Neil Jeffares, Dictionary of pastellists before 1800 Online edition HAMILTON, Hugh Douglas Dublin 1740–1808 Part II: Named sitters F–L J.375.1331 Mme Hendrik FAGEL, née Agneta Margaretha Catharina Boreel (1771–1824), pstl/ppr, 24x19.5 ov., sd → “HH ft Roma 1789” (Dutch PC; olim dep.: Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, inv. B3250). Exh.: Amsterdam 2018, h.c. ϕ J.375.1339 ~pendant: Countess of FARNHAM [?née ?Grace Burdett (1734–1816)], in a blue dress, pstl, pencil/ppr, 22.5x17.5 ov. (London, Christie’s, 21.III.1989, Lot 93, £1100; Leger Galleries 1995. London, Sotheby’s, 25.XI.1999, Lot 4 repr., with pendant n.r., est. £1000–1500; London, Sotheby’s, 18.V.2001, Lot 137 repr., v.q. pendant, Boreel est. £2500–3500; London, Sotheby’s, J.375.1334 Lady FALKENER [?Lady Fawkener, née 17.VII.2002, Lot 115 repr., est. £1500–2000) Harriet Churchill (1725–1777)], crayons, Φδ Society of Artists 1773, no. 124 J.375.1335 Rev. John FALKINER (c.1747–1821), rector of Carlow, pstl 23x20 ov. (Duke of Leinster, Carton, cat. 1885, p. 35, no. 25).. Lit.: Strickland 1912, n.r. J.375.135 Lord Edward FITZGERALD (1763–1798), J.375.1337 [?Robert Maxwell], Earl of FARNHAM pstl, 23x20 ov. (Duke of Leinster, Carton, cat. [(p.1720–1779)], pstl, 22x18 ov., inscr. verso 1885, p. 34 no. 6) “The Earl of Farnham last Earl married M’elle J.375.1351 Lord Gerald FITZGERALD (1766–1788), de Cantillon” (desc. family; Washington, West. pstl 23x20 ov. (Duke of Leinster, Carton, cat. Sussex, Toovey’s, 10–12.IX.2014, Lot 2 repr., 1885, p. 34, no. 8). Lit.: Strickland 1912, n.r. anon., with 2 pendants Daly, est. £300–500) J.375.1352 Lord Henry FITZGERALD (1761–1829), ϕδ [identification is implied by description] in the uniform of cornet in the 3rd Horse, pstl, 23x19 ov., 1777x78 (Duke of Leinster, Carton, Photo courtesy Sotheby’s cat. 1885, p. 35, no. 5; desc.: Cambridge, J.375.1343 Miss Elizabeth FAUQUIER, in a russet Cheffins, 18–19.IX.2013, Lot 475 repr., as of gown, pstl/ppr, 25x20 ov. (London, Sotheby’s, 2nd Duke of Leinster, in uniform of colonel of 13.VII.1989, Lot 71 repr., with another portrait the Dublin Volunteers, est. £6–8000, £13,000). attr., est. £1000–1500, £1760) Φ Lit.: Strickland 1912, n.r. [new identification] ϕν J.375.1338 [?Barry Maxwell] Earl of FARNHAM [(p.1721–1800), younger brother of Robert, Earl of Farnham], in blue coat, yellow waistcoat, pstl, 23x18 ov. (London, Christie’s, 21.III.1989, Lot 92 repr., est. £700–1000, £650. London, Sotheby’s, 25.XI.1999, Lot 4 n.r., est. £1000–1500) ϕδ J.375.1354 Lady Mary [(1777–1842)] and Lady Photo courtesy Sotheby’s J.375.1346 ?Mr FISHER of Dublin; & pendant: Emily [(1778–1856)] FITZGERALD, pstl, J.375.1347 spouse, pstl, 25.4x20 ov. (Oxford, 39.5x51 (Duke of Leinster, Carton, 1912; Mallams, 28–29.VI.2012, Lot 486 repr., attr., Carton inv. 1885, Duke’s Dressing Room, p. est. £600–800) ϕδ/ϕαδ 39). Lit.: Strickland 1912, n.r. J.375.1355 Lord Robert FITZGERALD (1765–1833), pstl, 23x20 ov. (Duke of Leinster, Carton, cat. 1885, p. 34, no. 