¦ ¦¦< ¦ *a *&L. vfH - . *' - * . ' ' ;* ji ^ ¦ - v -m-^y "> _ r * -. ¦- . '. -' ' t , ¦ ' : ¦ ¦ : ' ' ¦- ¦ ¦ ¦¦.;¦ " i j^^^^fcPfi/^ ' C; , i- . • _ t . * «E^ " ' " " " ^ * * ' - . #rtsinal €*tvt#$wfotntt> Duehea of Sutherland , th© Mistress of the Hofees. S thb entered the House jo^ai saxes o* jk>bxhz&r stab . at a quarter-pas t two o'clock. Ihe Queen,- who looked extremely well, wor e her bj .—©» mTiiattoa giren inat year pap er to Mr . crow n, a stomacher , necklace, and ear-rings of latg * pay Mertbyr» YjMt Christina *, pat brillia nts, and a magni fic ff O^itiiogBt intbe ent gold-laced dresa. Vg ^ ; unon -"iriiamtwotb some magirttate * a Th e Usner of the Black Rod having been directed ' There m no persoa who came to th6 to srimmon the House of J ^SiHffat ' * ~ ¦ ' Commons, the Speaker in veil Wmm ^£ ^ ^ X, " '¦r '' ;" i ' ¦ " * ¦ ' *' ¦ . ~. ¦ ' • ' ' . ' ' ' - ¦ ¦ "¦' his State tieably dresse d, tatt that set tbe wfcoli - ^C S - *S ^^^^ H ^bbbbH ^^ ' f robes, attended by an immense body of ^ S Memb ers 2m in «*?*• ¦¦ * «w«»MWe»iBwt isnta f *o theandfto s , Bhor tly afterwarda presented.themselTM FT^iitniawfrEtd doae abort at the bar The Lord Chancell or -^Mmltotifthe " btA , -on his kne«t z~ datts ff%it ^ the monster nfces should ' come. having handed the following Speech to her Majesty! rf of AKD she read working -feofte fhoajot fearing a dinner on LEEDS in her usual clear andf distinct man nerV her ^ f hb ni , . voice faltering a littl e at the rZ&BAi^M ?. room seeniwl meat boug ht, . GENEI»f-iS^iBMSBpt. first pwwge, whSS allusion gfrnn padding Tw*t«rt *la rtnrr weighed,sorted , j^ ^ ia made to her marriage with Princ * ^—fea pi Ktbidj bat four magistrate s, includi ng tie Albert 1—• and tt gsfty of & newly-nude baronet and M.P., YOL Sfea HSOo. 114 SATURDAY " " Mt Lobds AKn Gentx kmbk, M so ifiafaf that toe Booster O'Connor would ha JAl TO ^ili, 19^. " ^^^^ J ^ZT' ¦ ¦ " ' ' " ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ •¦ - •" - T - " ¦ ¦ ' - " Since oujw v ;- :- ¦ ?? - ;- . y. fxe l»st afiBembled v I June . , ,! . declared p ay iaten tion irf allying mJ g^f^ m marriage witlrtto Bfean?fctoeftoSe ^fj»*^wSf'BiSf ' Monmauth Tuesday Evening, ^tii&'MMf ft^mi^^ r ^t ^ian - ^aant sad So&a. I Mjaaiafc Mj aft yim-J * ae« *t«e Banwa T^ ra T ehazge he bid fint matte. • ^< . * list Risings j" refyi^^^ upon ft ,'«h©ahl you^ever see them hUmW ^ iaiplort tha t the JDiTiue Heflcng may ^g^VefJH^nTBiiMia^daasjs»>'.' "^. ', .': : ' "v near th e Weil, I *end an .•cconn't of the proceedings to-da y, in pros - t "mi t i TViir **tHh«« ii fia ¦1iVTiT r iV - "^' ¦' ' _ _i_ . \ <m tin nad tttm&tf&tliAto Atter cUfffe; Mr. Parker said Mrs. Holberry 700 have now tiie assume a "l ocal habi tation and a name ," they ori- per this union, and render it rwu^s —w 'vw -tw«'» f«j if titty tu& c««e*f;Jontt3 , up to the ooadtiite to the Si- of -wigs (grates *, a> weta puioff taldng these two places , they were opportun ity to retire from that box, and the Court dis- moment of dispatching ginate not with the real friends of the Charter ; at te rest s of my people 1.8 well as to ^iplE resorted upon & hoax. Atcord iagly it : to begin and fire the town ; Holberry xw.express. my own dbnustie said that he had charges you. Foxhall, you are at liberty to stand down , all places of resort of the operatives , the a'dvice of happiness, aud it will be to me a sbutce T>f the most ytj riTen out that Messw. Hetbering ton and O'Connor , eight fflen that he had picted upon , with one that but not discharged. The younger Booker may also stand J otft !«,>ou are aware , is the third of the leaders to the Star ia unanimously actually arrired , and app roved of, and not a man lively .sati sfaction to findthe resolution I have takem j»d th at the lions were to be teen i could climb the spouting, and after the soldier s had down. Samuel Holberry and Thos. Booker, the gentle- whom wis entrusted the attack span Newport , and. has ad vanced an opinion to the the ' eir Inn. - I if one were to contrary , so far as approved by my Pa rliame nt . > j left the bar racks, they were te fire the straw chamber , men employed in the prosecution have finished their judge froni his demeanour in the Court- we can ascer tain, from a pr etty ' ^ A personfrom a place called ;¦ and tSat would hound of th extensive inquiry. " The consta nt proofs which I havo received of