A1HUS16MKKT&. AMPHKMKW. UnilEHEHTH. AMD¦¦¦SITS. ADTUSBHRirTS. oomiquk. OOMIQUB. Mi BROADWAT. OOTH-S THKATBE. BOPC10APH. MUSEUM. MUBBAY. COMIQB, , WOOD'S MONDAY, October II. Un. TheatrkTHEATBK OOMIQUK, FJ1HEATBB rpniTU B ki/WIN BOOTH proprietor and Manager BVEBY BVENiNG at 8. SATURDAY MATINEE at B THKATRK COMIQUE, THEATRE COMIQUk" THEATRE S BROADWAY. FOURTH WEEK. POSITIVELY LAST WRBK 814, COMIUII B | . MB. AND M Its. DION HOUCICAULT of tii« eminent Irish Comedian and Character actor. 514, TBEATBE OOMIQUB. THKATRB 4 IIOiDWil (MissApnes Robertson) . Uriftl Irish Drama, MB. DOMINICK MO It RAT. #14, BROADWA* In the who will make his flrrt and « irance la one «4. THEATBE OOMIQUB. =Z a'v ai pe ofhli COMIQUE I4 ABBAH NA~ POQUB. Hibernian iinperaoraiions. lu he tie neaticn of wbicli lie 514, THBATBB BROADWAY. Htuniln without a Bjjf. In the now m»dem dramatic ro- 514, 514 OOMIQUB. a» P08T. ¦nance. In tour rot and a prologue, adap'ed and arranged THKATRK OOMIQUK, Mr. BOUOICAULT vP,,AlTN.Ln5or from the French oi fcournier Domlmck and 0. THRATRE COM I'j UK BROADWAY. THBATBB OOMIQUB. As originally performed by him upward by Murray THKATRK our thousand mgliU W. Barry, entitled C<<«IQUK, s as GAMBLER'S THKATRK THBATBB OOMIQUB. Mrs. BOUCICAILT (Miss akii. Robertson) A CRIME: COMIQflK TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCBftW A HitA 11 OK TIIK KISS. Or, THE MURDER ON THE HUDSON. 614, THBATBB TUB Mr SHIFT BARRY 7 »" MICHAEL FEBNY. Norn..The basis of thla interesting and powerful play 61?. OOMIQUB. AND SATURDAY MATINEE AT fc la derived trom the same source aa Charles Reade'a great 614, BACH bVkNINCI novel of "Poul i'lsy." 514, »U THBATBB OOMIQUB. In preparation, JESSIK BROWN, In which HIm MUKTY McNULTY (a Milesian from Mulberry street), 614, BBOADWAT. THEATRE OOMIQUB. oppiob AGNES BOBER'l SON (Mrs. Dion Houcicault) will sus¬ MR. DOMINICK MURRAY. BROADWAY, or THB THEATRE her ortcniul character. M-». for the tirnt time in MATfNEK PERFORMANCES AT 1 P. M. BROADWAY, COM1QUB, tain NIiillT AND in and Priday, BROADWAY, THBATBB OOMIQUB. Hi BROADWA# Now York, KKKBY; Or, MOBN1NQ, Mondav, Tucsdav, Wednesday, Thursday of BROADWAY, IS OPEN which Mr. BOUOICAULT will perform. These cele¬ production ot the Pantomimic. Iiurletwiuo Extravaganza BROADWAY. THBATBB 5M DAILY brated will bo produced uf^oun uf the public show DICK WIIITTINGTON OOMIQUB playi IIIH THKATRK . 514 H ROADWAY, ran their desire for uuy chautio ol ihe present performance. AND OAT, COMIQUE, 514 THBATBB BBOADWAT. g A. M. UNTIL 4 P. M. Seats may he secured :i we. k iu advance at the theatre, preceded by the Comedy in one no mltled THKATHK OOMIl l'K, BROADWAY, oratDITSON A CO. 'a Music store, 711 Broadway. A NABOB »OR AN Iii>UB. THKATRK OOMK UK. 614 BROADWAY, COfflQUB. 9 A.M. UNTIL 4 P.M. Th" following eminent ar'icta wtll THKATRK C«MK, UK, 614 BROADWAY, THBATBB OOMIQUB. 