187832 Arevalo, Nora \~.-dl rom: mary batson <[email protected]> ' -·-.:;ent: .Wednesday, April 27, 2016 5:36 PM To: BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Subject: Email submitted from Paul van Orden I am in complete agreement with the issues outlined in Paul's testimony to you. I have lived in my neighborhood for most of my 63 years and find my opinions about the changes affecting my neighborhood entirely igno... Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged h' . 1 187832 - ~ 187832 Arevalo, Nora , ,om: Jeff Geisler <[email protected]> a ~· __ ::~E!nt: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 5:05 PM To: BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Subject: Hayden Island Neighborhood Network (HiNooN) Attachments: HiNooN Amendment testimony.pd/ Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Testimony on the Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan By HiNooN (Hayden Island Neighborhood Network) ,Thank Vay Chair, Jeff Geisler I ~ 1 187832 187832 HINooN · Haydeh Island NelghborhOOd Network . Jeff Geisler, Chairman . -. - - [email protected] 603 .936-2425Cell/Texi. :·-.·.:::'.-_-)f-~---=.:.:.-.-,:=-'- ----------- ---- ---- --- . - ---- :--~- -_ -- _. ___ .'- ---·-- __ :c· - =- -- -- ---- - .·tRf~ffil_~p(Hales arig_111_~ffio~ffofrh{C1ty .Couitcil,·.·. : -:- ;:-:::=:~_--_-_ _--~-::-··-_ -~---- _-- = __,·-" _:_::__·_:_: -::~_-. :.Cc-_ c __ . - - - ------- -- t~QrL~e_lialf of the1ne1iibers_of.·HiNOON(Ha5'de.nisland.Nghbrhd ..... - .· J\T~b,vork)lvv6uld lilce.to subrr11tthe follQwingcomments regarding the -_. prgp()~e:cfCompreh~nsive~Plan a§e.hdmehts/ . - -- -- -- ---- -- --- - . -- --- --- ___ --- -- -- -- ------ -- -- - - Oppose Amendment M70 6~1'IayoLHales: . .• -.- 1~ NO: to a Local Access Onlv Hayden Island Bridge. The CRC never . prese11ted.a LocaLAccessBridge Plari that solycd .thecongestionaround Hayden . • Isfai1{ especially during morningandaften10011 .comrnt1ter l1ours with or without ~aii~wI-5Bridge. H.owevei\ asthe peedfo(aseismicaHy designed bridge buHtto -. today's standards remains asafety_issue, HiNOON suggests support for a Light Riiil Bicycle-Pedestrian Bridgelikethe Tilikum Crossing Bridge; which would ---• lc1nd on LOTTERY ROW? .; ~ . -.·••· Not~ th~toelo"v HiNOON.accepts the designationof Neighborhood .Center which would .• - ·- aHo,v more commercial iesidenti_aldevelopmet1tin thatzone up to a45foot height: . - ------~-----:~-::. - --- . - __ _:_ ..and --- . .. ·.··· -:--·- .-- - .. -- -. -- -- -- - . AcceptAmendri1efrts P19caiid P25 8yFfrtiandI-Ialesrespectively: _ . ~c'c"-- Yes to the designation OfNeighborhoocl Centerfor llayden Island.. ·-· .. -- Haydenisland,vould benefit from the additionaLMixecf-Qse l)usiness-residentiar . --·.• development, especially via a Tilikum Crossing Light ~ailstyle bridge to this .•.• ·-- _. ·--· · -~ proposed Neighborhood cenfer ar~aand restor~.our90111111ercia1 centerwhere ·_ ....- - -._·. __ .. - .· Lottery Ro_w ex.ists. /\dditionalberiefifofthfa bridge ~iould.open another north·- •.. boii11d mito lane to Hayden Is1and via the;existfrig bicycle-pedestrian lane located . \ og__ thf eastsideof the bridge fr()m the Marine .Drive clover-leaf . ·-- - --- - -- - -- ...._· Yes on P48 - PleasePRESERVE Manufactured Hon1e Parks. Ho,vever . -_·. HiNOON rejects a 30'+ ,vicle Pedestrian-Bicycle Trajl arou~d 01.fr Manufacttired ." -- -- -- - ~ --- - - ----- 220') R &h<>fitM S1ml- PMl-~ld. "&°t.H,n Q7217 -- -wd.>~it~-: iifrhav&:TtH!:md.coi"n - 187832 Home Qol11111uhityas proposed in the .20 year Comp Plad; This Trail would .. ·. -. eliminate 112 Mani.rfactured Homes in the Manufact1.1red Home Park. ·.· No cin P3iHiNoon enjoy~ oiirfe'.v Dive-through businesses: Starbucks; Tac9 Bell; 13urgerKingand WeHs_:rai:-go. ~. .. ·. "~-- -- ~ a· --------~--::-~ _ • ----~ .·. ·:' - .O. C -.-. --=-= --:_ _:_ ~-~----:- ~~~~ -- C- >:· -~~-,-. _-_-0 .'. ;·-·c_·-·:·:--::_-__ -- - :. ----- ---- ----------. --.:-.- .·~•-·No 011 P81 ·Pro-pocsedTrail~froui1H Haydenisla_n-d Hil\foon pppo.ses. a11Y ..•. - - --- - ---- ,~--' -- -- - --------- ·. 'fliajlkyqif-' -····· - Jeffdeislef ·c11a1t'JfH1N06N jeffgeisle1'@n1sn.com -. ..... 112.1471'IJsland Coxe_tani "i -- P6rtlancl,J)Jt9721- -- 503~936=2425Z ..... -· -·_·---~-.:..i: :.-- -- --- :-~---,.:....c.._._~_ -- -- ___ ---- -- c------·-c- - ----. - ----------~-- - ---~--' -- -- :-_ -- . ---- -- • C ... -~-- -- --- -, ·: -__ ··:- _:_ - ___ ,_ L- s.-•" - -- - --~--- - -- . 