“...and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” ABRAHAM LINCOLN TheThe VVolunteerolunteer JOURNAL OF THE VETERANS OF THE ABRAHAM LINCOLN BRIGADE Vol. XXI, No. 4 Fall 1999 MONUMENTAL! Madison Dedicates Memorial ZITROM C to the Volunteers for Liberty ANIEL D By Daniel Czitrom PHOTOS Brilliant sunshine, balmy autumn weather, a magnificent setting Veteran Clarence Kailin at the Madison on Lake Mendota, an enthusiastic crowd of 300 people, and the Memorial dedication reminding spectators presence of nine Lincoln Brigade veterans from around the of the Lincolns’ ongoing commitment to social justice and the importance of pre- nation—all these helped turn the dedication of the nation's sec- serving historical memory. ond memorial to the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, in Madison, More photos page12 Wisconsin on October 31, into a joyful celebration. The two hour program combined elements of a political rally, family reunion, Continued on page 12 Letters to ALBA Sept 11th, 1999 who screwed up when there was still time for a peaceful Comrades, solution—negotiations moderated by Netherland arbiters. I cannot stomach the publication of that fucking I know there are some 60 vets, and maybe you as well, wishy-washy Office resolution on Kosovo, while [some] who will say, “But what about the people getting killed?” boast of the “democratic” vote that endorsed it. What the Good question. What about ‘em? They voted Slobodan in; hell was democratic about the procedure when only that they stood by him and his comrades re Croatia and Bosnia, resolution was put up for voting? No discussion, no they cheered him on in Kosovo . and now they are the amendments, no counter, or other proposal submitted? ones who can turn everything around . can kick the Hell, I’m not hung up on Robert’s Rules of Order, and power-hungry ex-aparatchik bums out . and turn the maybe such were not violated by the Office; what I’m talk- lights on again. What they need is a little help to get ‘em ing about is the image, the reputation of VALB—-what are moving, and it seems to me there is no other way to get we, followers of Mahatma Ghandi, or are we Anti-fascist ‘em going without a push . and I can’t think of another soldados in the Good Fight? way to push than spraying the homeland with a bit of real- Nothing has been truly resolved in the Balkans, and ity . can you? won’t nearly be so long as Milosevic remains in Belgrade; Salud the dumbest thing, matched only by the VALB resolution, was the giving Milosevic thirty days to leave made by the Milt Wolff opposition when as evidenced by their one huge protest demonstration they could have hung the cuno by his neck, a la Mussolini style. My uncle Reino Tanttila was killed in Spain in 1936. So what I am sending along is the resolution I pro- Did anyone know him? How he was injured and in what posed, along with my reasons for doing so. I certainly battle? What hospital he died in? Where he may be buried? don’t expect the Volunteer to run all of it, if any at all . Any information would be greatly appreciated. but I’ll feel better knowing I made the attempt. Thank you. I believe it is up to the Serbian people to get it right: to Margaret Tanttila get rid of Slobodan and his nationalist zealots in whatever [email protected] or [email protected] way possible, the sooner the better. The Serbs, not just their present leaders, have to make atonement for cheering the rabid nationalists on; for, in fact, allowing themselves to become accomplices. To assume that isolating a few in the leadership will produce a long lasting peace in the The Volunteer Balkans is to reaffirm a belief in the Tooth Fairy’s potency. Journal of the As for the Kosovars, it seems from the limited amount Veterans of the of information I have they were in the main more or less Abraham Lincoln Brigade content with, or accepting of their situation as it was, ante bellum, so to speak, and that the KLA separatists had won an ALBA publication relatively few supporters among the general population. 799 Broadway, Rm 227 Perhaps there should be an international law similar to the New York, NY 10003 Hate Crimes Law now in effect in the USA that would facilitate the trial and possible conviction of nationalist (212) 674-5552 groups such as the ETA, the KLA, and others of that sort, who preach, and/or resort to violence to press their claims Editorial Board for statehood. Peter Carroll • Leonard Levenson I guess the main point I want to make in adding this Fraser Ottanelli • Abe Smorodin post script is that I was in no way influenced by the World and Bill Susman Court’s decision to indict S. Milosevic; my thoughts on the Design Production matter, and my suggestion for a resolution different than the one VALB proposes, reflects my