Doulals , and owning a bum the riding school, it being under , evidence against you ; now is the time if you wish to at which migit have been his bearin r, The question of" privilege ," is to oome on pod deal of property, thought there of wood ; they had he joine £* to night , your attachm ent to my pers on and family, persu ade might be no harm j were then to throw a hand gren ade or call any -witnesses. d in the conflict , it might well be for decision ; old Stockdale was in the Commons mo tha t ia grati fying his curios ity by a peep at the monsters , j| two into the ' inferred that he would on you will enable me to pr ovide for such an barracks ; he said they had plenty of fire Holberry declined saying anything till his have been the most coura /eus the opening of the House, and looking as " jol ly as establi shment as may advent accordingly to see them. The assumed Mean. )j balls ready ; tire hand grenades were to of them all. He se.^ms not merel tppear suitable to the tank of be divided ; tr ial. Mr. Parker said that was a prude nt deter- y unmoved , but to a sand boy ;" be expre sses himself fully satisfied the Pri nce and the dignity of the Crown . Bstb erin|ton and O' Connor -were pointed oat to him , j, they were te go from there to Mr. Albert Smith' treat the en tire mat ter with defiance, if not with s, if I minatioiL that let the Hous e take whateve r course it may, he " I continue to receive from Foreign Powers aasa- od he being a man of some 'Wealth , thoug ht there might i| am not mistaken , and so on with all the magistrates. Thomas Booker sai d—the ammunition and fire balls contem pt. He appears to me to be a man who is quite certain of the cash bo harm in ha-ring a little talk "with them. ' believes his life to ;—this is the individual , rane es of th eir unab ated desire to maint ain with be After . Some one asked if be could accomplis h his end at Mr. were brought into nis house on Sunday morning, but be in danger , and who scorns the who since his liberati on from the. Bench B8B* fe-wCompli ments , he proceeded to put the Hugh Park er death he is about , has been me the most friendl y r elations. question 's ; leave that to me , 111 settle that feusi- by -whom he did notVnow ; they said it vraa in conse- to mew. He has been alert , writing uuder the " nom de guerre " of Thomas " I rejoi ce is to the pur port ot their Tiat , -when he was told very | ness, if you will look after the town. They active and vigilant , seeming to that the civil war , which bad so long- then agreed quen ce of being disturbed at their meeting ; they do everything that Little , Professor of Consti tutional Law , Regent s distur bed and desolated rft iily, yet firmly, thai it -was a division tf pr operty. how the classes were to come and take he can to gave hia life, but at the same time mani- the northern provinces of I the TowB-h\ll broug ht tome beefstea ks also. He had no witnesses to Park ;—most persons wieh him success over the bpain , has been brought to an end gfst vas Ms astonishmen t, succeeded fey somethLajj ! and Toatine ; previous to the class coming up, -was festing in' the looks he oasts wp-n his Judge " den." , by an arran ge- one man call. Mr. Farish very Setad of his son, he had been ment satisfactor y to the Spanis h Governmnt , and to ia» fear , and he entered into a long argument -with | was to go first , and th«n two , so as not to alarm vhe a teache r and scholar at St. Mary ' , sixteen years. They (M r. Justic e Williams) and his Jury, that hs feas Ihe r obberies duri ng the proc ession to shew ¦what a s to-day were the people of those provin ces; and I trust that , ere.. tbem Ter r bad thing it -was to di-ride -watchmen ; they were to assassinate every watcbm an would have his son eo with them , and in order to pre- ao hODtJ from them. very numerous , notwithstanding the vi people's property . , or U gilance of long, peace and tranquilli ty will , be re-established qskt But Messrs. Hetherington and policeman that they came across ; thev were thun tn vent it lie went himself. He was then going to describe pon the case of Jones bsirg disposal of, the the Peelers ; a country magistr ate , and a captain of' through out O'Connor -were not to be convinced by bis talk , and the , run to their posts in a moment, three Jud ges, \ ihe rest of Spain.
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