7). www.pastellists.com – all rights reserved 1 Updated 19 July 2021 Dictionary of pastellists before 1800 =?Lord Robert Stephen FITZGERALD (Duke of Leinster, Carton, 1912). Lit.: Strickland 1912, n.r. [v. Lawrence] J.375.1357 Lady Sophia FITZGERALD (1761–1845), pstl 23x20 ov. (Duke of Leinster, Carton; cat. 1885, p. 34, no. 9). Lit.: Strickland 1912, n.r. J.375.1358 =?Lady of the ?FITZGERALD family, in a pink dress, pstl, c.23x20 ov. (PC 2013) ϕδσ Member of the FRASER family, inscr. verso “A member of the Fraser…H. D. Hamilton R.H.A. [1]806” (New York, Christie’s, 14.I.1986, Lot 199 repr.; New York, Christie’s, 16.IV.1986, Lot 5, as by Hamilton), v. Schröder J.375.1369 Rt Hon. John FOSTER of Collon, 1st Frederick, v. York Baron Oriel (1740–1828), speaker of the Irish J.375.1382 Rev. Mr ?FROUD, in a black coat, grey House of Commons in 1785, pstl (Lieut.-Col. striped waistcoat, cravat, facing left, pstl/ppr, T. J. de Burgh, Oldtown, 1912). Lit.: Strickland 26x20.5, sd “Hamilton Fect. Roma 1787” J.375.136 Lord William FITZGERALD, pstl (Duke 1912, n.r. (London, Phillips, 13.V.1997, Lot 32 n.r., as by of Leinster, Carton, 1912). Lit.: Strickland =?pstl (Colchester, Reeman Dansie, 28–29.IX.2010, Gavin Hamilton, est. £300–400, £460) [new 1912, n.r. Lot 1078 n.r., with two others, as by Hamilton), v. attr.] J.375.1361 Helena FITZMAURICE, pstl, 23x18 (Tel Hickey J.375.1383 Prince Boris V[asilievich] GALITZIN Aviv, Sotheby’s, 20.XI.1978, Lot 366 n.r., attr., Fosterm, v.q. Holford (1760–1813), pstl/ppr, 25x19 ov. (Moscow, $720) J.375.1372 Charles James FOX (1749–1806), pstl, Pushkin Museum, inv. 1289. Desc. Galitzin, J.375.1362 Richard FITZPATRICK (1748–a.1806), graphite/ppr, 23.8x20 ov. (Capt. Conolly, Moscow, –1918). Lit.: Данилова 1995, p. 650 MP, secretary of state, m/u, Society of Artists Castletown, 1912). Exh.: Hamilton 2008, no. repr. ϕ 1773, no. 130 26 repr. Lit.: Strickland 1912, n.r.; Jeffares Lady Cecilia FOLEY, née FitzGerald (1786–1863), 2006, p. 222Ci, as of Burgh ϕ pstl, 21.5x18 ov., 1805 (Jasper Joly, LL.D.; don: Duke of Leinster, Carton, 1865; cat. 1885, p. 35, no. 3). Lit.: Strickland 1912, n.r. as Hamilton [??; British sch., 19th century] J.375.1364 Lady Lucy FOLEY (1771–1851), pstl, 23x19 ov. (Duke of Leinster, Carton; cat. 1885, p. 34, no. 10). Lit.: Strickland 1912, n.r. J.375.1365 Miss FOORD, in brown and white dress, pstl, 23x19 ov. (London, Christie’s, 1.VI.1928, 16 gns; Willis. London, Christie’s, 22.III.1988, Lot 15, as 20x18 ov., £450. Ellison Fine Art a.2013) ϕ J.375.1385 Prince Dmitri Vladimirovich GALITZIN [(1771–1844)], governor general of Moscow, Photo © The Castletown Foundation, courtesy of The Office of Public pstl/ppr, 25x19 ov. (Moscow, Pushkin Works Museum, inv. 1288. Desc. Galitzin, Moscow, – J.375.1375 ~repl., pstl, 23x19 ov. (Duke of 1918). Exh.: St Petersburg 1905, no. 1730 n.r. Leinster, Carton; cat. 1885, p. 35, no. 16; desc.: Lit.: Данилова 1995, p. 650 repr. ϕν Cambridge, Cheffins, 18–19.IX.2013, Lot 477 repr.; Lowell Libson, cat. 2014, p. 56 