“7 m n i r o D A T , JAm jAnr Tf, i M t Matu^filter lEtfimbig Ijgralii ’ ThfiWealhtr forew l ei U. a. Waalha tanst ameng wanan baa n m Imo Avoaga Dally Nat fn m Hm 'Tht exooutive board et Yhei New Singing Group IteiNirt No AteiioioM Cinderella Show a pitch whara “avarybody'a tMk- Fir the Meath el Deemiher. 1646 lUia with rialag It Town giaialnhde Musie dub wiR meet Stevenson's HiglilRnders At Hospital Here Today ln.'“ niabigHMwvriUbahsIdto- thM evening at the home o f Mrs. Is Forming Here Here Tomorrow monrow night at“ eight o’clock at this aftamn}ii: rlMri«g aariy Garfield Keeney of 3 HackmaUck St Jambs’ school auditorium. ' ^ 9,664 nlg.il; lair and oolilrr with atn ■Mill RoMidi. yconaa Street '*1, •' No admlaalona ware recorded There will be 25 awards made, WMtarly winfia SaWrSajr, 1 today up to press time of The at least of-which will be door _ U AN ^ mm 9t U n . The Silk City Four, popular vo­ Ona day remains before Man­ 10 f. Konlck of 46 Lenox Herbert House was re-elected Herald at Mamdiester Memo­ prises. Tickets may be obtained la aervlnc with Patrol president of the Connecticut Re­ f • / * cal quartet of Manchester, la ex­ rial hoepitsd. T to is moat un- chester has its first Cinderella, and at Clifford’s or at the door to­ MmehoUar-^A City of ViUagi Charm , mamrnrnim'nm «t the Naval Air tailer’s Association at the annual pected to receive aome profeaalon- ususd for t t o time o f the year. the Challoner club reporta that, in- morrow night. meeting held in Hartford last A boapital,apokeaman said (SIXTEEN PAGliS) P J^C:E E f o u r C E N T S , 5 S5 n Hooaevelt Roade^ P«»«^ al competition In the near future M l MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1949 ntcob » » « « c h , who w terfd th^ night Members of the larger no one was treated in the emer­ y O L . LXVIIL, NO. 109 stores throughout Ooimecticut be­ from a rival organiaation that haa gency room during the past 24 Mavv A»g. 11646, reglvad to ^ been founded at the Center. Joe emit trahilnx at the Naval Train* long to the association. noura. Usually the day of and Hublard, general construction the day after a heavy snow lair CHiter hi Balnbridge, Md. Be* boaa on the new Center Restau­ fora cnterlnc the aervlee, he at* A sub-coihmittee ,.ot the Board atorm there is heavy businesa -VictiSM of Eviction Combine Labor Hearing of Education and the Town School rant, haa been privileged with ae- at the hospital. tended Manchester High school. curlng the aervicea of the “Cup­ May Lift Controls Building Committee met last night cake Four” to provide a muaical Die Xho marriage o f Mias ESaine R. and received progress reports on Put on Shelf; the plans for the new Olcott and background for hla hammer wleld- Menmaan, daughter o f Mr. M d era on construction. of the foursome have been finding Mrs. Leon Neumann of Rockville, Princeton street elementary it difficult to maintaiA their vocal schools. A public hearing on the The new quartet has run into to George R King, son of Mr. and the usual snags in their initial en­ chorda In true pitch without the In. Boston Subway Not Explamed Mrs. Cttfton King of North Wil- financing of these schools is sched­ aid of a lead singer. ' On Grain and Coal uled for Feburary 1 at p. m. in deavor. Herb Johnaon, their firat hraham. Mass, wUl Uke p l ^ 8 tenor, is ill, and the problem ia to Other members of the quartet Saturday morning in St. Bernard s the Hollister street school auditor­ find a tenor who can fill t o ahoea. Include Bill Brennan, Patty Pat­ Administriition Bill Bogs durreh, RockviUe. Mias Neumann ium. Joe Wilson, who haa assumed the terson and Bob McClesry. Joo Wil­ was formerly one of the beautl- managerial directorship of the son sincerely hopes to locate k Sudden Fire Today Down Somewhere To-j Mmnm St the Weldon Beauty Studio passable tenor before the end of hei« and well known to a number outfit, has auditioned aeveral day; Appearance oil Exports This Year Thespians’ Show would-be >eplacements, but has the "week, and will appoint an of local people. agent to accept bookings for his found none that coidd fill the bill. IVORY SALT Tlfwo Women and Man Tobin Is Put Orf I _________. ,1 ■ ■ ■ -.