,.JUE-­ JE roe.. PECc/KJ)5 The Ripon FOrnll} Contents ED ITORIAL COVER STORIES The Ban Plays On ............... .4 Bungle in the Jungle .......... .. 6 Presidellt Bill Clinton has mi,fSed Ihe opportlmify ball 01' thefti'll bouna. Brookings/nsritute Bill Frenzel tells wily. COMMENT A Modest ProposaL ........... 5 ... and in the Budget... ... .. ...... 8 Joim O. Suiter of the World Federalist Association asb if Hen'tage Foundalion's 10/111 Robson separates Bill Q stronger U.N. would give peace OIId Do.mia Q chance. Ciinto/"s campaign rlreton'c versus his Administration 's reality. JUSTICE SOCI ETY The Supreme Court ............ 19 Roundabout Reform .......... 10 Yale La.... School's Kris Kobacll asks why j Ill/iCe! 0"/1', Faye Ant/enOlI examines rondida/e ClilllOll's welfare acting more like JUSlices and less like politicians. rtform and 'K'ork-fore programs anti offen Prf!sitlefll Clintoo some timely suggestions. POLITICS Death of a PACman ........... 12 God and Country. .............. 24 Commoll Calise Chair Ne(1 Cabot teU, haw we can stop Fronk Wade analyzes why Imtll alld \'allies are belfer special illterest groups/rom buying YOllr congressional comillg/rom ",ithi" m /her than from politiclI/ groups. representative's vote. PROFILES AND PROSPECTIVES HUMOR A Lone Star. ....... ......... ....... 14 White House Follies .......... 30 Harry Plril/ips soys Clinton's PC needs are preventing Iris They.J(ly Texas is almost like a separate coufltry. It must ability 10 appoint good people to top positions. be. In what other state would a consen'Otive. Hispanic. GOP candidate/or congress slrare space 011 a bumper sticker witlr Bill ClintOlI. Tire Forum lakes)'OlI 10 Rep. Henry Bonilla's office 10 lell YOII wiry. Washington N & Q ... ......... 31 Bill and Hilla ry. AI alld Tipper. DOIllla Sim/a/a; IJIl.,IQ is lip on all tlreir latest antics. HEALTH CARE Made in Japan ............... .....28 The Lighter Side .............. .. 27 Scot! Kllporand Aki Yoslrikawa a/Stanford's Asia Pacific Researclr Center e:cpalill how tire Japanese prol,/de IlIIiver.J(l/ IIeallll care ccwerage. 2 The RlPON FORUM ----11227 Massachusetts AvenueJ--1 - GOP Summittime Summer is the lime for con\'entions and expected 800 delegates and an impressive list Coalition (or Choice. the GOP p!"O\'cd to be no exception as four of of allendees. Speakers included Republican Snoqualmie Pass, Washington was the the larger Rcpubl iean organiUltionsconvcnoo hcavywcighlssuch as MC Chainnln Haley scene for the 12th An nual ClI5cade Confer­ to discuss the future oflhe Party. Even more Barbour, CongreSimen Bob Doman (CA) ence, sponsored by the Mainstream Repub­ exciting was that many oflhc events hinted a and Newt Gingrich (GA), Senators Trent licans of Washington which drcwover 100 morc mainstream lone man in previous years. Lou (MS), Phil Gnmm (TX), Bob Dole pcopleand ran from May 21 - 23. Attendees The Young Republicans elected a moderate (KS), and Kay Bailey Hutchinson (TX). lit the conference included party activists, as its new chair, the Coll ege Republicans Speakers lambasted Clinton's plann<.'<i public officials, and representa!i\'cs from the toned down its usual social conservatism in middle-class tax hike which Dornan derided private sector. The theme of the confer<.'tlcc exchange formore emphasis on fiscal conser· as "taxation without hesitation" Allagrccd was "TIle Future of the Republican Party: vatism, lind the Conference for a Republi. Clinton and his spending priorities have been Anti-Witchcraft Platfo"" or Electing Repub­ can Majority discussed ways in which mod­ a big boost for the Party. lieuns to Office" in response to a portion of ernIe Republicans could better organi1..c al The message of the Fir,t An nu al Con­ the extremist Washington Slate Republ ican local levels in order to provide a more ference for a Republican Majority was thl.! Party platfonn which slated that no '·witch· inclusive and broad·based party. neccssityofan "inclusive" Republican Party crall" be taught in schools. Speakers at the On June 25th, al ils convention in in order to assure victory in upcoming elec­ conference included Ken Eikenberry, the Charleston, West Virginia, the Young Re­ tions. Chaired by fonnerCongrenman Bill state Republican Party Chairman, U.S. publican National Federation eJected Irv Frenzel (MN), the meeting featured promi­ Senator Slade Gordon (WA). and fonner Sisnov, a moderntc from Tex.,s, as the new nent GOPers such as Scn. Nancy Kauebau m Congressman Tom Campbell (CA) of the Chairman. Mr. 8isnovisaDaliasC.P.A. who (KS). and Rep. J im ~ach (lA), Rep. Amo Republican Majority Coalition. said heisexcitcd about Republican pr~ls Houghton (NY), Rep. Bill Thomas (CA), for the future. "Once Ithe American people] and Rep, Stel'e Hom (CA). Panel discus­ The Ripon Educational Fund \\;11 be get the first Clinton tax bill they will come sionson "Economic GrowthfFiscal Respon­ sponsoring a bi-partisan policy conference running totheGOPal record speed," Bisnov sibility," "The Environment" and in September in St. Paul, Minnesota entitled said. The YRs arc betting that Bisnov's "Women's Rightsllndividual Choice" were -Issues Facing the '9Os.