~A .. &o -22.... REPORT NO. FRA-RRS-80-04 MAJOR RAILROAD ACCIDENTS INVOLVING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RELEASE COMPOS I TE SUMMAR I ES 1969-1978 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH AND SPECIAL PROGRAMS ADMINISTRATION Transportation Systems Center Cambridge MA 02142 JULY 1980 FINAL REPORT DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC THROUGH THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE, SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA 22161 Prepared for U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION Office of Safety Washington DC 20590 NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States· Govern- ment assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. NOTICE The United States Government does not P.ndorse pro- ducts or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers' names appear herein solely because they are con- sidered essential to the object of this report. Technical ~eport Documentation Page 1. Report No. 2 . Government Accession No. 3. Recipient" s Cotalog No. FRA-RRS-80-04 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Reoort DotR July 1980 MAJOR RAILROAD ACCIDENTS INVOLVING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RELEASE, COMPOSITE SUMMARIES 1969-1978 6. Performing Organization Code DTS-223 1-::---,--,-,-------------------------------! 8. Performing Orgoni zation Report No . 7. Author' s) Theodore S. Glickman, Technical Monitor DOT-TSC-FRA-80-22 9. Performing Orgoni zation Name and Address 10 . Work Un it No. (TRAIS} U.S . Department of Transportation RR042/R0332 Research and Special Programs Administration 11. Contract or Grant No. Transportation Systems Center Cambridge, MA 02142 t-- --- ---- - - - ------------ - ---------,1 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Final Report U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration 1969-78 Office of Safety 7th & D Sts., S. W. 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washin2ton DC 20590 RRS-4 15 . Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract This report presents composite summaries describing 75 major railroad accidents in which hazardous materials were released. The selected accidents occurred during the years 1969-1978. The data contained in the individual surrnnaries were derived from various government and private agency reports and files. Categories used to classify the information in the summaries are: Events, c ~ use of Accident, Cause of Hazardous Material Release, Casualties, Damages, Notification and Response, Observation.s, and Recorrnnendations. 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement Hazardous Material Accidents, DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC Railroad Accidents THROUGH THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE , SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA 22161 19, Security Classif. (of this report} 20. Security Classif. (of thi s page) 21, No. of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified 145 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized - METRIC CONVERSION FACTORS A,,rni111111 C1nv1r1i1n1 11 Mllric M111ur11 i:=--ci Approxim111 Conversions fro111 Merrie M111ur11 --: ==-- ---;. -: s,... , h To s,-11 W•11 YN ., Te s, ..., II••• s,.., --: i""'="----o : LENGTH LENGTH -: _§ .. -: m1ll1me1ers o.oc inches cen11meters a., inches ,. "' 1nchtis 2.5 cen11meters cm -: me1ers 3.3 ,... ,.., 30 c:en1,rre1er1 cm YN1ers 1.1 yonls " "yd o., rne1ers m = lulometer• 0.6 m•'-• "' m, milH 1,i lulcmeters -: '"" ·-· km !:: All~ AREA iRZ 2 a.I square cet'\hmet•s 0, 16 square inefte• ,.s $QUMe C:lf\lJl'Nl.. 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CllpS 0.24 lilen ... -' I lite,s 0. 211 9111 pl pint• 0,17 '·°' liters I m' cubic me1ers JS cubic fNI ,., qi q11atts 0.95 liters I .. , cubic metets 1.3 cubic y.nts yd> gal gallons -· 3.1 hte~ I cubic fNt 0,03 cubic metets m' ,d'"' cubic yards 0.71 cubic met•• m' TEMPEIIATURE TEMPEIIATUIIE 'c Celsn.1• 9/ 5 IIMn Fe........ .. 