RUGBY FooTBALL UNION (- ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held at the MAY FAIR HOTEL, LONDON, on Friday, 27th June, 1958, at 5 p.rn. The following Clubs (341) were represented: ~ Aldershot Services Civil Service Ùnion Harrow School Army R.U. Clifton HartIepool Old Boys Mons Officer Cadet School Colchester Hayle 3 Trg. Regt. R.E. Colfes Gramniar School Hayle Colts R.A.P.C. Trg. Centre Combined Binlüngham Old Boys Headingley A.C.C. Trg. Centre Coopers' Company School Hendon 6 Trg. Regt. R.E. Cornwall AT.C. Hertfordshire Union 1 Trg. Regt. R. SignaIs Cornwall Colts Hitchin 28 Bn. R.A.O.C. Cornwall COUlÙy Union H.M.S. Flying Fox 2 Trg. Bn. R.A.S.c. Cornwall Junior Group Hoiman Sports 26 Field Regt. R.A Cornwall Schdols Honourable Artillery Company Depot & T.E. R.AM.C. Cornwall TecIf. College Hornets Royal Engineers Coventry 1 Hove Scottish Command Crawley Hoylake School of Military Survey Cuaco Tbis Alliance Davenport Ilford Wanderers Ashfold School Derby Tnland Revenue Aston Old Edwardians Devon Countyl Insurance Offices' Union Aylestonians Didcot ' K.C.S. Old Boys Banbury Dorset & Wilt~. Union Kent County Union Bank of England Durham Couniy Union King Edward VI School Barbarian E.A.c. (Nuneaton) Barclays Bank Ealing King Edward's Scbool Basildon Eastern Counties Schools Union Kingsbridge Beckenham Eastern Countles Union Kodak Bec Old Boys East Midlands:Union Launceston Bedford Ely Lawrence Sheriff School Berkshire County Union Esber Leeds Grammar School Bickley Park séhool Esso (Fawley) ~ Leeds University Biggleswade Eton Manor Leicester Billingham Exiles Leicestershire County Union Birmingham City OfficiaIs Fairbairn House Letchworth Blackheath Falmouth . Lewes Bournemouth Falmouth One' & AU Lewes County School Bowdon Finchley Lichfield Bramley Old Boys Five Ways Old Edwardians Lincoln Bristol Ford Sports Lincolnshire Union Bristol & Dist. Combination G.E.C. London Liverpool Bristol University Gidea Park Lloyds Bank Broad Plain Gloucestershird County Union London Rugby Union Burnage Gonville & Caius College London Irish . Camborne School of Mines Gosforth London Scottish Cambridgeshire Union Gravesend London Transport Camp Hill Old Edwardians Great Ballard School Lord Wandsworth College Camel Great WesterndRailway (London) Loughborough College Carlisle Guildford & odalming Ludlow Chartered Bank Guys Hospital. Ludlow Grammar School Cheltenham Haberdashers' Askes School Lyons City of Liverpool Hampshire Collllty Union Macclesfield College of Building Handsworth Malsis Scbool City of London School Harlequins May & Baker Civil Service Harrow ;--., Metropolitan Police .' 1 Met. Police X Division Oid Pauline Salisbury Middlesbrough Old Purleians Seaford Middlesex Union Oid Rutlishian Sevenoaks Mill Hill Old Silhillians Sheffield Minehead Barbarians Old Twickenhamlans . Shelford Mounts Bay Old Wandsworthian Shirley Wanderers Morpeth Old Edwardians Old Warwickian_ Silver Wing Moseley Old Westc1iffians Slough Mount Grace Comp. SchooI. Oriel College Solihull Napier Orrell Somerset County Union National Provincial Bank Osterley Southern Railway Newark Otley Stafford Newbold on Avon Oxfordshire Union Staffordshire New Brighton Park House Staines Newbury Penryn Standard Bank of South Africa Newport Penryn Colts Streatham Newport (Salop) Penzance & NewIyn Surrey County Union North Dorset Penzance County'Grammar Sussex County Union North Midlands Union Percy Park School Sussex Schoois Union Northumberland Union Pinner Sutton Norwich Port of London Authority Sutton Coldfield Nottingham & Dist. Tech. Coll. Police A.A. Sutton Valence Schooi Nottingham Union Prestwich Swindon Notts. Lincs. & Derbys. Union Public Schools Wanderers Tamworth & District Nuneaton Reading Trentham (Staffs) Nuneaton Old Edwardians Reading School Trinit y College, Cambridge Okehampton Redruth Trinity School of John Whitgift Old Albanian Richmond Trojans Old Alleynian Rochester Twickenham Old Anchorian Rockliff United Banks Old Askean Rosslyn Park United Hospitals Old Azurians R.A.F. Union University Vandals Old Birkonian R.A.F. Bawdsey Upper Clapton Old Brockleians R.A.F. Cardington Wakefield Old Citizens R.A.F. Catterick Wallasey Grammar School Old Creightonian (London) R.A.F. H.Q. Fighter Command Walsall . Old Dartfordian R.A.F. H.Q. Bomber Command Wanstead Oid Dixonians R.A.F. H.Q. No. 1 Group Warlingham Old Elthamians R.A.F. Bawtrey Warwickshire Union Old Elizabethans (Barnet) R.A.F. Hendon Wasps Oid Edwardians R.A.F. Locking Waterloo Old Erithians R.A.F. Leeming - : Welwyn Oid Esthamians R.A.F. Lyneham Westcliff High School Old Freemens R.A.F. Melksham Westeombe Park Old Fullerians R.A.F. Middleton St. George West Herts Old Gaytonians R.A.F. Shawbury Westminster Bank Old Grammarians R.A.F. Thorney Island Westminster Hospital Oid Guildfordians R.A.F. Swan ton Morley West Norfolk Oid Haberdashers R.A.F. Swinderby Westoe Oid Haileyburians & I.s.e. R.A.F. Upwood Weston -su per-Mare Old Hertfordians R.A.F. Wilmslow Whitgift Sehool Old Instonians R.A.F. Wyton Wimbledon College Old Leodiensian