ample, and he seems to have seized upon Several MASSACHUSETTS. NEW JERSEY. New York. Feb. IS. 1878 hall, enjoying themselves in the most lively con- the most notable incidents of his tarry in the novelties will bo introduced never pre- General Joshua L. Chamberlain, com- sented before in this city, and it is the intention ot COTTON— LARD— Major versation. C. Jy those grave legislators had North country" to afford entertainment and in- 10. The annual of the Committee to make this one ul the most bril- Boston, meeting Shipping Notes. Sales, balsa, Salea.riercae.’ mander of the Volunteer State Militia, hat ap- lain aside the cares and of struction, to a New audienc. the February responsibilities State, especially England liant affairs ever seen in Augusta. Massachusetts Brers Association here to-day, ism* Steam 14*a for the time Delaware Breakwater, February 16. Steamers pointed Capt. Charles E. Nash of Augusta, to a being. Our Manchester friends are to hold levees and was attended by some or seventy journal- UoLC^land*, Kettle, 14# was seived in sixty Hunter and started up to-day, following Supper Major Baker’s best style, concerts at their Town Hall on aud Fri- ists. S. Merr ill of Lawrence was elected Virginia Sales, bbls., 873 BUTTER— position on hit staff, as Assistant Adjutant Gener- Thursday George the ice-boat. The Boston steamer followed after be and his entire force being on tbe alert to ex- of this week. Parties from this city President. Stale, 4 9u*4 oo Ohio, 44*37 day evenings Committee of and the steamer from Savannah. The Bound 5 89 H441 al. tend every Tbe and are to Arrangements, The creditors of Wyoming, H’p O., 10*6 ___ possible courtesy. reception in the entertainments. Proceeds the goods house of participate dry Heath, latter back. Western, 4 00*4 90 WHISKEY — ball was continued to a late, or rather hour to be of a town bell. DANIEL Island Falls. Anderson & have a a put early appropriated for the purchase RANDALL, Co., agreed in settlement on Southern. 9 00*4 79 Weeura, 106*— Dr. A. President of the Ban- this and when an was SAMUEL D. LEAVITT, bat is of Henry Reynolds, morning, “adjournment" new Eastport. seventy-five cents on a dollar. WHEAT- RUE— Messrs. Beal & Blackman display a sign; JOSEPH H. Camden. Weather Probabilities tor Reform Club, and fire other reached, tbe legislators counted it the best "ses- MARTIN, Fall To*Day. 48.000 Caro Ini. 7-*6- gor Temperance announcing carriage, house and sign painting,' JOSIAH B. East River, February 16. The announcement Salea, bu„ sion” of the winter. BEARCE, Eddington. No. 2 Mil., 1 09-81 11 Sl UAR— members of the Club, will in the Hall of the which to do to at short notice. GEO. 8. Damarlscotta. made at the mass last For New England and the Middle States, speak they propose order, BERRY, meeting Saturday night No. 8, 1 07—8 Porio Rleo, 774*4— HENRY BRAWN, Oldlown. that three other mills must strike unless the 27 barometer, southeast to southwest winds, House of Representatives, on Thursday evening MAINE MILITIA. The ice in the river begins to crowd upon the falling No. 1 Chi. 1 218 1— Uoi nine, »X«Jt WILLIAM C. Lincoln. cent, conceded this has car- cloudiness and in •* an CLARK, per week, to-day been higher temperature, increasing No. 2 1 08 No. 12 next at 7 1-2 o'clock. The are invited. shores to extent indicative of mightv expansion CHARLES F. 03—*1 De., —«— public DUHRELL, Oxford. ried into so far as to in their weeks the northern sections snow or rain. — and almost thickness. We as effect, give two possibly Ne. 2 Mix'd, 114 Cuba, attf of the General. unparalleled may J tMES EDES, •• Report Adjutant Burlington. notice. The are the mills: No. 3 90 Havana White, »X*- We to learn that Charles II. well look out for a smash whenever the PETEK C. Madawaska. following Stafford, 14281 regret Stanley, general KEEGAN, Chase and The notice at these Winter Bed. I 20al 23— UOrPEE- The reports of Adjutant General Murray and rains descend and the floods come. MARTIN H. KIFF.Vinalhaven. Sagamore. given PENNSYLVANIA. member of the House from has been spring 1 29- 16- a Esq., Levant, SAMUEL J! Paris. mills will expire March 1st, and will add three Amber, 24*1 Laguarra, other officers of the Volunteer Militia will soon be There is a of dissatisfaction LOCKE, No. 1 Iowa, 1 02-81 18 Rio, 14—*K confined to hit room sickness for nearly two general expression Gin. WM. K. KIMBALL, Palis. mills to those already on a strike, lesson- Railroad Aflairs. by with course for the thereby White Micb.. 1 32- Maracaibo, 14—* made Gen. Murray says that the condition the of Old Probabilities JOHN A. Fort Kent. the number of while it increases 3281 He is and soon to be public. NADEAU, ing contributors, Winter W’et'n. I Java. weeks. improving hopes past two months, and unless he softens SAMUEL C. SIIAPLEIGH. Philadelphia, 16. In his letter to the 298110 26*31 of the military of the State has changed but little speedily Elliot.
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