0 A. M. UNTIL « P. M. burlesque appear THKATRK 614 BROADWAY, MATT N KK WEDNESDAY AND SATO KDAT. opera housp. PAL LIN ti MARKHAM, LIMA WEMEW, COMl< I'K, THEATBE MATINEE AND street, corner avenue. BELLE HOW ITT, EMMA ORAT1AN, THKKTRK OOMU UK, 514 BROADWAY, OOMIQUB. WBDNBBDAY SATURDAY. GrandTwenty-third Eighth . Sole Lessee aud M. AUOUST1N DALT GEO. ATKINS. T. W. KEENE, THKATRK OOMU UK, 514 BROADWAY, MATIN Kb WKIINKSUAY AND SATURDAY. Manager A. H. SHELDON, Ac. MR. JOSH IIARThHOLK LESSER AND MANAOER. S14 THEATBE OOMIQUB. FRIDAY EVEN IN*!, October 18, Mat night but one, and STAKTL1NO ATTRACTIONS opera house. Benefit ol Mr. DOMINICK MUKIA/. STARTi.INO ATTRACTIONS BBOADWAT. THEATBE OOMIQUB. GrandSole l.o**ee ami Manager Mr. AUQU8TIM BALY STARTLING ATTRACTIONS * THIS (SUNDAY) EVENING, OCT. 13, BOI CAItOTTP, MUBBUIf. Ml' UK AY. POR TIIK WKKK COMMKNCINU OCTOBER 14, 1871 THEATRE OOMIQUB, TO-NIOHT! First during present engagement of KNOAOKMKNT AND FIRST APPEARANCE OP TO-NIOHfl TOE OBAND PARISIAN SPECTACLE. WOOD'S appearance MURRAY PAVORITE Mr. JOSH HART Leweo and Mauager DOMINICK AND VOCALIST SECOND GRAND EIGHTH WEEK. in an IKISI1 CHARACTER, BURLE8QUK ACTRESS FAVORITE RESORT. "opERATIC CONCERT, a role in which lie stand* unrivalled, BURLRSQUK At TRESS AND VOCALIST THE LADIES' MONDAY EVISNINO, OCTOBEB 14, I BH. MIF8 MARION TAYLOR TOY. under the direction of MAX MARETZER and with the MISS MARION TAYLOR TOY. Tito following is part ot nn Editorial Notice which ap¬ ARTISTS ot the ITALIAN Ot'hRA Irom the ACADEMY MURRAY. MISS MARION TAYLOR TOY, OK MUSIC! The Homo Journal say*:."The OOD'8 MUSEUM. iu THE SUM ol 'stars' POSITIVELY LAST WEEK OP MRS MARION TAYLOR TOY. peared Mine. LEONE LAVEILLEI .-'rongost troupe theatrical w MISS MARION TAYLOR TOY. He nor* ELEANOR SANS! ..ver congri gated «t a place of" DOMINICK MURRAY toy. TFIB SUN amusement in N, vr York is now gath¬ and first appearance aa MURTY M'NULLY, miss marion taylok Slguor ABRUGNEDOI bignor RONCONI1 and In the Local Drama bv D. and C. MISS MARION TAYLOR TOY. THE SUM Signor MORIANI ! ered at tlio lirau.l Opera House, Murray Barry. MISS M A It ION TOY. TUB SUN HERR FREDERICK the ull nmicar every night in the regular THE GAMBLER'S CRIME; TAYLOK TUB SUN SAC1JSK, Royal Trumpeter to 'slock company.' Mis. JOHN W<K)I), or. the MURDER ON THK HUDSON. MISS MARION TAYLOB TOY. Court ot the King of Saxouy I I kmma now- MISS MAKION TAYLOK TOY. THE 8UN John bkoiijii am, MISS WILL AI'I'KAR IN HRR BKAUTIPUL THE 8 UN Miss ROSE of SON, HOSE HKltSKE, STUART ItOB. MUSEUM. MURRAY. TAYLOR TUB HUN Together with IIKRSEE, Queen En«Uah SON, the MAJILTONS and the LAURI WOOD'S The eminent artist, Mr. BUKLKSQUK SKETCH, THE SUN Prima Donnas I BOI CABOTTE. FAMILY, have each and separately DOMINICK MURRAY, THE MKCHANTCAL TOY; | almost at¬ In the new Local Drama entitled TIIK MKCIIaNICAL TOY; TUB BUN TEN YOUNG I.ADU3S OP HOCTBTY in a Orand Flaw tormrd the chici and only THK MKCHANICAL TOY| THE BUN Orchestration for haudg 1 1 1 traction at many plai ns of amusement THE GAMBLER'S CRIME; THE MKCHANICAL THE BUN twenty in New York ami elsewhere. These, or, the MURDER t)N THE HUDSON, TOY; SUN with the other actors and the MONDAY OCTOBER 1878. OR, THE CJIKL WHO NEVER HAW A MAN. THE THE COMBINED ORCHESTRAS OK THE ACADBMT sinners, EVENINO, 14, $.1S0 PER WEEK. $;<«» PER OK HOUSE I t t grand scenery, gorgeous dresses, a ^ $3a0 OF 8ATUBDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. MUSIC AND GRAND OPERA chorus ol loriy, and countless