♦ We Are Prompt Wellington Coal If row want an Exprès», Truck or Dray, ‘phone us. Hall A Walker PaeHIo Transfer Ce. IMS Government St “ Phove II 717 Cdrmoraat Pho iv 141 and 141 BA CK)AOE STORED. VOL. 44. VICTORIA, B. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1914 NO. 83 CANADIAN PACIFIC Second Reading Now Increases TO TOWN ON BORDER KIT ON EXCHANGES Resistance of Protestants in Forty-Six Counties, Eleven New Cities Now Eight Hundred Expelled From Western Freight Rates De­ Dry in State—Fifty Nine Women Elected Toircon by Villa Reach cision Sends Stock Down at Londonderry on Home Rule Bill El Paso Montreal and New York to Offices—Nine Cities Remain on Wet Mayor Says People Will Resist With Lives List REMAIN IN TRAIN UNTIL WILL BENEFIT LAKES if Royal Assent is Given—Asks Appeal AMERICAN AGENT ARRIVES SECTION OF PROVINCE Chicago,.April t.—Voting for the first time In Illinois township elections to People But Majority Want Referen­ yesterday women aided In closing more than a thousand saloons, adding six­ teen counties to the thirty already dry and barring the sale of intoxicants In dum x approximately 2VO of the 300 townships in which local option was an Issue. Hope Eventually to Be Allowed Railroads Will Losè Million Seventy-Five Thousand Aus­ The victory Included eleven cities which previously were wet. They w«*re to Return and Reside in and Half Dollars by the BY GEOAÛE H. MAITLAND Bloomington Galesburg. Elgin, Decatur,. Canton, Freeport. Belvtdere, Mon­ tralians Sign Petition Against Mexico , Reductions 1 Specie! Correspondent of Victoria Timed in Ulster • mouth, Kewanee, Lqckport and East Galena. Rockford, Mattoon and Galva Irish Home Rule - (Registered under Copyright Art.) were kept In the dry column. h : — No city or township which was dry was lost by the anti-saloon forces, but Londonderry, Ireland, April 8.—The second reading of the Home Fprtngfleld, Quincy, Rfrck Island, Aurora. Joliet, Alton, Moline. Dixon and West ARE NOT SYMPATHIZERS SIR WILLIAM MACKENZIE London, AprH 8.—The house of com- Rule bill only inereaaed the determined Derry Protestants to resist to Galena remain* d wet. In Springfield a majority of women voted for saloons * WITH EITHER FACTION SAYS TIME INOPPORTUNE n#n* will probably renew its acquain­ and In Joliet the women were.almost equally divided As to saloons. tance with the , h. me rule bill the the bitter end. “If the Home Rule bill receives the royal assent we middle of the menu, when the third will resist though it is at the peril of our lives,” declared Sir William Chicago Electors Declined Women as Officials. reading will be moved. On both sides Women elected thirty female township officers, twe^y-*lx township col­ El Paso, Texas. April 8—Eight hun­ Montreal, April 8.—Canadian Pacific it Is expected, however, that conver­ McLean, mayor of Londonderry, to day. As this old man of seventy- lectors. thrye town clerks and member of the board of education In Springfield. dred members of the Hpanlsh colony of stock dropped SJfc points this morning, sations between the leaders will be seven spoke his voice trembled with emotion. ~ closing at *201. Torreon expelled from that town after resumed In the meantime. Although 71 per cent, of the women registered In ‘Chicago took advantage A petition against Irish home rule “We say the Liberal government should appeal to the people, having passed through the recent great New York, April 8.—Canadian Pacific of their newly-gained franchise at yesterday’s municipal election, none of the signed by adult Australians’ will short­ battle In fear and trembling and stock dropped to $199** here to-day as and if there is only a small majority in favor of the government we nine women candidates for city council was successful, receiving only a scat­ ly be presented to Premier Asquith. Jiftenvard facing the wrath of Gmemt - * result- of the freight rates decision. tered Vote. ‘ ~ ----------------- ---------------- --------------------------------- Seventy-five thousand signatures have would «accept the verdict.” he said. Sir William, however, did not At the close the price was |201. Villa, stood to-day beneath the Stars already been received. meet the sentiments of the majority of the Londonderry people which and Strl|>eH. They are refugees strip­ Ottawa, April 8, — Opinions at the An interesting incident In the pres­ are “no surrender unless Ulster is excluded from the hill.