187832 opalptlx.org Environmental Justice Oregon 2407 ;~;c 4-Jtb ,11,,v& Pcd!nr:d on 972CJG ! ~;CJJ<f42-8910 April 27, 2016 RE: Comprehensive Plan Policies 2.11, 8.117, 8.118 Members of City Council, OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon builds power for environmental justice and Civil Rights In our communities. We develop leadership within low-income communities and communities of color around issues of environmental and social justice through grassroots organizing and policy advocacy. We address the intersection of transit, housing and health equity through an environmental justice framework focused on both distributive and procedural outcomes, utilizing popular education, policy and power analyses, issue briefings, and strategic alliances to advance issues that have been prioritized by our constituents and, more broadly, low-income communities and communities of color in the metro region. The Comprehensive Plan update offers groups such as OPAL an opportunity to weigh in the fundamental framework that determines where we live, work, play and learn in the City of Portland. As an organization, we have weighed in on a number of issues that pertain to specific aspects of livability in the Comprehensive Plan, however it has come to our attention that one key aspect of our modern lives · ~· is up for debate. During its consideration of the Comprehensive Plan, the Planning and Sustainability Commission developed several policies that fit under the broad heading of Digital Inclusion. These include Policy 2.11 "Open Data" and Policies 8.117 and 8.118 which are generally targeted at "Broadband Equity". There are objections to these policies as being beyond the scope of what should be in the Comprehensive Plan. Amendments to these policies, specifically Pll, P68 and P85, would significantly weaken these policies recommended by the Planning and Sustainability Commission. We urge you to reject these amendments in the final adoption of the plan. Being forced to choose between paying for food and housing or having Internet access makes it difficult for many low-income families to rise above their current circumstances. This inequality of access to the online world is an issue that has a profound effect on academic success and economic opportunity. Thank you for your consideration, Vivian Satterfield Deputy Director l::3uilc!ing Power for E:~nvironnH?ntal ,Justice and Civil rc;:igrits in Our Cornrnunities 187832 -- ~ 187832 Arevalo, Nora l-.-c'·om: M Sean Green <[email protected]> · · sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:47 PM To: BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Subject: Comprehensive plan testimony Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear City Council, I am writing regarding the proposed amendments to the comprehensive plan. My primary concern is regarding TSP # 40166, the 9th Ave green way plan that is to be split off with a 7th Ave alignment from Weidler to Sumner. I urge city council not to accept this amendment, and to retain as a priority the planned NE 9th Ave Greenway. I pre_viously submitted some testimony regarding this project, but new information has come to light that merits mention. I would like to mention to the Council that I had great difficulty obtaining information from PBOT and other responsible city depatiments, all of whom have completely ignored by requests for public records made in January of this year. Infonnation regarding public testimony has either been withheld or provided to interested parties mere days before relevant deadlines. I get the distinct impression that city planners do not vant to consider public input - a stance that I believe is understandable, but short-sighted and mistaken. L=, Since my previous testimony, I have found out that the most recent traffic data for this segment of 7th Ave date to 2013. Those counts and vehicle speeds are wildly incompatible with 7th Ave becoming a greenway. I have also found that the estimates provided by PBOT for the costs of this project are (by their own admission) "rough" and unlikely to be accurate, they also do not include the costs of removal of the five median rounds present - which are a clear hazard for bicyclists already. Since 9th Ave would not need diverters, removal of median rounds, speed bumps, etc - I have great difficulty understanding why the current estimates indicate that 9th Ave alignment would be double the cost of the 7th Ave alignment. The other po1iion of this project - the 9th Ave portion through Lloyd - is to be split off as TSP # 20122. There is no information about how the 7th Ave alignment would be connected to the Lloyd 9th Ave project; presumably this would require additional study and funds. Although others have stated that the amendment has the suppmi of neighbors and various associations, it is far from clear what affected residents actually think. My own neighborhood association (ICA) apparently agreed to suppmt this without any quomm or vote, and the decision was taken before neighbors were infmmed of either the original or modified plans. Many of us believe that this change in alignment will be dangerous and damaging to our neighborhood. An earlier statement of concern had - 80 signatories, and a recent change.org petition
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