Br J Prev Soc Med: first published as 10.1136/jech.25.4.242 on 1 November 1971. Downloaded from Brit. J. prev. soc. Med. (1971), 25, 242- 244 ATTRIBUTABLE RISK PERCENT IN CASE-CONTROL STUDIES PHILIP COLE AND BRIAN MacMAHON Department ofEpidemiology, Harvard School ofPublic Health, 665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 The difference between the disease rates of two groups, one exposed and one not exposed to a (2) Ae% = X 100% suspected aetiological factor, is a useful measure of R the risk associated with the factor. This measure is where R, the relative risk, is the ratio of the risk of most interest when the association is considered among the exposed to that among the unexposed. causal, and has been termed the attributable risk The numerator of (2), termed the excess relative (MacMahon and Pugh, 1970). Expressed as a risk, is the segment of the relative risk among the percentage of the total disease rate in a group (the exposed which exceeds the risk among the un- attributable risk percent), the measure describes exposed. Since relative risk reflects total risk, the percentage of the group's total risk which is in expressing a group's excess relative risk as a per- excess of the risk among persons not exposed to centage of its relative risk yields the attributable the suspect factor. Both measures (attributable risk risk percent. Expression (2) applies then to relative and attributable risk percent) may be computed risk estimates such as are available from the usual either for persons exposed to the suspect factor or case-control study. For example, if a group ofProtected by copyright. for the population as a whole. exposed persons has a relative risk of 2-0, the Both measures are readily obtained when estimates attributable risk percent is 50%; if the relative risk is of absolute disease rates are available for the groups 3 0, the attributable risk percent is 67%, etc. to be compared. However, in many case-control If, in addition to knowing the relative risk among studies subjects are not referable to an enumerated the exposed, the proportion of the 'population' population, and, while relative risks can be ob- exposed can be estimated, the population attribu- tained, absolute disease rates can not. If an estimate table risk percent can also be obtained. ('Population' of the disease rate in the population is available from refers here to those persons who, although not some other source, disease rates in exposed and non- enumerated, form the common source of cases and exposed persons, and hence the attributable risks, controls in a study.) Since controls should be may still be estimated (MacMahon and Pugh, representative of unaffected persons in the popula- 1970). It appears not to have been recognized, tion, the data available from them can be used to however, that even in the absence of knowledge of estimate the proportion of the population exposed. the disease rate in the population, estimates of The population attributable risk percent is then http://jech.bmj.com/ attributable risk per cent can be obtained-both determined as: for exposed persons and for the population as a Pe (R 1) whole. (3) A/% = x 100% When estimates of absolute disease frequency are I1+Pe(R-1) available the attributable risk percent among the where Ap% population attributable risk percent exposed is determined as: Pe = proportion of the population ex- posed. on September 29, 2021 by guest. (1) Ae% XReRo X 100% Re The denominator in expression (3) represents the attributable risk among total disease experience of the population and has where A,e% percent two components. The first, 1, is the relative amount exposed of disease not associated with exposure. This com- Re = absolute risk among exposed ponent represents the total population multiplied Ro absolute risk among unexposed. by the relative disease frequency in the absence of The estimate of the attributable risk percent is un- exposure; both of these values and hence their altered if the data are reduced from absolute to product are always 1. The second component of the relative frequencies of disease. Assigning the value denominator is the relative amount of disease which 1, as is conventional, to the risk among the un- is associated with exposure. This is expressed as the exposed, expression (1) may be rewritten as: proportion of the population exposed multiplied by 242 Br J Prev Soc Med: first published as 10.1136/jech.25.4.242 on 1 November 1971. Downloaded from ATTRIBUTABLE RISK PERCENT IN CASE-CONTROL STUDIES 243 their excess relative risk; the value is the same as the R -1 1-89-1I Ae%- R x 100% = x 100% numerator. R 1-89101 The attributable risk percent among the popula- tion is entirely analogous to