On Saturday nicht a colored hieb way-- ' he reporter that he was holding a weekly PORTANT. man robbed a dairyman named Myers at prayer meeting at his church this week, the north end of Illinois street. and that on or about the 15th mot. he would Elder 11. Titus will preach at Blackford organize for the winter campaign in the snape ot a OAT protracted effort. OVERC TO BUYERS OF street church, Monday rii;h', upon the CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS theme, "Men wake up too lat Physicians and customers can feel satis The newly organized string band has fied that when their prescription are LIBRARY LAMPS, confounded at J. B. Dill's 99 Indiana ave- AM) A I, I, KINDS OF LAMPS AM LAMP TRIMMINGS ULSTEKS, . changed teachers. A thing tli. t is thought nue, dis ULSTEKIES, by some of the members to be unwise. that they are weil and carefully OO TO SET Q00BS. pensed, and he is fully prepared for that CIirtfCMIMiAS, BBAVEBS, Anything in the drug line 'cau be pur- line of business. DUG WSAJLH, CASSIME1BES, chased of J.B. Dill, as cheap and pure aud As Henry Wilkerson (colore!) was pass IT. I?. Etc., Etc., The warm weather has made us anxious to fresh as at any first clau house in the ing along Pennsylvania street, Thursday SMITH & CO., Etc., city. , night, on his way home he was rendered iVoi-tl-i Fop Men's; Boys' and Children's Wear, at Prices beyond all Competition insensible from the effects of a eevere blow, No. 35 Xllinois Street. Mr. George and Miss Ella Tierce, enter- AT THE Reduce Our Stock, tained their young friends with a "candy dealt bv some one whom he was unable Also, a FINK LINE OF GLASSWARE AND UUEKXSU ARI.. pull" last night. A sweet time was had. to recognize. - Moore, only i Yj NONYEXI'LOSIVE a specialty.- And we are offering Aaron Hon of A. Moore Sr., oils extraordinary Ben D. Bagby, principal No. 113, died at 9 o'clock Monday evening of ty reiortsa very large increase in attendance phoid fever, after a short illness of one at this school since G-- the holiday vacation. week. The funeral took place at the Soc- - GIVE US A CALL AND EXAMINE OUR PRICES. IB JL Jb IN" S. Grim winter haa been severely sat upon ond Baptist church, Wednesday at 2 p. rru lew lepk Ose Pfiee I by gentle spring, but never mind, Old The bereaved family have the sympathy of Gliiag we, Boreas will "get his work in'' next April. a jiosi oi menus. SEE OUR Mr. Trank Carroll tit fur Columbus, Rev. John Payne, a young clergyman The Proprietors of the LEADER inform SILKS, Ohio, last Tuesday evening. who recently made the hosier capital Iiis Mr. Cirroh home, preached his pre- leaves an aching void n 1 cilia nap"! is so- introductory sermon their friends that they are 43 and 45 Bast Washington St. CASHMERES, ciety. to a large audience at Christian church last Tuesday. His sermon was an able ef pared to do hinds of ALPACAS,! The pleasant "phiz" of our old friend, fort and full of vim and sound advice to all Jim Beynold.x, former! v of the I. B. & V. all. BROCADE, K. It. was seen on nr streets during the The Marion County Republican Central ROUSING BARGAINS! past week. committee meets to-da- y to SERGES and decide the time Old Uncle Joe Curtis, one of the oldest of holding the c nnty convention. It is understood the most of OTHER FINE DRESS GOODS. settlers ot .Marion countv. i hing at the that the candidates point of deatli at his residence, "05 West are favoring the holding of the convention AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. CLOAKS, SMAWIaS, -- oiui sireei in February or March, but this meet with soTiio opposition m prominent Republi SUITS, liav. W. C. Trevan opened his pro cans. We have Opened 150 Pieces traded meeting last Thursday night, ! HOSIERY, raDERWEAR. wnicii will no Peter Williams, Esq., entertained a few doubt be in full blast dur of bis friends in magnificent style at hia DON'T IT BLANKETS, BED COMFORTS and DOMESTIC GOODS. ing FORGET s Dress Goods, ranging from the cotoing wetk. i residence, on rorth Mississippi street 5 to 10 cts. per yard. A branch of the Blackford Street A. M. Among the gents were Hon. J. S. Ilinton, rt. .ion ennren lias been established in lion. u. 3icuary, and lhe leader repre 3E. & You will consult your own interest bv examining our stock before Occidental hall, 490 Virginia avenue, with sentatives. As nn entertainer Peter Wil- KErWEJOY OO. you bu CLOAKS, iev. 0. J. jJixon pastor. liams has few equals and no superiors. -- MANUFACTURERS OF-- So The Misses Ella and Allice Dugsard, of A number of the young