Royal Aircraft Establishment Wimborne Old Leysian Royal Veterinary College Windsor Old Lutonians Rugby . Wisbech Oid Masonians St. Barts Grammar SchooI Wolverham pton ,Old Merchant Taylors St. Catherines Society Woodford Old Millhillians St. Columba r Woodpeckers Old Mitchamians St. Day Worcs. & Herefords Schools Old Northamptonians St. Erbyn's Sehool Union Oid Nottinghamians St. Helens Rec. Worcester O1d Novocastrian St. Pauls Schooi Worthing High School Old Oxford Citizens Sale Yorkshire County Union 2 ~. The Notice convening the Meeting was read by the Secretary. The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 28th June, 1957, were confirmed and signed. Mr. A. Marshall: -" As is customary, the Report which is bcfore you and which 1 ask you to accept is in the nature of a synopsis of the happenings of t~e past season. It also reflects in sorne measure the work of 'your Committee during the year under review, but only in a general way, for no report could coyer adequately the thousand and one items of debate and the ramifications of the Administration in general. The Report has been circulated ta aU Clubs and brief referençeneed be made ta certain only of the several paragraphs. ln the matter of congratulations-it is perhaps invidious to mention names in a field of much com­ munal effort and that is why none is printed in this Report, but the services of certain people caU for special remark. International Matches. , We congratulate the players on their being chosen ta represent England, and especiaUy the Chairman of Selectors, Mr. Carston Catcheside, on the success of their choosing, and thank him for his vast interest and work. Twickenham. Covered by the two-line announcement that al! is now weU with the South Terrace is a success story of many and anxious meetings, of conflicting advices from experts, of bold decisions difficult to determine and with heavy responsibilities attaching, resulting finally in a reduction of expenditure amounting to man y thousands of pounds.· Our thanks and congratulations are due to the Ground Committee and to its Chair­ man, Mr. Ramsay. Laws. The considerable work of the previous year in preparing for the meeting of the International Board in January la st has been matched this year with the work of analysing and !Împlementing the conclusions reached by that Body. The Chairman of your Laws Committee, Mr. Cyril Gadney, has shouldered bis responsibility in a way inimitable and typical of his thoroughness in these matters: we should be failing, did ':0 we not give expression to our thanks and appreciation. Insurance. It is difficult to understand that less than halCthe Clubs in membership with the Union have thought fit ta avail themselves of the admirable coyer provided by the Unions' Insurance Scheme at such low cast. The Scheme is recommended for careful consideration by all those Clubs not already participating. Loans. It is under this heading that the function of the Union to give tangible aid ta Clubs and to the game generally is most apparent. A vast amount of work is involved each year in the negotiation of loans, and the services of the Hon. Asst. Treasurer, Mr. Eddie Saunders, in tbis matter must not go unremarked. Charitable Trust. Much good can accrue from the setting up C1f a charitable trust and the project has been brought ta fruition largely. through the pertinacity and drive displayed by Sir Wavell Wakefield, at one time in the face of sorne opposition-great credit is due to him. : Television •. By and large, the television of matches has contributed to a marked expansion of the field of interest in our game, to its ultimate good. Our aim must be to secure that Rugby Union Football is always presented in a light compatible with its tradition for robust, full-blooded sportsmanship, goodwill, and good fellowship. School Leavers. 15 years to 16 years. The question of catering for these boys is presenting a problem which is fast becoming nation-wide, and it is a complex one, especially in those Counties where no provision has been maqe in the past. Your Committee has debated the subject at length and f~èls that perhaps the County Constituent Bodies are best fitted to make the initial move towards securing an organised and unified attempt to meet the needs locally. In conclusion, a ward to the general personnel of our Counties and our Clubs-Officers, Committee men, and other helpers-and on the visits 1 have been able ta make. It is uplifting, and yet a humbling experience' for any President to discover what is being done by so many in sa many ways, to present our game ta the young men of our land, to foster and develop it when 3 it has been taken up, and to maintain it in those places where it has become the accepted thing-all without any thought of kudos, glamour or like reward. To yoJ and to those thousands of you up and down the Country who are giving in this way so generously, we déclare our acknowledgment of your services and our warmest thanks and approbation.
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