Government of Tripura Directorate of Elementary Education Establishment Section. No.F.1(112-1) DEE/Estt. \2018 Date, Agartala ~2018 MEMO Subject:- Circulation of tentative Seniority List of Assistant Teachers (Pry), Under Graduate Teachers and Kokborok Teachers covering period upto 31.8.2015. The tentative Seniority List of 6741 Assistant Teachers (Pry), Under Graduate Teachers and Kokborok Teachers recruited upto 31.8.2015 who are enjoying pay scale of Under Graduate Teacher and working under the Directorate of Elementary Education is hereby published and circulated for information of the concerned teachers and the Head of Offices & DDOs for the purpose of finalization of the Seniority List through rectification of entries and addition/alteration of service particulars wherever necessary. The concerned teachers contained in the tentative Seniority List are requested to view their service particulars on the website: www.schooleducation.tripura-gov.in and make contact with the. concerned Head of Offices & DDOs through an application seeking alteration and addition of service particulars if need be. All concerned Head of Offices & DDOs are instructed to verify the service particulars of the teachers as per records contained in the Service Books of the incumbents and take necessary action for addition and alteration of records wherever necessary. They are also instructed for submission of the list of the teachers with mojified service particulars wherever necessary to the office of the undersigned within 301h June, 2018. ~ (Amit Shukla, 'IFS) Director, Elementary Education Copy to:- 1. The District Education Officer, West/Khowai/Sepahijala/Gomati/Unakoti/Dhalai/ North/ South Tripura District for information and taking necessary action to ensure submission of the modified list of Seniority list within stipulated date. 2. The Principal Officer (Education), TTAADC, Khumlwng for information and taking necessary action to ensure submission of the modified list of Seniority list within stipulated date. 3. The Branch Officer, IT Cell, Directorate of Secondary Education for information and uploading the Memo in the Website www.schooleducation._tripura-gov.in. 4. Guard file in the Section. F:\Ajit Sir\ DEE\Seniority List \Letter & Memo Page 1 Tentative Seniority List of A/T(Pry./J.B.)/Kok-Barak-Teacher in the scale of Rs.125-200/- and its corresponding revised scale of Rs.240-440, Rs.430-850/-, Rs.970-2400/- , Rs.3300-7100/- , Rs. 5310-24000/-& Rs.5700- 24000/- PB-2 ROP-2009(Amendment-2015 as on 31/08.2015 under Education Department, Govt. of Tripura. Whether s Sl.No. Name of the incumbent and present place of Date of Birth Academic & Professional qualification with year of Date of joining as A/T, KBT Post & date k r posting ST/SC/ UR passing of Conf. a m e On fixed pay basis On regular pay scale R 1 2 3 4 5 6(a) 6(b) 7 8 Smt. Ratthanpuii , Jampui HS (Pry), UR 13.05.1958 Madhyamik- UGBT- A/T- 01.09.1978 1 Kanchanpur Smt. Malati Chowdhury,Gardhang H.S ST 08.07.1958 Class-X KBT- 30.04.1979 2 (Pry),SBM Smt. Subhalaxmi Debbarma, Uttabari ST 06.01.1959 Madhyamik(Plucked)- 1978 MPKBT- 2006 KBT- 11.04.1979 3 SB,IS,TLM Smt. Sumitra Reang, No.3 B.K Girls J.B ST 16.01.1959 Class-X Plucked MPKBT 1999 KBT- 02.05.1979 4 School, Agartala. Sri Budhrai Debbarma, Chowmuhani High ST 15.01.1960 Class-X BT- 2007 KBT- 05.05.1979 5 School. LTV. Smt. Laxmi Shil, Melaghar Thakur Para High UR 22.02.1963 Madhyamik- UGBT- 2006 A/T- 30.01.1980 6 (Pry) I/S Sonamura Sri Dhanu Debbarma Duski Model JB I/S- ST 10.12.1958 Madhyamik(Plucked)- 1979 KBT- 01.02.1980 7 TLM Sri Ratan Kr. Das,Melaghar HS (Pry) SC 01.01.1964 Madhyamik UGBT A/T- 01.02.1980 8 School,Sonamura Sri Ranjit Debbarma ST 09.01.1959 Madhyamik(Plucked)- 1977 KBT- 02.02.1980 KBT- 9 01.07.2005 Sri Murani Pada Noatia ST 31.12.1959 Madhyamik(Plucked)- 1970 KBT- 04.02.1980 10 Sri Astoroy Debbarma ST 21.01.1960 Read up to Class-IX KBT- 05.02.1980 11 Sri Shyama Charan Debbarma ST 31.12.1959 Madhyamik(Plucked)- MPKBT- KBT- 08.02.1980 12 Sri Girendra Debbarma ST 04.01.1960 Madhyamik(Plucked)- MPKBT- KBT- 08.02.1980 13 Sri Subodh Debbarma ST 28.01.1961 Madhyamik(Plucked)- MPKBT- KBT- 08.02.1980 14 Sri Binanda Debbarma, Labanya Chow. Para ST 21.01.1962 Class-X MPKBT- KBT- 08.02.1980 15 SB (Pry) I/S-Khowai Smt. Nirupama Debbarma ST 17.03.1963 Madhyamik(Plucked)- KBT- 08.02.1980 16 Page 1 of 342 Sri Jibanandu Debbarma ST 04.10.1966 H/S(Plucked)- KBT- 15.02.1980 17 Sri Surendra Kr. Tripura, Bhuratali HS (Pry) ST 16.08.1961 Madhyamik A/T- 21.03.1980 18 School, Sabroom Sri Raghu Moni Debbarma ,Seoratali JB ST 22.04.1960 Madhyamik(Plucked)- 1978 MPKBT- KBT- 05.05.1980 KBT- 19 School, I/S-Khowai 16.12.2002 Smt. Bina Rani Reang, Acharya Prafulla Ch. ST 03.01.1959 H/S(Plucked)- 1978 UGBT- ? KBT- 12.05.1980 20 Roy Smriti Vidyamandir, Agt Sri Birendra Debbarma Chantai Bari HS ST 16.01.1959 Madhyamik(Plucked)- MPKBT- 1992 KBT- 13.05.1980 21 (Pry) Jirania Smt Chandra Mala Debbarma ST 09.07.1961 read up to Class-X KBT- 05.09.1980 22 Kamal Roy Chowdhury, Hatileta SB I/S BSL UR 31.12.1958 H/S(Sup)- 1976 UGBT- 2009 A/T- 23.09.1980 23 Smt. Sukla Chakraborty, Reshambagan HS UR 05.02.1963 Madhyamik- 1979 UGBT- 1982 A/T- 24.09.1980 24 (Pry) School , Sadar Sri Raj Kumar Debbarma ST 01.02.1959 Madhyamik(Plucked)- KBT- 09.10.1980 25 Smt. Bina Chakraborty, Birendranagar UR 14.01.1964 Madhyamik- 1980 T.Ed- 2004 A/T- 31.10.1980 26 H.S(Pry) School, JRN Smt Menaka Jamatia ST 12.08.1959 Madhyamik(Plucked)- KBT- 10.11.1980 27 Smt. Hiranbala Debbarma, Madhu