I f • -'!¢mple BHh El 10 70 Or~hal"d Ave. '· FrQvideDQe, R. I• NEWS Premier Ben-Gurion 811.ief,4 To Take Leave As Result Of Crisis PERMISSIO~ FOR THE CON­ JERUSALEM - Premier David struction of a new synagogue hlUI THE ONLY ANGLO-JEW IS H WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. Ben-Gurlon w!ll take a leave of been granted by the Soviet Gov­ four or five weeks as a result of VOL. XLIV No. 44 FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1961- 16 PAGES ernment, it was reported in Tel the Lavon crisis that h!U! split his Aviv by Dr. Gerhard Riegner, party and threatens to topple the European director for the World" Israeli Government according to Jewish Congress. At a press con­ Son Born To Michaels; Cabinet Committee Exonerates a New York Times article by Law­ ference Dr. Riegner said that he rence Fellows. saw signs of possible easement of First Providence Jewish Former Defense Minister Lavon The Premier's decision was con­ Soviet Russia's attitude toward firmed last week by Yitzhak Na­ Jews in the USSR. Among the Baby Of The New Year TEL AVIV, Israel - A Cabinet mier David Ben-Gurlon's coali- von, his political secretary. Mr. signs, he said, are the ,permission committee reported last week that The first Providence Jewish tlon Government. A summary of Ben-Gurion told the Cabinet of for the building of the new syna­ a senior army officer submitted a the report was made public last it at a meeting a week ago Sun- gogue, the announced readiness baby of 1961 arrived on Sun­ forged document In 1954 to blame day, January 1, at 12:23 P.M. week. day. by the Russian Government to Israel's Defense Minister for a It noted that the senior offi- An unimpeachable source close publish some Yiddish literature at the Providence Lying-In disastrous security action that Hospital. A son• was born to cer had contended that he had re- to the Premier said that Mr. Ben­ and the request recently made by had actually been carried out ceived a definite order from Mr. Gurlon would use the time to de­ Jewish writers in Russia to pub­ Mr. and Mrs. William Michaels without the minister's knowledge. of 1180 Narragansett Boule­ Lavon to act, during a conversa- cide whether to resign or accept lish a Yiddish manual. The committee's report, which tion that he said had taken place the Cabinet decision that cleared THE JEWISH COMMUNITY OF vanl. A first child, the infant was given to the full Cabinet ex­ weighed 4 lbs., 14 ounces at without the presence of witnesses. Plnh~s Lavon, former Defense Algiers completed plans to bury onerated Plnhas Lavon, who re­ Mr. Lavon denied this and the Minister. of responsibillty for birth. Mr. Michaels is manager IUI the Torah scrolls which were de­ signed Defense Minister in 1954 Investigating committee was what is referred to here IUI a "di­ secrated in the rioting recently in of the Providence Auto Co. 1955. unable to establish which of the the ancient synagogue of the Grandparents are Mr. and His resignation came after an two men had told the truth. sastrous adventure" in 1954. The Casbah quarter. The plans, pre­ Mrs. Thomas Michaels of 15 investigating committee had been "In the light of additional dis- Cabinet announced Its decision pared by the Jewish Consistory of Elmway Street and Mr. and unable to establish whether he or closures that are now in our pos- last week. Algiers, call for a silent procession Mrs. A. Bernanl Shore of 96 the army officer had ordered the session and that we have ex- The struggle between Mr. Ben­ of the community to accompany Lake Avenue, Newton Centre, action. The investigating commit­ amlned," the ministerial commit- Gurion and Mr. Lavon over re­ the ravished scrolls through the Mass. tee consisted ot Supreme Court tee said today, "no confidence can sponslblllty for the "adventure" city's streets from the synagogue Although a little late to Justice Itzhak Olshan and Maj. be placed in the senior officer's has broken the ruling Mapa! party to the Jewish cemetary.'There will qualify as the first Jewish Gen Yaakov Dori, former Chief version." into opposing factions. not be any speeches. In accor­ babies of 1961, twin sons, also of Staff. It added: "Moreover. the facts The ~lspute caused Mrs. Golda dance with .Jewish ritual, the their first children, were born Wonls Put Into Letter prove that the orders for the car- Meir, the Israeli Foreign Minis­ prayer for the dead will be recit­ on January 3 at 3 A.M. to Mr. The new investigation showed rytng out of the actions preceded ter, to write out her resignation ed. It was expected that the Al­ and Mrs. Steve Kass of 2 Over­ that a letter submitted to