The London JŒSizu u y^wjfd 4)ti6iiAjeD t» $utt)orttp Horn rvicucjd^ May 15, co •wiutLyq; May iS, 1756 GEORGE R. chimed it aloud. And lastly, at the Royal U R Will and Pleasure is, that you Exchange Portcullis Pursuivant read the Decla­ attend the Proclamation of Our De ration, and Rougecroix Pursuivant proclaimed claration of War against France' that it aloud ; the "Spectators at each Place expressing is to be made To-morrow, being their Satisfaction by loud Acclamations. Tuesday the 18th Instant, between the Hours of Nine and Twelve in the Morning, in the f\ T the Court at Kensington, the 17th Day usual Places, and with the Solemnities custom­ JT&. of Mi-y, 175 6. ary on the like Occasion : And for so doing this P R E S E N ;T, (hall be your Warrant. Given at Our Court The K I N G's most Excellent Majesty at Kensington the 17th Day of May 1756, in in Council. the Twenty-ninth Year of Our Reign. | His Majesifs Decla?'ation of War against By His Majesty's Command, the French King. H. Fox. To Our trusty and well beloved G E O R G E R. Servants, the King's Heralds "jnHE unwarrantable Propeedings ofthe French and Pursuivants at Arms. in the West Indies, and North America,, since the Conclusion of tlie Treaty of Aix la St James's, May 18. Chriprlle, and the Usurpations and Encroach­ The Officers of Arms, with the Serjeants at ments made by them upon Our Territories, and Arms and Trumpeters, mounted their Horses che S-ttlements of Ojr Subjects in th fe Ports, in the Stable-yard, St. James's, and proceeding particularly in Our Province of Nova Scotiaj thence to the Palace Gate, Garter Principal have been so notorious, and so frequent," that King of Arms read His Majest}'s Declaration they cannot but be looked upon as a f jfBcient of War, and Norroy King of Arms proclaim Evidence of a formed Design, and Resolution ed it aloud : Which being dom-, a Processi MI in that Court, to pursue invariably such Mea­ was made as follows. A Party of Horse-Gre­ sures as (h->uld most effectually promote theft nadier Guards to clear the Way. Beadles of ambitious Views, without any Regard to the Westminster with Staves, two and two. - Con­ most solemn Treaties and Engagements. We stables of Westminster. High Constable of have not been wanting on Our Part, to make Westminster, with his Staff. The Officers of from Time to Time the most serious Represent the High Bailiff of Westminster on Horseback, tations, to the French King, upon these re­ with white Wand*. Deputy of the High peated Acts of Violence,- and to endeavour to Bailiff of Westminster. Kn-gte Marshal's Men. obtain Redress and Satisfaction for the Injuries KnightMaisnal. Drums. Drum-major. Trum­ done to Our Subjects, and to -prevent the like pet?. S.j.-je.mt Trumpeter in his Collar, bearing Caufrs of Complaint sor .the Future : But tho* his Mace. Roug Jrs^-.n Pursuivanc. Rouge- frequent A durances have been given, that every croix and Portcullis Pursuivants. York Herald Thing (hould be fettled agreeable to the Treaties between two Serjeants at Arms. Chester Herald subsisting between the Two Crowns, and par­ between two Serjeants at Arms. Norroy King ticularly, that the Evacuation of the four of Arms between two Serjeants at Arms. Gar neutral Iflands in the West Indies should be ter Principal King of Arms, between twa Ser­ effected, (which was exprefly promised to Our jeants at Arms. A Party or Troop of the Ambafladour in France) the Execution of these Horse - Guards commanded by Lieutenant- Assurances, and of the Treaties on which they Colonel West. At Charing - Cross Norroy were founded, has been evaded under the "moil read the Declaration, and Chester Herald pro­ frivolous Pretences ; and the unjustifiable Prac­ claimed it aloud. From thence the Procession tices of the French Governors, and of the Ofr was made to Temple Bar, where the Officers of i ficers acting under their Authority, were still the City of Westminster retired j and the Gate carried' on, till, at Length, in the Month of being shut, Rougedragon Pursuivant, being con: April 1754, they broke out in open Acts of ducted by two of His Majesty's Trumpets, after Hostility, when in Time of profound Peaces Sounding thrice, he knocked at the Gate, and without any Declaration of War, and without being demanded who was there, replyed, the any previous Notice given, or Application made, Officers of Arms, who demand Entrance to a Body of French Forces, under the Command make Proclamation of His Majesty's Declara­ of an Officer bearing the French King's Com­ tion of War against the French King, and the mission, attacked in a hostile Manner, and Gates being opened, he was conducted by the possessed themselves of the English Fort on the City Marshal to the Lord Mayor, (who, with Ohio in North America. the Aldermen, Recorder and Sheriffs, attended But notwithstanding this Act of Hostility, within the Gate) ahd having (hewed him the which could not but be looked upon as a Com* King's Warrant, he returned, the Gates were mencement of War j yet, from Our earnest opened and the Procession enured, and at tbe Desire of Peace, and in Hopes the Court of End of Chancery. Lane, Chester Herald read France would disavow this Violence and In­ the Declaration, and York Herald proclaimed it justice, We . contented Ourselves with fending aloud. They then went on, the City Proces­ such a. Force to America as was indispensably sion following after the Horfe Guards. At the necessary for the immediate Defence and Pro­ End of Wood-street York Herald read the tection of Our Subjects, against fresh Attacks Declaration, and Portcullis Pursuivant pro- and Insults, Ja- [ Price Fo^r-P«nce, J I .
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