y 27, 1921 E ~ t ' llnilu NUMBER 119 Vol. XX-New Series X. IOWA CITY, IOWA, 'f ESDAY, MARCH 1, 1921 : IOWAWA TO HAVE PARADE GLEE CLUB HOLDS FRIVOL IS DELAYED SPECIAL PRACTICES "UNDER COVER" Prizes To Be Given- Groups For Best Limited Number of Copies To Be SPURT IN LAST UNCOVERED BY Costumes FOR HOME CONCERT Printed-Based on Ticket Sale MINUTES GIVES A parade is to be the new feature Special rehearsals of the men's glee The March number of Frivol, Uni­ of the Iowawa celebration which will club have been called by Prof. William versity humorous magazine will ap­ CAST TONIGHT be held May 12. E. Hays, director of the 'club, in pre­ pear Monday March 7 instead of Wed­ HAWKS VICTORY A $50 silver loving cup will be paration for the annual home concert nesday March 2, according to Warren Property Seta to Be Elaborate given as a prize to the fraternity or to be given in the natural science aud­ L. Bassett A4 of Des Moines, editor. Three Baskets Just Before Fi­ group of men outside of a freternity itorium Thursday evening, March 3. A number of delayed cuts and late • -Cast Haa H.d Previoua nal Whistle Defeat which parades the best animal made Professor Hays has announced the material which the staff desires to in­ Amateur Experience out of men. The animal may be complete program which will include clude in this number will cause the de­ Purple, 20 to 14 either real or imaginary in character. besides t1)e numbers by the club, solo lay. TICKET SALE UC E SFUL A silver loving cup will also be giv­ and quartette numbers and some ban­ The womens athletic association will SCORE TIED IN FIRST HALF to the sorority or group of women jo stunts by Fred A. Steiner Ll of have charge of this sale of the maga­ Su pen e To Be Held Unitl Last 3 outside of a sorority which submits Corydon. The program will be as fol­ zine. Tickets will be sold by members Close Defense by Northwestern Minute of Play - Plot Hinge the best costumed May queen with lows: "0, Valiant Sons" (Eville-Salt­ of this organization during the entire Holde Old Gold Five Down Most of About a Necklace. Valued At $200,- her retinue. The Queen of the win­ er) by the club; "The Garden of Your week. Tickets will also be on sale at Way-Shimek and Lohman Stage 000 - Mi Romola H. Latchem I ning group ,vill be crowned at the Heart" (Dorel-Salter) by the club; Whetstones and the book stores. Rally Resulting in Victory - Ev­ In Charge of Production dance, later in the evening. bass solo, "Myself When Young" The number of copies printed will anston Team Uses Substitues The last section of the parade will Persian Garden-Lehman) by Harry be based on the sale of tickets, accord­ The annual Philo-Octave play, a be open to everyone in the University. E. Schmidt A3 of Burlington. ing to Raymond Peterson A2 of Coun­ Evanston, Ill., Feb. 28, (Special to four act melodrama, "Under Cover" Merchandise prizes will be given to "Macushla" (MacMurrough) by the icl Bluffs, circulation manager. by Roi Cooper McGrue, author of the individuals or couples having the club; selected banjo numbers by The Daily Iowan): Iowa's rally in the many popular theatrical succes es, best costuming. All the prizes will Steiner; a group of favorite songs by last five minutes of the basketball will be given tonight at 8 :15 o'clock be awarded at the dance. the club; selected quartette numbers g81ne with Northwestern at Evan­ at the Englert theater. by Leslie M. Hays A4 of Seymour, TRACK MEN MAY ston tonight during which the Hawk­ It is said that the property ,viII ex­ Vernon B. Thomas A2 of Corning, eyes caged three baskets, was the fea­ cel any ever u ed in the Englert thea­ WORK STOPS ON Schmidt, and J. Frederic Allebach A2 ENTER,CARNIVAL ture'that won the game for Iowa by ter. Indications are that th ardous of Iowa City; "Twilight" (Buck) by a score of 20 to 14. week of rehear al under Mis Rom­ the club; tenor solo, "Lullaby from The scgre W!lS ticd at 14 to 14 at Jocelyn" (Godard) by L. Hays; "By Wilson, IleIding, Crawford and ola H. Latc¥m, instructor in the NEW. BUILDINGS the beginning of the last five minutes the Sea" (Mark Andrews) by the Hoffman May' Participate University high chool, will produce of the play, when Lohman and Shimek cluh; and "Old Gold". a vet·y creditable piece of dramatic Completion of Armory, Nurses' In Track Event started scoring and made the final Many of th~se selections were given work. The