the the date. to which the senior offi- at the stormy meeting of the giers Chief Rabbi, possibly in con­ hill Road, at the Lying-In Hos­ 1954 investigating committee con­ clal ascribes the receipt of the or- Cabinet. She WIUI persuaded not junction with Christian and Mo­ pital. Born six mlnu-tes apart tained the Phr!U!e "according to der from Lavon." to submit her resignation for a slem clerics, will issue a call for the babies weighed 5 lbs., 8 Lavon's order." These words had "We therefore state that Lavon while by Levi Eshkol, Finance calm and for inter-communal ounces, and 5 lbs., 10 ounces. not been in the original letter did not give the order on whicl) Minister, who has been a mod­ understanding. Mr. Kass is a mirror manu­ but were added later. the senior officer relies and that eratlng Influence throughout the AN ISRAELI FREIGHTER, THE facturer at the Rhode Island "The senior officer submitted the 'unfortunate episode' was car- crisis. But Mrs. Meir later walked SS Yehuda, weighed anchor in Glass Works, Inc. the forged copy to the Olshan­ rled out without his knowledge." out of the meeting. Grandparents are Mr. and Port Champerico, Guatemala, last Dorl committee IUI proof that he the committee said. Mr. Eshkol and Josef Almogl, week, marking the first time that Mrs. Morris Marcus of 145 had received the instruction from Summit Avenue and Mr. and Details Suppressed Secretary General of the Mapa! an Israeli vessel has ever visited Lavon," the committee found. It Is still forbidden here to give party, w!ll attempt to heal the that country and inaugurating a Mrs. George Katz of 62 Roch­ The investigation was conduct­ details of what the report eup- breach. · ambeau Avenue. monthly service by Zim lines. ed by seven Ministers, including hemistically called "an unfortu- U they can somehow restore A 102-YEAR-OLD JAFFA.BORN members of all the parties in Pre- nate episode." It is .also forbidden party unity the Cabinet decision to disclose the name of the senior Yemenite who left home in 1925 officer involved in the charges could presumably be reversed and to seek his fottune saw his dream Israeli Units Election of Rabbis against Mr. Lavon. ·Mr. Ben-Gurlon would no longer come true when he returned l1U1t Earlier this year, a military In- feel compelled to resign or give in week to his home with a shiny To Get Funds Put Off Five Weeks black Cadillac and new schemes T! • • JERUSALEM: - The Rabbinical quiry committee investigating the to Mr. Lavon. for prospecting for uranium in the FeOr .I. ralnJn Nominations... Board agreed l!U!t affair had established that false Conciliation Doubtful g evidence WIUI instigated by the · The chances of conciliation Negev, according to "The Jeru­ UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. week to a request from a joint salem P06t." The dream came senior officer and a subordinate seemed remote. The eight Mapa! Paul G. Hoffman, managing di- Mapai-National Religious party at the 1954 hearing. ministers in the fifteen-member true for Yosef Avraham, the son rector of the United Nations delegation to postpone the elec­ However, that c;:ommittee had Cabinet were split evenly in the of a timber importer who as a Speclal Fund, announced l!Ult tions of Chief Rabbis and a new youth took off on a voyage which not been able to pin down evi- voting. Mr. Ben-Gurlon walked week that the organization's gov- Supreme Rabbinate ~ouncll dence of forgery. (Continued on Page 3) took ·him to Egypt; across North erning council has approved his again. Africa selling trinkets and, final­ recommendation for an allocation Rabbi Judah Maimon, chair- L C" rr• , z.. p11 ly, to America as he reached his of $816,400 tQ Israel for the de- man of the nominations board awyer uays LlC.l.lmann ians 70's. In the U. S. he entered the velopment of training centers for accepted the plea but cut the time in\port and real estate businesses vocational instructors, technicians from the six ·weeks IU!ked by the Tco p11ead Ncot Gu1·1ty Tco C'harrres but left it to prospect for oil and and foremen. delegation to five weeks. He des- l' ::, · copper in the west. He came back Israel will match this UN allo- ignated Feb. 1 as the latest date JERUSALEM - Dr. Robert 'regret' as childish regarding what home to Haifa with his 40-year­ cation with its own contribution, for the much-postponed balloting. Servatius of Cologne, defense law- he has done. You cannot do such old wife, his twelfth. equivalent to $1,380,000, for the The bargaining was understood, yer of Adolf Eichmann, stated things and merely say 'I'm MORE ·.
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