that among the ex- -47% posed. A population with no exposed members may Based on the distribution among the controls, it was be said to have a relative risk of 1. If some of the determined that 0'73 of the male population were population become exposed, the population in the smokers. The attributable risk percent among men aggregate will exhibit higher risk. The amount of can then be determined as: increase depends both on the proportion of the population exposed and on their relative risk. The A%t Pe (R-1)_ xlOO0% 1 + P (R 1) proportions of the population unexposed and ex- can data from the controls. posed be estimated by 0-73 (1.89 - 1) 100% 39% The relative risk for each group is also known, being 1 0173 -1) 1 among the unexposed and the estimated value + (1-89 among the exposed. The 'population relative risk' is The method provides only estimates of the attri- then determined as the weighted average of the butable risk percent. The estimates should be relative risks for the two groups comprising the meaningful, however, if three considerations are met. population: First, the relative risk has been referred to as if it were the usual measure of risk obtained in a case- (4) R= P (1) + PeR control study. In fact, the usual measure is the relative odds or odds ratio. However, since most where = population relative risk diseases are uncommon the relative odds is generally Rp Protected by copyright. Po = proportion of the population un- equivalent to the relative risk. Second, the relative exposed. risk, and hence the corresponding excess relative Expression (4) is readily simplified to: risk, should be controlled for the influence of other (5) Rp-Po+PeR known or suspected aetiological agents which over- By subtracting 1 from the population relative risk, lap in distribution with the exposure of interest. it is converted to the population excess relative This consideration applies to all measures of risk risk. The population attributable risk percent can derived from epidemiological studies. then be determined as was the attributable risk The third and major consideration is that controls percent among the exposed: usually will have been stratified to correspond to the cases in one or more characteristics and thus will not (6) Ap% Rp 1 x 100% be representative of the population. The stratifica- Rp tion will introduce error if the proportion of the Data from a case-control study of bladder cancer population exposed, or the associated relative risk, and cigarette smoking (Cole, Monson, Haning, and differs between categories of the stratification Friedell, 1971) illustrate the method. For male variable. This error can be minimized and sum- http://jech.bmj.com/ cigarette smokers the observed relative risk of mary estimates of the attributable risk percent bladder cancer was 1 89 as compared to a risk of obtained. For the population, the attributable risk 1 for non-smokers. The attributable risk percent percent is first determined in each category by the among male smokers can be determined as: method presented. The summary estimate is TABLE on September 29, 2021 by guest. SEVERAL MEASURES OF BLADDER CANCER RISK, ACCORDING TO SINGLE AND MULTIPLE EXPOSURE CATEGORIES, MEN AGED 20-89 Relative Excess Attributable High Risk Cigarette No. of No. of Risk Relative Risk Annual Rate Annual Rate Occupation Smokingt Cases Controls (R) (R-1) per 100,000 per 100,000 No No 43 94 10)0 01)0 20-3 0.0 No Yes 173 189 2-00 1-00 40-6 20-3 Yes No 26 20 2-84 1-84 57.7 37 4 Yes Yes ill 72 3-37 2-37 68-4 48-1 Total [ 353 375 - - 418 - *'Yes' applies to men ever employed in an industry shown in this study to be associated with increased risk. t'Yes' applies to men who have smoked at least 100 cigarettes. Br J Prev Soc Med: first published as 10.1136/jech.25.4.242 on 1 November 1971. Downloaded from ')AA PHILIP COLE AND BRIAN MacMAHON obtained by taking a weighted average of these observed, compared to 2-84 (1*00 plus 1'84) ex- category-specific values, the weighting factor being pected, and for attributable risks this is 48-1 ob- the total number ofcases in the respective categories. served compared to 57 7 expected. Both approaches For the exposed, the summary estimate is obtained suggest that the two exposures do not act syner- as a weighted average of the category-specific gistically in the production of disease. (Data in the attributable risks percent, the weighting factor Table are from a case-control study of a total being the number of exposed cases in the respective incidence series of cases from an enumerated categories. population and of controls selected from the same The concept of excess relative risk, relative risk population.
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