Chow. ST 01.01.1959 H/S A/T- 08.12.1980 28 Para HS (Pry) School, Mohanpur Sri Uma Charan Jamatia, Gaul Gone High ST 31.12.1961 Madhyamik(Plucked)- 1980 MPKBT- 1990 KBT- 09.12.1980 29 (Pry) School, I/S UDP Smt. Nayana Chakma, Acharya Prafulla Ch. ST 24.11.1958 H/S- ? UGBT- ? A/T- 07.01.1981 30 Roy Smriti Vidyamandir, Agt. Sri Abhimanya Debbarma ST 01.10.1957 H/S- 1976 A/T- 01.02.1981 31 Sri Santulal Debbarma ST 01.03.1958 H/S- 1975 A/T- 01.02.1981 32 Smt Anjali Das UR 01.03.1958 H/S- 1976 A/T- 01.02.1981 33 Sri Klanulal Saha UR 05.03.1958 S.F- A/T- 01.02.1981 34 Smt Sabita Das UR 24.03.1958 PU- 1976 A/T- 01.02.1981 35 Sri Arun Kr. Debbarma ST 08.04.1958 H/S- A/T- 01.02.1981 36 Page 2 of 342 Sri Lalbiakthanga ST 09.05.1958 Matric- 1977 A/T- 01.02.1981 37 Sri Nikunja Bihari Paul UR 22.07.1958 H/S- 1976 A/T- 01.02.1981 38 Sri Kamala Kanta Debbarma ST 31.07.1958 H/S- 1978 A/T- 01.02.1981 39 Sri Anup Kr.Chakma ST 15.11.1958 H/S- 1976 A/T- 01.02.1981 40 Sri Dhirendra Kalai ST 18.11.1958 Matric- 1976 A/T- 01.02.1981 41 Smt Manisha Debbarma ST 26.11.1958 H/S- 1976 A/T- 01.02.1981 42 Sri Ramesh Ch. Debbarma ST 11.01.1959 S.F- 1976 A/T- 01.02.1981 43 Sri Suresh Ch. Das SC 16.01.1959 H/S- A/T- 01.02.1981 44 Sri Arun Kr. Debnath UR 24.02.1959 H/S- 1973 A/T- 01.02.1981 45 Smt Bhagyamati Debbarma ST 28.06.1959 Matric- 1977 A/T- 01.02.1981 46 Sri Ranjan Kr. Saha UR 07.07.1959 H/S- A/T- 01.02.1981 47 Sri Swapan Kr. Bhawmik SC 13.12.1959 H/S- 1975 A/T- 01.02.1981 48 Smt Fulkumari Jamatia ST 23.11.1958 Read up to Class-X KBT- 12.02.1981 49 Sri Pritish Debbarma ST 16.07.1961 Madhyamik(Plucked)- 1980 KBT- 12.02.1981 50 Smt Tanusree Debbarma, D.C.Para-Hemanta ST 06.01.1963 Class-IX KBT- 16.02.1981 51 Vidyalaya Sri Takhiray Debbarma,Khulaiganja CP SB ST 01.01.1961 Madhyamik(Plucked)- UGBT- ? KBT- 24.03.1981 52 I/S Kamalpur Sri Dhamani Kr. Tripura, Kaliballab para S.B ST 01.08.1960 Madhyamik- 1977 KBT- 10.08.1981 53 I/S SBM Sri Golokbasi Murasing, Charan das para S.B ST 09.08.1964 Madhyamik- 1981 B.T- 2009 KBT- 19.06.1981 54 School under I/S Sabroom. Sri Jibanhari Jamatia ST 25.01.1960 Madhyamik(Plucked)- UGBT- 1991 KBT- 26.06.1981 55 Sri Sukumar Debbarma ST 20.01.1962 Read up to Class-X KBT- 26.06.1981 56 Page 3 of 342 Smt. Bani Barman, Noagoan K. High School, SC 01.01.1959 H/S- UGBT- A/T- 27.07.1981 57 Sadar. Sri Prafulla Debbarma ST 11.07.1961 Read up to Class-X KBT- 28.07.1981 58 Sri Jayanta Debbarma ST 16.02.1961 Madhyamik(Plucked)- 1980 MPKBT- KBT- 01.08.1981 59 Sri Sushil Jamatia, Garjanmura Khash Tilla ST 05.02.1962 Madhyamik- 1981 UGBT- 1987 KBT- 05.08.1981 60 JB School I/S-Udaipur Biakthan Siami, Hmunpui JB I/S- ST 08.02.1961 HSLC- CPE- 2007 A/T- 06.08.1981 61 Kanchanpur Smt.
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