CITY COMMISSION AGENDA July 28, 2020 The Honorable City Commission The City of Springfield, Ohio The City Commission will hold a special VIRTUAL legislative meeting at 2:00 PM on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 in place of its regular evening session via the ZOOM Meeting application and can be viewed live on YouTube.com/GATVSpringfield5. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES FIRST READING – ORDINANCE The following legislation is being presented for the first time and requires presentation at a second meeting before vote on passage. The City Manager recommends passage at the next scheduled City Commission meeting: 152-20 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Chemical Services, Inc. for the purchase of Liquid Ferric Sulfate 60% for a period of one (1) year with an option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods, for an amount not to exceed $144,450.00. SECOND READINGS – ORDINANCES The City Manager recommends passage of the following legislation, presented for a second time: 123-20 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with the Board of Clark County Commissioners (“County”) for Communication and Dispatch Services. 259-15 Amending Ordinance No. 15-313, granting a franchise to First Transit, Inc. by amending Section 2 and Subsections 13(E)(1), 13(F)(1), 13(F)(2) and 13(F)(3) to extend the franchise for up to an additional one (1) year; establishing maximum City financial participation for the one-year extension; and establishing the management fees for the one- year extension period. 138-20 Authorizing the Finance Director to purchase 2,750 tons of rock salt for the 2020-2021 winter season from Cargill Inc. Deicing Technology for an amount not to exceed $190,190.00, through the Ohio Department of Transportation Cooperative Purchasing Program in accordance with the provisions of Section 5513.01(B) of the Ohio Revised Code. July 28, 2020 Page 2 139-20 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Cooperation Agreement with The Springfield City School District Board of Education to assist the City and the Board of Education in creating and maintaining safe and orderly schools; and confirming and approving services provided up to the passage of this ordinance. EMERGENCY ORDINANCES The following emergency legislation is being presented for the first time. The City Manager recommends passage upon approval: 014-20 Providing for Supplemental Appropriations within various funds. 004-17 Amending Ordinance No. 19-238 authorizing the City Manager to submit an Application For Financial Assistance and accept a grant from the State of Ohio, Ohio Public Works Commission, to obtain funding in an amount up to $801,409.00 for the CLA McCreight Avenue Project, PID No. 104831. 170-15 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into Amendment No. 3 to the Temporary Indefeasible Right of Use Metropolitan Dark Fiber Agreement with Miami Valley Educational Computer Association Regional Council of Governments (“MVECA”) to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2023 and to increase the monthly rate; confirming and approving services provided from June 22, 2020 to the passage of this Ordinance. 153-20 Authorizing the City Manager and the Chief of Police to submit a grant application for the 2020 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award, to provide funding in the amount of $32,399.00 to purchase various safety/technology equipment; authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement between the City and The Board of County Commissioners of Clark County, Ohio for an amount not to exceed $16,199.00 in connection with the 2020 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant. 154-20 Authorizing the rewind repair of a 3750 KVA three phase substation transformer at the Water Treatment Plant, from Triec Electrical Services, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $176,170.00, through the Ohio Department of Administrative Services, pursuant to Ohio's Cooperative Purchasing Act in accordance with the provisions of Section 125.04 of the Ohio Revised Code. 129-19 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement for Consulting Engineering Services [Eastern Pressure District Water Upgrades - Phase 2 Preliminary and Detailed Design] with Burgess & Niple, Inc. to shift funds among project tasks. 