super¬ flftO WEEK numeraries, lorm probably the most and Manager. .Mr. LESTER WALLACE $.150 l'KR WKKK fHSO V The election* for this extraordinary musical enter¬ WALLACE'SProprietor l'KR WKKK $310 SATURDAY, SKFTBM3BR 18. tainment are expensive dramatic entertainment EVERY EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. f'lMJ PER ol more thnn ordin try merit, anil comprise ever offered In this coiintrv." Mr. W. s. Gilliert'H original Comedy, (IV) l'KR WKKK $350 gems from the most popular Italian, Germun and English PYCM A LION AND GALATEA. $350 $350 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. grand operas, interpreted l>y the best available talent 4a which has already been acted at the llaymarkct Theatre, $3i>0 $'IUI WEEK the couiitry I EIGHTH ORa"nD_MATINEE OF London, lor raorothan $350 PER WEEK. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. ROI (5AROTTK TWO HUNDRED NIGHT8. .»* SEATS CAN NOW BE SECURED. The Box oflOO SATURDAY, AT ONE O'CLOCK. Character* by Mr. GEOROE BONIFACE, Mr. J. H. $360 PER WEEK. $S50 Our impressions of the variety show, as an "institution" will be opou TO-DAY (Sunday), troin 12 M. to 4 P. M. STODDART, Mr. J. B. POLE. Mr. E. M. HOLLAND, Mr. G. F. BROWNE, Mima KATHARINE ROOERS, Miss $880 PER W-EEK. $350 of the day, were derived from casual visits during the PROGRAMME. Curtain rise* at a quarter to 8 precisely : doors open at EDITH 0I1ALLIS. Mr*. FANNY FOSTER (her first ap¬ Pari I. 7K; carriage-* tnav be ordered for II o'clock. pearance Hi nee her severe indisposition), Mine. PONI8I. The Manager liegs to state that he has entered into a war to the iniquitous and altogether shocking perform¬ L Overture, "Mcrrv Wives of Windsor" Nioelat V Seats muy be secured for a week in advance either Due notice will bo given o( the first appearance of contract through the agency or Colonel T. Alston Brown BY THE COMBINED GRAND ORCHESTRAS. at the box office of the Oranil Opera House or at tho Kllth MR. JOHN GILBERT, with ances at the Canterbury and other concert halls in Wash¬ 1. Romania. "Eruam" .Verdi Avenue Theatre from 8 A. M. ttU 5 P. M. MR. LYTTON, PROF, t L SHONEL8 Sig. MORIANI. MR. EDWIN, PROP. I. I. SHONKLS ington City. These places combined the attractions 3. Ballad, "Ye Little Birds" Bishop rTH AVENUE THEATRE . (BEOINS AT K.) MR. LEONARD, PROP I. I. SHONKLS MIhs ROSE HERSKK and flute ohllgato, Mr. SIBDLBB. O A U (JUSTIN DALY Sole Lessee and Manager MISS EKP1R GRRMON, PROF. I. L SHONKLS of singing, dancing, coarse dramatic sketches, 4. Wait/, "On the Beautiful Blue Danube" Straus* MISS ROSR COO 11 LAN, PROP I. I. SIIONELS BY THE COMBINED GRAND ORCHESTRAS. and MRS. JOUN SEFTON. PROP I. I. SHONELS acrobatic feats, whiskey drinking and smoking, 5. Romanza, "L'Art-icaine" Meyerbeer HIM $350 PER WKKK. Sgr. ABRUONEDO. LAST WEEK (BUT ONE) ^YMPIC THEATRE. MLLR. ATMKK. HIM $itt0 PER WEEK. before the curtalrf, and the femlllar consort of 6. Scene and Aria, 'Der Freischuu" Weber Redecorated ' Redecorated. for the performances of his Mme. LAVEIL I.E. DIAMONDS. 0 AIMEB OPERA BOUFFE. WONDERFUL TRICK painted Jezebels and vicious men behind the stage.
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