long-standing take on Richard Bermack the situation addressed. for the record, you might say. Submission of Manuscripts So let me propose a Resolution, with balls: Please send manuscripts by E-mail Slobodan must go, cost what it may cost. The KLA or typewritten and double-spaced, if possible. If you wish your must be disarmed and disbanded. The Serbs must with- manuscripts returned, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. draw all military personnel, leave in place civil servants. E-mail at: [email protected] or [email protected] Negotiations yes-but not with the same cast of characters 2 THE VOLUNTEER, Fall 1999 ALBA in Chicago “Shouts” Reverberate in Chicago As Thousands Attend Cultural Events By Marta Nicholas (with material brigadistas being at the forefront in from Charles and Yolanda Hall, the fight against fascism. When he Brian Peterlinz, Muriel Goodfriend brought the six Chicago-area vets to the stage, they received lengthy, and Phyllis Higgins) ardent applause. The program was further enriched by poems of Edwin houts From the Wall” literally Rolfe, movingly read by playwright “Sreverberated around the city of Peter Glazer, and songs from Chicago this summer as ALBA’s “Pasiones,” stirringly performed by poster exhibit inspired a tremendous Jamie O’Reilly and Michael Smith. The outpouring of cultural activities in a exhibit drew compliments to the variety of venues. Sponsored by the Library staff for mounting “Shouts” so Chicago Public Library at the Harold handsomely. During the two months Washington Library Center and the of the exhibition, it was seen by over Chicago Friends of the Lincoln 8000 people. Visitors ranged from Brigade, companion programs erupt- those who knew almost nothing about ed like mushrooms in the city’s major the Spanish Civil War when they institutions, bringing a gratifyingly entered the exhibit to extremely large number of Spanish Civil War- knowledgeable scholars. related presentations to a variety of Enthusiastic audiences enjoyed the Terra Museum, Robeson pro- audiences. The opening reception several programs at the HW Library grams, the Hemingway Centennial in drew 250 people, who heard African- complementing the visual materials, Oak Park, and San Pedro vets reunion American congressional including the complete version of the events at Northwestern University Representative Danny Davis (7th powerful presentation “Pasiones: and the University of Chicago). There District) speak of the political aware- Songs of the Spanish Civil War,” definitely are young people interested ness and activism of the Negroes of gallery talks by vets and other mem- in the issues, the actions, the implica- that time. He noted that in his last offi- bers of the Chicago Friends, and a tions of those crucial years. One of the cial act before his untimely death, showing of “The Good Fight.” Exhibit focuses of the CFLB is to encourage Mayor Harold Washington (Chicago’s co-curator Cary Nelson’s slide lecture more such awareness and interest. first African-American mayor, for “Painting and Writing While Bombs CFLB’s interest in outreach into the whom the library was named) Are Falling: Art and Literature during Hispanic communities resulted in “The declared November 21, 1987, to be the Spanish Civil War” drew an audi- Good Fight” being shown in several “Oliver Law and Abraham Lincoln ence of 125. A lively discussion Continued on page 4 Brigade Day” on the occasion of the followed his exposition of how the 50th anniversary of the International artistic techniques and the symbolism A distant relative of the late vet Brigade. Chicagoan Law, a used in the posters dramatically con- Ed Balchowsky is interested in Commander of the Lincoln Brigade, veyed ideas on so many issues—from learning more about him. If you was the first African-American to ever timely specifics (such as land reform) have any stories, please contact lead a racially integrated military unit. through transcendent concerns of the Jeff Balch, 1703 Cleveland St., Pulitzer Prize-winning author human condition. Evanston, IL 60202-2003 Studs Terkel, narrator of the film “The It was heartening to note the wide email [email protected] Good Fight,” gave a spirited discourse age-range of the attendees at these on the historical significance of the and earlier events (the Capa exhibit at phone 847/864-9468. THE VOLUNTEER, Fall 1999 3 Chicago events importance of the students’ role as Lincoln Brigade and thanked the fac- teachers of a new generation. ulty and students for the remarkable Continued from page 3 Following the presentation, the stu- week of activities. Retelling the story dents were all keen to speak with him of the International Brigades, Hall branch libraries personally.
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