225-18 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Consulting Agreement with Urban Fast Forward, Ltd. for the Springfield Engaged Neighborhood Planning Process Development (Phase II) for an amount not to exceed $100,000.00. July 28, 2020 Page 3 155-20 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Engineering Agreement with Korda/Nemeth Engineering, Inc. for the Mount Joy Water Line Replacement Project for an amount not to exceed $68,194.48. NEW ITEMS ON THE AGENDA REMARKS FROM THE AUDIENCE Respectfully submitted, Bryan Heck City Manager Request for Commission Action City of Springfield, Ohio Item Number:___152-20___ Agenda Date: 07/28/2020 Today's Date: 07/21/2020 Subject: Purchase of Ferric Sulfate for Water Treatment Plant Submitted By: Mark Beckdahl, Finance Director Department: Service Department/WTP Contact: Allen Jones, Plant Superintendent 14-Day Ordinance Emergency Ordinance (provide justification below) Resolution (1 Reading) 14-Day Resolution (2 Readings) Emergency Resolution Motion Contract Prior Date of Prior Ordinance/Resolution: Ordinance/Resolution: Summary: It is respectfully requested that the City Commission authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Chemical Services, Inc., 2600 Thunderhawk Crt., Dayton, OH 45414 for the purchase of liquid ferric sulfate 60% for use at the Water Treatment Plant. The total cost for the 1 year contract shall not exceed $144,450.00. This purchase also has the option for two (2) additional one-year renewals. This recommendation is based on the lowest and best of one bid received. Justification for Emergency Action: (use reverse side if needed) Department/Division_____Fund Description_________Account Number___________Actual Cost___ WTP 620 230201-4313 $144,450.00 Total Cost: $144,450.00 AN ORDINANCE NO.___________________ Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Chemical Services, Inc. for the purchase of Liquid Ferric Sulfate 60% for a period of one (1) year with an option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods, for an amount not to exceed $144,450.00. ...oooOOOooo... WHEREAS, the City's Purchasing Division has advertised for and received a bid for the purchase of Liquid Ferric Sulfate 60% for use at the Water Treatment Plant; and WHEREAS, after receiving and reviewing the only bid submitted, the City's Purchasing Division has recommended an award of contract to Chemical Services, Inc. for the purchase of Liquid Ferric Sulfate 60% for an amount not to exceed $144,450.00: NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of The City of Springfield, Ohio: Section 1. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Chemical Services, Inc. for the purchase of Liquid Ferric Sulfate 60% for a period of one (1) year with an option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods, for an amount not to exceed $144,450.00. Section 2. That the contract entered into by the City shall incorporate the specifications prepared by the Purchasing Division, which are hereby approved, and made available to providers submitting bids to the City, and shall conform to the recommendations of the City's Purchasing Division as made to this Commission. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after fourteen (14) days from the date of its passage. PASSED this ________ day of __________________________, A.D., 2020. __________________________________ PRESIDENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION __________________________________ CLERK OF THE CITY COMMISSION Request for Commission Action City of Springfield, Ohio Item Number:___123-20___ Agenda Date: 6/16/2020 Today's Date: 6/9/2020 Subject: Memorandum of Understanding “MOU” between the City of Springfield and Board of Clark County Commissioners for Communication and Dispatch Services. Submitted By: Bryan Heck, City Manager Department: City Manager’s Office Contact: Bryan Heck, x7300 14-Day Ordinance Emergency Ordinance (provide justification below) Resolution (1 Reading) 14-Day Resolution (2 Readings) Emergency Resolution Motion Contract Prior Date of Prior Ordinance/Resolution: Ordinance/Resolution: Summary: Respectfully request City Commission authorize City Manager to enter into an MOU between the City of Springfield and Board of Clark County Commissioners for communication and dispatch services. This MOU identifies the terms, conditions, intention, and responsibility of each party regarding the possible future agreement of shared dispatch and communication services that Clark County would provide to the City of Springfield. This MOU would allow the County Sheriff to begin negotiations with their Dispatch unit in an effort to address the addition of City dispatch employees to the combined center. Justification for Emergency Action: (use reverse side if needed) Department/Division_____Fund Description_________Account Number___________Actual Cost___ Total Cost: AN ORDINANCE NO.___________________ Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with the Board of Clark County Commissioners (“County”) for Communication and Dispatch Services. ...oooOOOooo... WHEREAS, the City and the County desire to cooperate in good faith for dispatch and communication services
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