20 ft VIVA EL MDViMIENTQ REVQLUCIOHARIO SNTERMACIBNAUSTA The Unstoppable People's War "Long Live the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement!" Painting done by political prisoners in Peru before the "Day of Heroism" in 1986, when 300 were killed by government troops. What follows is a list of some People's pie's trials in the area.5 War, the PLA gathers the villagers and War actions in Peru from January to 18 February: In a spectacular feat, the calls on them to boycott the 8 April earlyjune 2001 reported in the Peruvian PLA downs a military helicopter in the elections.14 local and national reactionary press. It Viscatan area, Huanta province, In early March, the PLA confis• was compiled by the editors of Red Sun, Ayacucho, annihilating a sergeant and cates dynamite and fuses from an en• a publication of supporters of the PCP wounding a lieutenant. The army heli• gineering works in Chanchamayo, in abroad, and has been slightly edited for copter was attacked whilst supplying preparation for boycott actions. 15 publication here. The superscript the Monjapata military base, located 8 March: Confrontation between the number following each action refers to in the Apurfmac river valley.6 PLA and police forces in the Santa Ana the location of the action on the 27 February: A PLA company takes area, Las Palmas district, some 18 kilo• accompanying map. -AY/TW the village of Tambogrande (popula• metres south of Huancayo.16 tion 20,000), blacks out the electricity 8 March: Confrontation between the and carries out actions against the PLA and forces from the National Of• JANUARY property of collaborators. Some prop• fice against Terrorism (DINCOTE) in erty is confiscated. This PLA opera• Puente Duran, Chinchao district, 6 January 2001: Action by the Peo• tion is co-ordinated with a mass ac• Acomayo province.17 ple's Liberation Army (PLA), in tion in which thousands of protestors Around 10 March: In Ayacucho, a Tocache province, department of San destroy the premises of the Canadian PLA company takes villages near Sivia mining company Manhattan.7 18 Martin.1 and holds a boycott meeting. 12 January: Two National Police non• Also around 10 March: Another PLA commissioned officers are ambushed MARCH company carries out actions calling on in the village of Chicrfh, Yaruscayan people to boycott the elections in district, Pasco. The PLA confiscates 1 March: A PLA platoon carries out Apurfmac.19 their weapons.2 the selective annihilation of two trai• 14 March, at 2am: a PLA company 27 January: Night-time confrontation tors turned informers in the hamlet takes the village Pampa Soris, in between the PLA and the reactionary Ramal de Aspuzana, in Progreso, Ayahuanco district (Huanta) for two armed forces in the Bajo Pacae sector, Tocache province, leaving leaflets ex• hours. The combatants, including 15 Juan Jose Crespo district, Leoncio plaining their action.8 Ashaninkas (indigenous people), Prado province.3 . 2 March: A PLA company enters a vil• gather the villagers at the main square lage near the Sivia district in Ayacucho for a meeting. They also confiscate FEBRUARY and organises a meeting with the in• 20 shotguns from the Pampa Soris habitants.9 armed forces-led "self-defence com• PLA intercepts a bus in the hamlet 3,5,11 and 15 March: The PLA car• mittee", in addition to foodstuffs and. Los Olivos, at the 24 kilometre mile• ries out repeated incursions in the town other products.20 stone of the Carretera Marginal road• of Aucayacu, in Huanuco.10, "•12-13 29 March: PLA incursion in the vil• way, and annihilates a collaborator.4 5 March: A platoon of some 30 PLA lage of Puerto Angel, by the 560 kilo• 15 February 2001: PLA incursion in combatants carry out an. incursion and metre milestone of the Carretera Mar• the hamlet El Pro'greso, Chiclayo, confiscate foodstuffs in the town of ginal highway, in Jose Crespo y Castillo near the border of the departments Tribolini, department of Apurfmac. district. Four informers annihilated.21 of Piura and Lambayeque. to mobi• Chanting slogans supporting Chair• 30 March: A platoon of some 30 PLA lise the masses and carry out peo- man Gonzalo, the PCP and the People's combatants enters the Cuylpapata 21 I I- o 3 § o (48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 8Q(^(^(^(^)(8l)(58 enclosure in the Conception prov• river valleys, forcing Ministry of Health district of Tocache, the latter in San ince, Junin department, and holds a staff to abandon medical stations.24 Martin department.26 meeting.22 Also in the beginning of April, the 5 April: In the Las Rocas enclosure Late March: The PLA holds a meeting PLA carries out an incursion in.the (25 kilometres from Tingo Maria, in the with inhabitants of Tingo Maria, call• hamlet of Hatunhuasi, Andamarca dis• San Jose Crespo y Castillo district), the ing