1anperetu,. odd 321 1...., .. ... ., F._...it 5/9 t•"- 'c ,.._...... ~CI... ••~r•ture JZI 12 ..212 -•o.. , •~ ,-~· , •~o, , •~o, 1 t-' ' I I ' ' ·I •,o I I I f I I I 1 -40 - 20 0 20 10 10 IOI) f ! •c •c - -- t PREFACE Stephanie H. Markos, Raytheon Service Company (RSC), prepared these accident summaries of railroad accidents involving hazardous material release under the direction of Theodore s. Glickman, Transportation Systems Center (TSC). Marilyn K. Goldberg (RSC) also assisted in writing several of the summaries. The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of the following individuals: Regina Clifton (RSC), Aviva Schulman of the American Association of Railroads (AAR), Frank Fanelli, Aaron Bigman, Horace Franklin, Henry Libby, all of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), and Clyde Klinestiver and William C. Morgan of the Materials Transportation Bureau (MTB), for making various government r~ports and files available; and Jon C. Jones of the National Fire Protection Association for access to NFPA incident files. In addition, Cynthia Gregoire and Fred Doten of SDC Integrated Services provided access to MTB and FRA computer files at TSC. iii CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.............................................. 1 RAILROAD ACCIDENT SUMMARIES.. 7 1978 DILLSBORO, IN January 2' 1978 ... .......... 7 MANGAUP, PA January 14, 1978 . ........... 9 LEON, KY January 30, 1978 . ........... 10 VIEW, TX February 4, 1978 ............ 12 BOONEVILLE, AR February 8, 1978 ............ 14 WAVERLY, TN February 22, 1978 ... ........ 15 MILWAUKEE, WI February 24, 197 8 . .......... 17 YOUNGSTOWN, FL February 26, 1978 .. ......... 18 JUSTIN, TX March 9, 197 8 .... ........... 21 LEWISVILLE, AR March 29, 19 7 8 .............. 23 BROWNSON, NE April 2' I 9 7 8............... 25 NACOGDOCHES, TX May 14, 1978 . ............... 27 1977 ENOLA, PA February 12, 1977 .......... 29 DALLAS, TX February 20, 1977 .......... 30 GUILFORD, IN February 22, 1977 .......... 32 LOVE, AZ March 16, 1977 ............. 33 NEELYVILLE, MO June 16, 19 7 7.............. 35 MC LEAN, TX July 24, 1977 .............. 37 MONTEZUMA, IN October 11, 1977 ........... 38 AMELIA, TX October 12, 1977 ........... 40 PENSACOLA, FL November 9, 1977 ........... 41 HAMBURG, LA November 12, 1977 .......... 44 TACOMA, WA November 28, 1977 .......... 45 COLLINSTON, LA December 9, 1977 ........... 46 GOLDONNA, LA December 28, 1977 .......... 47 V CONTENTS (CONTINUED) 1976 MOLINO, FL January 4, 1976.... .. ........ 50 SPADr.A , AR January 8, 1976..... .. .. 52 WILCOX, AL May 11, 1976................. 53 GLEN ELLYN, IL May 16 , 197 6 . 5 4 NIOBE, NY July 28, 1976...... .. 57 STEPHENVILLE, TX August 8, 1976 ............... 58 WEST END, WV August 10, 1976. .. .. 59 TERRE HAUTE, IN August 17, 1976 .............. 60 "PECK, KS September 13, 1976. .. .. .. 61 ELK HILL, VA September 22, 1976........... 62 CUMBERLAND, MD October 20, 1976.. .. .. .. .. .. 63 BELT, MT November 26, 1976. .. .. .. .. 64 1975 ANSLEY, MS January 13, 1975....... ... ... 66 LAKE BRUCE, IN January 20, 1975.. .. .. .. •. .. 67 DES MOINES, IA September 1, 1975............ 68 FERTILE, MN October 22, 1975.. ... ..... 71 ELY, VT November 9, 1975... .. ... .. 73 NIAGARA FALLS, NY Dec ember 14 , 1 9 7 5 . 7 5 1974 ONEONTA, NY February 12, 1974..... .. 76 COLMESNEIL, TX February 16, 1974... .. ... 78 DAYTON, TX March 14, 1974 ............... 80 CLIMAX, TX June 2 9, 197 4. 8 2 DECATUR, IL Ju 1 y 19 , 19 7 4 . 8 4 WENATCHEE, WA August 6, 19 7 4. 8 7 MUSTANG, OK September 1, 1974............ 90 HOUSTON, TX September 21, 1974........... 92 Vl. CONTENTS (CONTINUED) 1973 HARRODS, OH January 4, 197 3 ............... 95 POWDER SPRINGS, GA January 21, 1973 .............. 97 DOWNINGTON, PA February 5, 19 7 3.............. 99 PECOS, TX February 20, 1973 ..... ........ 101 OGLESBY, GA March 5, 197 3 ................. 103 MC NARY, TX April 22, 19 7 3 . ............... 104 ROSEVILLE, CA April 28, 197 3 ................ 106 BENSON, AZ May 24, 19 7 3 .................. 108 KINGMAN, AZ July s, 19 7 3 . ...... .- ........... 110 FORT. WAYNE, IN July 20, 197 3 .... ............. 111 MARKED TREE, AR October 10, 1973 . ............. 113 WADSTROM, CA November 6, 1973 ... ........... 115 1972 E. ST. LOUIS, IL January 22, 19 7 2.............. 117 UNION, IL March 16, 19 7 2 ................ 119 DALLAS, TX June 1, 197 2 ............. ..... 121 HUBEN, MO August 13, 19 7 2............... 122 MELVERN, KS December 28, 197 2 ............. 124 1971 CALLAO, MO January 8, 1971 ............... 125 HOUSTON, TX October 19, 19 71 .............. 126 \ 1970 CRESCENT CITY, IL June 21, 19 7 0 . ................ 128 SOUND VIEW, CT October 8, 19 7 0............... 130 1969 LAUREL, MS January 25, 1969 .............. 132 CRETE, NE February 18, 1969 ............. 136 GLENDORA, MS September 11, 1969 .... ........ 138 vii INTRODUCTION SCOPE: This report presents composite summaries describing 75 major railroad accidents in which hazardous materials were released. The selected accidents occurred during the years 1969-1978. The descriptive information and other data were derived
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