Hampstead Norreys Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Monday 23rd September 2019 at 7:30pm in the Memorial Room, Village Hall Councillors present: Councillor David Barlow (Chair), Caroline Herman, Colin Layton, Harriet McCalmont and Gwenan Paul. Councillors not present: None In attendance: Sarah Marshman (Clerk). The meeting started at 7:30pm. 19/20-043 To receive apologies for absence There were none. 19/20-044 To receive any declarations of pecuniary interests by members or the Clerk and to consider any requests for dispensation There were none. 19/20-045 To receive: Questions or comments from members of the public Representations from any member who has declared a pecuniary interest There were none. 19/20-046 To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 22nd July 2019 It was resolved that the minutes be accepted as a true record. They were then signed by the Chairman. 19/20-047 Matters arising from the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 22nd July 2019 Signs have been put up to encourage a reduction in speeding on the Compton Road. GP recently attended SID training. 19/20-048 To receive a report from District Councillor Carolyne Culver CC sent her apologies. 19/20-049 Planning Applications a) To consider the following new applications: There were none. b) To receive a report on West Berkshire Council recent planning decisions App. Ref. Location Proposed Work Response WBC from HNPC Decision 19/01218/ Land North Of M4 Single gypsy/traveller pitch Object Refused FUL On East Side Of comprising a mobile home and a Hampstead touring caravan. Norreys Road, Hermitage 44 App. Ref. Location Proposed Work Response WBC from HNPC Decision 19/01504/ Lane End Gates. Retrospective. No Approved FUL Bungalow, objections Hampstead Norreys, RG18 0SQ 19/01550/ Manor Farm, Amendment to berm and No Approved COMIND Church Street, landscaping and biodiversity objections Hampstead improvements to include new pond Norreys, RG18 0TD and tree planting; relocation of Community shop storage and refuse collection facilities and realignment of part of western access road / entrance area within the site 19/20-050 To resolve from 23rd September 2019, until the next relevant Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2023, that the Council is eligible to use and adopt the General Power of Competence (Localism Act 2011 sections 1-8) as the number of members elected at the 2019 ordinary elections is equal to or greater than two thirds of the total number of seats on the Council and that the Council has a qualified Clerk, as defined in section 2 of The Parish Councils (General Power of Competence) (Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012 (Statutory Instrument 2012 No. 965). It was resolved from 23rd September 2019, until the next relevant Annual Meeting of the Council in May 2023, that the Council will adopt the General Power of Competence (Localism Act 2011 sections 1-8). 19/20-051 To consider making a donation to Royal British Legion to include the cost of a wreath for Remembrance Sunday As £50 had been included in the budget for this, it was resolved to make a donation of £50. 19/20-052 To receive the finance report and approve payments due It was resolved to approve the payments listed on the finance report which is at Attachment 1. 19/20-053 Correspondence An email confirming that the brambles on the verge of Yattendon Road are the responsibility of WBC and will be cut down and cleared as part of the winter maintenance program was received from the Grounds maintenance team leader, West Berkshire Council An email from the Land Charges Officer at West Berkshire Council was received, confirming the nomination of The White Hart was approved by the Community Right to Bid Group on 12th July. The owners were given 8 weeks to file an appeal should they wish to. This time has now passed, and we are awaiting an update. An email had been received from a member of the public regarding a dog knocking over a child in Dean Meadow during an afterschool club. 19/20-054 Matters for future consideration and information The playground report had been completed and the Clerk will seek quotes for any required works. 45 GreenFest had taken place and was a great success. The Council would like to congratulate all the organisers of this fantastic event! More potential sites for the Speed Indicator Device (SID) need to be identified and suggested to West Berkshire Council to carry out assessments of the sites. The allotment waiting list has recently decreased significantly. It was discussed that BACS payments should be offered for the payment of allotment rent in future years. DB had attended a Community Led Housing seminar. Planning application 19/01540/HOUSE Cherry Hinton, Newbury Hill had been referred to the Western Area Planning Committee, who deferred a decision to request further information and another site visit. It was suggested the Council should be looking to upgrade its lighting to LED. 19/20-055 In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s 1(2), resolve that press and members of the public should be excluded from the following item by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be discussed It was resolved to exclude the press and public from the following item. 19/20-056 To review staff salaries It was resolved to increase the Clerk to point 14 on the NALC salary scale. Meeting closed 9:00pm. Date and time of next scheduled meeting: Parish Council Meeting: Monday 25th November 2019 at 7:30pm in the Memorial Room Chairman: ………………………….…………………………… Date: …………………………………………………. 46 Attachment 1: Balance of current account at last meeting 22nd July 2019 £9,061.99 HMRC VAT 2018/19 Refund £840.52 Clerk Salary/expenses Aug £255.26 Berks Pension Fund Pension contributions Aug £71.24 Scofell Extra cuts Jun £96.00 Triangle Management Refuse disposal July £33.60 Wicksteed Play area safety inspection £54.00 Scofell Extra cuts Jul £48.00 GT Electric Services Ltd Defibrillator annual inspection £90.00 Triangle Management Refuse disposal Aug £33.60 CPRE Subscription 2019/20 £36.00 Clerk Salary/expenses Sep £266.61 Berks Pension Fund Pension contributions Sept £68.37 HMRC PAYE Qtr 2 £9.80 Scofell Extra cuts August £144.00 BT Payphones Payphone charge 2019/20 £462.00 Replacement payment for Chairman £50.00 returned cheque (see HSBC St Mary's Church, Hampstead Budgeted donation 2019/20 £1,200.00 Norreys West Berks Countryside Society Budgeted donation 2019/20 £100.00 Downland Volunteer Group Budgeted donation 2019/20 £100.00 Pang Valley Flood Forum Budgeted donation 2019/20 £100.00 Royal British Legion Budgeted donation 2019/20 £50.00 West Berkshire Council Library Budgeted donation 2019/20 £70.00 Service Unity Trust Bank Bank service charge qtr 2 £18.00 £9,902.51 £3,356.48 Balance at bank on 23rd September 2019 £6,546.03 HSBC Current Account RECEIPTS PAYMENTS Balance of current account at last meeting 22nd July 2019 £533.53 Return of cheque 151, for payment by BACS from Unity account £50.00 £583.53 £0.00 Balance at bank on 23rd September 2019 £583.53 HSBC Deposit Account RECEIPTS PAYMENTS Balance of deposit account at last meeting 22nd July 2019 £21,687.14 £21,687.14 £0.00 Balance at bank on 23rd September 2019 £21,687.14 Total at bank on 23rd September 2019 £28,816.70 47 .
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