Kalinar Mordulin Irwin None Chaotic Good Character Name Player Name Deity Region Alignment Darkvision (60 ft.), Evoker 14 Elf / Humanoid Medium / 5 ft. 6' 1" / 127 lbs. Low-Light Vision CLASS RACE SIZE / FACE HEIGHT / WEIGHT VISION 14 (13) 300000 / 425000 153 Male Character Level (CR) EXP/NEXT LEVEL AGE GENDER EYES HAIR Points ABILITY NAME BASE BASE ABILITY ABILITY TEMP TEMP WOUNDS/CURRENT HP SUBDUAL DAMAGE DAMAGE REDUCTION SPEED SCORE MOD SCORE MOD SCORE MOD HP 96 Walk 30 ft. STR 8 -1 8 -1 hit points Strength AC 22 : 18 : 16 = 10 + 4 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 DEX 16 +3 18 +4 armor class Dexterity TOTAL FLAT TOUCH BASE ARMOR SHIELD STAT SIZE NATURAL DEFLEC- DODGE Morale Insight Sacred Profane MISC BONUS BONUS ARMOR TION CON 10 +0 12 +1 = + Constitution INITIATIVE +4 +4 +0 0 +0 0 modifier INT 22 +6 28 +9 TOTAL DEX MISC MISS Arcane ARMOR SPELL ACID COLD ELECT. FIRE Intelligence MODIFIER MODIFIER CHANCE Spell CHECK RESIST RESIST RESIST RESIST RESIST Failure PENALTY WIS 12 +1 12 +1 Encumbrance TOTAL SKILLPOINTS: 112 MAX RANKS: 14/14 Wisdom Light SKILLS KEY ABILITY SKILL ABILITY RANKS MISC SKILL NAME MODIFIER MODIFIER MODIFIER CHA 13 +1 13 +1 ✓ = Charisma Acrobatics DEX 4 4 SAVING THROWS TOTAL BASE ABILITY MAGIC MISC EPIC TEMP ✓ = + + SAVE Appraise INT 16 9 1 6 FORTITUDE +8 = +4 + +1 + +3 + +0 + +0 + ✓ Bluff CHA 1 = 1 (constitution) ✓ Climb STR -1 = -1 REFLEX +11 = +4 + +4 + +3 + +0 + +0 + Craft (Stonemasonry) INT 26 = 9 + 14 + 3 (dexterity) ✓ Craft (Untrained) INT 9 = 9 = + + + + + WILL +13 +9 +1 +3 +0 +0 ✓ Diplomacy = + (wisdom) CHA 15 1 14 ✓ Disguise CHA 1 = 1 Conditional Save Modifiers: ✓ Escape Artist DEX 4 = 4 +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects ✓ Fly DEX 21 = 4 + 14 + 3 ✓ Heal WIS 1 = 1 TOTAL TEMP BASE ATTACK BONUS STAT SIZE MISC EPIC ✓ Intimidate = = + + + + + CHA 1 1 MELEE +6/+1 +7/+2 -1 +0 +0 0 = + + attack bonus Knowledge (Arcana) INT 28 9 14 5 = + + +11/+6 = +7/+2 + +4 + +0 + +0 + 0 + Knowledge (Dungeoneering) INT 22 9 8 5 RANGED = + + attack bonus Knowledge (Engineering) INT 24 9 10 5 CMB +6/+1 = +7/+2 + -1 + +0 + + + Knowledge (Geography) INT 15 = 9 + 1 + 5 attack bonus Knowledge (History) = + + BULL INT 20 9 6 5 GRAPPLE TRIP DISARM SUNDER RUSH OVERRUN Knowledge (Local) INT 15 = 9 + 1 + 5 +6/+1 +6/+1 +6/+1 +6/+1 CMB +6 +6 Knowledge (Nature) INT 21 = 9 + 7 + 5 CMD 22 22 22 22 22 22 Knowledge (Nobility) INT 17 = 9 + 3 + 5 Knowledge (Planes) INT 28 = 9 + 14 + 5 TOTAL ATTACK BONUS DAMAGE CRITICAL REACH UNARMED Knowledge (Religion) INT 27 = 9 + 13 + 5 (nonlethal only) +6/+1 1d3-1 20/x2 5 ft. Linguistics(Abyssal, Dwarven, Giant, Ignan, Infernal, Terran, = + + Undercommon) INT 19 9 7 3 Longbow HAND TYPE SIZE CRITICAL REACH ✓ Perception WIS 21 = 1 + 14 + 6 Equipped P M 20/x3 5 ft. Perform (Keyboard Instruments) CHA 2 = 1 + 1 Range: 30 ft. To Hit: +11/+6 Damage: 1d8-1 ✓ Perform (Untrained) CHA 1 = 1 100 ft. 200 ft. 300 ft. 400 ft. 500 ft. ✓ Ride = TH +11/+6 +9/+4 +7/+2 +5/+0 +3/-2 DEX 4 4 ✓ Sense Motive = + Dam 1d8-1 1d8-1 1d8-1 1d8-1 1d8-1 WIS 3 1 2 = + + 600 ft. 700 ft. 800 ft. 900 ft. 1000 ft. Spellcraft INT 26 9 14 3 TH +1/-4 -1/-6 -3/-8 -5/-10 -7/-12 Spellcraft (Identify magic item) INT 28 = 9 + 14 + 5 Dam 1d8-1 1d8-1 1d8-1 1d8-1 1d8-1 ✓ Stealth DEX 4 = 4 ✓ Survival WIS 1 = 1 Character: Kalinar Mordulin PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill, Dekker & Andrew Maitland (LegacyKing). Level:14 (CR:13) Player: Irwin Created using PCGen v6.06.01 on Nov 27, 2016 at 3:08:26 PM Page 1 Longsword HAND TYPE SIZE CRITICAL REACH ✓ Swim STR -1 = -1 Equipped S M 19-20/x2 5 ft. = + + To Hit Dam To Hit Dam = + + 1H-P +6/+1 1d8-1 2W-P-(OH) +0/-5 1d8-1 ✓: can be used untrained. ✗: exclusive skills. *: Skill Mastery. 1H-O +2/-3 1d8-1 2W-P-(OL) +2/-3 1d8-1 2H +6/+1 1d8-1 2W-OH -4 1d8-1 Elemental Wall Thunderstone HAND TYPE SIZE CRITICAL REACH Rounds per day ❏❏❏❏❏ ❏❏❏❏❏ ❏❏❏❏ Equipped So M none/x0 5 ft. Elemental Wall (Sp):You can create a wall of energy that lasts for 14 rounds per day. These rounds do not Range: 20 ft. To Hit: +11/+6 Damage: need to be consecutive. This wall deals acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, determined when you create 30 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. 100 ft. it. The elemental wall otherwise functions like Wall of Fire. [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.81] TH +9/+4 +9/+4 +7/+2 +5/+0 +3/-2 Dam Force Missile Special Properties: Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour. Uses per day ❏❏❏❏❏ ❏❏❏❏❏ ❏❏ *: weapon is equipped Force Missile (Sp):As a standard action you can unleash a force missile that automatically strikes a foe, 1H-P: One handed, in primary hand. 1H-O: One handed, in off hand. 2H: Two handed. 2W-P-(OH): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand as Magic Missile. The force missile deals 1d4+7 points of damage. This is a force effect. You can use this weapon is heavy). 2W-P-(OL): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is light). 2W-OH: 2 weapons, off hand. ability 12 times per day. [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.81] ARMOR TYPE AC MAXDEX CHECK SPELL FAILURE *Ring of Protection +2 +2 +0 0 *Bracers of Armor +4 +4 +0 0 *Staff of Beetle +2 +0 0 +2 Will saves vs. enchantments, complusions, charms, marale. One end glows in 10-foot radius, cost 1 charge per hour. Acidic spray in 10-foot cone, 2d4+4 acid damage, fort save DC:15, one charge per spray. Other end creates air bubble, one charge per hour., +2 Will saves vs. enchantments, complusions, charms, marale. One end glows in 10-foot radius, cost 1 charge per hour. Acidic spray in 10-foot cone, 2d4+4 acid damage, fort save DC:15, one charge per spray. Other end creates air bubble, one charge per hour., +2 Will saves vs. enchantments, complusions, charms, marale. One end glows in 10-foot radius, cost 1 charge per hour. Acidic spray in 10-foot cone, 2d4+4 acid damage, fort save DC:15, one charge per spray. Other end creates air bubble, one charge per hour. Character: Kalinar Mordulin PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill, Dekker & Andrew Maitland (LegacyKing). Level:14 (CR:13) Player: Irwin Created using PCGen v6.06.01 on Nov 27, 2016 at 3:08:26 PM Page 2 HAND TYPE SIZE CRITICAL