for an elections boycott.23 trict, Conception province, and holds PLA annihilates a collaborator of the a meeting with the inhabitants.25 reactionary armed forces.27 APRIL The PLA gives out leaflets along 6 April: In the early morning hours, the Jorge Basadre and Marginal de la the PLA annihilates a criminal in Tingo Early April 2001: a PLA company car• Selva roadways, along the route lead• Maria.28 ries out actions in the Ene and Tambo ing to the town of Aucayacu and the 8 April (the day of the first round of 22 the elections): The PLA bombs the of• Pacapausa district, Ayacucho.46 and sickle and give out leaflets with fices of Toledo's Peru Posible Party 13 May: Bomb explodes on the slogans supporting the People's War in the city of Ayacucho.29 It also car• premises of the military recruitment and demanding the public presenta• ries out an action against the offices office 32-A in. the town of Tingo Maria, tion of Chairman Gonzalo. A report of APRA, the party of Alan Garcia, department of Huanuco.47' on this action appears on Peruvian 16 the other main candidate, near the May: In an action .with high politi• television.67 main square in the same departmental cal impact, the PLA sets off a bomb at 18 May: Armed agitation and propa• capital.30 the National Election Board (JNE) in ganda in Castillo Grande hamlet in 8 April: A PLA platoon stages a 2f> downtown Lima, wounding several Tingo Maria, Huanuco. Slogans sup• minute attack on a military base in police officers. Leaflets against the porting the People's War and the sym• Mercedes Locro, close to the jungle elections and supporting the.People's bol of the hammer and sickle painted city of'Tingo Maria, 550 kilometres War and the defence of the life of Chair• on the walls of the stadium in Cumana man Gonzalo appear.48 north-east of Lima.31 and in the housing area of San 8 April: Anti-elections actions in Villa In the wake of this, the Peruvian Sebastian in Huamanga, along with Rica, Oxapampa, in Pasco32; action reaction also had to admit to some leafleting.68 . against the voting'premises in a school other PLA actions carried out during 28 and 29 May and 1 June: The PLA in Castillo Viejo, Huanuco33; red flags the first months of 2001. The "Global carries out a series of incursions in the with the hammer and sickle hoisted in Report on the Current Situation of the hamlet of Pacae in the province the hills of Bolonga34 and Gran Chimu35 Shining Path Terrorist Organisation", Aucayacu. On 28 and 29 May, they in Trujillo; the PLA enters the town of written by the Internal Order Division paint slogans calling for an armed shut• Rancho Grande, in the jurisdiction of of the Joint Command of the Armed down and on 1 June two informers are Sayapullo, Gran Chimu province36, and Forces (see Car etas 1671, 24 May annihilated.69'70'71 gathers the inhabitants;, they hoist the 2001), mentions several actions in 30 May: PLA incursion on the slope red flag and call upon the population Lima, including several protests by from the village Tambo to San Fran• not to vote; similar meetings take place relatives of prisoners of war49; the cisco, La Mar province, in the depart• in the remote villages Colpa37., El handing out of leaflets against the elec• ment of Ayacucho, as part of the boy• Porvenir38 and Mundo Nuevo39 in the . tions at the University of San Marcos50,- cott against the elections.72 same area; and in Villa Cruz, jurisdic• 51 at the University of La Cantata , on 31 May: In the early morning hours tion of Chacicadan, Santiago de 52 . the avenue Gamarra in La Victoria , at PLA fighters take a village in the bor• Chucho province.40 a school in San Juan de Miraflores53 at c5 8 der region of the jungle in the Apurfmac April: Armed shutdown against another school in Villa El Salvador54, g valley and hold a meeting against the the elections in Vilcashuaman, and in the districts of San Martin de run-off elections.73 ^ Ayacucho.41 PLA combatants paint Porres55 and Santa Anita.56 31 May: A PLA battalion of some 200 § slogans and the hammer and sickle Other actions that came to light ^ along several of the streets of combatants stops more than 50 vehi• after the action against the JNE in• £ Vilcashuaman. Another armed strike cles travelling along the route from cluded a series of sabotage actions 2 against the elections in the town of Ayacucho to the inner jungle area of against mining companies. At a press the upper Apurfmac river valley, at § Satipo and surrounding villages.42 conference, the chairman of the Na• ^ 16 April: PLA combatants take the Totumbaro, two hours from the San tional Mining, Oil and Energy Asso• town of Aucayacu for an hour, with Francisco district, in the province of ciation (SNMPE), Ricardo Briceno armed agitation and propaganda La Mar.
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