—---- ped of their property fur the time being capital vary as tv the Significance of ent home rule controversy hue been at least, but supplied with temporary the western freight rates' Judgment revealed In Manchester, where T. C. Would Accept Result of Referendum. LAST SPIKE DRIVEN CONNECTS STEEL OF " Horsfall, a prominent ettisen, has re- .ftind*^ and expressions of gr**at relief kApfo-d- down by i Ur Dominion railway - signed his office rsf magistrate t»- “ We would accept the rcsult-of the referendum in I'lsterr^ said eame from them as they crossed the vummieelon yesterday. The general Impression, however. Is that the re­ cause, having signed the Ulster cove­ wooden bridge under which the muddy Sir William. ......................L__„X.... ...... .......................... GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY ACROSS CANADA ductions ordered by the board are of nant, he considers it obviously desir­ able that he should not he a Justice little stream known as the Rio Grande a substantial nature, and of especial “We would win hands down/’ declared another, who ad.led that (Great River) flows, and found them­ benefit to the provinces of Saskatche­ of the peace. the Unionists believe the origin o& the matter to be sectarian- schools. selves on American soil at last. How wan and Alberta and to the lake sec­ Sir William Stephens is to be the desperately they clung to the fact that tion of British Columbia. As com­ Littéral candidate for West* Salford, a The mayor was educated on the same bench with Catholics and Work Commenced August 28, 1905, Finished at Nechaco division of Lancashire, succeeding Sir Spain had left their interests In the pared with the benefit to these dis­ formed lifelong friendships. To-day scarcely a school in Ireland is a tricts, the gain to Manitoba and to George Agnew. the present member, Crossing Yesterday In Presence of Vice-President hands.of the United States was shown the city of Winnipeg is believed to,be who intends retiring at the close of national school. Bitterness begins and grows up with the children, by the fact that although the train slight. It is due to the fact that the the present parliament. Sir William thus separating those who ought to he close friends. “We seem con­ of Transcontinental Railway into which they and their baggage had general force of the order is to bring Stephens has been prominently Iden­ X tified with West Salford all his life. been crowded for thirty-six hburs, ar­ the rates in Saskatchewan and Al­ tented, loyal and industrious,” lie said. “We were born under and The parliamentary representative of rived hours before dawn, they resolute­ berta down to the level of the lower the Pall Mall Gazette, writing of the onr lives have flourished under the Union .lack. We are determined ly declined to leave it until George C. standard which has prevailed in Mani­ ffechaeo Rivet* Crossing. B. C., April place the last rail In position. A few chance* of n cflktpromlse on the Irish Corother», special agent of the depart­ toba, and to give to wesUrn cities and now not to' he driven from our British connection by any party.” 8 —Marked by absence of official cere­ minutes afterwards the eastern party home rule question, says there Is a ment oFstate, arrived. Jobbing centres a distributing rate on mony. but fraught with greatest pos­ shook hands with those who had come general belief that some very definite Mayor McLean added that he thought the regular soldiers were loyal sibilities as regards the future develop­ "We are under American protection,” an equality with that enjoyed by Win­ from the weal. nipeg. offer will be forthcoming from the to Ulater and were unwilling as the officers to fight her. ment of the country, a new era In the they explained eagerly to a reporter, The steel laying gangs were all In prime minister before the critical stage history of (’Anada was chronicled yes­ who promptly notified the American Hon. A. J. Caldcr, member of the readiness when the word was given at of the 6ill Is reached. Advanced “The regulars are declared by the Unionist instructors to ho in­ terday when the last spike Unking up Saskatchewan government, expressed1 12 SO p m. to start to clos*, the last gap. representative. Mr. Camtherg, at ones Unionists are still standing out for an the main line of the Grand Trunk Pu- deserted his half-finished breakfast .himself well satisfied with the results. ferior to the volunteer army.” he said. “What weakens the army is Keen rivalry existed In the campe of appeal to the country on the term# of ( ’He railway was driven shortly before and went to thrdr retter. He was un­ When questioned, he declared that the the eastern and western gangs. It was reductions, which comprise a h or Ison -1 Bonar Law’s last offer and will not the cigarette fiend, Imt Volunteers are encouraging abstinence iu 2 o'clock, one mile and a half east of able to comfort them with any assur­ Intended at first to try for a record In tal cut of seven And a half per cent] abate this demand except on condition this point. Shortly after the first train liquor and the temperate use of tobacco.” laying steel on the final mile, but In ance that they would be restored to that they get equivalent concessions from Winnipeg, having on board Mor- their home», his Interviews with Gen­ on all standard tariffs, a de«-rease of] order to secure good moving pictures about seven per cent In the distribut-j such as the permanent exclusion of lcy Donaldson, vice-president of the eral Carranza yesterday having met Advises Soldiers to Forego Intoxicants.
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