personnel of the cast ha three baskets of the game. The game Home and Hospital Awaits on the concert tour during the Christ­ had some previous experience on the was close up to th~ last five minutes. Appropriation mas holidays and reports from those University of Iowa track atheltes stage as amateurs to recommend them At the half time period, the score was who heard the concerts then indicate who will probably be entered in the for the ca t of the production. a 7 to 7 tie. thab the entertainment Thursdayeven­ Illinois Relay carnival to be held at Charle C. Bowie A4 of San Benito, Work on the new armory and the ing will please both the students and Urbana next Saturday are Wilson in Northwestern's players wel'e still Texa , will play the role of the lead­ new' psychopathic hospital across the people of Iowa City. the dash and broad jump; Crawford out of condition from the Purdue game ing man, Steven Denby, who is sus­ river will not be continued until the The concert will begin at 8 o'clock, and Captain Belding in the low and so that the second string was used pected of muggling a 200,000 neck­ state legislature passes the bill for and admission will be 50 cents. Tickets high hurdles; and Hoffman in the until late in the game when Palmer leae through the cu tom hou e. Wava additional funds, according to J. ' M. are now on sale and are being distrib­ high jump. _ and Saunders were subst\tuted, \n an M. Smith A4 of edar Rapid as Ethel Fisk, superintendent of grounds and uted by individual members of the If a team is entered in t he medley effort to break the tie in the Purple'S Cartwright will be the leading wom­ buildings, and in charge of the con­ club. relay race, Beck and Grelck will prob­ favor. an, and Leona White A2 of ouncil struction 0: tl!ese buildings. The new ably run the quarter, Noll, the half. The game was one of close defense Bluff. will tak£' the part of Norma nuTS $' home located ju t east of the OPH PLA Y SENWltS TONIGHT and McIntire the mile. The Relay Rutledge, a ociety girl who use her Perkin's hospital will be completed throughout, and little ragged playing, Carnival is considered one of the most charms to intrigue the smuggler. just as soon as the weather will per­ but h81'd contention for shots. Shots hampioDA in Women' Ba ketball to important track events of the year The plot hin e about the neeklace mit. The original appropriati n for were comparatively few for both He Decide:l by Final Game in athletic cil·c1es. Thirty-seven col­ teams and few misses chal'acterized which has b en smuggled into the the new armory and the new hospital leges have already entered. the shooting. United tatcs. The audience will be proved to be insufficient on account of The round robin plan of games be­ kept in u p nse until three minutes the increased prices of both materials aptain Eby of the University of Pattel'son starred foy Nort":western twe n women's class basketball teams before the curtain falls in the la t and labor, and more money must be Pennsylvania who was winner of sec­ by his speedy dribbling down the has been discarded because that meth­ act. There will b thr c ne at granted if the buildings are to be ond place in the 800 meter l'ace at the floor which netted him three baskets. od takes too much time, according to Olympic games will start in special the millionaire's home on Long I land, constructed as previously planned. a Shimek was the basis of Iowa's scor­ a decision reached by the cle steams New York, and one in th cu tom of­ 600 yard race. The 75 yard dash is ing with foul' baskets and fOUl' fouls The exterior of the armory is prac­ and women's physical education in­ fice in New York City. the event around which much of the for twelve points. Captain Kaufmann tically complete, but none of t,he in­ structors at a meeting held at 5 interest is centered as practically all Due to the successful ticket sales scol'ed two baskets. terior furnishings have yet been pro­ o'clock yesterday afternoon. of the star sprinters of the middle on Saturday and Monday, Norman V. Lineup : vided. Unless the legislature mater­ The teams which have not met will West and many from the East are Sherwin A4 of Clear Lake, production ially increases the previous appropria­ play each other. The sophomore­ entered. Iowa 20 Northwestern 14 manager, exp cta filled hou e.
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