repr.). Lit.: Strickland 1912, n.r. ϕ J.375.1367 Joe FOSTER ( –c.1781), servant at Carton, buried in Grange William churchyard, pstl, 71x51 (Duke of Leinster, Carton, 1912; Carton inv. 1885, Duke’s Dressing Room, p. 39). Lit.: Strickland 1912, pl. LVII; Crookshank & Glin 1997, p. 66 n.r., painted before Italian trip [cf. Forrest] Φα J.375.1387 David GARRICK (1717–1779), actor, pstl, ov. (Charles Kean). Lit.: Connoisseur, XI, Fox, v.q. Holland 1905, repr. p. 217, as anon. [new attr., ?] Φαν J.375.1378 [Admiral Sir] Henry FRANKLAND (1745–1814), son of Admiral Sir Thomas Frankland, in pale blue coat and vest, white stock, pstl, 25.7x21 ov. (London, V&A, P.129- 1929. London, Christie’s, 6.III.1925, 5 gns; R. H. Stephenson; legs 1929). Lit.: V. & L. Adair 1971 p. 188 repr.; Lambourne & Hamilton 1980, n.r. ϕσ www.pastellists.com – all rights reserved 2 Updated 19 July 2021 Dictionary of pastellists before 1800 (London, Sotheby’s, 16.V.2003, Lot 18 repr., est. £4–6000, £8000 [=£9600]) Φ J.375.1401 Duchess of GLOUCESTER, née Maria Walpole, in riding habit, pstl/ppr, 26x20 ov., J.375.1389 Nicolas-Hyacinthe GAUTIER (1774– sd “Hamilton Delint 1772” (sitter; ?don: Dr 1809), général de brigade, baron de l’Empire, Edward Wilmot; desc.: PC 2011). Exh.: pstl, 25x20, inscr. verso “Generale francese Dorchester 2011, no. 3 repr. Lit.: Belsey 2019, Gautier – secondo marito di Maria Luisa p. 398 n.r. ϕ Roberti-Vittory…” (PC 2012) ϕδ Photo courtesy Sotheby’s ~cop. (Viscount), miniature, ov. (Crewkerne, Lawrence’s, 12.VII.2016, Lot 467 repr.) J.375.1397 William Henry, Duke of GLOUCESTER (1743–1805), pstl/ppr, ov. chlk, pstl, Society of J.375.1404 Mrs William GORE, née Frances Jane J.375.139 GEORGE III (1738–1820), pstl, gch./ppr, Artists 1770, no. 214 (PC 2011). Lit.: Belsey Gore, Lady Evans Morres (1755–1817), in a 28.5x23 ov., sd “Hugh Ds Hamilton fect 2019, p. 398 n.r. blue dress, pstl, 24.5x20 ov., c.1780 (olim 1769” (Royal Collection RCIN 913883) ϕ ~grav. Richard Earlom, mezzotint, 1771 Brogyntyn; Lord Harlech, Glyn Cywarch; J.375.1398 William Henry, Duke of GLOUCESTER, Bonhams, 29.III.2017, Lot 413 repr., est. £2– pstl/ppr, 26x20 ov., sd “Hamilton Delint 3000, £1400 [=£1750]). Lit.: Steegman 1957, 1773” (sitter; ?don: Dr Edward Wilmot; desc.: p. 76, no. 65 n.r., as Hamilton ϕσ PC 2011). Exh.: Dorchester 2011, no. 2 repr. Lit.: Belsey 2019, p. 398 n.r. ϕ J.375.1391 GEORGE IV (1762–1830), as Prince of Wales, 28.3x22.8 ov., sd “H D Hamilton Delt 1769” (Royal Collection RCIN 452405). Exh.: London 1982a, no. 74 ϕ J.375.1405 =?Mrs William GORE, née Frances Jane Gore, Lady Evans Morres (1755–1817), pstl, ~grav. Richard Earlom, mezzotint, 1771 66x48 (Gwynedd; a UK heritage asset) J.375.14 Duchess of GLOUCESTER, née Maria Gore, v.q. Willock Walpole (1736–1787), in blue striped dress, J.375.1407 Sir James GRAHAM, Bt (1761–1824) at pstl/ppr, 27x22, sd “H D Hamilton fecit the tomb of his friend Jonas Langford Brooke, 1770” (Gorry Gallery, Dublin, 2008).
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