MARY QUEEN OF PEACE 4423 Pearl Road, Cleveland, OH 44109 Phone 216-749-2323 Fax 216-741-7183 www.maryqop.org 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2020 Parish Staff Mass Schedule Pastor Fr. Douglas Brown [email protected] Fr. Joseph Rodak C.PP.S. (In Residence) Sunday: 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM, & 11:00 AM Director of Religious Education Jonathan Kenzig [email protected] Monday - Friday: 6:15 AM (Latin) & 8:00 AM Director of Music W illiam Schoeffler [email protected] Director of Maintenance Roger Matthes [email protected] Saturday: 8:00 AM (Latin) & 4:30 PM (Vigil) Director of Development Tina Ranta [email protected] Holy Days & Holidays as announced Business Manager Jim Goebel [email protected] Bulletin Editor Dawn W holaver [email protected] Church open daily from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm Parish Secretary Mary Vallo [email protected] Evening Parish Secretary Laura Christopher Parish Office Hours Saturday Parish Secretary Bonnie Bilko Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Thurs. Evenings: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Confessions: Saturdays from 3:00 - 4:00 PM. Weekdays Saturday: 12:00 PM - 4:30 PM following the 8:00 AM Mass. Sunday: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM (in vestibule of church) Baptism: Please call the parish office to schedule. Pre-Baptism Office is closed on Civil Holidays instructions are required for first-time parents. Parents must be prac- ticing Catholics. Children should be baptized soon after birth. Matrimony: Weddings must be scheduled at least 6 months prior School to the intended date. No weddings are celebrated during Lent. 4419 Pearl Road, Cleveland, OH 44109 RCIA: Any adult or child of catechetical age, baptized or not, 216-741-3685 - Fax 216-741-5534 who is interested in becoming Catholic should inquire about the http://maryqueenofpeaceschool.com/ R.C.I.A. process by calling the rectory. Visitation of the sick: Any parishioner who is seriously ill should Office Hours: M - F 7:00am - 3:00pm celebrate the Sacraments of Penance, Anointing of the Sick and Holy Principal: Jessica Robertson Communion. Please call the rectory for this ministry or hospital visit. [email protected] Parish Registration: New to Mary Queen of Peace? Welcome! Please register online or at the Parish Office during office hours. School Secretaries: Patricia Schwartz Robin Geschke Due to COVID-19 we ask that you take the bulletin home with you. DO NOT place the bulletins back in parish piles or racks. SEPTEMBER 20, 2020 25th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page 2 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Michaelmas Day - MONDAY, September 21 Special Event 6:15 AM Latin Mass St. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist d. Ruth Tibbs On September 29th, in honor of 8:00 AM St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist our continued parish devotion to d. Ann Sazpansky St. Michael the Archangel we will TUESDAY, September 22 6:15 AM Latin Mass St. Thomas of Villanova, Bishop & be having a special Mass at 6 PM Confessor followed by the rare opportunity d. Joan Woodring to be invested in the Scapular of 8:00 AM Weekday St. Michael the Archangel. This ~ Joan Antesberger blue and black scapular took on WEDNESDAY, September 23 popular devotion following a vi- 6:15 AM Latin Mass Ember Wednesday sion had by Pope Leo XIII in the ~ Mason Smerdel early 1900s after which he came 8:00 AM Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest up with the prayer to St. Michael. d. Patty MacArthur THURSDAY, September 24 The Scapular is a sign of choosing St Michael the Archan- 6:15 AM Latin Mass Our Lady of Ransom gel as a special defender against temptation and sin and acts d. Mary Ann Fridrich as a uniform of the angelic army. The Scapular, when worn 8:00 AM Weekday devoutly, acts as a defense from anything that might be an ~ Remembering the life of Jacob obstacle on the road to salvation, that is from sin, Satan and Robert Siemer hell. Wearing the Scapular can be a source of grace to help FRIDAY, September 25 us bear the sacrifices and austerities required for spiritual 6:15 AM Latin Mass Ember Friday warfare. A limited number of scapulars will be available for d. Richard J. Tanczos a $3.00 donation the night of this event. 