Horfield Statistical Ward Profile 2021 May 2021 Insight, Performance and Intelligence Service, Bristol City Council www.bristol.gov.uk/statistics - email: [email protected] CONTENTS - HELP PAGE These 2021 Ward Profiles have been compiled for Bristol City Council wards using latest data as of May 2021. This update publishes new data on quality of life, life expectancy, premature mortality, child poverty, crime and social care. Please note due to the impact of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) it has not been possible to update data for the Public Health National Child Measurement Programme and some education data. This interactive tool provides data for each of the wards and for Bristol overall, highlighting any significant differences for the relevant ward compared to the Bristol average. The tool is designed to allow users to copy pages into other reports, to provide local evidence. There is also a suite of individual Ward Profile reports. See www.bristol.gov.uk/wardprofiles . Contents Page 3 Population - ONS 2019 Page 19 Mapping Tools Page 4 Deprivation - 2019 Page 20 Sources (p1) Page 5 Quality of Life (p1) - 2020-21 Page 21 Sources (p2) Page 6 Quality of Life (p2) - 2020-21 Page 22 Ward Names Page 7 Healthy Lifestyles - 2020-21 Page 23 Ward Boundary Map Page 8 Life Expectancy - 2018-2020 Page 9 Premature Mortality - 2018-2020 Page 10 Child Poverty 2019-20 Page 11 Crime - 2020-21 Page 12 Education - 2019 & 2020 Page 13 Social Care 2021 Page 14 Housing - Census 2011 Page 15 Household Size - Census 2011 Page 16 Car Availability - Census 2011 Page 17 Ethnicity - Census 2011 Help / Notes 1/ The 34 Bristol Wards (established in 2016) are listed in blue down the left hand margin. Click the box to change ward. 2/ The Indicator pages are in orange down the right hand margin. There are 16 pages of data. Click the box to change indicator. 3/ Full details, definitions and sources for each indicator are noted in the Sources pages. 4/ Many pages have infographics to highlight a key indicator(s), with other indicators listed below. 5/ Several pages includes a chart ranking all wards, with the chosen ward noted in a different colour. 6/ The tool shows the current latest data. It does not show past trend data. 7/ For Deprivation and Child Poverty, the data is shown by LSOA (Lower Super Output Area) not ward. 8/ The rating uses statistical confidence intervals or t-tests to identify if the gap is statistically significant. Different wards and data-sets have different size confidence intervals, so trigger points for the below colour ratings will vary. 9/ All indicators are colour-coded to show any significant difference between the ward and the city average. These Significantly Better than the city average Significantly Higher than the city average Not Significantly Different for the city Significantly Lower than the city average Significantly Worse than the city average Insight, Performance and Intelligence Service, Bristol City Council www.bristol.gov.uk/statistics POPULATION ESTIMATE Office for National Statistics 2019 HORFIELD Horfield (population 13,400) Significantly High Not Significantly Different Bristol Significantly Low AGE GROUPS 17.4% 15.2% 0-15 40-54 18.5% years years 16.5% 17.5% 8.3% 16-24 55-64 15.7% 8.9% years years 29.3% 12.3% 25-39 65 + 27.3% 13.0% years years POPULATION PYRAMID WARD COMPARISON Children Working Age Older People 90+ Ashley 85-89 Avonmouth & Lawrence Weston Bedminster 80-84 Bishopston & Ashley Down 75-79 Bishopsworth Brislington East 70-74 Brislington West 65-69 Central 60-64 Clifton Clifton Down 55-59 Cotham 50-54 Easton Eastville 45-49 Age Filwood 40-44 Frome Vale Hartcliffe & Withywood 35-39 Henbury & Brentry 30-34 Hengrove & Whitchurch Park Hillfields 25-29 Horfield 20-24 Hotwells & Harbourside 15-19 Knowle Lawrence Hill 10-14 Lockleaze 5-9 Redland Southmead 0-4 Southville St George Central 20 10 0 10 20 St George Troopers Hill Percentage St George West Stockwood Stoke Bishop Horfield Males Westbury-on-Trym & Henleaze Horfield Females Windmill Hill Bristol Males 0K 10K 20K Bristol Females Population Population – Source: Bristol City Council using ONS 2019 Small Area Population Estimates ONS © Crown Copyright See source pages for further details Insight, Performance and Intelligence Service, Bristol City Council www.bristol.gov.uk/statistics DEPRIVATION Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2019 HORFIELD Most deprived 10% in England For further information about the deprivation indices, including scores, ranks and maps, please refer to ‘Deprivation in Bristol 2019’ report - www.bristol.gov.uk/deprivation LSOA maps can be found on Pinpoint http://maps.bristol.gov.uk/pinpoint/ Source: MHCLG English Indices of Deprivation 2019 Insight, Performance and Intelligence Service, Bristol CityCouncil www.bristol.gov.uk/statistics QUALITY OF LIFE 1Quality of Life Survey 2020-21 HORFIELD Significantly Better Significantly Worse Not Significantly Different Significantly High Significantly Low Horfield Bristol % satisfied with the way the Council runs things 40 47 % who feel Bristol City Council provides value for money 27 32 % who feel an elected mayor for Bristol is improving the leadership of the city 41 35 % who agree they can influence decisions that affect their local area 25 21 % satisfied BCC has supported their local community during the Coronavirus 40 40 Council & Democracy & Council pandemic % satisfied with life 63 71 % in good health 84 87 20 % below average mental wellbeing 23 % who see friends and family as much as they want to 70 73 % who do enough regular exercise each week 73 68 % who play sport at least once a week 54 41 Health & Wellbeing & Health % households with a smoker 9 16 % at a higher risk of alcohol related health problems 13 16 % households which have experienced moderate to severe food insecurity 5 4 % households that used a 'food bank' during the last 12 months 0 2 % whose fear of crime affects their day-to-day lives 9 16 % who feel police and public services successfully tackle crime and anti-social behaviour locally 30 30 % victim of racial discrimination or harassment in last year 11 7 Crime & Safety & Crime % who think domestic abuse is a private matter 3 7 % satisfied with the range and quality of outdoor events 60 57 % satisfied with activities for children/young people 42 35 % who participate in cultural activities at least once a month 30 33 % satisfied with libraries 63 54 Culture & Leisure & Culture % satisfied with leisure facilities/services 77 40 % who find it difficult to manage financially 10 7 % who shop in their local shopping street at least once a week 36 47 Economy See source pages for further details. Insight, Performance and Intelligence Service, Bristol City Council www.bristol.gov.uk/statistics QUALITY OF LIFE 2 Quality of Life Survey 2020-21Bristol Quality of Life HORFIELD Significantly Better Significantly Worse Not Significantly Different Significantly High Significantly Low Horfield Bristol % who know where to get information, advice and guidance about employment 56 65 & Skills & % satisfied with adult learning opportunities 21 27 Education % who think traffic congestion is a problem locally 69 70 % who ride a bicycle at least once a week 28 28 Transport % satisfied with the local bus service 73 57 % satisfied overall with their current accommodation 92 87 % satisfied with the cost of their rent or mortgage payments Housing 53 60 % who think street litter is a problem locally 86 82 % satisfied with the general household waste service 77 75 % satisfied with the quality of parks and green spaces 77 79 % who visit Bristol's parks and green spaces at least once a week 63 60 % satisfied with the recycling service 71 74 % who think air quality and traffic pollution is a problem locally 64 71 % concerned about climate change 81 86 Sustainability & Environment & Sustainability % who have reduced their household waste due to climate change concerns 55 66 % who have reduced energy use at home due to climate change concerns 47 51 % who feel they belong to their neighbourhood 55 63 % who agree people from different backgrounds get on well together in their neighbourhood 70 71 % who volunteer or help out in their community at least 3 times a year 52 47 % who have access to the internet at home 95 96 % comfortable using digital services 81 82 % who lack the information to get involved in their community 37 31 Community & Living & Community % who’ve noticed "gentrification" taking place who think it has had a negative impact 0 25 % satisfied with their local area 80 80 See source pages for further details. Insight, Performance and Intelligence Service, Bristol City Council www.bristol.gov.uk/statistics HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Quality of Life Survey 2020-21 HORFIELD Significantly Better % who say they are in good health Not Significantly Different Significantly Worse Horfield 84 87 Bristol 90 Bristol Average 87.1 % 70 50 Ashley Clifton Easton Knowle Central Bris East Horfield Filwood Hillfields Eastville Cotham Bris West Redland Southville St G West Lockleaze Bedminster Stockwood Frome Vale Windmill Hill Southmead StG Central Stoke Bishop Bishopsworth Clifton Down Lawrence Hill A'mouth & LW St G Troopers Hill WoT & Henleaze HotwellsH'side & B'ston & AshDown Henbury & Brentry Hengrove & WhitPk Hartcliffe & Wwood Results from the Quality of Life survey 2020-21 Horfield Bristol % with illness or health condition which limits day-to-day activities at least a little 27 25 % above average mental wellbeing 6 8 % households where someone smokes regularly within the home 1 4 % who cook a 'ready meal' once a week at most 88 88 % who do enough regular exercise each week 73 68 % overweight or obese 55 46 Public Health National Child Measurement Programme 2016/17 - 2018/19 * % children in reception (4/5yr olds) who have excess weight 21.9 22.7 % children in year 6 (10/11yr olds) who have excess weight 31.7 32.8 See source pages for further details.
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