REACH Holy Water (Flask) EQUIPMENT Equipped M 20/x2 5 ft. 10 ft. 20 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft. 50 ft. ITEM LOCATION QTY WT / COST TH +11/+6 +9/+4 +7/+2 +5/+0 +3/-2 Scroll (Knock) Handy 1 0 / 150 Dam 2d4 2d4 2d4 2d4 2d4 Haversack Special Properties: Each undead creature or evil outsider within 5 feet of the point where the Scroll (Mage Hand) Handy 4 0 (0) / 12.5 (50) flask hits takes 1 point of damage from the splash. ❏❏❏❏ Haversack Scroll (Tongues) Handy 1 0 / 375 EQUIPMENT Haversack ITEM LOCATION QTY WT / COST Scroll (Unseen Servant) Handy 2 0 (0) / 25 (50) Periapt of Health Equipped 1 0 / 7,500 ❏❏ Haversack Immune to Disease, including supernatural diseases Spellbook (Kalinar #2) Handy 1 3 / 15 Headband of Vast Intelligence +6 (Craft Equipped 1 1 / 16,000 Haversack Stonemasonry,Fly,Diplomacy) (Spellbook (Wizard's/Blank)) Spellbook (Kalinar) Handy 1 3 / 15 Handy 1 0 / 4,750 Bracelet of Friends (Soras) Haversack ❏ Haversack (Spellbook (Wizard's/Blank)) When a charm is grasped and the name of the keyed individual is spoken, that person is called to the spot (a standard Spellbook (Transmuter 4-7) Handy 1 3 / 15 action) Haversack Ring of Evasion Equipped 1 0 / 25,000 (Spellbook (Wizard's/Blank)) Grants the ability to avoid damage as if she had evasion. Spellbook (Transmuter 6-7) Handy 1 3 / 15 Ring of Protection +2 Equipped 1 0 / 8,000 Haversack Bracers of Armor +4 Equipped 1 1 / 16,000 (Spellbook (Wizard's/Blank)) Spellbook (Transmuter 7) Handy 1 3 / 15 Traveler's Outfit Equipped 1 5 / 1 Haversack Belt of Physical Might (DEX/CON) +2 Equipped 1 1 / 10,000 (Spellbook (Wizard's/Blank)) Handy 1 3 / 15 Cloak of Resistance +3 Equipped 1 1 / 9,000 Spellbook (Transmuter up to 3) Haversack Handy Haversack Equipped 1 5 / 2,000 (Spellbook (Wizard's/Blank)), (Spellbook (Wizard's/Blank)) 95.66 lbs., 40 Arrow, 1 Bedroll, 1 Boat, Folding, 1 Chalk (1 Piece), 1 Flask (Empty), 1 Flint and Steel, 1 Grappling Hook, Thunderstone Handy 1 1 / 30 Common, 1 Longbow, 1 Longsword, 1 Outfit (Scholar's), 6 Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 1 Potion of Mage Armor, 1 Rope Haversack (Silk/50 ft.), 1 Scroll (Charm Person), 2 Scroll (Comprehend Languages), 2 Scroll (Detect Secret Doors), 4 Scroll (Floating Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour. Disk), 2 Scroll (Fly), 4 Scroll (Grease), 2 Scroll (Identify), 1 Scroll (Knock), 4 Scroll (Mage Hand), 1 Scroll (Tongues), 2 Scroll (Unseen Servant), 1 Spellbook (Kalinar #2), 1 Spellbook (Kalinar), 1 Spellbook (Transmuter 4-7), 1 Spellbook Torch Handy 2 1 (2) / 0 (0) (Transmuter 6-7), 1 Spellbook (Transmuter 7), 1 Spellbook (Transmuter up to 3), 1 Thunderstone, 2 Torch, 1 Vial of Rust ❏❏ Haversack Dust, 1 Spellbook (Kalinar #3), 3 Pouch (granite & diamond dust), 1 Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, 1 Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, 1 Potion (See Invisibility/Wizard/3rd), 1 Silver Mirror (1000 gp), 1 Spellbook (Duergar Master Wizard), 1 Bright Illumination: 20 ft., Duration: 1 hr., Shadowy Illumination: 40 ft.
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