School Annual for the Convents of the l.B.V.M in Australia. Registered at G.P.O., Melbourne for transmission by Post as a Periodical. December, 1950 Vol. 6 December, 1950 MATER DEi. MATER MEA PICTURE OF ST . LUKE 'S MADONNA LORETO in which is incorporated Eucalyptus Blossoms (1886 -1924) School Annual of the l.B.V.M. in Australia "Tache, toi, d'etre vaill ante et bonne- ce sont Jes grandes quali tes des femmes." HIS HO LINESS, PO PE PIUS XII. So many of our Old Girls have gone to Rome for the Jubilee this year that the thoughts of members and friends of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin, all over the world, will recall with pleasure another Holy Year cele­ brated over three hundred years ago-in 1625. We go in spirit to Rome one day in that fa r-off year of Jubilee, and as we enter the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, we meet three ladies coming from their devotions. They are Mary V.I ard and two companions-the Found­ ress and the first Religious of the l.B.V.Af . Several Rpmans recognize them and stand back with deep respect, for they are already well loved by many thousands of parents whose children are being educated by them. T his basilica has been their favourite place of meditation and prayer since they came to Rome over three years ago. Near its sanctuary they have renewed their vows, and consecrated their lives anew to Our Lady of the Snows before the revered picture of St. Luke's Madonna. We, too, enter the basilica with special reverence, for the Blessed Sacra­ ment is exposed during the celebration of Quarant' Ore-a feature o[ the Holy Year. Every day during this year of jubilee, NI ary Ward may be seen pray­ ing in whatever church is holding the Quaran( Ore. External troubles and animosities are multiplying. Lest she be carried away by them she must be $trongly anchored in God's love. So, she prays ... lVhat a day was that, three years before, when, after walking across Europe- 1,500 miles in two months!-Mary and her companions came in sight of the Eternal City. The old chronicle tells us that "as soon as she beheld the steeple of St. Peter's Church, sixteen miles off, she knelt down, and, profoundly inclined, reverenced those sacred relics of the Apostles and rendered all submis­ sion to that Holy See and Chair of His successors." Then, in 1625 came the H oly Year- a year of spiritual renewal. For Mary it was a year of special grace, and we are allowed to see grace strength­ ening .and establishing her soul in three salient points: devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, loyalty to the Holy See, and a tender charity to her fellow-men, especially those who persecuted her. Yes, it was a year of great grace. How could it not be so, with all her will lost in the Divine vVill? The rekindling of our faith, our loyalty to the Church and our self-less charity-this we, too, hope for as, though far away from Rome and its strong stream of prayer, we open our hearts to the Divine Love. God has been so good to us to give us our Catholic Faith. We must make a return of gratitude, and we take to our hearts the Holy Father's words: " The future belongs to those who love, not to those who hate." The hatred that is corroding our civiliza­ tion can be arrested only by the love thflt is poured into our hearts by the Holy Sprit. · feath/arnham GnglanJ We have followed with interest the journeys of The senior girls from the Bar Convent, York, Mother-General. who spent several months in have an interesting page in this issue. We were India. The nuns there wrote us happy accounts glad to see by their magazine, that York is still a of her visit; for her kindness and helpfulness great educational centre. We hear news of Ascot cheered them all considerably. She spent a week from Mother M . Philip, to whom we owe a special in England on her way home. We hope our turn debt of gratitude for her cheerful and efficient will come soon. We send congratulations to handling of the proofs of our biography of Mother Mother M. Augustine Boyle, the new Provincial Gonzaga Barry.''' Her experience in publishing in the provincial house at Manchester. We would books saved us much time and labour. like an account for our next issue of the fine work being done at the schools in Manchester. CanaJa We are glad to hear that Rev. Mother Vic­ (}itrallar torine and M.M. Margarita