8:00 AM Weekday ~ Intentions of Joan Antesberger SATURDAY, September 26 8:00 AM Latin Mass Ember Saturday Community Meal ~Holy Souls in Purgatory 4:30 PM Vigil Mass 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Today, Sunday, September 20, from 1:00-2:15 PM is our d. Alfred Price FREE Community Meal. It is for take-out only. Drive up SUNDAY, September 27 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time to the back Parish Center doors to pick up your meal. 6:30 AM ~ Intentions of Lydia Bond Everyone is welcome to come and take a meal home! 8:30 AM d. Carmela Dacone (Month’s Mind) 11:00 AM ~ Mary Queen of Peace Parishioners 2020 Utility Recovery Continuous Raffle PARISH STEWARDSHIP The 16th winner for 2020 is Francine C.! Congratulations September 6, 2020 Francine! Don’t miss out on our 2020 Raffle so you can be Weekly Offertory…………………………..…...$ 8794.04 a winner like Francine! Tickets are available in the Parish Maintenance Fund...(Total to date $31,130.00)..$ 1278.10 Office or after Masses. Get your ticket now for your chance Children’s Offertory……………………………$ 5.00 to win $100 on the second and fourth Sunday of every All figures include Faith Direct. month or the special raffle, on Christmas for $300. Next Thank you and God bless you for your continued generosity! drawing is on September 27, 2020. Ushers will be at the doors with baskets to collect your offertory envelopes or they can be dropped off in the Parish Office. Society of St. Vincent de Paul Annual PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Blanket Sunday Robert Wolf Loving brother of Judy Puhalik October 10-11, 2020 Mary Krise The 34th annual Blanket Sunday appeal kicks off the week- end of October 10-11, 2020. Last year, funds from the ap- Loving Wife, Mother, Grandmother & Great Grandmother peal were used to purchase and distribute over 6,000 blan- Rose M. Shinaberry kets and 200 beds to the homeless and low-income individu- Loving mother of Irene Harwood, als and families throughout Northeast Ohio. Although the Grandmother of Stacy, Amy and Katie Harwood pandemic has caused a reduction in the number of parish in- Services held in West Virginia pew Blanket Sunday donation envelopes available, the need May Robert, Mary & Rose rest in eternal peace. is still great and donations can be made securely online at https://www.svdpcle.org/donate-today/blanket-Sunday/. WEDDING BANNS Checks may also be mailed to: St. Vincent de Paul Society II Molly Eisenmann & Jordan Moore Blanket Sunday, 1404 East 9th Street-3rd Floor, Cleveland I & II AJ Petiti & Emily Galan Oh. 44114 PLEASE TAKE THIS BULLETIN HOME Page 3 FATHER BROWN’S SUNDAY NOTES… the Marian Lounge and Chapel. Come at 5:30 pm and pray the Holy Rosary with the Knights. You all know of my great devotion to Saint Michael Refreshments will be available and CDC protocols the Archangel. With his feast day coming up on Sep- will be practiced. tember 29th, we have a special event planned for you. It was a beautiful Mass…where our catechumens There will be a Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the were fully initiated into the Catholic Church. May- Holy Roman Rite at 6 pm that evening to be fol- be you know someone who would like to become Catholic? Plan to attend the RCIA Information lowed by an investiture in the Scapular of Saint Mi- th chael. The Saint Michael Scapular is over 100 years Night on Monday, September 28 at 6 pm in the old and is a sign of choosing Saint Michael the Archan- Marian Lounge. gel as a special defender against temptation and sin. It If your second grader is making his or her First is a “uniform of the angelic army.” Those who wish to Penance…and First Holy Communion this year, receive the Scapular are asked to accept the Scapular please plan to attend the Important Parent/ from the hands of an authorized priest; carry it with Caregiver Meetings for First Penance and First Holy Communion on Wednesday, September you or keep it in a dedicated place; recite daily the sim- th ple Saint Michael prayer authorized by Pope Leo XIII; 30 at 6 pm. A meeting for those parents/ make an act of consecration to Saint Michael on one caregivers of those making their Confirmation this year, which is 7th and 8th graders, will also Tuesday of the month; and give honor to the Choir of th Angels in the month dedicated to them. We will have be on Wednesday, September 30 at 7 pm. Saint Michael Scapulars available for a small donation. Please make a note…that there will be NO CON- FESSIONS on the afternoon of Saturday, Octo- rd As a reminder…now that I am on the road to re- ber 3 because of a wedding that is scheduled. covery from my eye surgery, the Holy Hours con- While we usually do not do weddings that late on tinue with the Monday Holy Hour every Monday at Sunday afternoons, this is a special situation in 4 pm and the Holy Hour of Reparation to the which we are helping a couple who find themselves Holy Face of Jesus every Tuesday at 8:30 am. without a church. Thanks for your patience and In these weeks leading up to the election, we need cooperation.
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