- Invited speakers moderate ideology will provide a morctempt­ held along \\;thstrategydiscussionson' 'Con· include Reps. Bill Clinger, Jim Leach ,Tim ing GOP for disenfranchised Clitonites. vention Politics and Gras~TOOts Organi7..a. Penny, Marty Sabo, and Lieut. Gov. Joanelle "Re-energized" and " rededicated" tion," " PrimariesandGcnCrtlI ElcctionsTac­ Dyrstad who .... 'llsjust named the lirst woman were the buzz \\'Of"ds as the College Repub­ tics," and "Broadening the Base of the chair of the National Conference of Lieu ten­ licans gathered for their 50th Biennial Na­ Party." The event was co-sponsored by The ant Governors. For more information on the tional Convention. The CRs louted the event, Ripon Society , the Republican Mainstream Conference please contacl Jean Hayes at held July 15-18, as the largl.!st ever with an Committee, and the National Republican Ripon National at (202) 546-1292. The RIPON Compiled by Chris Dreibelbis I F 0 R U M I THE RIPON FORUM (ISN 0035. 5526) is published bi.monthly in 1993 by The Ripon Society. ASSOCIAte EDITOR Contents arc copyrighted 1993 by the Ripon Society, Inc., 227 MaSS8ch1L~tts A\'C. , N.E., Suite 201, Mimi Carter Washington, D.C. 20002. CC».TRIBl11"!NG EDrTOP.S Michael Dubke In the Ripon Forum, the publishers hupc to provide a forum for fresh ideas, and a spirit of ereati"e Andy Bauer criticism and inno\'3.lion in public policy. Manuscripts and photographs are solicited, but do not Chris Dreibelbis represent the views of the Forum unless so stated. EortoRIAL BOARD Peter Smith Second class postage paid at Washington, D.C. and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send David A. Fuscus address changcs to Ripon Forum, 227 Massachusetts., N.E., suite 201 Woshington, D.C . 20X12 Jean HIlYcs Bill Tate Subscription rates: SI8 per year, S9 for students, servicemen, Peace Corps, Vista and other volunteers Steven Klinsky and $30 for institutions. Overseas, please add S8. Please allow live weeks for address change. OIlIGINALOOv[R DESICN The Ripon Society Inc., Peter Smith, president, is a reSCilrch and pol icy organization whose members R. 1. Matson arc bIL~incss,acadcmic, and profe;sional men and women. It ishcadqullnered in Washington, D.C., with INTERIOR ART National Associate members throughout the United States. Ripon is supported by chapter dues, Charlie DeWitt individu.11 contributions, and revenues from its publications. AI/gllst 1993 3 Editorial To under­ stand the argument of your career those who aOO}'Ourreio-pcct. support the gay and You arc discharged lesbian ban in the for something that the miliuuy, some have gay conummity agrees is suggested this analogy: predetermined as being Walking oo\.\TJ the street, you handed, or a woman, or encounter 40 people, half who are men and halfwho are women. You If this isn't bad enough, it's also are all placed in one room. You will do a huge waste ofmoney . In 1990 alone, the everything together. Eat. Sleep. Work. military discharged 1,000 service members Then of course there is the dreaded at a cost ofS27million to retrain and replace shower. Will you be comfortable with the encountered when they, too, ....'81\100 to fight thosc who were gay and lesbian. Between fact you will have to shower, day after day, and to serve their country. 1980 and 1990, the military let go o\·er with both men and women whom you really In 1941 , the U.S. Navy issued this 16 ,919 service members al a cost of don'l know? No, of course not. BUI what directive when African Americans wanted $493,195,968 to replace them. In most does this ha\'c to do with gays in the mili- to serve in the Naval branch of the Anned cases, these charges were brought against IMfI Forces: " Thecloscand intimaleconditions men and women who had served admirably The fact is it doesn't, but this is how of life aboard ship, the necessity for the and had no other tarnish on their record than those who oppose lifting the ban have justi­ highest possible degree of unity and esprit­ that ofbcing homosexual. fied their opinions. " We can '1 sacrifice our de-(:orps; the requirement of morale - all For a good example, we need only to defense for a social experiment," they say. these demand nothing be done which may look north. Second 1.1. Michelle Douglas of "Such bchaviorcoulddamagc morale," say adversely affect the situation. Past experi­ Canada decided she could no longer stand il. others. ence has shown irrefutably that the enlist­ After being taken to a hotel and verball y Congress has been intmdated with let­ ment ofNcgrocs (other than for mess atten­ grilled for t ....,o days on whether she or her terson this issue.
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