gentlemen met DAVIS COLE, SHAWLS, Michigan, stopped here last Saturday en at 74 Market street Wednesday, and or Odd M-ll- Mali,) route lor franklin, where Misa hlla is at ganized a dancing club, lhe following vsliingtoxx ctxa-- d FLANNELS, present teaching school. gentlemen were elected officers of the eals. Regalias and W PonnaylvAiiia ots. JEANS, club, J. II. Ringgold, president; J. Pernell kip fo EGT STOßE OPEN ON SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK. 1 Mr. McCary, nt; liobt. who lias been suffer- vice-preside- John Martin, secretary; ing for some time with tonsilitas, YARNS, quinzy and v in. Iii bbs, treasurer; Ueil aunders tutor. is convalescent ana will gi out oa his reg The organization is limited to 20 mem FOR I. O. O. F., U. B. F., I. S. H., AND ALL OTHER SOCIETIES, ular "run" next Monday. bers. The number at present Cheap MILLINERY and enrolled are TO ORDER. Bread. Cheaper than Flour. The election of tflicers for the next en lo, they expict to have parlor hops twice suing three months, for the Bethel liier a month. If you desire the best and cheapest bread, ask your grocer for HOSIERY. ary society will take pi ce Tuesday night At a meeting of the committee on the next. colored soldiers reunion, held at the office 132 East Washington Street, fcBRYCE'S LARGE-SIZE- D FIVE CENT LOAVES. A serious question haa been raided in of the Leader, Thursday evening, a resolu (OVEB CIT1ZENB NATIONAL BANK ) BRYCE'S "VIENNA BREAD" and BRYCE'S BOSTON BREAD are equally cheap. REMEMBER tion was adopted requesting all ex iuc ucnici uieiary Hucieiy, as tt vwiut uua Bryce's Bread and Bryce's Butter Crackers are unexcelled, especially now of 1ST 3D. " become of the chairman of the committee soldiers residing in the city Indi XlSTJDXmlSrJPCDXjXiB, 1 as to quality and price, in this city. OUR STOCK IS URGE on refreshments. anapolis or county of Marion to send their name, residence and regiment, to R. AND B. Bagbv. may given The coroner's verd'et ix the Lucy Cass These be to Mr. News From the North Bast. J. P. 6c W. W. WEAVER, man case, (colored) was that si.e died Bagby in person, sent through the mail or ANNOUNCEMENTS. PRICES LOW. from the etiects ot whiskey, beer, salt left at the office of the leader. Write Mr. John M. Kimhrough is doing the NIIKRIX'F. Undertakers and Furnishers! water and syrup of ipicac plainly the name, residence and regiment. 7neat husines s;ght a'ong. Call on him. CJeorge F. Branliftin is a catididat? for Sheriff If possible let all names be sent in during of Marion county, ulject to the Republican nonii 33 North Illinois St., Y. M. C. Building:. A reporter of the Leader desires to state Dating A. next week. That hominy and hog Ik ad cheese the coureiitiou. aa for especial of W. (jSrubbw is a for Mar Our prices low as any other establishment In the city. SATURDAY the benefit Mr. Charlie girls did make" M as too rich for anybody's I. W. candidate Sheriff of STORE OPEIi NIGHTS. Brown, that he, the reporter, has smoken A very pleasant surprise wa given Miss ion county, subject to the Republican nominating Branch Offlee cor Illinois end South Sts., where Hattie Goodrich, of Evansville, Friday blood. courenuoD. we have a full line of hacks ai d livery. A oom- - his last peace pipe, and threw up the latent attendant at both oß:ee day and night. evening, of last week, at of 1 shame on you Henry V. Adams will b a candidate for Sheriff sponge. the residence He uses ba language, of Marien county, subject to the decision of the Re Mr. Henry Hart, North Misssissippi street. My dear boy fhe won't stand it; you had publican nominating convention. guests, SO The members of the Y. M. W. Sccia The to the number of or 40 first Tjetter mind your eye. YiiRlebert Mefzgrer (deputy sheriff) will E. MENDENHALL.M.D. A. B. MENDENHALL. M. D. & Co., ue J. Hess, Baylor club, met last Thursday for the election o met at Mrs. William Stewarts on Wet bawled the a candidate for hherin, sutgect to the Republican WM. F. KIRKWOOD, ptreef, where wascollected agoodly supply Judging from the wa she uoniiuating convention or marlon county. officers, but owing to a quorum not being mlier night the doctors will never have a of those things which tend to make glad ltobert X. Harding is a candidate for Sherifi Manufacturer and Dealer 12 and 14 West Washington St. present the election was postponea unti e of consumption there. Never. or Marion county, subject to the decision of the Re PHYSICIANS in next Wednesday.
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