*-—"'■ - . Opens Tomorrow Consequently, the remaining three vocal aspirants. Do Not Plan Perish in Flames; 11 Washington, Jsn. 28—(jC)—The i SawY'er Tells Senate Under the direction of A. Wil­ Injured and Several To Hold Fire admlidstration's labor bill bogged More Bad Weather Banking Committee Ac* Asthmatic? liam Aatley, the cast of “John Hundred Thrown In­ down tomewhere, today and Secre-; tion .May Be Possible 4-Loves Mary" is pointing up the tsry Of Labor Tobin's sppearancs , Norman Kraana comedy to enter­ to Brief Panic; Ele­ On Evictions St tbe Cspltol to explain it was jI Hitting Rangelands Later; Asserts W r p * SANSON'S tain audiences this Friday and HALE’S SELF SERVE au( vator Shaft Rums put off. time Powers- Mast Be Saturday night at Hollister street Tobin had been booked to blue-' ASTHMA school auditorium. Tulsa Landlords Give print repeal of the hotly-disputed Extended to Back Up Boston, Jan. 28.—(/P)— rsft-Hsrtley Uw, sUrtlng st 10 Snow and Wind Storms From the minute the curtain No Indication They Arrested bv F. B. I. ’ iNational Security and REMEDY goes up. the aplendld caatlng and HEALTH MARKET Two women and a man perish­ s. m. (ex.t). Slow Fight Being superb directing will be lii evl ed in flames, 11 were injured, Intend to Slacken As­ Thirty minutes before that time, 1 Oiir Foreign Policy’ dence. This Is a play, not of the Labor committee csnccllcd the ' Waged to Save Starr­ Pan brought rcUef to and several hundred persons sault on Rent Controls session "untU further notice.” belly laughs, but good, satisfying, were thrown into a brief ing CMttle and Sheep ■umy by removing the honest entertainment. The lines A clerk fsid she could not ex- Wa.shington, -Ian. 28.—<4*) HEALTH MARKET pawift to ^ y when sudden Are tymptoma of asthma. call for all the finesse of the best Tulsa, OUa., Jan. 28 — (F) — ^plaln the csncellstion. She said —Secretary of Commerce radio scripts, and in rehearsal are in an elevator shaft sent the did not know whether Tobin By The Associated Press First Choice In Winter Week-End Treat Fresh Tulsa landlords gave no Indica­ Sawyer said today it may be being delivered In a manner that Barnes and smoke through asked for it. More bad weather hit por- po-ssilile to allow unlimited Try It Today I would make glad the heart of the Dick and Bobby Stevenaao, diunonlBg to Hm tune of tbelr father's tion today they would slacken At the Labor department, s pipes, win entertain Claa Gordon No. 16, Older Scottish Clans, at the Roasting or Frying shafts, stairways and plat- their assault against .Fedaral rent spokesman said the draft of s new tion.s of the storm-.slricken export .s of grain and coai Per sale at the tolkmlag author. Ibrto o< a'Mbwxy atatlan. Nlchelsen, t o wife and sea leelc «ver tbelr tm A Isnd ef fnrnl Norman Kraana haa written a Robert Bums baaqiiet-liall to be held at the Hotel Bond ballrooqi Fri­ PO R K labor bill requested from Tobin western rangelands today. later this year. But he told Msmiieetcr Drug Stores: day. Jsa, 28. The following night they wUI perform at the concert rwrlah Stairway control proposals deapite caiuiure tnra a*tar they wen told they ognlAM l bevo hpnrtment they were play that—well, suffice to eay that from Washington. The taraHure wws»henled -M6S nsUee from New Mextee had not yet gone to the Cspltol.! Snow'andvwind storms .slowed the Senate Banking commit­ QtJDrft’S PHARMACY many of the little theater groups and dance of Clan Dongbui No. ISO at the Elks haU In New. Britain. Trapped on a atairway of the Tobin's appearance was postponed The trio have entertained throughout New Engkuid. ROAST lAtlaatio atatloa oC the MetropoU- Piesldents Truman told a news te riniriirr-T hat the huidlerd anM-after-arrlvar-he-cenld net naoid to some degree the fight tee that wartime powers to TW. 41M in the greater Hartford area are CHICKENS conference yeeterdey their ^en ft W Y sar th e 'A a n a iM t at rent FMRtel MItaK HdMrieaa. e f temillea imtil tbe proposed maasure was In Dick, 8, and Bobby, 5, are the sons of Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Steven- taa 'lYaaelt autberlty’a under-har- the hands of the Senate Labor which is being waged on control export.*, due to expire NORTH END PHARMACY somewhat envioua that they were hor tunnel to Baat Boaton. two mrae evictions was the arrong ap­ have reeelved eviction notlees an property' owners In several eitlea or- not able to be the firat onea to put aou of 51 Phelps, road. Bobby attends Mndergartea and Dick Is In committee, the official said. many front.s to save the mil­ nrxi month, must be extended to TeL 6545 the third grade of the Hollister street school. nronen Sed through smoked-SUed proach to the problem and he did gstoed agnlnat tbe rent control hill before Coagreea.
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