are to have the The nuns in the Europa Convent are pleased to pleasure of a sojourn at Rathfarnham on their way be receiving considerable governmental compen­ to Rome. This will be an affectionate reunion for sation for bombing destruction during the war. all concerned, as Canada was one of the first Tides of compensation run slowly. A letter from foundations made from Rathfarnham, over a hun­ one of the nuns states: "We have the Irish Fusi­ dred years ago. The nuns in Via Nomentana are liers here on the Rock since Christmas. I believe also looking forward to the meeting with their one of them is Lt. Burke-Gaffney, grand-nephew Canadian Sisters. As we go to press:-We re­ of M .M. Elizabeth."(' gret to hear that the proposed visit to Rome had to be postponed owing to the disturbed state of Spain Europe. We often hear from Spain, as the Provincial ( M.M. Aloysius) is a cousin and most sisterly cor­ respondent of M.M. Antonia of Kirribilli. Mr. and We have many links with India, as may be seen Mrs. Tronser of Sydney have just left with Susan in the contents of this issue. Missionary life there (their daughter, and a pupil at Normanhurst) must be very w.earing, especially in the convents bearing a letter of introduction to M.M. Aloysius, on the plains. But in the holidays the nuns escape whose head house is at Seville. Nuns from Seville the summer heat by going to Simla. One of these and Madrid are glad to go to Gibraltar for summer nuns, an Australian, writes: "As we entered the holidays, while Gibraltar nuns meet their Spanish train at Gaya just after midnight, we disturbed Sisters at the seaside resort of Chipioni ("the two Indian ladies from sleep. Next morning I was Spanish Dalkey"-to quote an Irish nun at Gib­ awake early enough to see the handsome younger raltar). one arise from sleep, and with a swift, reverent gesture turn towards the sun. Joining her hands. she saluted it. Evidently she was a Parsee." In our next issue we hope to give an account of the We are always pleased to have letters from the fine work being done by the Bavarian nuns in nuns in Via Nomentana, which is an especially India. In this issue there is a short, but interesting, busy place this year. One of their Australian visi­ article from them. tors has been the Very Rev. Austin Kelly, S.J. (Provincial). Their adult students are devoting a great deal of their time to the Holy Year pilgrims; but they were not too involved to be interested in We congratulate the nuns in that small island a talk by Father Peter Kelly, S.J .. who is studying on the wonderful progress in their educational at the Gregorian University. He spoke on Aus­ work. They are about to open their sixth hou13e. tralian Literature. Several of the students at the The I.B.V.M. (Loreto)- is in the forefront of all I.B.V.M. have sent interesting articles in English apostolic work. We have an interesting article, which reflects much credit on themselves and on but, to save cutting it, we have held it over till ne:x;t the nuns who teach them. i$S\Je, . SCHOOL COUNCJLLOl<S-LORETO ABBEY, MARY'S MOUNT, BALLARAT. ( Left t o R ig h t) : Beth Barfield , E li zabeth H olmes . J oan O'Donohue (H ead of the School), Mary H y land, Barbara Tobin. KINDERGARTEN GROUP. Back Row: Faye Faulkner, Mi chael McGuire, Urs ula Kuzniarz, P.ater Noonan. Front Row: Patricia Summons, P atl"ici a Hayden, Mary N unn, Ma rgot Jenkins , BatTY Faulkner, Michael Spiers, He len Hager­ Absent: Marian Dunn , Janet Powell , Doug las McAi·thur. LORETO AB!:IEY, i\IAHY'S MOUNT. Back Row: Gay J oshua. M a~·ga r et Holm.;::s, Helen Baker, CRrina o·oonohue, Cliolre Hag-e r , Ma rie O'Oonohuc. Janet Hayden, H C'lcn Hyland. M.:l ure2n Bolger. Shn·ley Pa1·ker. Ann e: t tc~ Bong iot no, Ma ul'ee-n McTien1an. Uenise F laherty, Judy Bes::meres. F ou1·th Rew : J o:1n Faulkne 1·, Lynette Dobbe, Cletus McMahon, M an~toc Hayden, Maura Sh ~ ale s, Helen O'Bden, Anne Vau ~ lum, B elt~· Gl::tvin, Marg-aret Rickard, H elen McGoldl'ick, J oy P hillips, Diane George, Judy H anis. M2.rg-ot P c d ~e r, Gc. briellc Rice. Elizabeth Wimpole, Finola J oyce, Gwenyth S1£e. Third Row: Margaret O'Log hlen, Julienne Tweddle, Janic·e Co lvin, Cecil e J oshua. J ennife l' Collins , Pauline Nee£on, Margaret Hinnldi, Mct ry JJillon. Ja?Jif'e Besemeres, Moya B1·ccn, Pat l'icia Hina ldi.
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